Twenty Five: In Which She Knows He Is Her Home

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[ B L A I R E ' S   P O V ]

       I got to admit, there's something oddly comforting about being wrapped up in Jax's arms in the centre of the gym while we're in our birthday suits. There's barely anything our naked bodies except for the small pile of discarded clothing we used to make a makeshift blanket. But between the sex, sleep and more sex, that blanket has disintegrated to nothing.

Regardless, I try to seek warmth from the tangle of our legs. Half my body leans on top of Jax's, with my head laid against his broad chest. His chin rests upon the top of my head, and he doesn't let my wild hair be a distraction for his slumber.

      His features are soft, unstrained, his lips pressed into a thin line and his cheeks flushed, as he continues to sleep. I see his chest rise and fall slowly, the small vibrations of his snores emitting from the back of his throat causes me to chuckle slightly.

I try to pry myself away from his arms, but his grip on me is strong. It takes me a while to wiggle myself away from him, and when I finally do, I feel like a champ. I try not to wake him up as I tip-toe around him, grabbing all of our discarded clothing. I place his clothes in a neat pile beside him and proceed to grab mine.

The sunlight glares through the huge windows—all seven of them, each separated by small boulders at regular intervals—but it not much of the rays manage to enter because Jax took the liberty of closing the blinds when he took me up against it last night. He didn't want any of the passersby to sneak a peek of my goods. It was probably a good call, a call that I could not be bothered to take because I was so consumed with the pleasure that Jax was giving to me.

I guess we all know who is the more cautious one in the relationship.

I hop into the gym showers, seeing as how I reek of sweat from what we did last night as well as before that. When I'm done, I slip into my old clothes. I guess I should have brought an extra set of clothing but I didn't realize that we were going to be sexing it up in the gym the entire night.

Oh well.

I walk back to the mats where Jax is—no surprise there—still sleeping. But this time, I notice slight changes in him when I approach him. His brows are furrowed, knitted together out of strain. His nose is all scrunched up and his lips curve into an ugly frown. A thin film of sweat coats his face, sliding down his temples and falling down his chin. I scoot closer towards him, wondering what the hell just happened to him.

"Don't... please don't fall..." Jax says, barely a whisper. He sounds so tortured, so in tune with pain. "It's my fault... all my fault..."

"Jackson?" I murmur, caressing his face.

"My fault... all my fault..." He keeps rasping.

"Jackson..." I shake him awake. " Jackson, wake up."

All of a sudden, his eyes open and he sits up abruptly, blinking rapidly and breathing hard. His eyes dart around, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings, and his pupils dilate when he sees me.

"Hey," I say, cupping his face to force him to look at me. "Hey, it's me. Blaire. You're okay. You just had a nightmare."

"Blaire," he whispers my name out of relief. "Fuck, Blaire..."

"Are you okay?" My eyes search his for answers. "You were fine just now. And then I left to shower and then you just..."

"I know." He groans. "It happens sometimes. When you're not around."

"What do you mean when I'm not around?" Curiosity laces my tone.

He opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it, shakes his head and waves me off. "It's nothing."

"Jackson... you're scaring me." I say in a worried tone.

His features soften again and beneath all the pain, he manages a small smile. "I'm fine, darling. Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about me."

"Can we talk about this?" I fold my arms across my chest. "I've never seen you like that before-"

"Later," he cuts me off quickly. "I promise. I just—I don't want to spoil a good morning."

"But, Jackson-"

He shuts me up by crashing our lips together.

I pull away from him and place a shaky hand on his chest. "That's not fair." I pout, but the evident grin that is seeping into my face doesn't help to retain my anger. "You kissing me to keep me quiet. That's not fair at all."

"Well, agree to disagree," he murmurs, twirling a loose strand of my hair between his fingers. "Sometimes, you talk too much anyway. It's the only way I can get you to shut up."

I punch his shoulder. "You suck."

"No, I didn't. You did," The naughty gleam in his eyes already suggests a different context. "Quite a few times last night, I believe."

Heat creeps up to my cheeks.

"Hey, last night was amazing," Jax grins sillily. "You were amazing. I didn't know your body could bend over backwards like that-"

"Shut up!" I swat his arm again. "You said you would not talk about it-"

"Oh man, and that thing you did with your tongue-"

"Jackson!" I hit him in the chest, causing him to fall backwards, but he just continues to laugh.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'm sorry," He grasps my hands to prevent me from causing more damage to his chest. "Stop hitting me."

"I can't help it. You're such a dick."

"Yeah, maybe." He shrugs. "But then again, I also have a great dick, right?"

I groan and his grin stretches and he grabs me by the waist and pulls me down on the mats. My legs fall open as if on instincts and he wedges himself in between me, pressing his erection against me.

A small laugh bubbles out of me. "Hard already?"

"Always when you're near." He winks. "You wanna have another go? Because I'm ready if you are. It's still early... only nine..."

"Nine?" I echo and he nods. My mind suddenly clicks into place what that means and I gasp. "Oh my god!" I quickly scramble away from him. "It's nine. Oh my god, it's nine. I'm late! I'm so fucking late." I lunge for my cellphone in my bag and as predicted, there are several miss calls from Eden. Fuck. Fuckidy fuck fuck.

"What's happening? What are you late for?" Jax asks, suddenly panicking.

"I was supposed to pick Eden an hour ago. It's a Saturday, remember?" I mentally slap myself for being this forgetful. God, I was supposed to pick him up at eight. That's one hour that I'll never ever get back and Mrs. Adams will make sure of that. "God, I can't believe I forgot. I'm the worst sister ever-"

"You are not, Blaire," Jax says, slipping into his clothes. "You're not, I assure you. We'll just get him now. Tell him we're coming."

"Okay," I send my brother a quick text, apologizing to him for being late telling him that I'm going to pick him up as soon as I can. "Jax, put on your clothes and let's go."

"Yeah, we got another problem." Jax says, pointing at the door. I hear shuffling of footsteps getting louder and louder, and I'm certain there's people heading here. Oh double fuck. One look at us here would probably start rumors... rumors that would most probably not be flattering. And if those along with the pictures get out to the public... panic immediately seizes my chest.

"I thought you booked the entire gym for a day!" I hiss at him.

"Yeah! I did! I booked the gym for yesterday!" He hisses back. "I didn't think that we would stay the night. I thought that we would be gone by the evening."

"You idiot!" I groan. "What the hell are we going to do now? We can't escape from the main doors. Once they see us, it's gonna be hell. And your dad is going to kill us if we make the headlines again. We were supposed to lay low, remember?"

"I know!" Jax snaps. "And I'm sorry. I didn't think this through. Can we escape through the back door?"

"Good idea." I grab his hand and the both of us run towards the back exit. My hand closes over the door knob but it wouldn't budge. A string of swear words come out from Jax's mouth. "It's fucking locked."

"Well, aren't you a thief or something?" Jax says. "Use your lock-picking skills."

"I don't have any sort of pin with me," I snap. I hear the front door open and I swear under my breath. We're running out of time. "Come here. I know how to get out."

I drag Jax to the women's locker room. There are small window panels on the top of the walls. "Grab the fire extinguisher." I gesture to the large red tank behind the door and Jax throws it to me.

I tilt it sideways and holding my breath, I smash the glass panel with it. The window shatters into a million tiny pieces. I turn to Jax and with a hesitant smile. "Your dad can pay for that, right?"

Jax just glares at me. I take that as a yes.

"Let's just go," he seethes.

And the both of us leap out of the window.


  Jax twisted his damn ankle trying to escape.

I can't even fathom how he did it—it wasn't like we were leaping off a dozen-story building. We were jumping off a window. A window. Which was a couple of feet from the ground. I can't believe he even managed to screw that up.

My brother—as usual—is all too curious as to why Jax had a slight limp.

He tugs on Jax's sleeve when we're back in the mansion and asks, "Why are you walking like that?"

Jax's lips pull into a cocky smile. "Because I broke my leg."

"That's so cool," Eden says in awe. I roll my eyes. Only my brother thinks that breaking a leg is considered 'cool'. "What happened?"

"So there were these bad guys chasing us—like the ones you see on TV-" Jax starts off.

"Like the Russians?" Eden chimes in.

"Eden," I start off, setting the keys and my gym bag on the kitchen counter and heading to the refrigerator to get us some cool drinks. "Those are stereotypes. Not all Russians are bad guys-"

"Yeap. Exactly like the Russians." Jax quickly cuts me off, jumping on the couch and taking Eden with him. I shoot daggers at Jax with my eyes. He blatantly ignores me, sitting cross-legged on the couch and angling his body so he's facing my brother. "What was I saying again? Oh yeah. So they had their guns out and bullets were whizzing past us—I managed to dodge some of them—but this one guy tried to shoot Blaire and I managed protect her by shielding her with my body—"

I turn to Eden and pat on his shoulder. "He's lying. Don't trust a word that comes out from his mouth—"

Jax merely chuckles. "Your sister's just mad because I ended up saving her ass."

"That's true." Eden nods. "She hates being a damsel in distress."

"I do not—" Okay, maybe I do. A little too much. I mean, I can save my own ass anytime, with or without any man's help. So I scowl instead, placing my hands on my hips. "I was not a damsel in distress. he's lying!"

"Well, someone's in denial," my brother whistles.

Jax grins smugly at me. "Anyway, the bullet grazed my shoulder—" He points to the large hole in his T-shirt that was definitely not the result of a bullet, but rather Jax's inability to take good care of his shirts. "And the impact of it sent me flying backwards. And since I was holding your sister's hand, both of us ended up crashing through a relatively large window—"

"It was a really tiny one, but go on." I fold my arms across my chest and look at Jax smugly, wondering where on earth is he taking this story. Eden seems to be really interested in it too. His eyes widen and his smile is evident on his face. No doubt that he looks up to Jax a lot.

"Darling, you were hallucinating. The drugs they injected you with did slowed down your nerve impulses and killed some of your cone cells," Jax says to me, then swivels his head so he can pay attention to Eden. "It was a really big window. No kidding. Glass—everywhere. We fell thirty floors down-"

"Jackson, if we fell thirty floors down, we would be dead." I sigh.

"Fine," he snaps. "We fell twenty floors down."

"Still would be dead."

"Ten floors down."

"You would have probably fractured every single bone in your body."

"Five floors down," Jax says in finality. "We fell five horrible floors down. I sacrificed myself so that your sister could walk off unharmed. But the impact of the fall caused me to break my leg."

"Whoa," Eden murmurs. "That's amazing."

I head over to the living room with a tray of three Cokes at hand and gave one to each of the boys. I make myself really comfortable on the sofa, wedging myself in between both Jax and Eden. I smack Jax on the shoulder and tell Eden, "he's bullshitting you. He twisted his ankle climbing through the locker room window. It was only ten foot away from the ground."

Eden immediately burst out laughing.

Jax frowns, looking almost disappointed. "Way to kill it, Blaire."

"You were feeding him lies. I wanted him to know what kind of man you truly were."

Eden giggles, sipping on his can. "It's okay. I think you're still the manliest person I've ever met."

"That's my boy." Jax says, then tackles Eden by hugging him. Eden squeals and thrashes under him, bursting into fits of laughter as Jax continues to embrace the living shit out of him.

"Well, what about me?" I say miserably. "I deserve a little bit of affection too."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he murmurs, letting go of Eden.

He leans down, cradles my face in his hands, and then crashes his lips with mine. Wow, I was not expecting that at all. I feel the kiss all the way to my toes.

"Whoa," I say, utterly dazed when he finally releases me and gets back to his position on the sofa, a look of smugness on his face. He loops an arm around me to pull me closer to his chest. I blush at the intimate gesture, and even harder when Eden smiles at the both of us like cheshire cat.

"So the rumors are true," he says, jumping up and down from the excitement "I knew it!"

That makes me laugh. "You're going to say I told you so, aren't you?"

"Yeap." Eden nods. "I told you so!"

Jax lets out a tiny chuckle. "You knew this was gonna happen, didn't you?"

"Oh, it was so obvious." Eden rolls his eyes.

"Does your adoptive parents know?" I ask him and he nods. "God, no wonder they gave me the stink eye when I picked you up just now."

"Yeah, they used to hate you. And now they really, really hate you." Eden says quietly.

For some reason, that saddens me. Even though I hate Mr. and Mrs. Adams with every fibre of my being, I can't help but want to impress them. Not because I want to seek approval from them, but to show them that I am just as capable of taking care of Eden as them. Now, it seems, that from their perspective, I am unable of doing that.

And I get it. It doesn't look good on me. Getting together with Jax Deneris? The guy who I'm supposed to play bodyguard for? Yeah, it has no doubt tarnished my reputation.

"Hey," Jax notices my dismay and links his finger with mine, his thumb stroking my skin. "It's okay. They're so quick to judge us. Everyone's so quick to judge us. And you know why? Because they don't know our epic love story like we do."

That makes me smile a little. Love. Now that's a word I hadn't been expecting to come out of Jax's mouth. "Love story, huh?"

He looks away quickly, but not before I see his cheeks redden. Oh my god. Jax, blushing? The world has gone mad.

"I think you guys look adorable," Eden gushes. "I approve. Hey, if you guys get married, can I be the best man? Because I want to hold the rings and stuff—oh wait, that's not the best man's job, isn't it? That's the ring-bearer. In that case, I would very much like to be both—"

"Alright, alright, we can have this conversation if the prospect of marriage ever happens." I stifle a small laugh. "Meanwhile, I think you told me in the car that we have 25 things to do this weekend. We should probably get a head start on it."

"Right," Eden says, unzipping his backpack and pulling out a bunch of DVDs. "I have some movies that we should totally watch today.

"Well, then," Jax takes the DVDs from Eden, "I guess we should get started now."

"Then, let's put it on!" Eden exclaims.

When the movie plays, I try my best to pay attention to it, but my eyes keep drifting away from the screen. I don't even know what movie's playing anymore—and to be honest, I don't really care. I find myself unable to think about anything other than me and my boys. With Jax's head rested over the top of mine, his arms wrapped tightly around me, and with Eden lying on top of my legs, it feels as if everything in my life has finally fallen into place.

I finally feel like I'm home.



I'm sorry if it's boring. I promise it's gonna get better. I need them to be happy, at least for a little while before shit goes down. Hehe.

I'm in the middle of my exams right now and I can't WAIT till they're over next week so I can go the fuck back home to Malaysia and chill. Maybe I'll arrange a meetup there or something. Any Malaysian fans out there?

Anyways, next update, as usual, is the following Friday!

How you guys loving JAIRE right now? Aren't they just the sweetest? If only one of them would muster up the courage to say I love you...

See you guys soon. Keep Calm and Love Jackson!

Love, Claudia.

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