Five: In Which He Covers For Her Sweet Ass

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[ J A X ' S P O V ]

Just like Blaire said this morning, it didn't take long for her to head straight into trouble.

I don't know her well enough to assume what kind of trouble she had entangled herself with, but I sure as hell didn't expect this.

But I have to admit, I'm quite impressed. She brings a certain kind of spark into my life—and I like it a lot. Let's face it: I've only been living here for 72 hours give or take and extreme boredom is already taking a toll on me. I think I might be going insane, if I haven't already.

What Baxton had forgot to mention to me is that since he's basically the shit here in LA with paparazzi following his every move. I knew he was a famous celebrity, but it may have slipped my mind that with fame comes all the craziness of having to deal with the media. So, seeing that how I am his son, that means that I have to be careful too.

So far nobody has tipped off the media that his son is here to stay for the summer—thank fuck—and that's a really good thing because I don't want those fucking bastards hunting me down. I'm a conceited son of a bitch, but even I have my own limits. The media and the paparazzi are among the few of them.

So for the past two days, I have been sitting around like a fucking idiot in the mansion, doing absolutely nothing. And when I mean nothing, I mean lounging around the mansion with a bottle of Jack Daniels and occasionally snooping inside Blaire's room. I can't help it; I need to find out more about her. She's so closed off but I find her interesting enough to search through her things. So far, I've come up with nothing, which is a major disappointment.

Other than going through Blaire's stuff, I stay true to my word and do nothing. In fact, I'm already starting to miss Boston already. I may not be wanted there, but at least I had a life. I had my gym—Lean Machines, I had my friends and I had Beth, well until I lost her.

Beth and I hadn't been in touch since we broke up and I'd like to keep it at that. I've fucked her over-metaphorically and physically—big time and I'm not proud of it. When I was dating Sienna, I went behind her back and pursued her sister instead.

Beth was more than eager to be with me. I think she may have had a crush on me even when I got together with Sienna. It was cute and she was cute, so I asked myself "why the hell not?" and went after her. It didn't take long before she succumbed to my endless flirting. I kissed her and took her virginity not long after. We fucked around for a couple more weeks before Sienna caught us in bed together.

Yes, it was a fucked up thing to do. Looking back at what happened, I don't know why I did it. Maybe what Sienna said to me was right—I just want what I can't have. Beth was there when I was unavailable and I went for her anyway, despite me not even having a single ounce of affection towards her. And when Sienna got together with her boyfriend, Kayden, I grew jealous and I wanted her back for myself.

I want things. I want to possess things.

And right now, I think I may have my next target.

And she just threatened to tear down our back door if I don't open it in the next five seconds.

"Alright! Alright! Fuck, I'm coming!" I growl as I unlock the door and fling it open. I'm greeted with a very pissed off Blaire. She has a hood over her head, casting a dark shadow over her face. The hood does minimal to protect her already drenched her. Her eyes are wild and frantic, and when she sees me, I could have sworn relief floods into them.

"What the hell-?" I start off but she cuts me off by pushing past me.

"Lock the door," she snaps at me. She heads towards the kitchen counter and ducks down, pressing her back against the granite surface. "Look out the window. Do you see anyone?"

"What the fuck is going on, Blaire?" I ignore her request, my eyebrows lifting in confusion. "Why did you have to come through the back door-"

"Shut the fuck up, Jackson, and just do what you're told! Please!" She sounds almost desperate. Her pleading eyes meet mine, and I grit my teeth and clench my fist hard. This girl. Fuck, this girl. I hate taking orders, but in that moment, I would do it for her.

"Fine," I spit out. I peer through the window upon her demand. It's pitch black and I can't see anything beyond the freshly mowed grass. "What the fuck and I supposed be looking for?"

"A cop," she says.

My entire body freezes. I whirl my head back and I glare at her. "You got in trouble with a cop?"

"Shut up. I didn't mean to." Blaire shakes her head.

"I didn't mean to," I mimic her in irritation.

"Don't mock me!" She tells me. "Please, do you see anyone?"

"Nothing," I narrow my eyes a little. "Look, Blaire—I don't know what you've gotten yourself into but you need to stay away from trouble, fuck."

"You're such a hypocrite!" She snarls at me. "You fight in underground tournaments. Illegal underground tournaments. What I'm doing is nothing compared to you."

"How do you know about that?" Her words catches me off guard.

"Oh, like you were trying to hide it. I did my research." Blaire scoffs. "Jax 'Deadbeat' Deneris, champion of the Breaking Point underground tournament for three years now, four if you count the one you won a month ago, which in my opinion, doesn't count as an actual win since your opponent actually handed that championship to you by forfeiting-"

I growl at her. I wish I had fangs or canines. Would make a hell of a statement and keep her damn mouth shut.

"Shut up, Blaire." I warn her.

"No, I wont-"

"Blaire, shut the fuck up! A cop just rounded a corner. He's heading over here now."

She quickly gets back into her hiding place, swearing. "Shit. Fuck. Shit."

"Blaire, what do you want me to say?" I ask her. The cop is already at the back door, a stern look crossing his face. He knocks on the door three times, each knock louder than the last. I turn my head back to see Blaire and find her completely out of sight. Good.

I can't fucking believe I'm about to cover for a girl. A girl. I don't do shit for girls. They only do shit for me.

Taking a deep breath, I put on a lazy grin as I greet the cop in front of me. He looks restless and he wears a huge frown on his face.

"Good evening, officer, how may I help you?" The smile on my face is strained and I hope he doesn't see through me. Almost nobody does.

"Sorry to interrupt your night but have you seen a girl running through the streets a few minutes ago? She passed by your row of houses and I believe she's hiding in one of them," he tells me, his eyes no longer trained on me, but towards the inside of my house, scanning and evaluating.

"I think you have to be more specific than that, officer. I've seen a lot of girls come and go here," the lie slips out of my mouth too easily. "In fact, I just showed a few of them out of the house. Just needed to relief some stress, if you know what I mean. You understand that right, officer?"

The officer's face turns a slight pink. He adjusts his cap and clears his throat. "I suppose."

"I'm not trying to be rude but what are you doing out in the middle of the night?" I ask him, trying to look genuinely concerned about his life. I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe.

"Patrolling the streets," he tells me. "Looking for any suspicious activity."

"You're a dedicated man, sir. I'll give you that." I smile again.

"Thank you." The edges of his lips curl into a small smile. "I-uh, you sure you haven't seen a girl at all? Jet black hair? Black hoodie? Wearing a backpack?"

I shrug. "I'm sorry, officer. But I can't help you. Never seen her."

The officer stares at me stoically for a moment too long, no doubt wondering if I'm lying or not. I put on a slightly perplexed expression, trying to show that I'm truly innocent and I have no idea what you're saying.

"Just call if you see or hear anything about her, alright?" He tells me, handing me his card. I take it willingly and nod. "I have a reason to think she's dangerous."

"What did she do?" Curiosity gets the better of me. I doubt Blaire was going to tell me anyway.

"I caught her stealing from one of the houses nearby," the officer tells me. "Not sure what she stole, though. But if you do see her, tell me immediately."

"Alright, I will." I flash him another one of my signature smiles.

His eyes scan me a little longer. "Have... have I seen you before? You look familiar."

I shake my head. Shit, why can't this cop get the fuck out of my mansion? Does he not take the hint that I don't want to talk to him? "Nope. Don't think so."

I attempt to close the door at his face, but he puts a foot out. A huge grin appears on his face as he points to me. "I know who you are. You're Baxton Deneris's son, aren't you?"

Well, fuck.

So much for keeping under the radar.

"I'm afraid I don't know who that is, officer." I shrug like his words hadn't just affected me. "Good night."

"You are him. You look just like him. Shit, I thought you were in Boston. Do you think I can get an autograph-"

"I think you have mistaken me for another man," I tell him, irritation crawling at my skin. "Good night, officer." I seethe those last few words, hoping he'd get the message.

The officer grins again, this time looking as if he has a hidden agenda. "Good night, Mr. Deneris."

And then, he's gone.

Almost immediately, I hear Blaire sag out of relief. I lock the door and head to her direction. She stands up and pats the dirt off her skinny jeans. When she looks up, she finds me staring with a murderous expression on my face. "What?"

"He knows who you are," she clicks her tongue. "That's not good."

"Oh, and is that my fault?" I say in utter disbelief. "You're the one who lead that asshole to me anyway!"

"Can you be any louder?" she says sarcastically. "Keep your voice down, god dammit!"

"No! Not until a get answers out of you." I point an accusing finger at her. "You robbed a house?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you." She rolls her eyes and starts to walk away from me but my hand reaches out to hold her in place.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" I scoff.

"Takes one to know one," she smiles nonchalantly, throwing back the words I said to her after our first encounter together.

"Come on, Blaire. After what I did, a simple thank you would suffice."

She turns and spits at me. "Thank. You. Now get your hand off me."

"Not until I have an explanation," I tell her and she glares at me. "Don't fucking look at me like that, Blaire. I just covered for your sweet ass. Tell me what happened. Maybe then I'll reconsider not calling that officer back and getting you arrested."

She blinks at me. "You think my ass is sweet?"

"That's not the fucking point!"

I swear to God, I lose all my patience when I'm talking to her. I've only met her for three days and she's already driving me crazy. If we keep this up any longer, I might as well dig my own grave.

"Tell me, Blaire." My grip on her loosens and she lets her hand fall to her sides. She doesn't bolt though—she just continues staring at me with those fuck-me-eyes. I hate and love those fuck-me-eyes. "What happened?"

She looks away, cussing, and I know she's having an internal battle with herself about telling me the truth.

"I stole jewelry from Jack Wright's house." Blaire sighs, finally giving in.

"What? Why the fuck would you do that for?"

She opens her mouth, but pauses for a moment, then closes it back. She eyes me warily like she doesn't trust me. A little part of me understands-I am not a guy to be trusted. But that doesn't mean I won't try to pry this shit out of her anyway.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you that," she mumbles.

A sound of frustration vibrates from my throat. Fine. Fine. If she doesn't want to tell me, I'll pry it out of her later. Instead of pressing further, I ask another question instead. "What are you going to do with the jewelry?"

"I'm going to pawn it off for cash. No shit." She bats her eyelashes at me. "I need the money."

It just struck me that she might really be broke. I understand that not everyone is as lucky to be like me. I take in the clothes she's wearing. No doubt she looks damn fine in them but I start to notice the little details in them. Her jacket looks like it's about to fall apart at the seams. Her jeans are faded and ripped-could be a coincidence but I think not. Her boots look like they're two sizes too small for her.

"Stop assessing me," she snaps at me. "See? This is why I didn't want to tell you, Jackson."

"Okay. What the hell did I do now?" I ask her.

"You're looking at me like that," she says softly. "You're looking at me with pity. Remorse."

As soon as she says that, I turn away, feeling slightly ashamed.

"Don't ever look at me like that again. I don't need your pity, Jackson," Blaire says, her voice steady. "I'm going to wash up and go to bed. I'm not in the mood to go into detail about what happened tonight."

"Blaire, wait-"

"Thank you for helping me out with the officer just now." I can tell it takes her a lot of willpower to say that. I have a feeling the words thank and you never go in the same sentence for her.

"You owe me, you know." I tell her. "A favor for a favor."

She whips her head back, ready to deny what I just said, but she grits her teeth and closes her eyes. "Fine. What do you want? You better make it good because I never do favors for anyone."

"I don't know yet. I'll think about it," I nod, crossing my arms over my chest, "but I'll hold the favor over you."

"Fine." She holds my gaze for a little while longer. I can't help but smirk.

"I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of fun together, Blaire Sullivan." I tease.

She rolls her eyes again and turns her back at me, but not before I see a hint of a smile grace her lips. As much as she keeps saying that she hates me, I think I'll grow on her eventually.

I'm Jackson Deneris. I'm that guy that you love to hate and hate to love.

"Goodnight, Blaire." I tell her.

"Goodnight, Jackson," she murmurs.

And with that, she leaves the kitchen, leaving me alone.


A/N: Short chapter. Sorry about that! I got three weeks left to my exams and I'm freaking out because I haven't really studied for it. HAHHA. So updates will be sporadic. I'll try to write some chapters during the time when I can't write, which is three weeks from now. Hopefully I'll still be able to post then.

Also, how is JAIRE doing? Not that good. Yet.

(; (; (;

Next update: Saturday!

Love, Claudia.

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