CHAPTER SEVEN, camp prom

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"Wait, there's a camp prom?" Eliana gasps excitedly, her eyes widening. "Why am I just now finding this out?"

"I feel betrayed." Taliyah dramatically said, pretending to look hurt as she put a hand over her heart. She looks over at the purple haired girl. "Anaya, why didn't you say something sooner?"

"I thought you guys knew." Anaya shrugs. "And you didn't ask." She sheepishly smiled. 

Ophelia and Fallon were in the Carnation Cabin with the girls getting ready for the prom the next day. It was a 70s themed prom, Ophelia had no clue why, but she found it interesting.

"Question," Kadence speaks up, looking curious. "Why is the dance seventy themed?"

"I honestly don't know." Anaya admits. "But this night is always one of the best nights at camp." She smiled.

Suddenly Ricky pokes his head into the open window, glancing around for Ophelia. "Lia, can we talk?" 

"Hey, no boys allowed." Anaya gestured for him to shoo away.

"I'm not even inside." Ricky chuckled.

"Yeah, we can talk." Ophelia nods, smiling as she walked out of the cabin and met him outside. "What's up?" She asked curiously.

"So, Carlos told me that he did some research when he got his phone back last night and found out there's a trailer of the documentary that's gonna be dropping soon." Ricky explains, causing her eyes to widen. "And he said that there was footage of us kissing and footage of me telling Carlos about us." 

"What?" Ophelia stares at him in his shock. "Well, I guess I should've assumed that jerk Channing would put those footage in that trailer." She mutters. "I just didn't think he actually would invade privacy like that. But I guess that's what a reality show is."

"Are you okay with it?" Ricky asks worriedly, his hand brushing against hers .Not quite holding her hand, but close enough to rbush against it and close enough to give her butterflies in her stomach. "I know we were trying to keep our relationship a secret and all. Kinda gonna be hard now with that being in the trailer."

"I'm okay with it." Ophelia admits. "Maybe it'll be easier for people to know instead of keeping it a secret." She smiles a little. "And we can still keep it a secret while we're at camp and before the others know about the trailer. Deal?"

Ricky nods, smiling softly at her. "Deal."


(ophelia's outfit for the prom) 

(fallon's outfit for the prom)

(luca's outfit for the prom)

Ophelia, Fallon, Ashlyn, Kourtney, and Gina all walk in the decorated barn at the same time dressed in their seventy themed outfits. The boys standing off to the side stared at them in awe, Luca couldn't take his eyes off Gina and was at a loss for words, Ricky had even almost coked on his drink after seeing how Ophelia looked like, and EJ glanced up from the script he held in awe at seeing Fallon.

"Hello, boys." Gina greeted as they walk over to them.

"Wow." Ricky cleared his throat when his voice cracked.

"Rick, you okay?" Ophelia chuckled a little, looking at him in concern.

"Yeah, you good?" EJ asked, noticing the way Ricky kept staring at Ophelia in awe.

"Yeah. It's just polyester. Am I right?" Ricky nervously said.

"Ooh! The photo wall is lit." Kourtney squealed excitedly, linking her arm with Ashlyn's.

"We're stealing them." Ashlyn grinned, grabbing both Gina's and Fallon's arms as Kourtney grabbed Ophelia's arm and pulled them over to the photo wall.


"Okay, do I wanna know what's going on here?" Ophelia chuckled, walking over to where Kourtney stood as she saw Ricky laying on top of a platform pretending to fly.

"I don't even know what he's doing." Kourtney admitted with an amused smile.

"What is this?" EJ asked, walking over to the trio.

"I'm trying to figure out how to be a superhero, okay? I need to finish my bucket list by tomorrow. Only got two to go." Ricky explained.

"Wait," Ophelia cut in, looking surprised. "You actually ate three pizzas? Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm good, kinda regretting it, but I'm good." Ricky nodded.

Fallon joins the group eventually, linking her arm with EJ. "EJ, can I have this dance?" She smiled.

"Yes. Just couple more prompts and then I'm all yours." EJ smiled back at her and Fallon's smile fell a little as he said that.

"Elsa, when Anna says," EJ clears his throat, opening the binder of the script he held. "But why? I don't understand.' You say..."

"Uh, I know this one, um..." Kourtney closed her eyes, going silent as she tried to remember.

"Curtain's up, cameras are rolling." EJ said after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, I know. Um..." Kourtney's voice trailed off, looking nervous and a bit scared.

"Kourt?" EJ looked at her in concern.

"Are you okay?" Ophelia chimes in. "Do you remember this part?"

"I'm blank." Kourtney admitted shakily.

EJ nods, smiling reassuringly and closes the binder. "Still got twenty four hours."

"And counting." Kourtney chuckled nervously.

"Okay, enough of this. You're dancing and you're gonna like it." Fallon teased EJ, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor, but before doing that she grabbed his binder and put it on a table. 

EJ panics a little when she did that and tried getting it back, but he knew she was right. He needed a break. "Yeah, maybe one dance wouldn't hurt." He smiled at her, squeezing her hands and followed her to the dance floor. 

"Lia," Ricky smiles at his secret girlfriend. "You wanna dance?" He asked, offering his hand to her.

"I would love to." Ophelia smiled softly, taking his hand. When they were on the dance floor, Ricky squeezed her hand.

"You look beautiful tonight, by the way." Ricky comments, earning a giggle and an eye roll from Ophelia. "I'm serious. You're literally stunning."

"Thanks, Ricky." Ophelia replies, staring at him fondly. "You look pretty handsome yourself for someone who looks like John Trevolta."

Ricky chuckles. "You're not the only one who told me I look like John Trevolta tonight." 

After the dance, Maddox eventually stood on stage, getting everyone's attention. "Hey, gang."

"We love you, Gadget." Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Thank you." Maddox smiles. "Just a...Just wanna make an announcement. Actually, it's not an announcement, it's an explanation. Sometimes I want things to go exactly my way, I push people away." She glances at Jet. "Good people who screwed up like I probably screw up, basically, every day. So, I thought I might sing something tonight."

"Shallow Lake song." A camper suggested and other campers cheered.

Maddox chuckles. "Actually, I had another idea. It's a song that used to be my favorite when I was little. It made me happy and it made my little brother happy and I think maybe we're ready to be happy again."

Jet sits up straighter at that, his eyes widening. "Maddie, I..."

"And I know we've had hundred ups and downs since then, but Jet, I wouldn't change a thing." Maddox smiled.

After Jet got on stage, the two siblings started singing 'I wouldn't change a thing' from Camp Rock 2. At one point of the song, Ricky gathered everyone to do a dance solo. The campers were lined up across from each other as Ashlyn and Ricky danced down the aisle first. Ophelia went down the aisle by herself, but she didn't seem to mind it. After them went Gina and Luca and when they got to the end, Gina kissed his cheek earning a smile and causing him to blush. Fallon then dragged a reluctant EJ over to the start of the aisle, but during it he got into it thanks to her and even at the end he dipped her. 

When Carlos and Seb got to the end, they got the mic from the siblings to get on stage. Apparently, Seb had showed up for Carlos and Ophelia thought that was so sweet. And it seemed as though Maddox's old girlfriend, Madison, had came to visit and they got to dance as well. 

After noticing Ophelia standing off to the side as everyone else is dancing with someone, Ricky walked over to her with a smile. "Need a dance partner?" He asked, taking hold of her hand.

"If it's you, then yes." Ophelia grinned, follow him to the dance floor. They danced together for the rest of the song, laughing and talking. At the end of the song, everyone cheered and clapped for Carlos, Seb, and Jet who finished off the song.

"Everyone, everyone, this is Madison of Mad and Mad fame." Maddox introduced the blonde to the others with a smile.

"What's up, Wildcats?" Madison smiled.

"We have heard so much about you." Ashlyn said.

Madison turns to Maddox with a grimace. "I have a long drive home."

"I know." Maddox nodded.

"You'll call when camp's over?" Madison asked hopefully.

"Like I could forget your number." Maddox replied with a smile.


After the dance was over, Ophelia and Fallon went to the Honeycomb Cabin to check on their friends. Turns out, Kourtney was finally ready to overcome her fears with climbing the rock wall. So the girls followed Kourtney to the rock climbing wall to support her. Maddox had helped her get on the climbing gear on before she actually climbed the wall. 

Ophelia, Fallon, Ashlyn, Gina, and Maddox stood by each other, watching proudly as Kourtney slowly began climbing the rock wall. They all cheer excitedly when Kourtney finally reached the top. The five girls wrap their arms around each other while Ashlyn smiles at Maddox. "Hey, Gadget? You know you're one of us now, right?" Maddox chuckled and smiled in response.


"Hey." Ophelia smiled at Ricky when they walked past each other. They both stopped, smiling at each other. Then she furrows her eyebrows, chuckling as she realized he was wet. "Why are you soaking wet?"

"It's this camp tradition thing where the boys pour ice cold water on themselves." Ricky shrugs. He smiles at her, stepping closer and intertwining their hands together. "But I had a blast wtih you tonight."

"Me too." Ophelia smiles softly in response, feeling butterflies swarm in her stomach at feeling his thumb run across the back of her hand. "It's just hard not acting like a couple around the others."

"I know." Ricky agrees, bringing her hand to kiss the back of it, causing Ophelia's smile to widen and her heart fluttered. "But we'll tell our friends about us when we're ready, okay?" She nods and squeezes his hand in response. "So I'm curious, who did you call with your free phone use?" Ricky curiously asked, nudging her shoulder playfully.

Ophelia giggles a bit. "I just called my mom. I missed her and you know how anxious I've been about the whole thing." She explains. Ricky nods in understanding, squeezing her hand to comfort her. "She just made me feel better. She always knows what to say to cheer me up." She grins at him and kisses his cheek. "Like you do."

He stares at her fondly. "Same goes to you." After they both stared at each other probably longer than they should, Ricky reluctantly pulls away. "We should probably get to bed." 

"Yeah." Ophelia sheepishly smiles. "Good night, Rick."

Ricky nods, smiling at her. "Night, Lia." They both walked separate ways with wide smiles on their faces.

A/N rickelia bringing it in with the cuteness i swear im gonna get overload cuteness with them

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