CHAPTER TEN, the field trip

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"Good morning, East High." Fallon smiles at the camera, fiddling with the ring she wore on her right index finger. "Welcome to the East High Morning Show." 

You might be wondering why was she on the morning show? EJ is the only reason why. He was already on the show and needed a co-host and so he asked her to be his co-host. Of course, she agreed because one she didn't have anything better to do and it was very hard for her to say no to EJ when he used the puppy dog eyes on her (which EJ was quick to find out and honestly sometimes uses this to his advantage).

"I'm Fallon Myers." Fallon introduced herself.

"And I'm EJ Caswell." EJ chimes in. "And we're co-hosting the first-ever East High Morning Show." He smiles, shrugging his shoulders. "'Cause I'm the president of the AV club." 

"And," Fallon drags out the word she said and putting emphases on the word. She smiles, pointing at herself. "I'm his only friend who agreed to do it."

EJ looks at her with an unamused smile while she glances at him with an amused smile and shrugs. "That's right. Back to you, Fallon."

"Thanks, EJ." Fallon grins, looking back at the camera along with EJ. "Now, for our first-ever guest. You know her from The Rose Song that's been blowing up the East High Instagram."

"Oh, uh, quick reminder," EJ cut in, pointing at Fallon, causing her to raise her eyebrows at him. He looks at the camera with a smile. "Tickets for 'Beauty and the Beast' go on sale next week."

Fallon smiles and nods in agreement. "You are correct, EJ. Now, please welcome Nini Salazar-Roberts."

 "Whoo!" EJ cheered, clapping along with Fallon as the two teens stood and walked over to where Nini was sitting at with her ukulele.

Nini smiles at them. "Hey, guys! Thanks for having me."

"Oh," EJ presses a finger to his ear, pretending as if he had an ear piece in and heard someone talking to him. "This just in..." A small giggle escapes Fallon's lips, earning a smile from him. He looks at the camera. "Nini's song has over two thousand and five hundred views, making it the most viewed post in drama club Instagram history."

Nini looks at him with surprise and a wide smile on her face. "Are you serious?"

Fallon nods, smiling at her. "Songwriting skills, universal acclaim...Nini, how does it feel to be you right now?"

"Uh, feels good." Nini replied with a chuckle.


"Hey, Rick." Ophelia greeted her curly-haired best friend, walking up to him in the hallway. Today she wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans with the bottoms tie-dyed and tan colored flats. Her hair was curly, she were some rings on both hands, and she went with a simple style of makeup. She didn't wear much jewlery, just some rings on both hands.

(this is her outfit for this chapter & the next chapter)

Ophelia saw Ricky was standing in front of the tv, watching his girlfriend on the new morning show. She follows his line of sight and smiles. "Yeah, isn't that crazy with what's happening with Nini's song?"

"Yeah." Ricky agreed.

"I never got to speak to you about what happened at the acting intensive thing this weekend." Ophelia said, looking at him with concern. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Ricky sighs, shaking his head. "It was just stuff with my dad and Miss Jenn that made me upset. But they agreed it's best to not see each other." Upon seeing she still looked concern for him, he chuckles lightly and smiles at her. "Lia, I'm okay. Don't worry."

"Okay." Ophelia smiles softly. She chuckles upon realizing he called her 'lia'. Ricky chuckles too, glancing at her with raised eyebrows. "What?" He asked her.

"Nothing, it's just, it feels like forever since you've called me Lia. I didn't realize how much I missed it until you called me it." Ophelia admitted.

He smiles softly at her. "I know, I feel like we haven't really been able to hang out a lot either and I'm sorry about that."

"That's part of my fault too so I'm also sorry." Ophelia apologizes. "Hey, are you free next weekend? Maybe we could have a sleepover?" She smirks. "I could beat you in Mario Kart again."

Ricky scoffs, his lips forming into a smile. "More like I could beat you in Mario Kart." He nods as his smile widens. "But yeah, I'm free. That sounds like a great idea."

"Okay," Ophelia smiles at him. "Good."

"Hey," Big Red joins the two teens, pointing at the TV with a smile on his face "Is that Nini on the TV?"

"Yeah, and she's killin' it." Ricky replied with a smile.

"Wait. Are you actually fine with the song not being a duet?" Big Red asked him and Ophelia looked at Ricky curiously, also wanting to know the answer to this.

Ricky shrugs. "What else would I be? Hurt?" He scoffs. "Offended? It's a show tune, Big Red. It doesn't actually mean anything."

The trio looks back at the TV on the wall when Nini said, "But it means so much to me. So thank you guys both for your support." 

The trio exchange a look with each other and Ophelia chuckles lightly. "Yeah, something tells me that it does actually mean something."

"Well, there you go. Uh, I'm EJ." EJ spoke.

"And I'm, uh, FM." Fallon added, speaking in a mocking tone to mock EJ. EJ rolled his eyes playfully and nudged her. She giggled and nudged him back.

The trio looks back at the TV as EJ and Fallon both smile at the camera, speaking at the same time, "Good morning, East High!"

"Come on." Big Red said to Ricky, grabbing one of Ricky's arm.

Ophelia sympathetically smiled at the curly-haired boy, grabbing his other arm and she and Big Red dragged Ricky off to their first class the three of them shared. Ricky had been had been looking at the TV with wide eyes since Nini said the song meant a lot to her and didn't break out of his trance until his best friends dragged him away from the TV.


The main cast of the play were now in the costume room, conversing with each other. Ophelia was conversing with Luca and Fallon, the two girls celebrating over the fact that Gina was staying after Luca had told them the news. They figured Gina was staying after seeing her earlier during class, but they were happy to know that it was official she was staying. Plus they were also gushing about how Luca and Gina finally said 'i love you to each other which resulted in Luca turning a bright shade of red and hiding his face in his hands out of embarrassment. 

"Everyone, attention please!" Miss Jenn claps her hands to get everyone's attention and everyone grew quiet and brought their attention to her. "I'm sure you're wondering why I called this special midday drama club meeting.

"Oh, are you announcing the fall musical?" Seb excitedly asks. "I vote 'Dear Evan hansen'."

"Ooh, yes, a thousand times yes!" Fallon cheered, earning a few laughs from some of the cast.

"As you can tell, that musical is one of Fallon's favs." Ophelia commented.

"I literally have all the songs and even some choreography memorized by heart." Fallon grinned.

"No, Seb. It's March." Miss Jenn responds to Seb. She looks at him and Fallon apologetically. "And sorry but the rights won't be available for five years. I tried."

"Dang it." Fallon mumbled and crossed her arms, pouting as if someone she was a little kid who had their toy taken away. Luca chuckled lightly and patted her shoulder to comfort her while Carlos patted Seb's arm to comfort him after seeing the sad look on his face.

"I am announcing that we are in such a good place after our improv workshop." Miss Jenn grins. "We're getting one step closer to Menkies gold." She chuckles. "And today, our wonderful actor/designer, Kourtney Greene," She turns to Kourtney with a smile on her face. "Is going to show you your completed costumes!"

Everyone cheered loudly and excitedly after hearing that news. Nini then took a sheet off a clothing rack, revealing everyone's costumes and everyone continued to cheer.

"Speech! Speech!" Nini smiled encouraging at Kourtney.

"Okay, um, guess I'm making a speech." Kourtney chuckles. "I'm super excited for you all to see your costumes because..." The sound of an elephant is heard from her phone, interrupting her sentence. "Oh, uh, sorry, that's Howie. Anyway, with your costumes this semester, I really tried to..." The same elephant noise went off again, causing her to glance at her phone with a smile.

"Can you not keep your phone on silent in rehearsal, like everyone else?" Carlos questioned, smiling at Kourtney with annoyance.

"'Sorry, everyone' is what Carlos would say if he were more like me." Seb chimed in.

"Okay," Carlos looks at Kourtney apologetically. "Kourt, I am sorry, but listen to this captain from North High." He looks at his phone. "It took twenty people over fifty hours to create our Belle dress. Beast costumes ever.'"

"Terrible pun." Ricky shook his head.

"So true." Ophelia agreed.

"Lame." Kourtney added.

"On the day when we're unveiling our costumes? How did they know that?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, that's a lil suspicious." Ophelia nodded. It couldn't have been just a coincidence that North High posted about their costumes on the day East High was planning on unveiling their costumes.

Kourtney's phone went off again and she looked at it with a smile. "They've been trolling us for weeks, you guys, and I'm trying to not let it get to me..." Kourtney's phone interrupts his sentence, causing Carlos to look at Kourtney with annoyance. "Is your phone hungry? I don't understand what I'm hearing." Kourtney looked at him with offense.

"Okay, okay," Miss Jenn cut in before an argument could happen. "Let's get back to our costumes." She smiles at Kourtney. "Go ahead, Kourt."

"Anyway, took me a while," Kourtney goes over to the clothing rack, grabbing Gaston's costume to show EJ. She smiles at EJ. "But I built you some abs that would make Captain America proud."

EJ looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I have abs."

"EJ, everyone has abs." Kourtney gestures to the abs on the costume. "These are Kourtney originals. Oh, I also padded the tush for you."

"Oh, thanks, I actually need that." EJ chuckles, holding onto the costume. "This is amazing, Kourt."

"Oh, no problem." Kourtney waves a dismissive hand. She then clears her throat. "Next." She picks out Beast's costume next. "And every Gaston needs a Beast."

"Hey-o!" Ricky smiled, taking his costume from her. Meanwhile, Ophelia was holding the blue dress she would wear as Belle with a smile on her face. Fallon was holding her green dress she would wear. 

"O, you're gonna look incredible in that dress!" Fallon gushed.

Ophelia smiles shyly. "Thanks," She points at Fallon. "But you're gonna look incredible too!" 

"Oh, I know." Fallon grinned, twirling around and she giggled along with Ophelia.

"Oh, that's weird." The two girls bring their attention to Kourtney when she said that. "Your mask should be here." Fallon and Ophelia share a worried look. Kourtney glances at everyone. "Um, has anyone seen a Beast mask?"

"Nope." Luca replied.

"Haven't seen it." Big Red answered.

"We're too busy being obsessed with our costumes." Ashlyn smiled widely as she held hugged onto her Madam Wardrobe costume that rested beside her. Everyone chuckled at her and smiled. 

"You guys..." Carlos speaks up, gaining everyone's attention. "I know where our Beast mask is." He shows his phone to everyone and on it was North High's drama club Instagram post of their costumes. Everyone leaned forward to get a closer look and started asking what they were trying to look at since they didn't see anything out of the ordinary at first. 

"What are we looking at?" EJ inquired.

Carlos zooms in on the picture. "Look at the trunk." Everyone continued to murmur, still confused at what they were looking at. "Hello? That is obviously Beast fur. Look, it all makes sense. Our mask just happens to go missing on the same day they post this? They snuck in here and took it."

"I hate to sat it, but that did kind of look like a Beast mask to me." Ashlyn admitted.

Big Red nods in agreement. "Classic Beast."

Seb furrows his eyebrows. "Do you really think they'd steal from us?"

"I would." Gina answers, earning a nudge from Nini, who stood by her. She chuckles. "No, I mean, I used to be that kind of person, before the present day."

"We have to get even, right?" Big Red hesitantly asked. Kourtney pointed at him in a sign of agreement while others voiced their words of agreement.

"Yeah, of course." Ophelia answered.

"Well, duh." Fallon replied sassily.

Everyone began talking over each other as Carlos talks to Miss Jenn. "Miss Jenn, you have to at least say something."

"Guys, guys, guys. Enough." Miss Jenn gets everyone to calm down. "Do you really think North High would stoop so low as to sneak in here, break into the costume room, and steal Kourtney's work?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Carlos looks at his phone when it vibrates. Seb looks over at Carlos' phone to see North High posted a new Instagram post. "And they just posted something new, captioned 'North High's gonna steal your heart his spring'."

A look of disbelief forms on Carlos' face. "Are they a witch?" 

"At this point I wouldn't be surprised." Ophelia confessed and Fallon and Luca nodded in agreement.

"How do you explain these coincidences?" Carlos questioned.

"It's just that, a coincidence." Miss Jenn nods. "Now, I want you kids to keep looking for that mask and let the rest go. As I learned when I appeared in a regional production of 'Anything Goes' opposite a woman who once sued me for libel, you should never dance with the enemy. Understood?"

Everyone quietly replies with, "Yes, Miss Jenn."


Despite Miss Jenn telling them not to go to North High and just let the rest go, the group went to North High anyway. They all were gathered in the front entrance of the school, coming up with a plan.

"The plan is simple." Carlos starts. "Based on that Instagram post, the mask has to be in their costume shop. We know from their Instagram overshares that North High has dance rehearsal today, so they'll be in their dance studio."

Fallon and Gina exchange a surprised glance before they both look at Carlos with wide eyes. "They have their own dance studio?" The two girls asked at the same time.

"We're raiding their costumes and not leaving until we have our mask." Carlos continued.

Seb looks at everyone nervously. "Isn't this kind of trespassing?"

"It'll be fine." Carlos reassures him. "There'll be plenty of people still here after school for clubs. We'll blend in." The only one who would probably actually blend in was Ashlyn who was wearing North High school clothes. "Though, Ashlyn, you may have taken the camouflage thing too far."

"No, today, I am Diane." Ashlyn explains with a smile. "I play volleyball, and I love North High."

Big Red smiles at her and chuckles. "Diane, is it? How would you feel about dating a guy from East High?"

Ashlyn gasps, her smile turning into a grin. "Oh, a forbidden romance."

"Focus!" Carlos exclaims. "Who's gonna be the lookout?"

"I'll do it." Gina suggests and she scoffs after everyone looked at her with a bit of surprise. "If you leave me unsupervised with their costumes, I cannot promise I won't go all Gina 1.0 in there."

"I can stay with you if you want." Luca offered. He didn't like the fact she would be out in the hallway alone at this school where they didn't really know anyone. 

"Thanks," Gina smiles softly at him, intertwining her hand with and squeezes it to reassure him more. "But I'll be okay." Luca nodded and smiled back at her.

"Just stay calm and act natural, okay? You got this." Carlos said and he grins at everyone. "Everyone ready?" Everyone nodded and smiled at him.

Ricky is the one to put his hand in the middle first. He grins. "What team?" Everyone put their hands in the middle on top of his.

"Wait," Carlos quickly speaks, looking at everyone with wide eyes. "Maybe we shouldn't yell." No one listened to Carlos as they all yelled 'wildcats' as they raised their arms up into the air.

"Let's go." Ricky suggested. The group then broke apart and started to find the costume room.

Carlos sheepishly smiles and nods. "Strong start."


Luca was feeling bad about leaving his girlfriend all alone out in the hallway and even though he knew she could take care of herself, he knows he would just feel better if he was with her so he decided to go check on her. He was glad he got there at the right time because there was a North High boy talking to her and she looked uncomfortable.

"Hey, babe." Luca greeted, wrapping his arm around Gina's shoulders.

Gina smiles widely at him and Luca could tell by the look in her yes that she was relieved he was there. "Babe!" Gina wraps her arms around his waist and leans into him. "I'm so glad you're here." 

"So, we still on for risotto later?" Luca asked her.

Gina nods. "You know I would never miss risotto night." 

"And that's my cue." The boy from North High commented.

"Yep get a move on, buddy." Luca tells him, speaking not so friendly as he looks at him with a stern expression. "She's clearly taken." Gina could feel her face heat up as she glanced at him with surprise, not expecting this side of him. She never saw the angry, jealous or even possessive side of Luca so it like seeing all three traits at once. She honestly thought he didn't even have any of those traits because of how sweet and shy he was. 

After the boy left, the couple let go of each other as they share a laugh and faced each other with a smile. "Risotto?" Gina questioned, raising her eyebrows at him.

Luca shrugs, smiling shyly. "No idea where that came from." He chuckles. "Guess Miss Jenn's improv thing paid off."

"Yes, and also made you weirder." Gina chuckled.

"True." Luca agreed. 

"Thank you for coming to rescue me." Gina smiles at him. "I really appreciate it." 

"Yeah, you're welcome." Luca smiles brightly at her. "And I'm glad I got here in time." 

Gina nods in agremeent. "Me too." She tilts her head to the side, smiling at him with amusement. "You know, I was surprised you acted differently than you usually do. I didn't know you could be jealous, angry or possessive."

Luca shakes his head, his lips forming into a frown. He shrugs. "Yeah, well, I didn't like the way he was looking at you and I overheard when I was walking over to you that he asked for your Snap so yeah of course I was jealous and maybe a bit angry and maybe a bit possessive." He smiles apologetically, putting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he suddenly grows shy. "Sorry." 

"It's okay." Gina smiles softly at him. "Like I said earlier, thank you for coming to rescue me." She leans forward to kiss his cheek, earning a smile from him and the kiss on his cheek caused his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "I love you." 

The light shade of pink turned darker when she said that and Luca smiles widely at her. "I love you too." He chuckles in disbelief. "Wow, it feels so weird yet so amazing to finally say that."

"I know." Gina chuckled, smiling from ear to ear. 

Unbeknownst to the couple, Lily had been walking by and stopped when she saw them.


Meanwhile in the costume room, the rest of the main cast members were searching for the mask. "Okay, I need to sit down. These expensive costumes are bumming me out." Kourtney commented as she sat down.

"I know what you mean." Ophelia frowned, glancing at the gold Belle dress that looked fabulous. 

"You guys, my song has been viewed, like, thirty-five thousand times now." Nini grinned as she looked at her phone.

"Nini, that's great." Fallon smiled.

"No way." Kourtney commented.

"Crazy." Seb added.

"Wow." Ricky looked at Nini with surprise and a small smile. 

"Yeah, I keep getting all these DMs saying I should start a separate account for my music." Nini explained.

"Maybe you should." Ophelia suggests, smiling at Nini. "I mean, if you're liking writing your own songs maybe you should make a separate account and make new songs for that account."

"I would 100% follow it." Fallon chimed in and Ophelia nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, girls." Nini smiled at them.

"Is that something you want to do?" Ricky asked Nini.

Nini is quiet for a moment as she thinks this over. She exhales, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. It seems scary, right?"

Kourtney's phone goes off with another message from Howie. "I'm a little scared right now." Ricky admits, earning a concerned look from Ophelia. She exchange a confused look with Fallon. Why would he be scared? "Does that count?" Ricky questioned.

Kourtney chuckles, smiling from ear to ear at her phone. "Oh, Howie. I'm sorry, but is this normal? To not know someone very long, but already feel like you know them so well?"

"You know that's a thing called love at first sight." Fallon commented.

Nini then kicks the side of the trunk Kourtney is sitting on, causing Kourtney to look at her with offense. "Ooh. Sorry. Bad timing?"

"Kourt?" Nini said.

Kourtney glances at her with raised eyebrows. "What?"

"Wait, is that what I thank it is?" Ophelia asked, noticing some kind of fur sticking out of the trunk Kourtney is sitting on.

Fallon gasps when she saw it. "I might be thinking what you're thinking," She forms her hands at her side in fists as her blood boiled. "And if that's true then I always knew North High students were jerks."

"The box you're sitting on has fur stuck in the lid." Nini pointed out.

"Ooh!" Kourtney's eyes widen and she stood as everyone else who had been searching gathered by them all.

"Open it." Nini gestured for Kourtney to open it.

"Uh, you open it!" Kourtney argued.

Nini sighs, bending down to open it. "Why am I scared?"

Fallon instinctively moves closer to EJ, grabbing on his arm as well with a nervous expression on his face. "I'm scared for you, Neen."

Everyone gasps when Nini opens the trunk. Ophelia scoffs, crossing her arms. "Well, that was anti climatic."

"Hmm. It's just a bunch of very expensive-looking wigs." Nini noticed.

"I want one." Carlos frowned.

"Now you can stop digging your nails into my arm, Lonnie." EJ said, glancing at the girl beside him with an amused yet painful smile.

Fallon blushes with embarrassment, immediately letting go of EJ's arms and steps away from him. "Sorry."

Kourtney sighs. "I can't with this school's costume budget."

"So where's the Beast mask?" Ricky inquired.

When the door opens, everyone gasps as they see Lily walk in with Antoine and a girl who was playing Babette, walk into the costume shop. (the girl was shown on the North High drama club post which was why they knew who she was). With Ophelia standing next to Ricky, she had instinctively grabbed onto Ricky when the door suddenly opened. They were holding hands for a split second before they let go after three North High students walked in. 

Lily crosses her arms. "Hello, Wildcats."

"Bienvenue." Antoine greeted.

Fallon blinks, looking at him with confusion. "I'm sorry, what? I don't speak whatever language you're speaking."

"I said welcome." Antoine responded.

"Oh," Fallon nods. "Got it." She tilts her head to the side. "Why didn't you just say that to make it less complicated?"

"What are you all doing here?" Lily questions. "Scoping out the competition?" 

By this point Luca and Gina had joined the group, sharing a confused glance when they noticed the three North High students were there. "It seems like we've missed a lot." Luca whispered to her and she nodded in agreement.

"We came for our Beast mask." Carlos points at Lily. "We know you took it."

"Pardon me, but your costumes are most excellent." Antoine smiles. He tilts his head to the side, looking at Carlos with confusion. "Why would we steal your mask, when it is so, uh...I...We do not have a word for this in France, but in America, I believe you say 'fugly'?" 

Everyone gasps and Kourtney looks at him with offense. "What did you call my work?" She demanded.

Antoine outstretches his arm in confusion and shrugs. "Quoi?"

"Look, I'm sure your mask is supes cute." Lily compliments. "But we're just in different leagues. I mean, we're literally a quasi-pre-professional theater company, and you guys put on shows based on made-for-TV movies." 

"You guys literally do the same thing we do expect you have a better theater budget than we do." Ophelia remarked, sarcastically smiling at Lily when Lily looked at her with annoyance

"Now maybe you should listen to your precious 'High School Musical' and stick to the stuff you know." Lily suggested.

Seb scoffs. "Oh, yeah? What if we bop to the top?"

"Honey, no." Carlos told him.

"Let's just wait for the Menkies." Ricky said. "We'll see who's in what league then."

Lily raises her eyebrows. "Or we could find out now."

"What do you mean?" Big Red questioned.

"We challenge you to a good old-fashioned dance off." Lily challenged.

The main cast members of East High murmured with each other, looking at Lily with disbelief. Ophelia couldn't believe Lily suggested that. In her opinion, it was lowkey weird and wouldn't really help decide anything especially since they probably wouldn't have a judge. 

 "Really?" Kourtney raises her eyebrows. "A dance-off?"

Fallon looks at Lily with disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"A school-verses-school dance-off to a 'Beauty and the Beast' song chosen at random." Lily explains. "You'll do your version and we'll do ours." She smirks. "We'll see which school has what it takes. No costumes, no makeup, just talent."

"I'm sorry, no." Ricky shakes his head. "That's weird." He chuckled.

"Super weird." Ashlyn agreed.

"Even for me." Carlos nods. "Let's go, guys." Before they could all leave, Lily stopped them.

"Classic East High." Lily laughs. She crosses her arms. "Walking out of here with your tail between your legs. Just like your Miss Jenn did when she gave up on Broadway." Some gasps while others just looked at her with offense or glares. "And, you know, let's be honest," Lily looks straight at Ophelia with a smirk. "Maybe you're Belle just can't cut it."

Ophelia crosses her arms and even though she could feel her blood boil, she steps back and her heart did drop a little. She honestly felt like she wanted the floor to swallow her up. She wished she was good at standing up for herself. She never was good at that. 

"Okay, that's it, Barbie." Fallon remarks, death glaring at the blonde-haired girl and steps forward to attack her with her first raised. EJ's eyes widen and he was quick to grab her arms, pulling her back before she could attack Lily. He now had his arms wrapped around her arms to keep them in place. "You and me, right now." Fallon demands, struggling to get out of EJ's grip, continuing to glare at Lily, who was smiling at her with amusement. "Fight to the death." No one got to talk about her best friend like that and get away with it. Absolutely no one.

Ricky wrapped his arm around Ophelia's shoulder to comfort her, glaring at Lily. He couldn't believe she said that about Ophelia and to be honest he wished EJ would let go of Fallon so Fallon could punch Lily. He would've done it himself, but Ophelia looked like she needed some comfort right now. He knew he was helping because he could feel her relax under his touch yet she still had an upset look on her face. He rubbed her arm up and down, sending her a small smile when she glanced at him with the smallest of smiles. 

"No, I'm sorry, but nobody out-Belles our Belle." Gina quickly speaks up, walking over to stand in front of Lily. She looks at Lily with determination. "We are doing this."

"Good. Ten-minute warm-up, then we settle this, street-style." Lily spoke and left with the other two North High students and the East High students followed them out.

"Okay, I'm calm." Fallon whispered to EJ. EJ had let go of her, but he still had his arm around her waist in case she tried to spontaneously attack Lily. 

"You sure?" EJ asked, glancing at her with raised eyebrows, noticing the way she was trying to hide her anger with a fake smile.

"Perfectly calm." Fallon speaks through gritted teeth. She then nods to herself, sheepishly smiling. "Okay, yeah, you might still wanna keep ahold on me. I don't trust myself to not go after her if you let go now."

EJ presses his lips together, glancing at her with amusement. He nods. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

A/N so many different friendships & ships in this chapter & the next one, we love that lol. decided on a ship name for fallon & ej & it is myerswell !! also thought of a ship name for luca & gina but cant decide which one i like better so comment which one you like better gica or wiler ??

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