CHAPTER TEN, last night all together

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The play continued to be a success. And even at the end of 'A Night To Rember', Seb had stormed over to the gym to where Carlos was and kissed him. He then even yelled out to his dad, "This means we're a thing!" Ophelia was shocked he did that, but she was proud of him for finally admitting that to his dad and thought the moment between him and Carlos was sweet.

"This is your fifteen minute intermission." Maddox spoke through the speakers.

"See you in the dressing room?" Ricky whispered to Ophelia with a grin.

"Of course." Ophelia smiled at him, her heart skipping a beat at seeing the fond look in his eyes. She pulled him in for a kiss and giggled against his lips when he tried to pull her closer after she had first try to pull away. She finally managed to get out of his hold and walked away.

"Ophelia," Miss Jenn gets her attention back stage. "They need you for a quick sound check for the press conference in the auditorium. They just told me."

"But I really need to go meet-" Ophelia started, a frown tugging on her lips.

"Honey, I'm sorry. Hollywood waits for nobody." Miss Jenn apologized, grabbing her arm and pulling her over to auditorium despite her protests. 


"I'm here everyone! So sorry I'm late!" Ophelia called out as she rushed into the dressing room just minutes before Act 2.

Ricky's eyes lit up at seeing her and he looks relieved. "Hey, there you are. Where'd you run off to?"

"Look, I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you when we would meet up in the dressing room, but Quinn wants me to be in her new movie, and I just don't know what to do and I've had a lot on my plate and it's a lot of pressure and I'm freaking out and-" Ophelia rambled on, her words running into each other and her nerves getting the best of her.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Lia." Ricky cuts her off, chuckling lightly as he grabs her hand, intertwining their hands. "You're doing it again. When you ramble, your words run together and become a jumbled mess."Ophelia sighs and leans her head against his shoulder, trying to calm her beating heart. Ricky brings his arm around her and kisses her head. "It's okay. Just breathe. I'm here." Ophelia sighed, feeling her heart finally calming down. Ricky always knew what to say and do to make her feel better.

Ricky pulls back slightly just enough to look at her, but his hands still remained on her hips. "I get it." She looks at him with confusion as to what he was referring to. "I get why you're so nervous." He continues. "But just know that whatever decision you make, I'll support you. Yes, I would be very upset if you go to New Zealand and yes I want you to stay here so we can finish our senior year together and graduate together, but I would be supportive of you for doing that movie." He explains. Ophelia's face softens and her heart warms at how understanding and supportive he was being. "You are so talented and I'm so proud of you for getting that movie deal. You're amazing and talented and I'm so lucky to have you. Don't worry, baby, we'll figure things out, okay? We always do. Now come here." Ricky finished with a soft smile, wrapping his arms around her to pull her in for a hug.

Ophelia melts into his embrace, breathing him in. She could feel her body relaxing more. Her mind was still racing with everything and her anxiety was still present, but having Ricky holding her like this made her feel calmer. Ricky pulls back, keeping her close, his hand cupping her cheek, thumb stroking her cheekbone. "You okay?"

Ophelia nods and leans forward, brushing her nose against his. "Thank you. I needed that." She whispers, looking into his hazel eyes that were filled with love and adoration. Her heart fluttered and butterflies swarmed in her stomach, knowing that she was the reason for that. She leans in closer, their lips inches apart. "I love you." She whispered against his lips.

Ricky smiles softly, his lips brushing against hers. "I love you too." He whispered back, pressing his lips against hers. He moved his hands to cup her face, the kiss soft and gentle. Her hands reached up and wrapped around his wrists, feeling the warmth from his touch. She melted into his kiss, her mind becoming clear and her worries melting away. She felt safe and secure with him, knowing he would protect her and would always be there for her no matter what.

"I have a gift for you." Ricky mutters against her lips, causing her to pull away slightly with a curious look. "I was going to give it to you during intermission, but then you got pulled away from me."

"Which I'm really sorry about." Ophelia grimaces, feeling bad for ditching him like that. "Quinn needed me for-"

"It's okay, Lia. No need to explain yourself. I know you're busy and it's a crazy time for you right now." Ricky interrupts, not wanting her to feel bad or think that he was mad at her. He didn't feel that way at all, he knew how crazy things were for her and how hectic things were, he was just glad he had gotten a minute to talk to her and see her. "You're here now., that's all that matters." He pulls out a small black box and Ophelia gasps softly, staring at the box. He opens it and shows her the silver necklace with heart locket and had a picture of them in it. "It's a promise necklace. Don't even know if that's a thing, but I'm making it a thing." Ophelia chuckles softly along with her, staring at him with love and adoration the same way he stared at her. "Like a promise ring. It's a promise that I will always be there for you, no matter what." He pauses for a moment, staring at her and admiring her beauty, thinking of his next words. "Because you're my home."

Ophelia feels tears welling up in her eyes, overwhelmed by how much he cared for her and loved her and was completely and utterly amazed at how he was the one for her. He was the man of her dreams and was the love of her life and she wouldn't have it any other way. "I promise that too. And you're my home as well, Ricky Bowen. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Ophelia Roberts." He replied, smiling softly as he leaned in, capturing her lips with his own. Ophelia smiled against his lips, her hands going around his neck and his hands falling to her waist. The kiss was soft and sweet, full of love and adoration and promises. The kiss held meaning, a promise of always being there for each other no matter what, a promise of love and happiness and a promise of a future together. They were both excited to see what the future held for them and were ready to face it together.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" Ricky murmured when they pulled away from the kiss.

Ophelia nods. "Yes, please." She replied. Ricky takes the necklace out of the box and puts it around her neck. Once he's done, she turns around and stares at herself in the mirror, touching the necklace gently. The necklace was simple, a silver heart locket on a thin chain, but it meant the world to her. It was a reminder of Ricky and how much he loved her, and she would treasure it forever.

"It looks beautiful on you." Ricky speaks up, coming up from behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Almost as beautiful as you."

Ophelia chuckles softly, her heart fluttering and her cheeks heating up. "You're such a sap, Bowen."

Ricky laughs, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Only for you, Roberts." He replies, giving her a cheeky grin. "You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

"I know. I'd do anything for you too." She replies, turning around in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes and losing herself in his warm gaze. "You're the best boyfriend ever, Ricky Bowen."

"And you're the best girlfriend ever, Ophelia Roberts." He replies, giving her a peck on the lips. "You ready to kick butt on stage?"

Ophelia grins, her nerves fading away and excitement filling her. "Definitely."

Sadly they had to pull away because Ricky needed to go on stage with the boys for his next scene and she had to go change for her next scene. But she noticed EJ was now Coach Bolton. Fallon was in the dressing room also and she explained to her that Maddox had accidentally broke something on the sound system and now it had to be done manually so Mr. Mazzara was working with that and EJ had to be Coach Bolton for him. Ophelia just hoped that everything would work out good in the end because a lot was going on. She wanted tonight to be perfect. And so far despite it being a little chaotic, it was the most perfect night ever.


"So, here's the thing," Ricky said to Ophelia. The two were now on a fake balcony of a house for their next scene together. "Your freshmen honors program at Stanford?" He recited, turning to look at her.

"How did you hear about that?" Ophelia asked, pretending to sound surprise.

"A lot of people have heard about it." Ricky replies. "I wasn't one of them. Why?" He acted as if he was hurt and confused.

"Because I knew what you would say." Ophelia sighed, shaking her head.

"Of course you should do the honors program. Is that what you were trying to tell me in the backyard the other day?" Ricky questioned, tilting his head to the side.

Ophelia nods. "One of the things."

"Okay. What else?" Ricky recited.

"I've been thinking about trying to talk my mom into staying at Albuquerque another year. I'll just take some classes here and go to Stanford when I'm ready." Ophelia spoke.

"You can't put off something as amazing as Stanford." Ricky tells her, walking closer to her.

"You have to go. It's the right thing to do." Ophelia was starting to think he was not only reciting the script, but also telling her she should go do the movie in New Zealand. Her heart ached at the thought.

"But I always do the right thing. Maybe I wanna be a little crazy this time. I mean, everything about my life has been full speed ahead. I told you, I wish it would all just slow down. To a stop." Ophelia confessed and she honestly meant every word. So much has been going on, she just wished it would slow down.

"We're going to graduate. That's going to happen. We can't slow down time." Ricky replied.

"I guess my heart just doesn't know it's in high school." Ophelia said sadly. She felt like she could relate to this line on a deeper level. She felt her heart wasn't in high school anymore, it was with her career. It was hard to be in school and be acting, and then be in rehearsals. She loved the theater and her friends and her family, but she loved acting too and it was taking a toll on her.

"Well..." Ricky started his line, but Ophelia interrupted him with her line.

"Troy, you don't have to say anything else. I'm a lot better at goodbyes than you, I've had a ton of practice." Ophelia then leaned in to kiss his cheek before the scene ended.


Ricky waited in the wings, watching Ophelia sing part of 'Walk Away' and she was doing amazing as always. He could listen to her sing all day and never get tired of it. Whenever Mack came over to stand by him, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. "Oh, great. Mark." He sarcastically said.

"Wow boy. You're actually killing it tonight." Mack commented, sounding a bit surprised as he smiled a little.

"Thanks for the 'actually', Romeo." Ricky replied, annoyance laced in his voice.

Mack grimaces. "Oof, Shakespeare intimidates me."

"You intimidate me." Ricky tells him, earning a surprised look from Mack. "Seriously. I'm angry at how good you were in 'Mark and Spark'. That episode where you had to preform emergency gallbladder surgery on the dog? It ruined me."

"Wait, the network hated that episode." Mack admitted.

"Well, then the network is dumb. I wish there were, like, thirty-eight more episodes of that stupid show." Ricky confessed with a grumble. He really didn't like to admit it, but he liked the show.

Mack chuckles. "You know, that was a real gallbladder. The entire episode was my idea."

"Well, then you're genetically blessed, you're brilliant, and you end up with Juliet in the end." Ricky bitterly said. "Congrats, Mack. I guess some nice guys really do finish first." He didn't mean to sound so bitter or jealous, but he was. He couldn't help it because now his girlfriend as going to film a movie with Mack in New Zealand and he wouldn't be there with her.

Meanwhile, Ophelia walks onto the prop balcony and began singing 'Walk Away' from 'High School Musical 3'. "I guess I should've known better to believe that my luck had changed. Oh, I let my heart and forever finally learn each other's names. I tell myself this time it's different, no goodbyes 'cause I can't bear to say 'em. I'd never survive the one that's coming if I stay. Oh, no. Just walk away and don't look back..."

"Be good to her." Ricky said to Mack, gaining his attention again. "Just, um, please take care of her in New Zealand." He knows Ophelia needs to go along with the movie deal, she can't give up an opportunity like this. And since he can't be there with her, he wants to know that someone will be taking care of her. Mack nodded, sending him a small smile before walking away.

"You know I'm strong, but I can't take that before it's too late." Two people walk by, holding up a car prop. "Oh, just walk away." Ophelia walks over to the window of the car prop. She then walked along off to the wings with the people holding up the prop as the song ended and everyone applauded.


Finally it was the curtain call which was when they sang 'High School Musical'. The show was a big success and everyone loved it. The cast hugged each other and celebrated each other, but Ophelia knew she couldn't stay long. She had to change and get ready for the press conference.

"I'm sorry, Rick, I gotta go. I have to get changed for the press conference." Ophelia told him with a frown, feeling bad.

"Hey, it's okay. Go ahead." Ricky said, giving her a soft smile. "Go get ready." He cupped her face and kissed her. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning into the kiss. She didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to.

"I love you." She told him once she pulled away from the kiss, her forehead pressed against his.

"I love you too. You got this, Lia." Ricky told her with a smile, giving her a peck on the lips. She smiled and reluctantly pulled away, waving goodbye to him.

Meanwhile, back in the bomb shelter, Miss Jenn was explaining to the teens why Ophelia and Maddox were gone. "Okay, kids, listen up. Ophelia has something big she's about to tell everyone. But she didn't want to ruin our night by telling you before the show. And she's about to come in here looking like a movie star. And we should just...We should just cheer her on and support her." Everyone nodded in response, looking confused and murmuring amongst each other after Miss Jenn said that.

"Any minute now. She'll be here." Miss Jenn said before Ophelia hadn't come in the room yet.

"I guess I'll say something? You know, just in case this is the last time we're all in the same room?" Ricky offered, feeling the tears already start to well up in his eyes. He couldn't help it.

Ricky stands up front while Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara stand by the others. "Uh...For the longest time, I thought that being happy was something that you arrived at. You know, uh...And when you got there, you were just there. But, uh, I guess I'm realizing that, um, happiness is something that comes and goes, you know, like people or the weather in Utah." Everyone chuckled softly at that. The weather in Utah was always changing.

"I just wanna say since this is the only time we'll all be in our graduating gowns together, that if I hadn't found this program or, um, no if this program hadn't found me...I don't know what would've happened to me. I don't know where I would've ended up, you know? Because no one really believed in me. No one but well, Ophelia." Ricky admits with a small shrug, his lips curling up into a small smile at talking about her and thinking of her. "No one really accepted me and no one really saw me before her or you guys, you know? This is the second best thing that's ever happened to me. First being Ophelia of course." Chuckles filled the room once more when he said that. By the time Ricky was done with his speech, he was crying and his voice was shaky.

"Ricky, you don't have to say it like it's over." Kourtney frowned, tears brimming in her eyes.

"But...Yeah." EJ agreed with a small smile.

"It's never smart to count on tomorrow when all you've got is...You know?" Mr. Mazzara smiled, glancing at Miss Jenn.

Miss Jenn nods, looking back at Ricky. "Tonight."

Ophelia then finally walks into the room, wearing the dress she had picked out in the dressing room earlier. Her black hair was curled, she had makeup done to match her dress, she wore light pink heels that she was somehow walking in and not falling and she wore a bracelet and some rings. Ricky turned around, feeling like his breath was taken away when he saw her. He was completely stunned and his heart fluttered.

"Ophelia Roberts, you're a vision." He breathes out, walking over to her. Her cheeks warmed up and she smiled shyly at him. "Hi, my girl." He murmured, taking her hand and leaning over to kiss her cheek. Her heart fluttered as he called her his girl, her smile growing.

"Hey, you." She replied softly, smiling shyly at him. He grinned and leaned in, kissing her cheek once more. He intertwined his hand with hers, guiding her over to the others, who were smiling at them with fond looks.

"Hi, guys." Ophelia greeted with a soft smile, noticing everyone was smiling at her which made her feel a bit self-conscious.

"Maybe everyone should sit down for this." Miss Jenn suggested, knowing it was best they should sit.

"Already there." Fallon admitted, holding her hand up as she sat down on the stands. EJ chuckled softly, smiling at her with a bit of amusement. When he sat down by his girlfriend, he wrapped his arm around Fallon's shoulders and kissed the side of her head. She smiled, her cheeks turning a bit red as she leaned into him.

"I don't even know what to say that won't make me cry." Ophelia said honestly, trying not to cry as she looked at her friends and the adults who were there for her. They were all so supportive of her and she loved them all. ""I was told by the makeup people not to cry before the press conference so my makeup isn't ruined. We'll see how long that lasts." She jokes, chuckling a little with everyone else. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "Okay, so, Quinn casted me to be her leading lady for her next movie and a limo is waiting for me outside. I'm going to fly to New Zealand in probably twenty minutes which sounds absolutely insane. All of this feels like a dream, I still can't believe it's happening." She grimaces when she realized something and glances at Mr. Mazzara. "Sorry about mentioning New Zealand, I know that was a tough subject to talk about with you after you were in Six Below Zero."

"It hurts less now." Mr. Mazzara told her, giving her a small smile. Ophelia smiled back, relieved he wasn't hurt anymore. She then continued.

"I can't thank you all enough. I mean, you've changed my life. You guys helped me become who I am today. I owe everything to this theater program and the amazing people in it. I'll never forget the time we had here. I'll never forget any of you. I never once thought I would be where I am. I mean, a couple years ago I never had the guts to sing in front of anyone and I never wanted to act. But now I love acting and singing and dancing. You guys brought that out in me. You guys changed me." Tears started to fill Ophelia's eyes and she felt herself get emotional. Ricky stood up and went over to her, wrapping an arm around her and rubbing her arm in comfort. She sniffled and leaned into his touch, wrapping her arm around his waist.

"You guys pushed me and encouraged me and not gave up on me. I don't think I could ever repay you for that. But now I have to leave you guys for so long and be Juliet in this like million dollar movie in New Zealand in this 'Romeo and Juliet' movie which is based on the play. It's just all so crazy. It's the perfect opportunity for me to get started in acting. I just wish I didn't have to leave you guys." Tears fell down Ophelia's cheeks and she tried wiping them away, but the tears wouldn't stop falling. She grimaces as she had trouble holding in the tears. "Man, the makeup crew is gonna be upset with me. I'm already such a mess." She sniffled, causing Ricky to chuckle softly along with the others and he even leaned over to kiss the side of her head.

"Ophelia, you have no idea how proud we are of you." Luca said softly. "You're going to make it big someday, I know it." He gave her a warm smile and she smiled back.

"Thanks, Luca." She sniffled, glancing at Ricky, who was smiling at her. She smiled back, her smile growing when he kissed her forehead and hugged her tighter. She was so glad to have him by her side. She was sure she would be a sobbing mess by now if he hadn't come over and comforted her.

"This isn't gonna be a goodbye," She continues, smiling a bit as she wiped the rest of the tears from her cheeks. "I hate goodbyes. This is more of a, 'I'll see you later', because we will see each other again. I just don't know when, but I'll be back someday. This won't be the last time you guys see me. You can't get rid of me that easily. I'll miss you guys so much. You guys have been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you all. But first, I just wanted to say, Fallon, my best friend, my sister, my ride or die," She starts, looking at the brunette-haired girl with a sad smile. Fallon was crying as well by now and she sent Ophelia a sad smile, hugging herself as she leaned into EJ's side. "You have no idea how much I'm gonna miss you. You are the best friend a girl could ask for and you are the sister I always wanted. You're so crazy in the best way possible and you're definitely gonna be a famous dancer one day, I know it. You're one of the best dancers I've ever seen and you're amazing at it. You're so talented and sweet and so loving. You've helped me out a lot and I'm so thankful to have met you. You're stuck with me and you'll never get rid of me, even if you try to. I'm here for you no matter what, Fallon. I love you so much, Fal."

"I love you too, O." Fallon replied with a soft, emotional smile.

"Luca," Ophelia takes a deep breath to try and calm herself down as she continues. She still had a lot of people she needed to mention. "Luca, you're one of my favorite people. You have come so far too, you're so different from the shy boy I first met. I'm so glad we got to meet and get to know each other. You're so talented with playing guitar which I'm lowkey jealous about because I can't play anything, I'm horrible at it. But that's not the point." She chuckles a little bit, the others joining her. "You're a great guy, Luca, and I'm so glad that you found someone like Gina who loves you for who you are. You two are adorable together and I'm so happy for you both." Luca smiled and nodded, his smile growing when Gina kissed his cheek. Luca glanced at her with a fond look, squeezing her hand he held.

"Gina," Ophelia continues, gaining the attention of her best friend. "I can't even begin to explain how much I'm gonna miss you. I gotta be honest, you intimidated me a lot at first because you were like this perfect dancer and singer. You're just so good at everything. And you're just so confident and brave. You're the most fearless person I've ever met, Gina. And you've taught me a lot about myself and helped me be more confident and brave too. We've gotten a lot closer over the year and now I consider you one of my best friends" She confessed, making Gina smile warmly at her despite the tears in her eyes.

"You're one of my best friends, O." Gina nodded.

"Kourtney, my favorite designer," Ophelia grins, looking at the dark-skinned girl with a warm smile. "You're a literal fashion goddess, Kourt. You're fashion is always on point. You're really talented and creative. And I'm so glad I met you. You're so brave for overcoming your fears and you're so confident and inspiring. I admire that so much, Kourt. You're so funny too. And so sassy. But also so sweet. And you're the Elsa to my Anna, always." She added.

"Always, O." Kourtney smiled, trying not to cry as she smiled at her.

"And Carlos," Ophelia looks over at Carlos with a smile. "Carlos, I'm gonna miss your humor. You're always making me laugh. You're such a funny guy and you're really sweet too. You have a heart of gold, Carlos, and you're so caring. I'm really gonna miss you."

"I'm really gonna miss you too." Carlos gave her a sad smile as she nodded.

"And Seb," She turns her head to look at the blonde-haired boy. "You're so kind and so sweet. You're like a ray of sunshine. You're just always so happy and you're a really positive person. I admire that a lot. You're so talented with singing and playing the piano, it's amazing. And I'm glad we got closer during this school year."

"Me too. Thank you, Ophelia." Seb smiled, making Ophelia smile.

"And Ashlyn," She turns to look at the red haired girl. "It's thanks to you that I got the courage to sing in front of someone in the first place. You were the first person I ever sang in front of. And you're such a sweet, caring and supportive friend. You always help me out and you're always there for me. Thank you so much, Ash. For everything."

"Of course, O." Ashlyn smiled warmly at her.

"EJ," Ophelia looks over at EJ with a smile. "I'm gonna miss you. You're a great friend, EJ. And I'm so happy for you and Fallon, you guys are perfect for each other. You guys have grown a lot this year. Both of you. It's really cool to watch. You're so supportive and loving and caring, EJ. I honestly didn't really like you at first, but you grew on me. And I'm glad we got close. But I swear I will come back and kick your butt if you ever hurt Fallon."

"Noted." EJ chuckles, smiling a little. "But you don't have to worry about that. I would never hurt her." He added, looking at Fallon with a fond smile. Fallon's heart fluttered and she smiled back at him. Ophelia smiled softly and nodded.

"I'm counting on that." She said and then looked at Big Red with a smile. "Big Red, we've been best friends for so long, it feels like. You've been there for me for as long as I can remember. You're so smart and witty and just a good guy. I'm so grateful to have you in my life, Big Red. Thank you for always being there for me. Also I'm really jealous that you went abroad for awhile and got to see all these cool places. But I'm so glad you came back." She added, chuckling softly.

"Me too. I'm gonna miss you too." Big Red said softly with a sad smile.

"Jet," Ophelia turns to the dark-skinned boy, her lips curling up into a smile. "Honestly, you intimidated me a little. You seemed like this tough mysterious guy who didn't talk much. But now I see that you're actually a sweet guy and that you care about your friends and family. You're also really talented with singing. But yeah, I'm really glad we've became friends and that we're closer now. You're a good friend."

"So are you. I'm gonna miss having you around." Jet nodded with a smile.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Jet." Ophelia smiles softly. "And by the way, if you don't confess your undying love to Kourt anytime soon, I'm gonna come back and smack you." She threatens, causing the others to laugh. Jet's cheeks turn red and he sends Kourtney a glance before looking back at Ophelia and nodding. "Because it really is your loss if you don't." She added, her lips curling up into a grin as Kourtney's face flushed. Jet glanced at her with a fond smile, his own cheeks reddening a little.

Ophelia glances at the freshmen girl, smiling warmly at the brunette. "Emmy, you're the sweetest. You're such a talented singer. Your voice is amazing. Honestly, you're kind of intimidating too, the way you find things out so easily like a spy. But you're a really good person. I'm so glad I got to know you."

"I'm really glad I got to know you too. I'll miss you, O." Emmy smiled warmly at the girl as she sniffled.

"Miss Jenn," Ophelia sniffles as she turns her head to look at Miss Jenn, giving her a sad smile. "I'm going to miss you so much. You've pushed me to grow and to get over my fears. I've learned a lot from you and you're a really amazing teacher. Honestly, you're so much more to me than a teacher. You taught me the importance of believing in yourself and being confident. And I'm forever thankful for that. Thank you for taking a chance on me and helping me grow."

"Of course, Ophelia." Miss Jenn said softly, smiling warmly at her while she had teary eyes. "You've come so far and I'm so proud of you." Ophelia's lips curled up into a smile and she nodded, feeling a few tears fall down her cheeks.

"And Mr. Mazzara," Ophelia looks at Mr. Mazzara, her lips curling up into a smile. "I've always thought you were a cool teacher. Maybe a little strict and intimidating. But still cool. You've really opened my eyes about the importance of science and stuff. And you've taught me a lot about hard work and dedication. You've inspired me to do better and be better. Thank you, Mr. Mazzara."

"You're welcome, Ophelia." Mr. Mazzara nodded with a small smile.

"And Ricky Bowen," Ophelia continues, her smile growing as she turns to look at Ricky. He was smiling at her, his heart fluttering as she stared at him with the same adoration. He felt himself falling more in love with her as he listened to her and her speech. He felt so proud of her and his heart hurt because she was leaving soon. Ophelia sniffles, wiping the tears from her cheeks as she looked at him. She takes a deep breath, smiling fondly at him as she turns to face him, her hands resting on his arms. "Ricky, you have no idea how much you mean to me. You have changed my life completely. In the best way possible. Meeting you was one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Being with you makes me so happy. It's hard to put into words how much I love you. When I'm with you, it's like time stops. All the stars align. And I feel like I'm home." Ophelia confesses, causing the others to 'aww' at her, her cheeks turning red and Ricky's face had turned red too as he smiled warmly at her, his heart fluttering at her words. Tears starts filling her eyes again and she sniffled, trying to blink them away. "I'm really gonna miss you, Ricky. I wish I didn't have to leave. The thought of not seeing you for so long is killing me. It's gonna be so hard to be away from you. I love you, Ricky. You mean the world to me and I don't know what I'm going to do with not being able to see you all the time..." Her voice trailed off while her bottom lip quivered and tears fell down her cheeks. She sniffled, her heart pounding in her chest as her breathing quickened. She had more she wanted to say, but she couldn't hold the tears in anymore. Ricky's smile drops as he frowned, his heart aching at the sight of her. He hated seeing her cry.

Ricky pulls her into a hug, hugging her tightly and her arms immediately wrapped around his torso as she buried her face into his chest, crying into his shirt. The others all watched them, frowning and their eyes getting teary as they watched her cry. Fallon started crying again, causing EJ to pull her closer as he tried to blink away his own tears. Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara was trying to hold back in tears. Big Red was sniffling, his eyes watery, the same was for Jet, Emmy, and Maddox. Ashlyn, Seb and Carlos were also starting to cry. Luca and Gina were comforting each other and Kourtney was trying not to cry.

"Ophelia," Ricky whispers softly, pressing a kiss on the top of her head as his hands ran up and down her back, rubbing it soothingly. "Breathe, babe. You gotta breathe." He coaxes, causing her to take a deep, shaky breath and exhale. She does it a couple of times until she had calmed down, her crying dying down a bit. He had continued to rub her back comfortingly, trying to soothe her. Ophelia takes another deep breath before pulling away, looking up at him. He gives her a soft, reassuring smile and she returned it with a sad one. "Better?" He asked and she nodded as she sniffled. He cupped her face, wiping her tears away with his thumbs and pressed a lingering kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes, smiling softly as he pressed another kiss on her nose and one on her cheek.

"You're the strongest person I know, Ophelia," Ricky begins, his lips curling up into a soft smile. "You're the most bravest, most strong-willed and amazing person I know. You can do anything you put your mind to, baby. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing what you love. And remember, no matter what happens or where we are, we will always be together." He assures, his hands still cupping her face and his thumbs rubbing her face gently. Ophelia smiles warmly at him, nodding while butterflies swarmed in her stomach. "I love you so much." He whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back, her smile growing a little as her heart fluttered when he kissed her forehead.

Ricky wraps his arms around her, pulling her into another hug and she hugs him back tightly, burying her face into his chest. Her eyes started to water again and she sniffled. After a few moments, she pulled away from the hug and sighed, wiping her eyes as she turned to look at the others.

"I'm sorry for being such a downer, I didn't mean to." Ophelia chuckled, her voice a little shaky and her eyes watery as she looked at the group.

"It's fine, Ophelia. You have nothing to apologize for." Miss Jenn reassured her.

"Wow." Maddox said with surprise as she walks into the room. She didn't expect to see everyone so sad. Ricky and Ophelia pull away from each other, but they keep an arm around each other. "Um, we need you in the auditorium." Maddox sent an apologetic look to Ophelia, who took a deep breath and nodded in response.

"Wait, Maddox, are you-" Ashlyn asked with surprise as she stood, looking at the girl with wide eyes.

"I am." Maddox nods. "I'm supposed to do the movie too. And I didn't, um, I'm so sorry." She apologizes, frowning at Ashlyn. "I didn't know how to tell you after...You know..." Ashlyn nodded with a frown and sat back on the stands, looking sad now.

A makeup artist came in after Maddox, heading over to Ophelia to fix her makeup. She had a tear stained face and her mascara was ruined. She sent the makeup artist an apologetic look.

"Sorry about that." Ophelia mumbled, making the makeup artist chuckle softly and shake her head.

"No worries, sweetie." The makeup artist assured, making Ophelia smile.

"You and Mack are gonna be late for your flight." Maddox spoke up with a warning tone, sending Ophelia a small smile.

"Ophelia," Miss Jenn speaks up as she stands. Ophelia glances over at her when she stood. "Never forget, tonight or any night. You can take the girl out of Salt Lake, but you can't take Salt Lake out of the girl." Ophelia's lips curl up into a smile, nodding in response.

"Thank you for everything, Miss Jenn." Ophelia said sincerely.

"Of course." Miss Jenn smiled, trying not to tear up again.

"I love you, guys." Ophelia smiled warmly at her friends.

"We love you too." They said in unison. Ophelia's smile grew and she nodded, tears filling her eyes again. She quickly blinked them away, not wating the makeup artist to have to redue her makeup again.

Ophelia walks over to Ricky and wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back, pressing a kiss on her head. "I'll see you later." She mumbles, pulling away and giving him a small smile. "I love you, Rick."

"I love you too, Lia." He said softly, his heart fluttering a little as he watched her walk towards the exit. She followed Maddox and the makeup crew out of the room and to the auditorium.

A/N ricky & ophelia have my heart, i love them so much ! im gonna miss writing them so much 

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