CHAPTER FOUR, a star is reborn

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The next day Ophelia is up bright and early to start shooting for the movie. Yes, she agreed. How could she not agree? She couldn't believe that she would be starring in a movie and not just an extra or background dancer. It was a dream come true. Ophelia and Ricky were now walking over to where the trailers were all set up. "Gotta say, waking up at 6am just to be in a movie has me seriously rethinking my destiny as the next Timothee Hal Chalamet." Ricky  spoke with a grin.

"Rick, you didn't have to come with me to set." Ophelia said softly. "But I appreciate that you are." Ophelia glances at him with wide eyes as she realized something. "Hold up, you know Timothee's middle name?" She gasped. She couldn't help but wonder if that was true, she was curious now. 

"Don't change the subject." Ricky chuckles, pointing at her. "I am dropping you off on your first day as a movie star and five hours of sleep wasn't gonna stop me."

"Well, first I gotta survive today before you can call me a movie star." Ophelia chuckles, looking around and her eyes widen in surprise at seeing she had her own trailer with her name on it. "Wow." She breathes. "This just got real." She continues, her voice tinged with excitement and disbelief. "I can't believe this is happening."

Ricky grins, nudging her lightly. "Believe it, Lia. You're gonna be amazing. You got your very own trailer." He grins, squeezing her hand. "How does it feel to be the real deal, Lia?" 

"Like a dream." Ophelia giggled as she turned to look at him and took his hand, squeezing it.

"I mean, I've always wanted to be a trophy boyfriend so everything's going according to plan, actually." Ricky teased.

Ophelia chuckles and shakes her head, leaning up to peck his lips. "I love you, Rick."

"I love you too." Ricky murmured against her lips, his eyes closing while he leaned into the kiss. Ophelia felt his hands sliding down to rest on her waist, his grip soft but still firm. Ophelia's heart fluttered at the action, butterflies going wild in her stomach when his hands held her hips, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the exposed skin from her shirt riding up. The kiss was gentle, soft and slow and full of love. Ophelia pulled away slowly, opening her eyes to gaze at him lovingly. Ricky opened his eyes and gazed back at her, a tender smile on his lips.

"I'm also very excited for the HSM3 read throughs today." Ophelia admits, smiling fondly at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands playing with the curls on the nape of his neck. "It's gonna be great."

"Yeah." Ricky agrees, leaning his forehead against hers. "And don't worry, Miss Jenn got it covered for you until you get there. She had been practicing lines with my dad last night. It was cute." 

"Awe." Ophelia smiled, knowing his dad, Mike, and Miss Jenn have been dating recently.

"Until it wasn't." Ricky grimaced.

"Yeah, okay, ew." Ophelia agreed, her face scrunched up in disgust. 

"Yeah." Ricky nods in agreement. "Your chariot awaits!" Ricky dramatically said, pointing at her trailer and went to walk towards it, but she pulled him back to her after realizing something she wanted to say to him.

"Wait, thank you for being so calm about this. I may look calm, but I'm trying so hard not to freak out. Like, I'm starring in a movie and I'm starting to question what am I doing, I only recently starting acting and even singing and-"

Ricky cut her off by kissing her deeply. She melted into the kiss, her eyes closing and she brought a hand up to rest against his chest, her other arm around his neck as they kissed. Ricky wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

They slowly pulled apart after a few moments, smiling. "Wow, that's a new way to tell me to shut up." Ophelia teases, causing Ricky to chuckle. "Thank you." She smiled, bringing her hands up to hold his face.

"You're welcome, baby." Ricky leaned down, pressing his lips against hers again. She smiled into the kiss, her eyes closing as she kissed him back, bringing her arms back around his neck. 

Ricky's hands found their way back onto her waist, his hands sliding under her shirt to rest on the warm skin of her waist. The kiss quickly escalated, becoming deeper and more passionate. Ricky's grip on her waist tightened and he backed her up, her back hitting the door of the trailer, her hands sliding up and tangling into his curls. It wasn't until Ophelia had accidentally stumbled back and hit the door handle just right for it to open slightly, causing her to fall back. She let out a small squeak of surprise and as she stumbled backward. The sudden movement caused Ricky to break the kiss abruptly, his hands instinctively reaching out to steady her.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Ricky asked with concern, his hands gently gripping her arms as he helped her regain her balance.

Ophelia chuckles nervously, a flush spreading across her cheeks. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Rick." She assured him, slightly breathless from both the kiss and the unexpected stumble. She straightened up, adjusting her stance as Ricky did the same.

Ricky sighs with relief, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry about that," He apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck. "Got a little carried away there." He knew he was blushing, too.

"No, it's fine." Ophelia assures him, giggling softly. She couldn't help but find his nervousness a little adorable. She looked at him, his eyes were dilated, his hair tousled, and his lips a little swollen. And his shirt was a little wrinkled. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily, clearly just as affected by the kiss as she was. She knew she probably looked the same way, and the thought made her blush even harder. "I liked it." She added shyly, her cheeks reddening more as she admitted that.

Ricky's sheepish grin turns into a genuine smile at Ophelia's admission. He gently brushes a strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender and affectionate. "Yeah? Me too." He murmured softly, his eyes locked onto hers with a warmth that spoke volumes. His fingers lingered against her skin for a moment before he pulled his hand away, his smile growing a bit.

"I, uh, I should probably get ready." Ophelia stammered, suddenly feeling a little flustered by the intensity of his gaze. She quickly glanced away, fiddling with her hands.

"Of course." Ricky nodded, stepping back and giving her space. He had a small smile on his lips and she could see the love and admiration shining in his eyes which made her heart skip a beat. He turned to leave, pausing before he suddenly turned back and cupped her face, pulling her in for another kiss. Ophelia let out a small sound of surprise, her eyes widening, but then she relaxed into the kiss, her eyes drifting shut. Her hands rested against his chest, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She could feel his heart beating just as rapidly, and she couldn't help but smile. They kissed for a few moments longer, lost in each other, before slowly pulling apart.

Ricky smiles at her, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "Just wanted to do that one more time." He said softly as he blushed a little.

Ophelia giggles, blushing even harder, her heart fluttering at the tenderness of his touch. She leans into his touch, her eyes never leaving his. "Well, I can't complain." She murmured softly, a shy smile on her lips.

Ricky chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "That's good to know." He replies, his voice teasing. He leans in and presses a quick, gentle kiss to her forehead before letting go of her face. "Okay, I'll let you go now. You have a movie to star in." He grinned.

"Yes, I do." Ophelia giggles. "I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I'll see you later." He replied, his voice soft and sincere. He smiled at her one last time before turning and heading off. Ophelia watched him go, her heart bursting with love and adoration for the boy. She smiled to herself, sighing happily as she closed the door to her trailer. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have someone like Ricky in her life. She was giddy and excited for their future together, and she knew that no matter what happened, she would always have him by her side.


Thankfully Ophelia had time to come to the read through of HSM3. She was in her outfit as her character in the movie. It was a cheerleading outfit and her hair was straightened, half up and half down. Everyone cheered excitedly at seeing she was in the bomb shelter. Ricky couldn't stop staring at her, she was so beautiful as always, but now, seeing her as her character, it was different. He couldn't stop staring at her.

"Movie star, much!" Ashlyn gushed.

"I thought you would be doing fancy movie stuff." Miss Jenn smiled.

"I would be, but Alyson Reed's flight got delayed for two hours." Ophelia explained with a smile, her smile widening as Ricky walked over to her with a grin on his face.

"And that means you get to be here for rehearsal." He said excitedly, handing her name tag with Gabriella on it. "You look amazing, by the way." He whispered in her ear, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Ophelia blushes at his words, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Thank you." She murmurs, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "And you look very handsome as always." She said softly, a shy smile on her lips.

Ricky grins, blushing a little at her compliment. "Thanks." He replied, his gaze soft and affectionate. Ophelia could feel her heart swell with love and affection for him. He was so sweet and charming and he always made her feel special. She loved him so much and she knew he felt the same way about her. Ophelia smiled at him and went to sit down while Miss Jenn instructed for everyone to take each others hands. 

"Again?" Luca chuckled.

"Wouldn't be the same without it." Ophelia murmured with amusement.

"Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance?" Miss Jenn sang. 

"Amen." Ashlyn smiled widely after Miss Jenn was done singing and everyone let go of each others hands.

"Thank you." Miss Jenn smiles. "Go ahead."

"'I've never been asked to a prom, but this almost sounds like an initiation.'" Ophelia read off her line as Gabriella.

"'Gabriella guides Troy to his outfit.'" Miss Jenn read off the stage cues. "'The tension is fierce, but also appropriate for all audiences.'"

"'This one.'" Ophelia continued.

"'Gabriella and Troy hold for a long beat.'" Miss Jenn said. "We can speed through this, you guys. We'll be here all day." Instead, the couple stared at each other from across the room with fond looks on their faces. Miss Jenn then realizes they were doing it anyway and her eyes widen slightly with surprise. "Oh. Okay...Um. Obey the stage direction. Very disciplined."

"Wow." Carlos chuckles. "Chemistry much?" He said to Kourtney.

Kourtney nods in agreement, a smirk tugging on her lips. "I was about to say..."

"'I never been to a dance, much less a prom, but I was hoping these might be a good start?'" Ricky speaks, continuing on with the script. "'Do you think we're gonna have to waltz? 'Cause I have no idea how to do that.'"

Ophelia chuckles. "'All I know is what my dad taught me when I was a little girl. I'd stand on his toes and he'd waltz me around the living room. Here, come here. I'll show you.'" She smiled.

"'What'?" Ricky asked, pretending to sound surprised.

"'Come here!'" Ophelia encouraged.

"'We're on the roof!'" Ricky continued, acting as if he was nervous.

Ophelia giggles. "'Come here. You'll love it.'"

"Very good. We can skip the songs today, you guys." Miss Jenn speaks up with a smile. "Let's just..." Ophelia's sudden singing interrupted her and her voice surprised everyone. Ophelia would've been so nervous to sing like this a year ago, but now she didn't seem nervous or scared at all as she stared at her boyfriend lovingly. All she could focus on was Ricky. The rest of the world melted away as they began to sing, their voices blending together beautifully as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Take my hand, take a breath. Pull me close and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine and let the music be your guide." Ophelia sang, staring at Ricky the whole time.

"Won't you promise me?" Ricky started singing as Ophelia joined him half way while he was singing.

"Now, won't you promise me? That you'll never forget."

As they sing, Ashlyn stands and goes to sit at the piano to play for them. "We'll keep dancing..."

"To keep dancing," First it was only Ophelia, then both Ophelia and Ricky. "Wherever we go next."

Ashlyn then began playing the piano for them which surprised them but made them smile. "It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you." Ricky stands, walking over to Ophelia. Ophelia stands as well, meeting him half way. She smiles softly, taking his outstretched hand. "It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do.

The couple then began waltzing around the room. "And with every step together, we just keep on getting better.

Ricky steps on a nearby platform as Ophelia walks by him, their hands still intertwined. "So can I have this dance?" Ophelia sang as Ricky joined while she was singing.

"Can I have this dance?" When Ricky got on the floor, he smiled at her and she smiled back as he twirled her around.

"Can I have this dance? Oh." Ricky helped her on one of the risers, letting go of her hand to push off some bags to make more room. Then he took her hand again and followed her to the other end of the riser.

"No mountain's too high," Ophelia starts, smiling as Ricky picked her up, twirling her around before setting her down. "And no ocean's too wide." Ricky joined with singing.

"'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop." They continue to smile widely at each other, making their way back to the middle of the room. "Let it rain, let it pour." They twirl around once more before taking each other's hands again. "What we have is worth fighting for. You know I believe that we were meant to be."

Then they both run over to the small platform, raising their intertwined hands over Kourtney, who had ducked when they went by. "Yeah! It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you." They continue to waltz, slowly making their way off the small platform and on the floor again. "It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on getting better."

"So can I have this dance?" Ophelia sang, smiling fondly at Ricky.

"Can I have this dance?" Ricky smiled back at her as they both parted ways and went back to their seats and ended the song. 

"Okay, for the record." Carlos breaks the silence that filled the room. "I did not choreography that, but...No notes." 

Ophelia shares a grin with Ricky as everyone cheered and clapped for the couple. "Agreed." Miss Jenn smiles. "Moving on. 'Chad enters.'"

Ricky clears his throat suddenly. He rolls his eyes when nothing happened. "Now, dude!"

Ophelia furrows her eyebrows, confused along with the others at what he was talking about. She gasps excitedly, eyes widening at seeing Maddox and Jet walk in. "Is this real life?" Kourtney laughed, cheering along with the others. Everyone got up and walked over to the two.

"Um, guys, we heard from Ricky that you guys were short one very important Chad." Maddox smiled, putting her hand on Jet's shoulder.

"Not just any Chad." Ricky smiles. "A low-energy, snarky little fella by the name of Jet."

"My boyfriend." Emmy grins, chuckling as she stands. She then she looks nervous as everyone stared at her with either confusion or amusement and she quickly adds, "I-In the show." Ophelia chuckled softly, looking at Emmy with a smile.

"Carrying on with the table read, now with full cast." Miss Jenn smiled while everyone sat back down. 

"Go Jet!" Ricky cheered.

"Yeah!" Emmy smiled. Jet chuckled and smiled.

"Need Ophelia and the extras." A man in an earpiece is faintly heard.

"Copy, headed your way now." Maddox replies. "Okay, new deal. They need Ophelia on set pronto and all featured extras in wardrobe now! So, everyone, follow me, stat!" 

Ophelia's eyes widen in surprise, not expecting to be needed so soon. "Wait." Miss Jenn stands, eyes widening. "I thought the extras weren't needed until next week?"

"Yeah. Quinn decided to add students in the background of the Darbus scene." Maddox explained.

Ophelia was now standing, grabbing her bag and trying not to have a panic attack. "Are you okay?" Ricky asked her softly., walking over to her. 

"Yeah." Ophelia nodded, though Ricky could tell she wasn't.

"Hey," He says softly. "It's okay to be nervous." He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close and kisses her forehead. "You're going to be amazing. I have no doubt."

"How do you always know the right thing to say?" Ophelia chuckled lightly, smiling sofly as her heart skips a beat.

"Because I know you." He smiles softly. "I have no doubt that you're going to blow everyone away."

"I love you." She sighed and smiled.

"I love you too." He pecks her lips. "You have nothing to worry about. "

"Thank you." She replied.

"Anything for my girl." Ricky hugged her before he pulled away and went to leave with the other extras. 

Ophelia smiled, her heart fluttering at his words. She went to grab her bag as he left with the other extras, but she was still nervous and Miss Jenn noticed. "Sweetie, much like a birthday card from my mother, the movie biz is chaotic, unpredictable, and almost always cruel. What do you need?" She asked softly.

"Um...I just don't want to mess up." Ophelia admits. "This scene is, like, really important. I'm pretty sure it's why Dani got fired. I don't wanna mess up."

"Now, Emmy." Miss Jenn stretched a hand out to Emmy, who handed her the script of the movie.

Ophelia's eyes widen. "Wait, Emmy you got the script for the movie?" She asked in surprise. She wondered how Emmy managed to get it. 

The freshmen smirks. "I am everywhere." Emmy replied and walked away.

"That's not scary at all." Ophelia chuckled. She had to admit she was a bit intimidated by Emmy.

After reading the scene, Miss Jenn looks at her with a smile. "This is all about first love."

"What?" Ophelia asked in confusion, not understanding what she meant.

"Subtext, dear. Your character, Bailey, arrived at East High a lost sheep, nary a barn nor a friend. And now, picture what it was like to feel seen for the first time." Miss Jenn said. Ophelia closes her eyes, listening to her words and she smiles. "And now, imagine having to say goodbye to that person." She opened her eyes, a bit surprised at that advice and looks a bit upset imagining saying goodbye to that person who made her feel seen. Miss Jenn smiles softly, handing her the script. "You were born for this."

"Thanks, Miss Jenn." Ophelia smiled softly and ran out of the room.


Ophelia was running through her lines out in the hallway when she overheard Alyson talking to Mack. "So you're not sure about this Ophelia girl?"

"Don't get me wrong, she's incredibly talented." Mack responds. Ophelia quickly hid behind the corner, listening in on the conversation. "It's just...She said she hadn't been acting, like, really at all. She doesn't have a lot of experience in acting. You know?"

"I'm sure she'll be great. She's an incredible singer and dancer. Just needs more practice with acting." Alyson said softly. "And I'm sure this movie will be her debut. She's perfect for the role. Don't you agree?"

"Yeah, maybe everything will go well." Mack sighs. "Hopefully." He then turned to walk away.

Ophelia couldn't believe this. Mack was doubting her? She didn't expect this from him, but she understood why he wouldn't have all faith in her. He was right, she doesn't have much acting experience. But like Alyson said, she was hoping this movie could be her big break. 

Ophelia walks over to Alyson with a nervous smile. "Hi, sorry, uh, I don't mean to bother you, but, um...I heard you and Mack talking about me." She admitted, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down.

"Oh, no, honey. Mack was just a little..." Alyson tried to explain, but Ophelia interrupted.

"Concerned? Scared I'm gonna mess it up?" She asked.

"I was gonna say..." Alyson was going to continue but Ophelia cut her off again.

"Worried that I'm not good enough for this part?" Ophelia questions. She sighs. "Well, I am." She admitted. 

"You don't have to convince me." Alyson said calmly.

"I know that, but Mack is right. I've had, like, a few lines onstage, but nothing like this." Ophelia continues, her nerves and anxiety getting the best of her. "I mean, this is the first time I've ever been in a movie..." 

"You'll be great." Alyson told her with a soft smile.

"But what if I'm not? Like, what if I get, stage fright, and freeze up, and then I'm the one who's,  the problem? And I ruin everything for Mack and I get fired like Dani did?" Ophelia rambles. "And I still can't believe I'm even talking to a legend like you right now like you're my therapist or something."

Alyson chuckles. "Okay, first of all, breathe." She says softly and Ophelia listens, taking a deep breath. "You are going to be amazing. I'm sure. Now, listen. When the nerves get the best of you, think of it like..." Alyson paused.

"Like what?" Ophelia looked at her curiously. 

"Think of it like...Like..." Alyson pauses, thinking of something. "You are in the spotlight, but there is nobody there. Nobody at all."

Ophelia furrows her brows. "Nobody at all?" She repeated. She was so confused at what Alyson was trying to say. 

"You're a performer." Alyson tells her. "The spotlight is where you live. Just imagine you are on a stage with nobody watching you."

"Imagine nobody's watching me." Ophelia nodded, smiling a little. As she thought about it, she knew that could maybe help her. 

"Okay?" Alyson asked.

"I think I can do that." Ophelia admits. "Thank you."


Before she knew it, she was on set. They were all in a lifelike set of the classroom Miss Darbus had in the franchise and she was secretly geeking out about it. Then Alyson walked in with a smile and waved. "Hey, guys. I'm Alyson, call me Aly. No nerves today, alright? We got this." She smiled and sat down at her chair at the front.

"It's Alyson fricking Reed!" Ashlyn whispers excitedly. She gasps. "I'm dying. I'm deceased. Yes."

"Psst." Ricky whispers to Ophelia, gaining her attention. She glanced at him in confusion but smiled. "I love you." He whispered to her, causing her smile to grow. 

"I love you too." She whispered back to him.

"Okay, it is gritty, it is dangerous," Quinn speaks up. "It is 'High school Musical 4' but it might as well be 'Kill Bill 3'. Now, for the record, I'm used to shooting a lot of takes. We might do this fifty times today. Okay? Thank you. And action."

"Hey, Bailey, can I talk to you about something?" Mack acted, gaining Ophelia's attention. She smiled at him.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, Sam." She smiled, walking over to him as he took hold of her hands.

"I know, babe, but this is really hard for me to say." Mack admitted, sitting on one of the desks.

Ophelia looks nervous, standing in front of him. "Babe, you're scaring me. What?"

"It's about Miss Darbus." Mack replied, acting as if he's upset.

"Okay...Now I'm really scared." Ophelia said, pretending to starting to look worried, making her voice sound shaky.

"I just found out Miss Darbus doesn't have much longer at East High." Mack explains. "She's retiring."

Ophelia takes a step back, eyes widening in disbelief as she pretended to start to get teary eyes. "Sam, please tell me you're kidding I don't know how to be at East High without Miss Darbus. When I came here as a sophomore, I didn't know anyone. I was totally lost and Miss Dabrus made me feel found." She admits, making her voice sound shaky like she was on the brink of crying. "She means so much to me."

"She means so much to all of us." Mack agrees. "We're gonna get through this." He reassured her, pretending to act sad as well. He stands, taking her hands again. "Together." He then pulled her in a hug and she hugged him back.

"Crying?" Alyson speaks up, acting as Miss Darbus. "Why is there crying?"

Mack and Ophelia pull away. "I'm sorry, Miss Darbus. I just told Bailey that you're retiring. I couldn't hold it in any longer."

"Attention everyone! Please?" Alyson claps, gaining the others attention. Mack and Ophelia stood by each other, their arms around each other. "What Sam just said is correct. I will be retiring at the end of this year, but what does retirement mean, really? I prefer to think of it as we are going to be graduating joyfully and going off onto our next great adventures together."

"I'm not ready to say goodbye." Ophelia shakily said.

"In the theater, there is never goodbye. It's an exit stage right. It's a kiss, kiss at the stage door. It's making sure you don't fall in love with your costar because what if you break up and then the next week you find your cast in a bare-bones production of Romeo and Juliet? Oh! The stories I could tell. Bailey, Sam, Math Nerd Boy, Skater Boi, Goth Girl, all of you." Alyson smiles sadly at the group. "I am as saddened as you are to be bidding adieu to my beloved East High. But a teacher, a true teacher, never really retires. She lives on, in you. In all of you. Wildcats forever."

"And cut!" Quinn called out.

But Ophelia didn't listen. Instead she was bold and continues by doing improv. "Miss Darbus, can I hug you?" Ophelia asks in a small voice, pulling away from Mack. "I don't wanna say goodbye." She pretends to sob. "I'm gonna miss you so much. Why do we have to say goodbye? There's nothing good about goodbyes." 

"Shhh." Alyson soothes, hugging the girl back. "I know, sweetie. I know it seems like the end of the world now, but I'll still always be there for you. I promise."

"I'm gonna miss you, Miss Darbus." Ophelia continued to pretend to sob.

"I'm gonna miss you too, sweetie." Alyson replied softly as they hugged.

"Wow." Ricky broke the silence, staring in awe. He didn't mean to speak, but he couldn't help it. His girlfriend was incredible with acting and improvising.

'Cut!" Quinn yelled in an upset voice and Ophelia and Alyson pulled away.

"Ricky!" Kourtney hissed at him and he sheepishly smiled. 

"Very well done." Alyson commented Ophelia, who smiled as she was getting her makeup fixed again.

"Alright, you, wow boy." Quinn walks in and points at Ricky. She sighs when she realized she can't fire him. "You look like a photocopy of an American Eagle advertisement so you're not officially fired yet but don't tempt me." Ricky nods, giving her two thumbs up. "You're eliminated from the scene." Ricky's eyes widen in surprise. "Alright, let's turn it around. We got it in one take." She then walks over to Ophelia, who was nervous as she stood in front of her. "Not bad." She pointed at her.

"Thank you." Ophelia smiled, looking relieved. She had feared that Quinn didn't like that she didn't go with the script, but she was happy Quinn was okay with it. 

"Sorry, Ricky, I'm gonna have to walk you off set." Maddox said to Ricky with a sheepish smile. Ricky nodded, but he gave Ophelia a smile and gave her two thumbs up before he left. She smiled softly at him in response, her heart fluttering.


Quinn then walks on the set. "One more time. I just want an extreme close-up on Alyson."

"How extreme are we talking here?" Alyson inquired. 

"Handheld." Quinn nods. "Very jittery, in case I wanna play Miss Darbus as broken and afraid. We're thinking of adding a terminal illness into Act 3."

Alyson sighs as Quinn walks away. "Kenny Ortega, where are you when I need you?"

"Okay" Mack taps Ophelia on the shoulder, gaining her attention. He looks at her in awe. "Seriously, how did you do that?" 

Ophelia raises her eyebrows as she smiles, happy that she had impressed and surprised Mack. "What are you talking about?" She asked, pretending she didn't know what he was asking about.

"Alright, we're going again in twenty seconds." Quinn calls out. "Tight on Alyson. Stand by." She said, walking off set and to the cameras.

"Nail the scene in one take." Mack continues, smiling at Ophelia. "Look, I grew up running lines with my mom. What you did, that was real. Meanwhile, I feel naked without a laugh track, you know?" He admitted.

"I don't know." Ophelia chuckles. "I just took some great advice I got. I was told to close my eyes and just imagine saying goodbye to the person who means a lot to me." She confessed.

"Like a dog?" Mack asked.

"That works." Ophelia nods, watching with slight amusement as he looked confused. "Okay, um, how about this? I teach you to be a real teen. You help me with being a good actress. Deal?" 

Mack smiles at her and nods. "Deal."


After the scene was done, Ophelia went back to her trailer. After the scene was done, Ophelia went to her trailer. She gasped at what she saw. Decorations hung up everywhere in her trailer. There were fairy lights, balloons, streamers, other decorations, and a sign hanging that read, "Congratulations."

"Ah! I'm not done decorating yet!" Ricky panicked, finishing up with hanging the decoration.

"Ricky!" Ophelia smiles in surprise, glancing around in awe. She turned to him with a big smile, feeling very surprised and happy. "What is this for?" She asked.

"For you." Ricky says. "You were amazing today." He tells her, causing her to smile. "I'm really proud of you."

"Oh, Ricky..." Ophelia smiles, her cheeks turning red. "Thank you."

"Also, you are the star of this movie, so I decided to throw you a little congratulations party." Ricky admits, walking over to her. He then grabs her hand, leading her over to the couch. He pulls her down, grinning at her as he pulls her onto his lap. She smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Congrats, baby. You're doing an amazing job." He praised, causing her cheeks to turn a deeper red.

"Oh, Ricky, you didn't have to do this." Ophelia smiles, resting her forehead against his. "You're the sweetest, you know that?"

"You're sweeter." Ricky grinned, leaning in and kissing her lips. Ophelia giggled as she kissed him back.

"How did you even get in here?" Ophelia asked curiously, leaning her head on his shoulder when they pulled away.

"I posed as security and snuck into your trailer." Ricky confessed, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh my gosh, you're such a dork." Ophelia laughs. "I'm surprised you didn't get caught."

"Me too." Ricky laughs with her. "But it was all worth it to see the look on your face when you came in." He then cups her cheeks, gently stroking them with his thumbs. "I love you so much, Ophelia."

Ophelia grins. "I love you too, Ricky."

"By the way, that acting earlier was incredible." Ricky praised, causing Ophelia's smile to grow.

"Oh, thank you. It was nothing." Ophelia blushed. 

"No, I mean it." Ricky continues. "That was, like, an Oscar-winning performance. I didn't know you were so good at improvising."

"I didn't either." Ophelia chuckles. "I guess the whole thing about imagining saying goodbye to the person I cared most about really helped."

Ricky's face softens. "And I'm guessing you thought about me?" He asked, his heart thumping hard against his chest.

"Of course, silly." Ophelia nods, smiling softly at him as her face turns red and her heart fluttered. "I love you."

"I love you too." Ricky smiles, pulling her into a tight hug. "So much." He rests his chin on top of her head when she laid her head on his chest. "And listen, I know things are get busier, but if you need help with rehearsing lines for HSM3, I'm always down to help you out. No matter what time it is. Got it?"

Ophelia pulls away and looks at him fondly. "Got it. Don't worry, babe, I'm not gonna forget about the musical. I can't. It means a lot to me. I don't wanna let anybody down."

"I don't think you could never let anyone down." Ricky nods, giving her a peck on the cheek. "But I gotta admit, I wouldn't know what to do if you couldn't be in the musical. It's not the same without you."

Ophelia smiled softly and nodded in agreement, leaning in to kiss him. He smiled and closed the gap to kiss her back. They both melted into the kiss, their hearts beating hard. Ricky's hands moved down her waist again, while Ophelia's hands played with his hair. They both felt like they were on cloud nine, nothing could ruin their happiness.

When they pulled apart, they move to sit down on the couch. "Do you think this is gonna be our new normal now? Being busy all the time and only seeing each other like a few times a week or so?" Ophelia asks as she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arm around his stomach. "I hope not." She admitted with a sigh.

"No." Ricky replies firmly, his arm wrapping around her and his thumb gently caressing her arm. "We are not letting this change us. We'll be okay."

Ophelia smiles, looking hopeful. "You really think so?"

"Yes." Ricky nods, kissing the top of her head. "This won't change us. We can make it work. No matter what."

He couldn't get enough of her, and he knew she couldn't get enough of him. They loved each other. And no matter what, they would fight to make this work. 


Soon Ricky had to leave and Ophelia was alone in her trailer, smiling at all the decorations and the congratulations sign Ricky had put up. She was now in comfortable clothes that she had changed into. She glanced at the door, hearing a knock and she smiled, thinking it was Ricky. "Come in, Ricky!" She called out and pulled her hair into a pony tail.

"Not Ricky." Mack admits as he opened the door and peaked in. She glances at him in surprise, not expecting to see him. "Hey, is it cool if I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." Ophelia smiles. "Come in." She watches him enter, closing the door behind him. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"Yeah, I got that." Mack chuckled.

"What's up?" Ophelia asked, sitting down on the couch.

"I wanna take you up on your deal. Like, you teach me to be a real teen, and I teach you to be a star. You know, handle the superfans, deal with the stress, coast on a set with three hours of sleep and a big smile." Mack explained with a smile, sitting down by her.

"Oh, yeah, totally." Ophelia smiles. "So, when do you wanna start with that?"

"Star lesson number one." Mack replies. "Krystal Stewart and Robert Pattinson, J. LO and Drake, Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles."

"They're all couples for publicity." Ophelia pointed out, looking confused. She didn't know why he listed all those couples. 

"Exactly." Mack nods. "Think about it. Could give the movie some good press."

"But you and Dani are a couple. And I'm dating Ricky." She pointed out, her eyebrows furrowed together. 

"Yeah, but Dani and I were only doing it for publicity. Emphasis on were." Mack confesses. "We're not together anymore."

"But I'm dating Ricky. I can't fake date you." Ophelia shook her head, staring at him with disbelief. She wasn't going to cheat on Ricky. She wouldn't do that for press for the movie or for anything. She couldn't believe he even suggested that.

Mack didn't listen though. Instead, he grabs a pen from his pocket, grabbing her hand and then wrote his number on the back of her hand. "Tag, you're it. I just taught you your first star lesson, let me know when you're willing to teach me how to act as a teen."

"You can't just come in here and suggest to fake date when you know I'm dating someone else, tell me that I can be a cheater and then leave." Ophelia protested, glaring at him.

"But I did. Text me later." Mack replied, walking over to the door and leaving, not letting her argue.

Ophelia huffed. He was so annoying. She didn't want to fake date him. She wasn't that kind of person. How could he think she would? He's insane.

She groaned, shaking her head and falling back onto the couch. "He's insane." She sighed as she looked at her hand that had his number on it. She couldn't do this. She had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who she loves and wouldn't dare break his heart by fake dating someone else. She couldn't believe Mack suggested this. She wasn't that kind of person. He knew that too. So, why would he suggest that?

A/N wow this chapter was a roller-coaster! loving ricky & ophelia, they're literally so cute. 

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