9: Lost.

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Name; Judd Martinaz

Location; Pingle, Black Hills

Time; 1:00 P.M

"-Abraham Lincoln was born in the year..." Judd wasn't listening, watching as his teacher walked back and fourth in front of the class. In his mind, the scene of the wreck played over and over, a repeating loop, as it had ever since he'd seen it. He hadn't told anyone. Didn't dare.

He glanced down at the empty page of his journal. He'd been a zombie since the wreck, but now he was getting tired of it all. What did he believe? He'd believed that everything was alright with the world up until now, but now he'd seen a man get killed for standing up for his beliefs.

He couldn't accept that it was a coincidence, but that left only one option; that the government was targeting those who didn't follow the system. Those who thought for themselves and refused to give up their harmless beliefs. 

If that was true, then Judd didn't want to live this lie anymore. But how could he change that? He didn't believe in God, so how would he explain his sudden determination to stop the government from discriminating against those who did? 

Research. That's what he would do. Figure out why religions were banned in the first place. Maybe there was a really good reason, and the government was just being too paranoid now...
Okay, I know, a bit of a short chapter. To be honest, I'm still figuring out what to do with this character...
If anyone gets good ideas lemme know!

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