CHAPTER FIVE, the real campers of shallow lake

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The next day at camp when the campers walked in the barn, they noticed chairs set up in front of the stage and poster board in front of the stage that read 'take a seat'. Val, Carlos, and EJ also stood at the front. "Morning, guys. Come on in. We don't have much time." EJ said.

Val smiles, gesturing to the poster board. "Take a seat."

"Did EJ tell you what this is about?" Kourtney asked Fallon.

"No." Fallon sighs. "Maybe you should ask Val about it." She said bitterly. "Actually, wait, don't." She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of her and Ophelia as the other two girls shared a look of concern.

-ˏˋ Fallon is seen on the porch in front of the barn by herself as she looked at the camera. "Okay, so I'm still jealous about Val. Can you blame me? She and EJ are close, but I shouldn't probably be jealous of anything." She shakes her head and crosses her arms. "Anyway, last night after the movie night EJ pulled me to the side and explained something to me that was very upsetting." She sighs. "Apparently EJ is moving to St. Louis for his gap year." She frowns. "But he also said he's not leaving without a fight," Her frown turns into a smile. "And I love that. I just hope this show will be a big success so he doesn't have to go to his dad's school." ˎˊ-

"Can we have everyone's attention please?" Carlos called out.

"Thanks for coming in early, guys. We've been up all night." EJ admitted. 

"Look, this better be good because in here," Kourtney points at her head. "It's still last night."

"I'm not even fully awake yet." Ophelia admitted with a yawn.

"We've been working on a plan to save the show and give Corbin, but that Channing guy the reality show style juice that they really want." EJ explained.

"Sorry, save the show?" Gina asked in confusion.

"Yeah," Luca chimes in, looking concerned. "What happened? Corbin said we were perfect yesterday."

"He just wants a little more excitement from us." EJ replies. "A little more..."

"He thinks we're boring." Carlos interrupts, causing everyone to gasp. "He's actually missing our rehearsal today to scout out the kids at Deep Lake Camp in Temecula."

Ricky furrows his eyebrows, glancing at Ophelia. "That can't be a real place."

"It sounds made up." Ophelia agreed.

"But not to worry," Carlos continues. "Because we have a plan. And it starts with five little letters."

"Allow me." Val offered, pulling the first poster board off the easel and set it on the floor. The next poster board read 'the r.c.o.s.l'

"The what?" Fallon questioned, staring at the board in confusion.

"Watch what happens, fam." Carlos grinned.

"Ricosil?" Gina tried reading the board.

Carlos sighs. "No. It's The Real Campers of Shallow Lake. The franchise I was always destined to join. I mean, you were."

"Look, it's easy." EJ said, trying to reassure the campers. "You know how normally we act like regular people, and we pick up on social cues, and we care about our feelings? But now that's over."

"Because the key to any great reality show is the three Bs." Carlos adds. "Bombshells, betrayals, and b**h slaps." Carlos listed off, causing everyone to gasp.

"Can he say that?" Gina inquired, surprised at hearing that like the others were.

"Look, I love the housewives as much as anyone," Kourtney chimes in. "But how are we gonna pull this off when we're real students who don't have millions to burn and kids to blame?"

Jet raises his hand. "Can I be Team Kourtney on this?" Yeah, apparently Jet came back to Camp and he's here to stay this time. Ophelia was surprised to find this out, but she was glad Jet decided on staying this time.

"No." Carlos points at him. "Here's what we're doing." Val takes off the poster board revealing the next one that had 'the r.c.o.s.l.' in the middle and around them were squares and in the squares had a specific title on them. "There's the judgy one, the jilted ex, the one with the dark past, the crier, the one with the catchphrase, the one who's here for the wrong reasons, the shrink, the bad boy, the couple who argues a lot, the diva, and the instigator." 

"Mmm-hmm." Val agrees. "It's a formula, and the formula works."

"Each of you has a role to play today." Carlos spoke as Val held up a poste board with pictures of some of the campers on it with their names on it.

"I'm sorry. Carlos, did you cast this?" Maddox asked, raising her eyebrows.

Carlos chuckles. "I'm back, baby."

"Isn't this a little tawdry?" Kourtney inquired.

Jett nods. "Was gonna say the same thing."

"And that's why you, Kourt, get to be the judgy one." Carlos chuckled as Val placed Kourtney's picture on the judgy one square on the board. Everyone clapped for Kourtney, who smirked. 

"But do we want to look like villains on TV?" Ricky spoke up, looking concerned.

"I thought you'd want to go sympathetic," Carlos nods. "Which is why you get to be the jilted ex." Val then placed Ricky's picture on the jilted ex square.

Ricky nods slowly while grimacing. "Oh, good."

"Ashlyn, you've got a dark past." Carlos pointed at the red head.

"I'm dying." Ashlyn agrees. "Yes." She grins as Val puts her picture on the dark past square. "Guys, this is gonna be fun."

"Gadget, you're the crier." Carlos continues. "Ophelia, you're the one with the catchphrase." He said as Val put Ophelia's picture on the catchphrase square.

Ophelia smiles, looking interested. "Nice! What's my catchphrase?" 

"'Don't get me started'." EJ said and Ophelia nodded in response.

"Luca and Gina will be the arguing couple." Carlos added.

"What?" Luca frowns, glancing at Gina. "But we never really argue."

"I know, babe, but we got this." Gina reassures him, squeezing his hand that was in hers. She smiles at him. "We can do anything." Luca nodded and smiled at her. Neither of them liked the fact they would have to argue, but they knew that when they did it wouldn't mean anything. 

"EJ is here for the wrong reasons." Carlos went on. "Val's the shrink. Jet's the bad boy, and I will be the instigator."

Kourtney scoffs. "I thought we were stretching for these parts." She spoke, earning a few chucklers from the campers.

"Good. I want a lot of that today." Carlos nods. He looks at everyone with a smile. "I know that was a lot, but has everyone got all that?" Everyone nods in response. "Good. 'Cause there's more." He adds, causing the campers who had started to stand up to sit back down. "We have four goals for the day." EJ holds up a to-do list. "Someone needs to run out of here crying, someone needs to get slapped, someone needs to throw a drink at someone, and someone needs to get caught on a hot mic saying something scandalous." 

Ophelia and Ricky shared a look at hearing that, both of them looking nervous as they thought back to when Channing caught them kissing. "Any questions?" Carlos inquired.

Gina raises her arm. "Many questions." 

"Yeah, same." Ophelia nodded in agreement. She wasn't looking forward to this becoming a reality show. 

"This is gonna put our documentary on the map." Ashlyn smiles, her eyes lighting up. "Get into it, guys."

"Um, Channing's coming in fifteen." Val informed Carlos.

"Thanks, a lot Val with the helpful behind-the-scenes take." Fallon rolled her eyes.

"Start getting into character." Carlos suggests. "There's no time to lose, and many, many People's Choice Awards to gain. Come on."


Soon Channing had arrived. "Everyone give a warm welcome for Channing." EJ smiled. 

"Pretend I'm not here." Channing remarked.

"No welcome for Channing." EJ corrected himself.

Ophelia nudges Fallon after seeing the look on her face. "Fal, are you okay? Things with you and EJ going good?"

Fallon sighs. "I don't know." She glances over at her boyfriend, seeing he was talking with Val. "I feel like he's been spending so much time wtih Val lately and talking to her more about things than talking to me about it."

Ophelia frowns at hearing that. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." 

"Oh, and last night he said his dad wants him to go to his training school in St Louis." Fallon adds, earning a surprised look from Ophelia. "I know." She agrees. "But he said he wouldn't leave without a fight and he knows if this show is a success then his dad won't make him go."

"Then we better hope this show will be a success." Ophelia sighed. 

"Alex, Emmy, Carlos, places for 'A Little Bit of You', please." EJ announces. Alex, Emmy, and Carlos walk out on stage. "Kill the lights, please." He said and some campers pulled the curtains down.

The girls started preforming 'A little Bit of Me' which was when little Elsa and Anna made Olaf. Then one part during the song, Carlos stopped them. "Mmm-mmm. Okay. Stop, stop. Turn on the lights." Campers put the curtains up and the lights were turned on. "Um, I'm sorry, but is this supposed to be fake snow?"

"Uh, Olaf? You can speak." Alex said in confusion.

"Not to instigate anything here, but this looks like seat salt." Carlos commented.

Emmy's eyes widen, glancing at Alex in surprise. "Did I take the wrong prop?"

Ophelia's eyes widen when she realized Alex and Emmy had no clue about the whole drama thing. They all probably should've invited them to the meeting this morning. 

"I tried my best, okay?" Maddox faked cried, pretending to wipe her tears away. 

"You guys, my head isn't a funnel." Carlos sighs. "Can we try for my feet next time?"

Alex furrows her eyebrows. "Are we being pranked?"

"At this point, I'm legally a margarita." Carlos retorted.


Now Gina and Luca were on stage with Alex and Emmy and they had been doing the scene of Frozen where Elsa had hit Anna with her powers.  Alex and Emmy now had been informed of the plan the others had with drama so they weren't confused for the rest of the day. Then suddenly Luca pretended to get a line wrong to start the fake argument. "Okay, stop, no." Gina said, waving her arms around in a 'no' gesture. "Luca, honey, you got it wrong. How dumb do you have to be to get a simple line wrong?"

Luca scoffs, rolling his eyes. "At least my acting was good. You weren't making your acting believable." 

"I can't believe you just said that to me!" Gina glared and the two of them began bickering back and forth.

Channing aims the camera more at the couple. Kourtney stood by him, clicking her tongue. "Hmm, seems like trouble in paradise." She remarked, causing Channing to raise his eyebrows in interest.

Soon the argument ends up with them both storming off separate ways. Gina went to the right side of the stage to the wings there and Luca went to the left. "Uh, cut!" EJ calls, pretending to sound confused about what just happened. "Let's take a five."

"Luca! That argument looked so real!" Ophelia smiled at Luca.

"Yeah, good job." Fallon agreed.

"Thanks, guys. I was so nervous about it." Luca admitted.

Then Gina eventually walked over to them, smiling at Luca and kissing his cheek. "Great insulting babe."

He grins at her. "Thanks, sweetheart. You did really good too." 

"Okay, Luna, great job." Carlos commented, smiling at the couple after he checked off the couples arguing on the to-do list. 

"Hold on, Luna?" Gina asked in confusion, Luca looking confused as well.

"Your ship name?" Carlos raises his eyebrows. "Your names put together."

"Oh, got it." Luca realized as he and Gina nodded in realization.

"It's cute." Gina smiled.

"Okay, now we just need some diva action." Carlos said, glancing over at Fallon with a smile. "That's where you step in."

"Okay, let's rehearse the choreography for 'Fixer Upper'. Background dancers only." EJ called out after he over heard that Carlos wanted some more diva action. He looks at Fallon, who was playing Bulda (one of the trolls) along with an extra if they needed more extras. "Fallon, are you ready? You start the scene."

Noticing the camera was on her, Fallon sighs dramatically. "EJ, I'm simply overwhelmed by my own artistic brilliance. It's hard to focus on mere dance moves when my aura is vibrating at such a high frequency."

"We've seen you nail this routine before, Fallon." EJ said. "Just channel the energy of the ensemble and the excitement of the show."

Fallon pauses for dramatic effect before saying, "Very well, I shall harness the collective energy of the ensemble and funnel it through my being." She dramatically said, closing her eyes and waving her hands in drone of her face as if fanning herself. Then she outstretches her hand, gesturing for someone to grab her something. "But first, someone fetch me a fan made from phoenix feathers to ensure a breeze of inspiration caresses my presence."

As rehearsals progress, Fallon's over-the-top diva persona creates a mix of amusement and eye rolls among the ensemble members. Over time, Fallon starts to drop the act and reveals her true self. 

"Okay, maybe I went a little overboard." Fallon realized as she stood in backstage with some of the others.

"Just a bit." Luca teased.

"But you did really well. Channing loved it." Ophelia commented.

"Yeah," Gina nods. She chuckles. "You brought in extra entertainment for rehearsals for sure."

"Thank you. I love all my fans." Fallon grinned teasingly, flipping her hair over her shoulders as she laughed along with her friends.


Now Ophelia was on stage with Kourtney as they read their lines as Elsa and Anna. Ophelia sighs. "'This is nice, Elsa. Us talking.'"

Kourtney smiles. "'Yeah, it is.'"

"'Maybe we could do it more often?'" Ophelia asked hopefully.

Kourtney suddenly sighs, looking around and rolling her eyes. "Oh my gosh."

Ophelia raises her eyebrows, going along with their plan they had. On the list the group had she and Kourtney were trying to do the throw a drink at someone. Their plan was for Ophelia to throw the drink at her. Ophelia stared at Kourtney with offense, closing her script.

"I'm so sorry. Can we cut? Are you really gonna deliver your line like that?" Kourtney scoffed.

"Oh, don't get me started." Ophelia glared at her.

Kourtney laughs, tossing her script to the side. "Or what?" She then whispers so only Ophelia could hear. "Water."

Ophelia nods subtly and quickly walks off to the side to grab the glass of water they prepared for this. "Come on." Kourtney scoffs. "Let's get..."

She then stands back in front of Kourtney again, throwing the water at her with a glare and Kourtney gasps. "No, you did not." 

Ophelia shrugs. "You shouldn't have got me started." She glanced at the camera with a smirk, then purposefully bumped her shoulder into Kourtney's as she walked past her to the other side. Kourtney gasped and went after Ophelia where they would be out of camera view.

"This is the best day of my life." Carlos said quietly yet excitedly as he marked off 'throw a drink' on the to-do list board. 


"Alright. Let's do the Anna-Kristoff-Hans scene. Page 24." EJ instructed.

"Keep your camera on him." Kourtney said to Channing, pointing at Jet. "He's the bad boy." She smirked and Channing gasped.

After Maddox pushed the prop with the fake ice in it, EJ called everyone to action. Ophelia walked over and pretended to accidentally walk into the carriage with the fake ice. Ophelia laughs, smiling at Jet. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" Jet asked in concern.

Back in the wings, Val is holding up the poster board with 'the r.c.o.s.l.' with everyone roles on it as Kourtney pointed at Jet's role. She was signaling him to act as the bad boy, but he seemed nervous about it. "I'm fine. How embarrassing. I..."

Jet shakes his head, glancing at EJ. "Director, I don't get Hans. He's kinda lame." Ophelia pretends to look shock at his sudden comment. "Can we get him to be rougher or something?"

EJ raises his eyebrows. "Are you questioning me as a director/actor?"

"I think maybe that's something I would do." Jet replied.

"Let's keep going." EJ suggested.

"Hi." Ricky greets as Kristoff. "Can I ask you lovebirds something?"

Ophelia and Jet both laugh. "Lovebirds? No. We've actually never met." Ophelia explained as Anna.

"But we're meeting now." Jet said, suddenly speaking in a low voice which caused the others to be confused.

"Yeah, we are." Ophelia agreed.

"Great. Do you like cold drinks?" Ricky continued.

"Very much." Jet nodded, still speaking lowly.

Ricky leans over to him and whispers. "What are you doing with your voice, dude?"

In his normal voice, Jet whispers back, "I don't know, but it hurts."

Back in back stage, Carlos told Maddox she needed to start crying and that Kourtney needed to be judgier. Carlos had came up with the whole backstory for Maddox and Ashlyn, saying they were in love with the same boy which he said would be Jet. And then he said instead Jet had feelings for Kourtney. 

Then suddenly Maddox started fake crying loudly, getting Channing's attention and he aimed the camera at her. "It is so hard to see my man with another lady." Maddox said, seeming to even have trouble saying that line like she was almost disgusted with saying it which made Ophelia curious. Maddox then walked off, crying.

"Ugh," Kourtney shakes her head. "What a baby."

"Well," Carlos turns to her, crossing his arms. "That's a little judgy." Channing then turned the camera to them. 

Kourtney rolls her eyes. "Well, 'i you're a little loud and excitable man."

"What are you gonna do about it?" Carlos asks. Then suddenly Kourtney slapped him. Carlos gasps. "Ow! My face. I've been slapped." Then Val came over with the to-do list for him to check off the one with someone having to slap someone else. 


Ophelia and Ricky were talking backstage, their hands intertwined since they were alone. Being in a secret relationship they realized was harder than they thought. When they noticed Carlos walking over to them they let go of each others hands quickly. "Okay. Channing's on a ten-one."

"A ten-what?" Ophelia questioned in confusion.

"That means peeing in Hollywood." Ophelia and Ricky nod in realization. "How are we both doing?" Carlos asked them.

Ophelia shrugs while grinning. "Don't get me started."

Ricky smiles. "Jilted."

"Excellent." Carlos smiles. "This is the last song of the day, so let's go out and really sell it. Capisce?" He points at Ricky. "Remember, Ricky, you've got unresolved feelings for Ophelia." He looks at Ophelia. "Ophelia, you only know four words. It writes itself."

Ricky raises his eyebrows. "Does it?" He inquired, putting his hands on his hips.

"Ophelia, what's your motivation?" Carlos questioned.

"My motivation?" Ophelia stares at him in confusion. Then she realized something and smiles. "Oh, is it I don't wanna get started?"

Carlos nods. "Yes, and you're angry at your boyfriend and using your ex boyfriend to get under his skin."

"But I'm single." Ophelia lies. "How would that work?"

"People who watch the show don't have to know that." Carlos shook his head.

"Wait, where is EJ?" Ricky asked, realizing EJ wasn't there with them yet.

Soon EJ walks over to them dressed as Sven. Ophelia covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. He looked ridiculous in that costume. "Hi." EJ greeted.

Ricky pats his shoulder. "Hey, buddy."

Carlos smiles, clapping once. "Let's do this."


"Hey, guys, I know we've barely run this song, so just mark it." Val suggests. She looks at Ricky. "Use this pace but be safe. Half-energy."

Maddox then turns on the speaker. Ophelia and Ricky sat on the edge across from each other with the steps in between them. Ophelia scoffs. "But Hans is not a stranger."

"Okay. So what's his last name?" Ricky raised his eyebrows.

"Of the Southern Isles." Ophelia replied dramatically.

Ricky hums in response. "Hmm. Uh...Foot size?"

"Foot size doesn't matter." Ophelia shook her head.

"But knowing a man before you marry him kinda does." Ricky pointed out, standing up and crossing his arms.

Ophelia rolls her eyes, getting up to walk past him and shoving him back. He falls back on the stage, staring at her with slight surprise but he still smiles. "You've got opinions on my life and my relations." She sings, walking to the stage entrance as Ricky follows her. "But let me tell you what.

"Okay, enlighten me." Ricky smiled and followed her to backstage with Channing following them.

Ophelia sits down on a table and Ricky joins her. "Love is the one thing that has zero complications." She nudges him with her shoulder playfully. "And I can trust my gut." She then got up, grabbing his arm and pushing him to the couch before pretending to wipe her hands dramatically.

Ricky raises his hands up, pretending to look scared even though his heart skip a beat at her move. "Okay, you frighten me."

Ophelia grins at him before she began to do the chorography that they made for the sing. "Some people know their hearts the minute true love starts." Ophelia then stepped on the chair to get on the table, touching the small disco ball hanging above the desk, making it spin. 

"Some people read a lot of books." Ricky sang, getting up to lean back against the table while looking up at her.

Ophelia shrugs. "I like books." She moved to jump down with Ricky's help, his arm wrapping around her waist. Ophelia's heart fluttered at his touch and both smiled at each other while Ricky helped her down.

"Some people simply know when true love says hello." Ophelia twirled around with Ricky before she smirked playfully at him pushing him down on the chair before walking over to the door. She then closed the door, blocking Channing from recording them since he stood on the other side.

Ricky chuckles at that, smiling at her as he went over to her. "Some folks are taken in by princely looks." Ophelia smiled back at him, her hands on his shoulders and his hands on her waist as Ricky was leaned against the wall by her before they twirled around.

"What do you know about love?" Then they walk down the wings, Ricky offering his hand to her with a soft smile. Ophelia's heart flutters, taking hold of his hand as their fingers intertwine. "What do you know about love?"

Now they're at one part of backstage where there's a ladder that leads up to the attic which Ricky climbs up. And Channing was with them again, continuing to record. "All I'm saying is when you go to climb a mountain you don't just jump to the top." Ricky sang, jumping down.

Ophelia puts her hands on her hips sassily. "If it's true love, you can."

"No, no." Ricky shakes his head, trying not to smile as she grabs his hands while they spin around. "There's scaling and scrambling and too many steps for counting." They stop spinning until she's backed up against another latter, his arm blocking her on her right side and her hand was on his shoulder. "And the work doesn't stop." Their hearts are beating fast as they stand this close to each other. Their friends watch the heated performance with knowing looks. 

"Maybe for you." Ophelia smirked, pushing him back before moving away. Ricky was surprised with how bold she had been during this performance, but he didn't mind it.

"Love's not an easy climb. You have to take your time." Ricky sang as they both continue with the choreography.

"We get a whole life, that's the plan." Ophelia replied.

"That's not a plan." Ricky argues, jumping down once more to stand by her. "Love's not a thing you get. It's work, tears and sweat."

Ophelia rolls her eyes. "So says the sweaty, smelly mountain man." She then climbed the moveable stairs to sit on them as Ricky pushed them.

"What do you know about love?" Ricky pushes the moveable stairs to the other side of the backstage. "What do you know about anything, anything?" They both leaned in closer to each other with playful smiles on their faces before backing away. 

As Ricky goes over to the clothing rack, Ophelia gets off the stair prop. "Anyone with half a brain would've worn some winter gear." Ricky put on a grey colored hat that had a feather on it and crossed his arms. 

Ophelia walks around the clothing rack, tapping Ricky on the shoulder when she walked by him. "Anyone with half a life would have one friend who's not a deer." She gestured to EJ, who was dressed as Sven.

Ricky outstretches his hand, acting as if he was offended. "I do!" He walks up the small platform that had a couple steps on each side. Ophelia follows his lead, walking up the other side. "Any fool who jumps headlong is gonna bang their head."

Ophelia smirks, putting her elbow on his shoulder as she stood by him. "Any fool who doesn't jump right now," She then takes her elbow off, gently pushing him to step off. She then walks down the steps, walking away. "Is probably gonna end up dead."

Then suddenly Ricky grabs her hand, pulling her close and dips her as blue streamers hung down behind them. Their hearts are beating fast as they stared at each other. "Like I said...." Ophelia sang while they stand back up, but their arms are still around each other. 

"So what do you know about love?" They both harmonize their voices together for the last part of the song. And as they finished singing they finally pulled away from each other, both looking shy. Their friends shared looks with each other, thinking the two best friends had feelings for each other. And it made since they would think that because of how passionate that performance was. But if only they knew the two best friends were actually a couple.

"Wow. You're really strong." Ophelia spoke Anna's line, pretending to act flustered and it wasn't hard to do since she did feel flustered. Ophelia then grabbed the hat Ricky wore, smiling at him. 

"What do you know about love?" They both sang once again.

Ricky smiles, responding to her comment as Kristoff. "I lift a lot of ice." 

"At least we know one thing," Ricky walks around and opens the prop door that would be for Elsa's room. Ophelia smiles and walks through it, tossing the hat to the side and it landed near the clothing rack. "This trip should be interesting."

"What do you know about love?" Then at the same time at either ends of the small platform, they walk up the steps. "What do you know about love?" As they sang, the black curtains behind them are pulled back revealing the lights that turned brighter at the end before dimming when the song was over. They both stared at each other with a smile, looking at each other fondly.

The room is silent after the performance, all anticipating what the two would do next. Then after realizing everyone was watching, Ophelia walked off the small platform and off the stage. 

"Let's take a five, everyone." EJ called out, walking to backstage.

As Ricky sat on the edge of the stage, Carlos joins him. "Ricky, that must've been awful for you. Being Ophelia's jilted ex and all."

Ricky chuckles. "Heart-wrenching, honestly."  He then got up, pushing the camera Channing aimed at him and Carlos when he walked by Channing, then he left the barn. 


-ˏˋ Ophelia is sitting on the bench on the porch outside of the barn. She sighs. "Okay, so maybe I over did it during rehearsal?" She looks sheepish, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "I honestly don't know what got into me. I think I was just so nervous and anxious about everything that I just decided on going big or go home. Clearly I went with go big." She chuckles. "I mean, it seemed like Channing liked it so I guess that means the that performance will help the show get views." She shrugs and sighs. "I still hate him for recording me and Ricky earlier." She added. ˎˊ-


Glancing over to her right where she heard the voice, Ophelia smiles at the curly-haired boy. "Hi, Rick."

"You doing okay?" Ricky asks, concern lacing his voice. He sits on the bench across from her. "It's just that performance seemed a little intense." He smiles a little and reaches a hand over to nudge her knee. "Not that I minded." He chuckled, smiling more when he got a chuckle from her. He then pulled his hand back, leaning back against the wall of the barn. 

"Yeah, sorry about that." Ophelia sheepishly said, her heart fluttering at his touch. "I didn't plan to be all bold and intense like that. It just happened on the spot." She admits. "I've just been really nervous and anxious about everything. And I think I took the go big or go home motto literally since I thought that would make the performance look good enough for people to watch."

"And you went big." Ricky nodded.

"Exactly." Ophelia sighed. 

Ricky scoots over to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and smiling as she leaned into him. "You were amazing though. I think you killed it."

"Thanks." Ophelia smiles, leaning her head on his shoulder. "You did too." 

"Lia, whenever you feel nervous or anxious about this stuff, let me know. Let our friends know." Ricky suggests softly, his thumb on her shoulder rubbing circles on it. "I don't want you to suffer alone with that. I know it's not fun."

Ophelia nods in agreement, smiling softly. "Yeah, I know. I'll be sure to get help if I feel that way again."

Then Channing once again ruined their moment. "Hey." Channing snaps his fingers, getting their attention and they were quick to pull away. "Break up the rebound, you two. I forgot something."

Once Ophelia and Ricky got back inside the barn, they noticed that what Channing forgot was the group photo. "You're this one." Channing hands Ricky a photo booth prop that said 'it's frozen time' and then he handed a crown one to Ophelia. "And you're this one."

"Oh, love it." Ophelia grinned, earning a chuckle from Ricky. Ophelia then went to sit on the stage, sitting between Kourtney and Jet. Ricky sat on the steps between EJ and Carlos as everyone gathers together, holding up the photo booth Frozen themed props.

"Alright, smile, guys." EJ smiles, holding his reindeer ear photo booth prop. "We're almost home."

Channing then raises his camera at the group. "Smile! Harder, harder. Like you're angry happy. Yeah." When he was done taking photos, he smiles at the group. "Thanks again. Great day, you guys. The Bleu Man's gonna be so happy. I can call him that 'cause we're close. Peace." 

"Well, that couldn't have gone longer." Ashlyn retorted as everyone got up and did their own things.

"I, for, one am looking forward to being reviled by America." Ricky remarked.

"Who wouldn't?" Ophelia chuckled.

"You know, a simple thank you would do the trick." Carlos chimed in.

"Guys, can we just stop getting worked up over this, okay?" Kourtney interrupts. "If we can't pull this summer together, then we're gonna have bigger problems than just labels on a poster." Her voice raised as she continued. "I gotta be Elsa by the end of the week, and if I can't land that high E flat, then they're gonna edit me out of the show."

"Okay, do you wanna take it down like a thousand?" Carlos asks her. "Being this anxious all the time is literally bad for your skin."

"Um, I'm sorry." Kourtney now speaks in a normal tone of voice, her voice now sounding a bit shaky. "What was that word?"

Carlos raises his eyebrows. "Anxious?"

Kourtney glances over at Ophelia with a frown. "Did you tell him what my mom..."

"No, of course not." Ophelia quickly said with a reassuring smile. She would never tell something like that to someone else without Kourtney's permission.

Carlos stares at Kourtney with confusion. "Told me what?"

"Guys, this is all a natural response to a day of high tensions and intense emotions," Val cut in. "So let's just walk it off, take a deep breath..."

"Val," Ashlyn intervenes. "Maybe now's not the time for your psychoanalysis. Read the room."

When Ashlyn suddenly laughed loud as Maddox talked to her, that caught everyone's attention. "I'm sorry. Wow. What? That's...I have a boyfriend."

Jet walks over to them, looking at Maddox. "Can you just once stop telling everyone who they are and how they should be?"

"Oh, you're talking to me now?" Maddox asked.

"Forget it. You're just gonna yell." Jet then started walking to the front door.

"Oh, yeah. That's right, Jet. Make me the bad guy, once again." Maddox rolled her eyes and Jet stopped in his tracks, dropping his head in defeat.

"Did I miss an episode of our reality show?" Ricky questions in confusion. "Did these two know each other before camp?"

"I think they do." Ophelia replied. She was starting to connect the dots and she assumed that Jet and Maddox must be related in some way or maybe childhood friends or something like that. 

Jet turns to face Maddox. "Look, Maddie, I'm here, aren't I? I'm trying."

"Yeah, only because you were forced to come here after you literally got expelled from school." Maddox argues. "Or are we just pretending that didn't happen?"

"You have never let me explain that." Jet reminded her.

"Okay, so why don't you also explain why you didn't show up to my fifteenth birthday party?" Maddox asks, her eyes starting to get teary. She walks over to him. "Explain why I lose all of my confidene when you're around me, and heck, Jet, why don't you explain why you told mom and dad about me and Madison when you found her texts in my phone? Explain that."

Everyone stares at them in surprise when they find out the news they're siblings. Jet doesn't say anything and just left the barn. "Mom and...Wait. What?" Ashlyn said in shock.

"I have done a horrible thing." Carlos muttered.

"I need to sit down." Ricky shakes his head, sitting on the edge of the stage as he was in shock. "I need to lie down." Ophelia sat on the edge of the stage by him as he laid down, still trying to process this. Ophelia put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Then she noticed Kourtney sitting on the edge of the stage near her, seeing the way her leg was bouncing and she frowned.

"EJ," Fallon sighs, standing by her boyfriend. "Are you sure we can even make this show a success after everything that just happened?" She frowns at him. "I don't want you to go to your dad's school."

"What?" Ashlyn asks, her eyes widening. "What is she talking about?"

"My dad is not okay with me having a gap year and wants me to join his training school in St. Louis." EJ explains with a sigh. "But if he knows this is a success, he won't let me go."

"Elton John Caswell, I'm disappointed in you." Ashlyn frowns. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry." EJ apologizes, looking guilty. "I just had a lot going on."

"Hold the phone," Luca chimes in, his eyes widening while looking at EJ. "EJ actually stands for something?"

"What?" Gina glanced at her boyfriend with confusion and a bit of amusement. 

"I thought that was just his name." Luca admits sheepishly. "Like just EJ."

"You're so cute." Gina chuckled, kissing his cheek and earned a smile from him.

"Huh. Rocket Man." Kourtney chuckled.

"I always assumed you were, like, 'Eric Junior.'" Carlos admitted.

EJ stares at him in confusion. "My dad's name is Cash."

"That is on brand." Carlos nodded.

"You guys," Ricky suddenly exclaims, sitting up which makes Ophelia takes her hand off his shoulder. "Jet and Maddox are siblings?" 


"What is going on with you and Ricky?" Fallon asked Ophelia as they left the barn.

"Okay," Ophelia takes a deep breath. "Don't tell anyone this, but we're dating." 

Fallon's eyes widen and she excitedly smiles, grabbing Ophelia's arm. "Please tell me you're not joking 'cause you literally just made my day."

"I'm not joking." Ophelia chuckles, amused and relieved by her reaction. "So you don't have a problem with that?"

"Why would I?" Fallon grins. "We all have been rooting for you guys to finally get together."

"Really?" Ophelia asked in surprise.

"Yep. Luca even came up with your guys ship name." Fallon laughs lightly. "Rickelia." 

"I kinda like it." Ophelia admitted with a giggle.

"Lia, we got a problem." Ricky said to Ophelia suddenly when he walked over to the two girls, stopping them from walking. "Fallon, you mind if I steal her?"

"Nope, go ahead." Fallon grinned and then continued walking to the Canrnation Cabin.

"What's the problem, Rick?" Ophelia quetsioned, glancing at Ricky in concern wehn they were alone.

"So I was talking to Carlos just a few moments ago...He knows we're together now by the way, is that okay?" Ricky asked nervously.

"Only if it's okay Fallon knows." Ophelia sheepishly smiles. "I just told her."

"I'm surprised you haven't already told her." Ricky admits. "You guys tell each otehr everything." He smiles. "But yeah I'm fine with that. Anyway, we realized that Channing was recording us."

"Stupid Channing." Ophelia muttered.

"At least Carlos got everything checked off on the to-do list." Ricky sighed.

"Seems ike out relationship might be public by the end of the week." Ophelia realized.

"I think I'm okay with that." Ricky confesses,  smiling at her. "'Cause then that means we can do this more." He smirked, leaning forward to kiss her.

When they pulled away, they're both smiling shyly and staring at each other fondly. "Yeah, I'll definitely be looking forward to that."


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