CHAPTER FOURTEEN, when they go low we go high

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Ophelia was so thankful it was Spring Break. She was ready for a relaxing break from school. But with the show being just around the corner she knew Miss Jenn would have everyone practice some way even with them not being in school which is why she wasn't surprised when Miss Jenn told the drama club to be sure to be on the zoom call in time. 

Ophelia sat in her bedroom, sitting at her desk where her laptop was at.

(this is ophelia's outfit for this chapter)

She logs onto the zoom call, seeing that Carlos, Nini, and Seb were already in the meeting with Miss Jenn. She smiles widely. "Hi, guys!"

"O!" Nini smiles. "Hi, how are you doing?"

"Bored out of my mind, but other than that doing pretty good." Ophelia chuckled.

"At least you're not away at some tropical place without your significant other." Seb remarked, glaring at Carlos, who rolled his eyes.

Ophelia frowns. "Are you two having a fight?"

"I invited him to come with me and my family in Los Cabos, but he had to stay in Salt Lake since his cow is having a baby soon." Carlos replied and Ophelia nodded in realization.

"What's up?" Ashlyn, EJ, and Fallon spoke the same way 'what's up' is said in the movie 'Scary Movie'. 

"Hi, y'all!" Nini greeted.

"What's up with the odd greeting?" Ophelia laughed.

"Sorry." Ashlyn apologizes as EJ left the screen and then appeared in the screen that was below the screen his cousin was in while Fallon stayed by EJ. The three of them were set up in the living room of Ashlyn's house. "Our parents all went to Park City together and left us to watch the house. We've been streaming old movies."

"Yeah." EJ nods. "Watched Scary Movie last night." He grins. "Ah! What a classic."

"Yeah, I didn't think I would like any of the old movies, but I did." Fallon smiled. 

Seb looks at him with confusion. "Never heard of it." 

"I heard of it, just never watched it." Ophelia confessed.

Miss Jenn looks offended. "Old?"

"You guys are watching like, old, old movies." Nini realized.

"And Fal, I invited you to hang out yesterday!" Ophelia said in a whiny tone, looking at Fallon with offense. "You said you were busy!"

Fallon sheepishly smiles. "I was busy watching movies. Sorry, O. They invited me to watch some movies last night and I ended up staying the night." 

"Hi, guys!" Luca greeted and everyone smiled and greeted him. 

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up." Ophelia admits, Luca was in his bedroom, sitting at his desk. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry, if I'm a little late." Luca bends do and sits back up to reveal he picked up a golden retriever puppy. He chuckles when his puppy licked his face. "I blame this little rascal for making me late."

Ashlyn smiles excitedly. "Awe, Luca, I didn't know you had a puppy!"

"My family recently got her this week." Luca admits, now holding the puppy in his lap. "We always wanted one so we finally got one." He smiles at the puppy, who was now looking at the camera, just then noticing other people. "So everyone say hi to Rosebud. And yes, she is named after Rosebud from the Air Buddies movies." Everyone greeted the puppy and awed at how cute she was. Rosebud barked happily at the attention she was gaining. 

"I love those movies." Fallon smiled widely. 

Ophelia grins. "Same." She points at the puppy. "Also very cute puppy, I'm definitely coming over to see her."

"Me too." Fallon added.

"I figured you both would." Luca laughed.

"But that doesn't explain why you're late." Ophelia reminded him.

"The thing about Rosebud is that she likes to chew on shoes...Or really anything she can get to. I chased her around the house for probably a few minutes, trying to get my shoe from her." Lucas admitted.

"That makes more sense." Ophelia nodded as Luca set his puppy on the floor and the puppy went back to playing with its toy rope.

"Well, I wanted to tell you guys..."

"Sorry we're late." Kourtney apologizes, not knowing she interrupted Miss Jenn when she logged onto the zoom meeting and Ophelia noticed she was sitting at a booth at Slicers. "Emergency in the kitchen."

"What's up!" Big Red exclaimed when he logged onto the zoom meeting. EJ grinned and gave him two thumbs up.

Ashlyn smiles widely at Big Red. "This is why we're soulmates."

"Yeah. Okay, folks." Miss Jenn claps, gaining everyone's attention. "Let's focus. Now, that we're all here." She looks confused when she realized they were still missing some people. "Wait. No, where..."

Gina finally logs into the zoom meeting and Ophelia was surprised to see her in an airport. "Hey, everyone. I'm here. I'm here." Gina smiles and everyone smiles and waves at her. "Sorry, um, I couldn't find an outlet," She points to the outlet she was sitting by. "And my flight's delayed. Apparently, my plane has a mechanical issue, so..." She forces a smile and did a thumbs up. "Fun."

"Oh, dear!" Miss Jenn looks at her with concern. "Are you safe?"

"I spent my childhood in airports. I am no damsel in distress." Gina reassured everyone. 

"Okay. Looks like we are only missing Ricky." Miss Jenn notices. She glances at Nini with a smile. "Nini, have you heard from him?" 

Ophelia grimaces at the question and the silence that she and the others received from Nini. "I'm pretty sure Ricky is spending time with his mom or just having some alone time in general for spring break." She shakes her head, sheepishly smiling when she realized she was rambling. "The point is he's not here, he's in Chicago." Nini sent her a thankful smile for answering for her and Ophelia smiled back at her and nodded in response.

"Okay, I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here." Miss Jenn continues. "Opening night is only three weeks away, folks. That means we need to stay focused. And I know I can't..." She pauses for a moment before she corrects herself. "Won't make you work over the break. But I needed to remind you, face-to-face, stakes are high." She clapped with each word when she said 'stakes are high'. 

"Please, for the love of theater, do not take the word 'break literally." Miss Jenn pleads. "Be safe. Okay." She chuckles. "Well, have fun. Stay in touch. And now you have this link, so hop on anytime. I'm basically the queen of modern technology, so..."

"Bye, guys!" Everyone immediately started saying goodbye to each other and logged off, no one wanting to be in the awkward situation with being the last one in the zoom call with Miss Jenn. 


Gina was determined to get on a flight to Louisiana. She even tried on getting on a different flight since hers was delayed, but that plan didn't fail. She was sitting back down when she got a facetime call from Luca which made her smile. 

"Hi, G!" Luca smiles brightly. "How's the not damsel in distress going?" 

"I'm stuck at the airport and possibly stuck in character." Gina replied.

"I'm sure you'll figure out some way to get to Louisiana." Luca reassures her. "You always know what to do." 

"Thanks, babe." Gina smiles at him. "Even though it hasn't been that long since we've seen each other in person, I miss you." 

"I miss you too." Luca tells her, his face heating up slightly. Gina watched with raised eyebrows when she heard a bark and sees Luca looks off screen, looking annoyed. "Oh, great." He sighs with annoyance when he saw Rosebud was playing with one of his shoes she got. "I swear that dog only takes my shoes because she enjoys annoying me." 

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she does it 'cause she loves you." Gina teased him.

"That doesn't make it any better." Luca chuckles. He looks back at her with a small smile. "I better go before she tears up my shoe."

"Okay, I'm gonna go try to get a flight to Louisiana." Gina said. She smiles nervously. "Wish me luck."

Luca scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Gina Porter needing luck?" He smiles softly at her. "Sweetheart, you don't need luck. You got this." 

Gina smiles softly at him and nods. "Thanks, babe. Good luck with getting your shoe back." 

"Yeah, I'll need all the luck I can get." Luca sighs heavily and gets up from his bed he sat on, groaning in annoyance when Rosebud took off running out of his room with his shoe in her mouth. "Rosebud, get back here!" Was the last thing Gina heard before she saw him begin to run and then the call ended. Gina laughed a bit and shook her head, smiling with amusement.


Since it was spring break and Ophelia didn't have anything better to do, she decided to take this free time and focus on her photography skills. Which is why she was currently at the park with her camera. She was sitting on the bench near a pond, taking some pictures of the ducks in the pond whenever her phone went off. She got her phone out of her pocket, seeing she was getting a call from Fallon.

Ophelia smiles. "Hi, Fal! What's up?"

"Okay, help. Ash and I are trying to convince EJ to let us paint his nails, but he said he needed another vote before he agreed to do it." Fallon told her.

EJ peeks his head into the frame, looking at Ophelia with a pleading expression. "Say no."

Fallon rolls her eyes playfully and gently shoves him away. Ophelia chuckles. "I say yes. Do it." She laughed lightly when she heard EJ sigh heavily in the background.

"Alright, that's three votes against one."  EJ spoke and Fallon's eyes lit up as she looked at him wtih a grin.

Ophelia then heard Ashlyn's excited voice in the background. "Does that mean we can paint your nails?"

"Yeah, I guess." EJ replied.

"Yes!" Fallon cheers, looking back at Ophelia with a grin. "Thanks for your help, O." 

"No problem, Fal." Ophelia chuckled and she waved goodbye when she and Fallon said their goodbyes.


Ophelia had been taking pictures for a few more minutes after her facetime call with Ophelia, Ashlyn and EJ when suddenly she was receiving another call. This time she heard her phone ring. The last time she had felt her phone buzz in her pocket, but she turned her volume up slightly so she could hear it. 

Ophelia takes her phone out of her pocket and smiles upon seeing Luca was calling her. She answers the call, noticing Luca was in his bedroom. "Hey, Luke!"

"Hey, O." Luca smiles. "Just letting you know Miss Jenn scheduled another zoom call. Like, it's happening right now. Fal is in the call right now and she told me about it." 

Ophelia's eyes widen when she checked her messages and saw she got a notification saying that there was indeed another scheduled zoom call. "Oh, crap. I turned my volume off and I was busy taking photos which is why I didn't check my phone." She smiles at Luca. "Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll get on the call now." 

Luca gives her a thumbs up and smiles. "Alright, see ya." 

Ophelia ends the facetime call with Luca and clicks on the link she got from Miss Jenn that would take her back to the zoom call. Ophelia logs onto the zoom call seeing that Ashlyn, Big Red, Carlos, Fallon, and Miss Jenn had already logged on. A few seconds after she was logged on, Luca logged onto the zoom call as well. "Hi, guys! I'm here. Sorry, I got distracted with taking some pics at the park." Ophelia apologized.

"Ooh, you should definitely either post them on Instagram or send them to me 'cause I wanna see them!" Ashlyn excitedly said.

Ophelia smiles and nods. "I'll send them to you later." When she noticed Fallon was about to say something, she giggles a bit and nods again. "Don't worry, Fal, I'll send them to you too." Fallon smiled and nodded in response.

Seb then appears on screen with a bright smile. "Ashlyn, Big Red, Fallon, Luca, Ophelia, Miss Jenn," His smile falls off his face when he looked at Carlos. "Carlos."

Big Red's eyes widen. "Wait, are you guys fighting?" 

"That would imply that we're speaking." Carlos responded.

"Who has time to talk when you're busy posting selfies with random guys in a cabana?" Seb sassily asked while Nini logged onto the zoom call. 

 Fallon scoots over when she noticed EJ walking over to her and they share a smile as he sits besides her. They both look at the screen, smiling at everyone. "What's up?" EJ asked just as Kourtney logged onto the zoom call. Kourtney smiled as she waved at everyone. Ophelia smiled and waved back at Kourtney along with Luca.

"Wildcats, quiet!" Miss Jenn shouts, causing everyone to grow quiet and focus on her. "I've called you all here for a very serious reason. It seems Zack Roy has yet another trick up his sleeve."

"Miss Jenn, they just dropped the video on their Instagram." Nini announced.

"Wait," Ophelia furrows her eyebrows, looking at her with confusion. "What video?"

"A stupid video North High made about us." Kourtney rolled her eyes.

"Are you ready?" Mi s Jenn asked Nini.

Nini nods. "Ready, Miss Jenn."

"Kids, Nini is going to share her screen, so we can all watch together." Miss Jenn explained.

"Alright. Three, two, one." 


The video was about how East High didn't deserve the fame and popularity and how North High deserved it more. It went on to say how while North High spent their spring break with nothing but theater while East High has been slacking off in style.

"Okay, okay." Miss Jenn calls out, causing Nini to stop the video. "We've seen enough."

Everyone had a look of shock and hurt on their faces after watching the video. "Did you just watch what I watched?" Carlos asks in disbelief. "That was insane."

"I didn't think I could hate North High more than I already do, but here we are." Fallon grumbled with an angry look on her face and her arms crossed.

"Yeah, everyone calm down. We just need a plan. If we want to beat them at their own game, we need to play by their rules. But add a twist, of course. Let's do something subtle, but public. To show them that we're still in this to win it." Miss Jenn explained.

"I don't really do subtle." Carlos admitted.

"But you sure do public." Seb commented.

"We're on it, Miss Jenn." Nini reassured Miss Jenn.

While she nods, Miss Jenn sighs. "Godspeed."


"Hey, Ash! Hi, Fal!" Nini greeted when she answered the facetime call from them. 

"We are in the middle of a crisis, EJ." Ashlyn tells her cousin, picking up a stuffed animal that was on the couch behind her and throws it at EJ. "Stop it." 

"No, you stop it." EJ childishly argued.

"EJ, found some old stuff we used to play with in the attic," Fallon glances behind her at EJ, laughing lightly as she watched him play with a frisbee he found in a box that was on a table behind the couch. "And he's turned into a six year old."

"A dumb six year old." Fallon snickers. "Eej, what are you even doing?"

"Balancing a frisbee on my head." EJ replies in a duh tone. He smiles excitedly at her, pointing the frisbee at her. "You wanna play frisbee?" 

Fallon raises her eyebrows. "In the house?"

"No, outside." EJ chuckles. "Our parents would kill us if we broke anything." He looks at her with a hopeful expression. "So, what do you say?"

"Yeah, okay, let's go play frisbee." Fallon caves in, smiling softly and giggles a bit when EJ fist bumped the air and said 'yes' excitedly. She points at him with a stern look on her face. "But I gotta call Gina soon since we're gonna work on the choreography for this song." 

"Alright, one game. Then you call her." EJ reassures her and Fallon nods. EJ smirks and then runs towards the front door. "Last one outside is a rotten egg!" 

"Not fair, you got a head start!" Fallon complains, running after EJ after she got up off the couch. "Cheater!"

"They're adorable, oh my gosh." Nini smiled widely.

"They really are adorable." Ashlyn agreed.


"Hey, O!" Nini greeted Ophelia when she got on the facetime call with her and Ashlyn.

Ophelia was now back at home, deciding that she took enough pictures for the day. She has actually been at home for a couple hours. Nini and Ashlyn had asked her if she wanted to do a collab with them on writing a song for a video they all were going to do and of course she agreed to help.

She was sitting at her desk in front of her laptop, smiling at the two girls on her screen. "Hi, Nini! Hi, Ash!" She felt honored that they asked her to collab with them with writing a song. She didn't have any experience with writing songs so she was a bit confused as to why they wanted her help. 

"Okay, you guys have no idea how honored I am that you both want my help with this song, but you sure that's a good idea?" Ophelia chuckles. "I never written a song before in my life and before last year I never sang for anyone." 

Ashlyn smiles. "We know you can play some instruments and you know how to make a pretty cool backtrack. So yes, we're sure it's a good idea."

"Yeah, the backtrack that you sent us for the song is amazing. It fits perfectly with the all the lyrics." Nini smiled widely. 

Ophelia smiles shyly, not use to getting compliments about her musical talents. "Thanks." 

One of her other talents is that she could play the acoustic guitar and the drums, but she also knew how to make a backtrack. A backtrack is a recorded instrumental for a singer to sing their own song or improvise over. She started doing it because she was watching random videos about music and stumbled upon one about making a backtrack. She was curious and intrigued with how to make one and so she learned how to make one. 

Ophelia grew nervous about what she was going to ask next, but she wanted to know if her friend was okay after breaking up with Ricky. "Okay, I know this isn't something you probably wanna talk about, but I just wanna know, how are you doing?" She grimaces. "You know, after the break up."

"Yeah, I would also like to know this." Ashlyn chimed in.

"I'm good." Nini nods and smiles slightly. "I'm fine. Um, writing a duet with willing collaborators," Ashlyn and Ophelia smile at her. "Doing something with my friends, it all helps."

"Good." Ophelia smiles at her. "I'm glad you're doing good."

"Thanks. Yeah, me too." Nini agrees. "Um, let's share this with everyone. Has EJ and Fallon heard it?"

"Oh," Ashlyn looks around the living room with confusion when she didn't see either one. "They just disappeared a second ago. Well," She looks back at Ophelia and Nini. "Actually, Fallon has been on a call with Gina for a few minutes. They're planning out the choreography and are getting some help with Carlos. But yeah, I dunno where EJ is." She smiles with amusement. "Maybe it's nap time."

Nini laughs. "Okay."

"He really is a six year old." Ophelia chuckled.

"Okay, stand by, I will send you and the gang a file. I hope everyone's okay with learning a song in one hour." Ashlyn said in a nervous tone.

Ophelia waves a dismissive hand. "I'm sure they'll be fine." 

Nini shrugs. "Hey, what are spring breaks for?" 


Ophelia honestly thought the video she and her friends made was amazing. Big Red did the editing, which looked so cool, Gina, Fallon and Carlos did the choreography, Ashlyn and Nini wrote the lyrics and Ophelia made the backtrack for the music video. Ophelia didn't think she would be able to get the backtrack done before she needed to, but she was relieved she got it done. It was a miracle she made the backtrack fast enough and that it worked along with the lyrics.

Later that night, Ophelia was in her pjs, curled up in bed as she watched Friends. She had been rewatching the show and now she was half way through it. She was startled when her phone rang since it was kind of late at night and she didn't expect to get any calls. She leaned over to her nightstand where her phone laid and picked it up. Her eyes widened and her heartbeat sped up slightly when she saw she was getting a call from Ricky.

Ricky has been MIA for the whole spring break. She only knew that Ricky was spending spring break in Chicago since he told her before spring break. She had tried texting him and calling him at the beginning of spring break, but gave up after she was left on read and only got a voicemail. She figured that he needed some alone time and she respected that. Despite the fact it's only been a few days since she has seen Ricky, she missed him, and she hoped that he was doing okay. 

Ophelia leans back against the headboard of her bed as she answers the facetime call from Ricky. She notices that Ricky is in the guest room at his mom's place and it looked like he was sitting at a piano. She smiles at him. "Hi, Rick. I honestly wasn't expecting to hear from you this week, but I'm glad you called."

"Yeah," Ricky smiles back at her. "Me too. I just...Needed to talk to someone other than my mom, you know?" He then quickly adds, "I mean, don't get me wrong she's great, but I just need a friend to talk to." 

"I understand." Ophelia nods. "So, um, what's up?"

"I wrote a new song. Um, my mom's advice was to let go of the person you love so I took her advice." Ricky admits. He looks at her with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Do you wanna hear the song?"

Ophelia looks at him with surprise, not expecting that he would want her to listen to a song like that. She almost felt like she was intruding or overstepping boundaries, but she shouldn't feel that way because he wanted her to listen to it. "Y-Yeah," She stutters out a response when she realized she hasn't replied yet. She smiles encouragingly at him and she picks up the remote to pause the tv so she could fully focus on Ricky. "I'd be honored to hear it."

"Okay." Ricky looks relieved that she wanted to hear it and smiles at her. He moves his phone so it was at an angle on the piano where she could see him play. "The title of the song is 'Let You Go'." He looked back at Ophelia nervously as he got ready to play. She nodded at him and smiled encouragingly at him. He smiled a bit, his nerves fading because of her and looked back at the piano. 

"Close the book before it turns to tragedy...


By the time Ricky was done with the song, Ophelia didn't even realize she was crying until Ricky pointed it out. "Are you...Are you crying?" Ricky stammers. Ophelia looks surprised and she wipes the tears from her eyes when she realized Ricky was right. Ricky looks at her with a guilty expression. He didn't mean to make her cry, he just wanted to show her the new song he wSorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No, it's okay." Ophelia reassures him. "That song was beautiful, Ricky. I-I mean, it literally brought me to tears." She chuckled and he chuckled along with her. 

"So, um, how are feeling now?" She softly asks after a moment of comfortable silence fell between them. "After letting go." 

"I'm okay." Ricky admits. "It'll take me awhile to be a hundred percent better." He smiles softly at her. "But talking with you helps." 

Ophelia smiles at him and she ignores the way her heart flutters. "I'm glad it does. I miss you, Ricky. Next time you go somewhere for spring break, try not to fall off the face of the Earth." She joked.

Ricky laughs a bit and nods. "Alright, I'll try not to. And O?" He said and she hums in response, not realizing how much she missed him saying that nickname he only used until he said it. "I missed you too." 


Gina was still at the airport, but she was going back to Ashlyn's after her mom suggested she should go back since her flight had been cancelled. She was standing on an escalator when Luca walked into the airport. He smiled brightly when he spot his girlfriend. He walked up the escalator beside her and got her attention.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, miss. But you haven't seen a green Champion hoodie?" Luca inquired. The other night Luca had came over to Ashlyn's house to hang out with Gina and he ended up leaving his hoodie with her. Luca knew she still had it since she was wearing it right now which made him blush and smile. 

Gina looks over at him with surprise and beams at him. "Luca! What are you doing at the airport?"

"A little birdie told me you needed a ride back to Ashlyn's." Luca smiles. He chuckles. "By a little birdie I mean I saw your Instagram story that said you were getting an Uber and I was like, 'not gonna let my girlfriend get into an Uber with a stranger when I can come pick her up' so here I am." 

Gina smiles softly at him. "Thank you, Luca. I really appreciate it."

"I can bring you back in the morning if you want." Luca offered.

"T-That'd be great." Gina stuttered, still surprised that Luca would do something as sweet as this.

"Before I forget," Luca gets something out of the pocket of his jacket and hands it to her with a shy smile. "Got you a granola bar, you know, just in case you were hungry." Gina chuckles softly, taking the granola bar from him and continues to look at him with surprise. He smiles at her and moves over to her suitcases. "I can help you with this." He got the suitcase Gina wasn't holding onto and started to walk towards the front door. 

Gina laughs in disbelief and smiles to herself as she watches her boyfriend walk towards the door. She never had a guy do anything as sweet as come to the airport to pick her up because he was worried about her or get her a granola bar because he thought she might be hungry. The more she thought about her feelings for Luca, the more she realized something. Then her eyes widened in surprise when she realized something.

"I love Luca." 

A/N all the couples are so cute omg ! i wanted to have ophelia help out with the song somehow so i thought it'd be cool if she made the backtrack of the song so now you guys know a fun fact about her :) 

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