Chapter Two- Gohana's Last Resort

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Chapter Two- Gohana's Last Resort

Gohana's POV
I continued to stare into the bastard's eyes with murderous intentions. "What do you mean by that Cell..?" I growled. Cell chuckled and let go of my hair dropping me down on the ground. Then I started to hear Gohan coughing up blood. "G-Gohan!" I yelled moving over to him. He managed to open his eyes. "G-Gohana... Run, get away from here and take Goten with you... " He strained while standing up. "I thought I told you stay down!" Cell yelled sending a gut punch into Gohan's stomach sending him flying into a mountain. "Gohan!!" I screamed flying after him, but I didn't get far, in a flash Cell teleported in front of me staring me down. "Where do you think you're going?~" Cell questioned. "Get out of my way Cell!" I screamed powering up even further. "You don't scare me Gohana. Just give up~" He said using his telepathic powers levitating me closer to him. "In fact, I find it very amusing and quite cute how you think you can escape me~" He explained to me holding my chin making me lock eyes with his. "The hell are you talking about Cell?!" I asked. But he didn't say a word, he just moved closer to my face smashing his lips against mine. My face heated up dramatically my eyes widen. I was confused and disgusted by what the hell is happening. "Mmmm~" Cell moaned pulling me closer to him trying to deepen the kiss. I managed push away from the kiss and wipe my lips. "Ugh gross! What the hell is your problem?!" I questioned. But before Cell could answer, Gohan came charging towards him. "Hmm it seems our meeting will be cut short. What a pity, I'll see you around my dear~" He said before teleporting away.

Nobody's POV
By the time Gohan reached them, Cell was already gone. "Dammit! The coward ran off!" He shouted furiously. He then took a look at his sister and calm down. "Hey, you okay sis, he didn't hurt hurt you did he...?" Gohan asked her a bit worried. Gohana looked over at her brother holding her injuried arm. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine, nothing like a good senzu bean can't fix!" She said nervously. "Or maybe a hot bath heh. Come on let's head home and get Goten cleaned up. And let's keep this a secret from mom okay? She doesn't need to know what happened here today... " Gohan explained landing down to the ground to grab Goten. Gohana placed her fingers onto her lips. ["What possessed that monster to do such a thing? Why did he... Kiss me?"] She thought. "Hey sis come on! We're heading home!" Gohan shouted walking off. She snapped out of her gaze and followed behind them. "C-Coming!"

~Later that same day~

Gohana was in the bathroom taking a nice hot bath infused with senzu beans to heal her wounds. During her bath she couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and why would Cell do such a thing. Then a voice started to whisper in her ears. Whispering her name and a seductive deep tone. "Gohana...Gohana... Gohana... ~" It said. Gohana looked around the room to see where the voice is coming from. "Who's saying that? Show yourself" She said feeling a bit startled. The voice continued to whisper in her ears. "Gohana...Gohana... Gohana...~" Gohana started to get very irritated and wanted the voice to stop but it just kept whispering. "Gohana... Come find me... Follow my voice my dear~" She then just gave in and decided to go search for the voice. After her bath, she changed into some clothes and set off to find the mysterious voice. She flew out of her bedroom window, and flew into the woods.

~45 minutes later~

She continued to look around for whomever was making the noise but there's no luck. "Of course this was just a waste of time. I'm going back home... " She said in a irritated tone. As soon as she turned to go back home, then wind started to blow and the voice started to whisper in her ears once again. "Gohana...Gohana... Gohana~" The voice said. "Stop calling my name! Who's doing that?!" She yelled. There was no response. Suddenly, two massive arms started to wrap around her. "Hello darling, did you miss me?~" A deep voice said. Gohana turned her head a bit and screamed. "Ah! C-Cell?!" Cell looked at her smirking. "Hello Gohana, surprised to see me?~" He asked as he kissed her cheek. Her face blushed a light color red as she pulled away from him. "What do you want Cell from me? Were you the one calling out to me?!" She Interrogated. "To lure you out here to me of course~" He answered walking over to her. Gohana stepped back keeping her distance away from Cell. "Why...? Explain yourself you monster!" She yelled. Cell teleported in front of her pining her against a nearby tree. There was silence for at least 30 seconds with the two of them gazing into each other eyes. Cell gently placed his hand on Gohana's face softly removing strands of her hair from her eyes. "Why I lured you here to me is what you ask dear?" He said. "Y-Yes?" She replied. "I wanted to prove to you, that we were made for one another. It is our destiny to be the universe's perfect couple~" He explained not moving his gaze away from hers. "S-Say what now?!" Gohana yelled out in confusion. "C-Cell what are you trying to say here!?!" Cell's face blushed a light purple as he grabbed one of her hands. "What I'm saying here is that.... That I love you Gohana~" Cell confessed.

Say what?! Cell has feelings for Gohana?! What a shocking turn of events! How would Gohana react to this confession. Is this all a ploy to get Gohana to join him or are his feelings for her genuine? Find out in the next chapter!

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