Twenty Eight: In Which She Discovers Her Own Demons

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[ B L A I R E ' S P O V ]

The next morning, I get a text from Mr. Forman's secretary, informing me that he has returned from his two-week business trip and said that she could book an appointment for me sometime this week at my convenience.

    "Oh my god," I murmur at my phone, heaving myself up into a sitting position on my bed. I hadn't expected any type of response from Mr. Forman that fast. Or maybe I felt like it was fast because time passed by in a blink of an eye for me. I've been so deliriously happy with Jax that I almost forgot my own agendas at hand.

    "Holy shit," I say, can't quite believing that I'm getting a reply from Mr. Forman. Well, to be more specific, it's his secretary, but same difference. This means that there's a chance that he'll be willing to represent me.

     A small frown tugs at my lips at the thought of that. Yes, I should be happy that he might take my case but there's still one problem and that has been plaguing me for almost two months now: I still don't have enough money.

    The past two robberies I did had not given me the sufficient funds that I need. And if I don't have enough money, Mr. Forman might lose interest in me. I've been on the streets long enough to know that money talks, and if there's none of that, people walk. I can't risk it.

    He's the best lawyer in the state and he's the best chance—the only chance—I have to getting Eden.

    Just the thought of having Eden back for good makes my heart flutter. I see now that the future will be bright for us. No, scratch that. The three of us. Me, Eden and Jax. With my salaries coming in from me being Jax's bodyguard, hopefully I'll be able to get us a nice apartment. Baxton would probably make us stay in the mansion but I can't do that anymore—not when I've clearly overstayed my welcome by not only getting a job from him but also screwing his son.

    Yeah no. When I have Eden, things are going to change. Hopefully for the better.

    And I can start doing that by calling Mr. Forman's secretary back.

    Beside me, Jax stirs quietly, the sheets moving along with him. His body jerks so he switches now, his face now facing me. He yawns when his eyes flutter open, and he rolls his hands into fists to rub his eyes. One of them accidentally brushes against his stitches and he winces, pain overtaking him.

    "Fuck, that hurt." Jax groans, lightly tapping the stitched wound. "Are the stitches still intact?"

    I move closer so that I can inspect him. "Yeah. You're good."

    "Thanks." He smiles sheepishly at me, sleep still intending to flirt with him as he yawns again, looking more tired than ever.

     "Did you sleep okay?"

    He nods. "No nightmares," he says and I can hear the slight happiness that laces his tone when he says it.

     I can tell it's a major relief for him not to have them anymore after what happened yesterday. Hopefully this is a small step towards him becoming a much better person—a person that is no longer plagued by his own demons and past. 

    "Good," I murmur. 

    "This is why you have to sleep with me. You make all the bad things go away." He scoots closer, tugging the sheets along with it. He places his head on my lap and faces upwards, looking straight at me. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm dialing Mr. Forman's number."

    One of his eyebrow lifts. "The lawyer?"

    "Yep. The one who I want to take my case," I inform him. "His secretary just texted me, saying that I can make an appointment with him anytime this week."

    That makes him smile a little. "That's great, darling," he murmurs, but he seems a little bit distracted by the fact that my legs aren't covered up by the sheets. He runs a finger down my thighs ever so lightly, teasing me. I can feel his touch all the way to my toes.

     No matter how many times Jax touches me, he will never fail to set my body on fire.

    "I'm going to call her right now," I say, my finger busy punching the number down.

    I pause before pressing call and glare at Jax, who is too busy teasing me with his fingers. As if on instinct, my legs fall open, giving him better access. The naughty gleam in his eyes suggests that we're not going to be getting out of bed anytime soon. He immediately rolls over so my legs are directly in front of him and I bat my eyelashes when he inches forward and presses a light kiss on my inner thigh.

    "Hello?" I croak out just as Jax attempts to remove the panties that I'm wearing. I have to place my hand over the phone and hiss at him. "Jackson, stop it."

    "Uh-uh," he grins lazily at me and continues trying to pry the flimsy fabric away from my body. I don't think he's going to listen to me and stop. He spends the next minute trying to get me out of those panties but fails miserably. It gets stuck at the curve of my hips and it won't go further down. He's fumbling with my panties, hell bent on trying to get it to slide down my legs, and eventually,  I sigh and lift my lower body up from the bed slightly so the panties can slide off better.

    I place the phone back against my ear. The woman on the line, whom I'm assuming is the secretary that have contacted me earlier on, greets me back.

    "Hi," I squeak out just as Jax pries my legs further apart, baring myself completely at him. He leans back slightly so he can admire the view and he licks his lips in appreciation of it. "Uh, this is Ms. Sullivan speaking."

    "Yes, Ms. Sullivan. Would you like to make an appointment?"

    "Mmmhm. Yes..." my voice trails off when Jax settles himself in between my thighs, his strong hands clamped down on my ankles to prevent me from moving anywhere. He then buries his face in my pussy, his tongue lashing out to make his first lick. "Mmmmm...." I moan softly as he continues stroking me with that talented mouth of his.

    "Ms. Sullivan?" I hear the woman on the line breathe.


    "I asked which day would be the most convenient for you."

    "Oh..." I try to think of a day—any day at all—but my mind keeps getting lost, especially when Jax is hell bent on giving me head right now. He takes his time to give me the sweet pleasure that I want. His tongue sweeps in slow, torturous strokes, that send me spiraling off the edge. Fuck, he's making me wish that I could just hang up the phone so I don't have to keep my moans and groans and cries at bay. "Um..."

    "Is Saturday alright with you?" I probably took too long to answer her because she seems like she has already settled a date for me.

    "Yes," I rasp just as Jax gets even more frisky and not only added his tongue but his fingers as well. "Oh my god, yes!" I cry when his fingers plunge in, making me so delirious from the pleasure.

    "Great," the secretary says with much less enthusiasm than me. "9am, this Saturday. Mr. Forman will see you then."

    "Okay," I manage to choke out and when she doesn't say anything else, I hang up the phone and throw it somewhere across the room. Jax lifts his head high enough so I can see the devilish grin coating his lips. I whack him across the head and snap, "you're such an asshole! That poor secretary had to listen my moans! It was so embarrassing!"

    I feel his breathy chuckle against my skin. "That was probably the most action she's gotten in a long time. She should thank you."

    "You're horrible, Jackson."

    "Am I really, though?" he teases, then plunges a second finger in. My back arches and I make an incoherent sound from the back of my throat.

    "God," I moan as his fingers continue to move in and out of me. "Please, don't stop."

    His fingers stop moving. Of course. He never listens to what I say.

    "I think I should stop," he pulls his fingers away and I whimper from the loss. I need them back in my ASAP but I highly doubt that's happening unless I apologize. "You really hurt my feelings, darling."

    "By calling you a horrible person?" I make a sound of aggravation. "You've been called much worse by me before."

    "But I'm trying to change my ways now. I'm a new man, darling. So what you said really hurt me." He pouts, dragging his fingers up and down my folds. "Maybe you should say sorry."

    "This is ridiculous. I'm not going to say sorry."

    "Well," he shrugs, moving away from me and his absence hits me hard. "I guess I'll have to go then. Have a good morning, Blaire—"

    I clamp a hand down on his wrist to prevent him from leaving. "Alright, alright," I heave a sigh. "I'm sorry for calling you a horrible person."

    "So what am I then?"

    "You are nicest boyfriend in the world." I smile, making a show of my pearly white teeth. But I manage to hiss softly, "Now will you please, finish what you started?"

    He smiles at me, a smile of pure triumph. He settles himself back on the bed and run a hand down my thigh. "I think I can."

    "You think?" I say, baffled. "No, Jackson. You don't think you can finish what you started. You will."

    He chuckles, his chest rising and contracting. "You know," he starts off. "you're very bossy sometimes. Maybe you should tone it down a little—"

    "Oh shut up, Jackson, and get to work."

     He grins, then lowers his head. "Alright, then."

    And this time, he finally obliges me.


 A few hours later, we finally manage to drag ourselves out of the bed. It was really hard to do that because Jax had been so hell bent on keeping me captive in his room, but after some convincing—in which I promised I'd treat him for lunch— he finally let us go out. We grabbed some Taco Bell—of course—and got some groceries before heading back home.

I needed to be back early because I called Ben to meet me at the mansion after lunch. I told him all about the meeting with Mr. Forman this Saturday and since I need money ASAP to convince him to take my case, it means I'm going to need to steal. Again. Hopefully, for the last time.

And in order to do that, I would need Ben. It didn't take much convincing for him to help me. I think he has grown used to the fact that I won't listen to him and stop stealing, so he might as well join me instead of resist me.

Now, he's sitting on the couch opposite from me, his body leaning forward over the coffee table as he splays open a piece of paper on it. The both of us are crouched over the paper and I'm staring at it as Ben tells me the plan for tomorrow.

"I've surveyed Teddy Wells's house and it has at least 12 sets of cameras, 7 on the ground floor and 5 on the first," he tells me, writing it down in bullet form on the paper. "It's gonna be tough. I've never encountered this time of security system before. But I've already connected my computer to it. I'll try to break down all of its firewalls tonight. But it's gonna be tough."

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves down. "Okay, I hope you can do it."

"I won't let you down, Sullivan. Never."

"What about the alarms?" I ask.

"That I can take care of." Ben toys the pencil between his index and third finger effortlessly. "It's a pretty standard alarm system. Nothing that I haven't done during your previous robberies."

      "Good. Anything else I need to worry about?"

      Ben shrugs. "Old Hooch from next door has a dog, but from what I've heard, he's pretty damn friendly as long as you don't wake him up. You just gotta be really quiet when you're going in and out and you should be fine."

     "Okay, got it. Stay quiet." I nod.

     "That's pretty much it for now."

    "Awesome," I reach forward to squeeze Ben's hand. "Thank you for doing this, Ben. It means a lot."

"Wow. Blaire Sullivan is thanking me," he whispers. "The world really has gone mad."

"Shut up," I laugh. I guess being with Jax have somehow made me a less mean person. "But really, though. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ben's lips curve into a small smile.

"Stop looking at her like that," Jax mutters.

I roll my eyes. I almost forget that he was there. Ever since Ben arrived at the mansion, Jax hasn't stopped giving him the stink-eye. I'm half tempted to drag his ass to his room and lock him in until we're done but I don't think he'll sit well with that. I thought that this could be a nice opportunity for Jax and Ben to get all buddy-buddy with each other but I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Ben returns Jax's glare with a glare of his own. "I'm not looking at her like anything."

"That's what they all say." Jax snorts.

"Jackson," I turn around and hiss at him. "Cut it out. You promised to behave."

"Yeah, but he's pissing me off."

"With what?"

"His mere presence."

Ben rolls his eyes and points the pencil to Jax's direction. "Seriously?" he says to me, baffled. "I can't believe you're dating this guy."

"Hey!" Jax places a protective hand on my shoulder. "You got a problem with that, buddy?" He sneers, jerking his head to Ben's direction, almost as if he's provoking Ben to hit him.

I can't believe he's doing this right now. I love that he's being protective over me but he needs to tone it down a bit. He is a green-eyed monster when it comes to me and sometimes it's a little bit overwhelming.

I look at Jax and grit my teeth. "Jax. Remember what we talked about last night and this morning? About changing? About being a better person?"

It takes a second for Jax to process my words. He plops down on the couch and sighs heavily. "Yes."

"One of the things about being a better person is to not pick a fight with any guy that talks to me. Including Ben."

"But he not only wants to talk to you, darling. He wants to get into your pants." Jax says.

"No I do not!" Ben cries. "I mean, I used to, but dammit, I don't right now. I swear, Blaire."

"I believe you," I murmur to Ben, then turn to Jax again. "Did you hear what he said?"

Jax clenches his jaw. "Yes."

"Do you believe him?"

"Not one bit."

"But can you believe it? For me?" I brush my fingers along his jaw, hopefully to calm him down.

I can see the turmoil in his eyes. It takes a few seconds for him to reply. "Fine," he mumbles. "I will."

"So what are you supposed to do right now?"

He mutters some swear words under his breath before turning to Ben and saying, "I'm sorry."

The fact that he's actually listening to me makes my heart squeal. I press a small kiss on his cheek. "See, that wasn't so bad, wasn't it?"

"You're right," Jax mutters. "It was horrifying."

Ben glances back and forth between us. "You guys are so weird."

"Shut up, Ben." Jax and I both say in unison.

Ben still eyes us warily.

      "Anyway..." his voice trails off for a second as he gathers his thoughts. "Here's the layout of the house..." he starts drawing a passable blue print of the exterior of the house. "There's a back door which you can enter through. You will enter through the kitchen. The safe is located upstairs, inside the master bedroom. It's one of those big ones though." He tells me, worry lacing his tone. "You sure you can break into it?"

"Don't worry. I have my ways." I assure him but he doesn't seem too convinced. "How long do I have?"

"Five minutes tops. But knowing you, you'll end up getting into trouble again so I'm going to say four. Just in case."

"Okay. Good."

"I'll be in my car, directly opposite from the house. That way, I'll be nearby in case something happens to you."

I nod. "You sure Teddy is out of the house tomorrow? Because the last time you said that, I had to bribe my way out of it."

Ben chuckles. "I'm sure of it. He's out with my dad on a business meeting tomorrow with his other colleagues. He won't be back until the weekend. He's got no secret lovers, or at least, none that I know of. I'll triple check the house before you go in tomorrow, just to be sure. I'm not letting you get in trouble again."

"Good." Jax says, satisfied. "Because there's only so much I can protect you from. At least we got one less thing to worry about tomorrow."

That makes me still. "You mean... you're coming with me?"

"Uh, yeah?" Jax says like it's no big deal. "Someone needs to watch your back. I thought we discussed this the last time you robbed a house."

"Yeah, but I thought it was a one-time thing." I say, frowning. "You shouldn't go with me this time. It's too risky. Especially now when the both of us are under the watchful eyes of the media."

"The hell with them. I'm coming with you and that's final," Jax says, more determined than ever. "We protect each other, right? You had my back during that fight with those thugs last night. Now I'm going to have yours."

"But—" I try to protest.

"No buts." Jax quickly cuts me off. "I'm coming with you, Blaire. And you're not going to change my mind about it."

I look at Ben helplessly but he only shrugs. "He's right, you know."

Are. You. Freaking. Kidding. Me.

That earns a grin from Jax. He seems too pleased with himself. "See, Blaire?" He cocks his head in confidence. "Even Ben says I'm right."

"I mean—" Ben says, sighing. He looks like he hates himself for agreeing with his enemy. "Jax can watch out for you. I can only do so much from inside the van."

I glare at Jax. "You better not fuck things up for me."

"Nah. I won't. The past two robbery attempts clearly prove that you're capable of doing that all on your own."

I swat him with my arm. "You're not helping."

"I'm being brutally honest." Jax shrugs. "But don't worry. I'll be there to try to prevent you from fucking up too bad."

I want to tell him that I won't fuck up, but I know I should probably hold my tongue. He's right. Things always somehow manage to fuck themselves up when I'm around. I don't know if it's me or it's just bad luck, or both.

"Fine," I say. I know I can't change Jax's mind about following me. He's just as stubborn as me—perhaps even more. "We strike tomorrow. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan.

Both Ben and Jax nod in agreement. I look back and forth between them, swallowing hard, just as a pang of fear hits me and seizes my chest. I turn away, the fear spreading across my whole body, with the revelation that I may have just doomed the both of them to their ends.



I just love leaving you guys in suspense. I think it's one of the highlights being an author. 

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think is going to happen? Let me know in the comments section below! And don't you just love Jackson when he's jealous? It's so cute!

Anyways, if you haven't already heard, I got snapchat so if ya'll want to see my (boring) UK adventures, just find my username claudiaaatan (:

BTW, to those participants of the Perfect Series One-Shot contest, you only got 10 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES! Don't forget to send me the link via the submission form on the Perfect Series One-Shot book!

Looking forward to reading your entries!

Also, tomorrow April 30th I'll be in Brighton (YIPEE!) so I'll be roaming around there. If you spot me, come and say hi! I'll be around the whole day! Brighton fans, I'm coming for you <3

See you guys on the following Friday!

Love, Claudia. 

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