1: Danger!

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Name; Jamie
Location; Farmhouse cellar in the Black Hills.
Time; 0200

A buzzer rang, causing me to jolt in alarm. Somebody had entered the house! I glanced at the clock. It was two A.M. That could only mean trouble. I hurriedly rose from my desk, grabbing a bag of provisions from the mini fridge beneath and stuffing it into my pack. I grabbed some bottles of water and added them too, then carefully secured my laptop, Bible, notebooks, and a case of pens within.

A second buzz came, this one sending a flood of fear through my veins. It was the police. I pulled a hoodie over my head, using its length to cover the gun in its holster. I faced the mirror, studying myself as I tied my hair up. I was seventeen, but was often mistaken for older. With blonde hair and blue eyes, glasses, average hight, not petite but far from chubby. Not very many distinguishing features about me.

All the better, people would have a hard time picking me out in a crowd unless they'd seen me either at length or more than once. And it was nearly impossible for someone to recognize me from a simple description, they'd have to get a sketch or photo. But I wasn't worried about anyone having that, even if they did, it would be much harder for them to connect me to crimes.

Not that I considered what I was doing to be a crime. All I did was write about the truth. A third buzz sounded. It was time to flee, I had been discovered. I scanned the room again, trying to make certain nothing important would be destroyed.
I opened the tunnel entrance and quickly climbed into it, locking it behind me. 

I prayed for the others in the house as I crawled through the tunnel, praying that they would be able to flee. Boom! The safe room self-destructed behind me, destroying all evidence of my presence. If I was lucky, the rubble would cover the entrance to this tunnel for several days, maybe weeks, and I would be far away by the time they found my trail.

I crawled out of the hole through the floor of an old abandoned out-house half a mile from the building I had called 'home' for the last several months while hidding. I carefully exited the tiny building and peered around. Nobody in sight.

I stepped out and looked at the destruction of my home. In front of the rubble stood several cops and their handcuffed prisoners.

I counted. They were all captured. I was the only one to escape. I would have to make the journey alone. I felt my shoulders lower as I glanced around. The old farm was surrounded by bush, a good two miles out of the nearest town.

I took a deep breath and crouch-ran for the trees, keeping the outhouse between me and the police to stay out of sight.

Nobody knew me. By name, I was a regular citizen who spent a lot of time under the radar. My name was insignificant to the public and police. My pen name however, was a death warrent. I reached the bushes, disappearing from sight...

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