Chapter 28

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Mr. Marlow held the usual crew briefing in the lobby, before the next shift started.

"This should be a fairly routine descent," he said, hands clasped behind his back. "We have two junior gymnastics teams aboard. Thus, the third level guest cabins are overrun with teenagers. Let's hope they stay out of trouble. Mr. Wetzel, the Ballroom will need to be prepared immediately, as the Owens-Carpenter wedding party has bumped their event start up to eight standard time." He paused, looking about. "Are there any other concerns?"

Mr. Wetzel cleared his throat. "Sir, if I may. The wedding party added an extra thirty guests to the roster, but we only ordered enough Detreaux Springs water for the original count. Whatever should we do? I've searched every vendor, to no avail. It's a disaster." He looked as if the entire world had collapsed onto his shoulders.

"Leave it to the concierge, Mr. Wetzel."


Mr. Marlow raised an authoritative palm. "I'll handle it, thank you. Very well, you all know what to do. Let's get started."

Lily went to her office, reclined in the comfortable leather chair, and crossed her ankles on the desk. She filed her pre-launch reports through Zora, with a few simple voice commands. Then she relaxed for several minutes, watching the screens before her. These panels displayed the status of every robotic network on the lift. Zora maintained almost everything, which made the drudge work easy. She was accustomed to managing entire systems on her own, from her previous work with Hir Zilejager and Delia.

The robots handled the mundane duties, like plunging toilets and fixing appliances. A fleet of thirty engineer and custodian models were all at her command.

This is looking pretty good, she told herself.

Barely an hour after launch, she received a call from security.

She answered, in her most professional tone. "Good day, Mr. Paynter. How may I be of assistance?"

"Good day to you, Miss Fairpoole," he said, with a little too much cheer. His features were lined and weathered on hologram.

"And, how may I assist you, sir?" It felt awkward to repeat herself.

"I've got a job for you. One of the new sentries. Big surprise there, right?"

She sighed. "What seems to be the issue?"

"Erratic behavior on patrol. We pulled it from duty, and I'm sending it to you for inspection." He tipped the brim of his hat. "By the way, it's nice to have another pretty face around here. Over and out."

What an odd man. She was glad when the malfunctioned sentry and its robotic escort arrived without their human supervisor. Robots were always easier to deal with than people.

She brought it into the shop, connected her display and the spray of filament cables. Speaking her interface commands, she accessed within seconds. The new technology didn't require fingertip sensors, but she wore them anyway. They provided higher accuracy, and it was how she'd always worked.

To her dismay, Mr. Paynter arrived to check on the status of his robot. She would have preferred him to call.

He waved the two sentries beside him away. "Return to patrol."

"Yes, sir," they said in unison, and trudged out the door.

She removed her display visor to face him. "I haven't found anything specific yet, but there's a string of suspect code in one of the core files. I'm tracing it. It'll just take a little longer to identify the source."

His eyes widened. "Damn. You actually know what you're doing. Not like that last sap we had in here."

"What do you mean?" Curiosity burned, though she hated gossip.

"Best way to put it is, he couldn't handle the rigors of your position."

"Did he quit, or was he fired?"

"Neither," Mr. Paynter said. He pulled a cigar out of his pocket, lit it, and puffed a fine circle of pungent smoke. "On his last descent, he just snapped. He ran into a convention dinner in the Ballroom, bare as the day he was born, and leaped through one of the crystal partitions near the lounge, laughing the whole time. The looney busters took him away in a straitjacket, right after we landed."

"Is that the truth, or just hearsay?"

"Documented and filed. Why would I lie about something like that?" He ashed his cigar onto the floor.

She was annoyed, but also shocked. "I believe smoking is against hotel policy."

He shrugged. "Mr. Marlow's reported me so many times for it. I've never been disciplined. No one gives a flying crap, and you'll discover it pretty quick. The ones who've been with this company longest, are the ones who care the least."

"I don't share that sentiment." Anger sharpened her voice. "You're making a mess around sensitive equipment. Please, leave. I'll send you a full inspection report upon completion." She put her display on, and turned her back to him.

"Heh." His footsteps retreated to the door. "So, you've got beauty, brains, and balls. That's a wicked combination."

She bit her lip, to stifle her insolent reply, and breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone.

Mr. Paynter was crass and infuriating. It would be difficult to curb her temper around him.

She focused on the task before her, navigating through the complex structures and columns within the sentry. It was a tedious approach, but foolproof. She wished she had her adapter. With her hacking skills, this would be over in minutes.

The thought of breaking into a complex system like Zora was tempting. It would require a team of synchronized accessors, and the most advanced hardware, but it would be a thrill.

"Let's get a better look at that cluster," she said, talking to the robot as she always did. "Lock and isolate, 36 line coord subnet K-2495. Display. So, that's what making you jumpy."

She found an incomplete branch of code. They were common syntax errors, the result of a random corruption, or a lazy programmer. She copied it, and corrected the broken lines. It took about fifteen minutes. A simple fix, but such a glitch could cause trouble, if not addressed promptly.

She sent a report of her discovery.

A call from Mr. Marlow chimed right after, and she answered.

He was poised, but the slight furrow to his brow indicated concern. "Good day, Miss Fairpoole. Meet me at the security office, on level three, within ten minutes."

"Absolutely, sir. Over and out."

As she was leaving, a flash across the security monitor drew her eye. Then another flickered in a striking pattern between the icons. The sentries were talking to each other, which wasn't unusual. But as she watched, she realized they were responding to an internal command, given by one of their own units.

She sensed trouble. Locking her office and shop, she ran down the stairwell, instead of taking the service elevator.

The security office was on the lowest level, next to the steel gate that led down to steerage.

Mr. Marlow stood in the corridor, listening with arms crossed, as Mr. Paynter elaborated with boisterous gestures.

"Every door was wide open," Mr. Paynter said. "The 5G unit walked down the hall, unlocking everything it passed. All of those gymnastics kids were causing a scene, rushing through the vacant cabins and supply closets. I shooed them out, and posted a fresh patrol. But Miss Gale has to clean and inspect it all over again, bless her heart."

"Unfortunately so," said Mr. Marlow. "I've asked Miss Fairpoole to assess the network. She's identified a glitch within the malfunctioned sentry already, according to her last message, and she should be here shortly."

"I'm here," she said. "And I have some interesting news. The sentries are issuing commands, and responding among themselves."

Mr. Paynter exhaled sharply. "That's not what I wanted to hear."

"Well, it's happening. I fixed the problem in the recalled unit, and we should apply it to the entire fleet."

Mr. Marlow paced. "When a malfunctioning unit attempts to link with Zora, it defaults. But sometimes, it shares the corrupted order across the network instead. We've seen it happen before, in several models manufactured by this particular company."

"I remember the last time," Mr. Paynter said. "The entire housekeeping fleet decided to start the next shift, and forced their way into the cabins. Lots of startled and angry guests, if I remember right."

"Have all of the new units sent to engineering," Mr. Marlow said. "Also, begin a full diagnostic on the security channels."

"Of course, sir." Mr. Paynter returned to his office, mumbling to himself.

Mr. Marlow cracked his knuckles. A stray lock of hair fell into his eyes, and he smoothed it back into place. "It appears your first descent is presenting the usual absurdity, Miss Fairpoole," he said.

"Not to worry. I'm familiar with random events, and disorderly robots."

"I believe you are." His hazel eyes were inquisitive. "If you don't mind, I have one more request."

"Certainly. How may I assist?"

"The original sentry units are in storage, down this hall. Reactivate a few, and connect them with Zora. I want them as backup."

"Right away, sir."

He thanked her, and returned to the concierge desk.

She found the storage room, went inside, and selected two units for activation.

When she delivered them to Mr. Paynter, he grinned. "I miss these already. They aren't as flashy as the new ones, but they do their job well."

The first 5G units arrived at her shop soon after.

Mr. Paynter sent her a message, stating that everything had passed the diagnostic. Apparently, Zora didn't register anything wrong.

The internal communication on the security network had also ceased. It was too quiet, and she continually watched the status panels.

Over the next few hours, she patched most of the faulty code in the sentries. Only two units remained. She saw them on the monitor, circling on patrol, but they ignored her commands to return.

She called Mr. Paynter at once.

"Good day, sir. I'm getting no response from Patrol Eight. Are you tracking them in Corridor B-4?"

He looked away from the hologram a moment, and grew stern. "I see them entering the Ballroom. What are those two metal dimwits doing? They aren't assigned to that level."

"Something's wrong, and I'm receiving no alerts from Zora."

"Neither am I." He coughed. "I'll go to the Ballroom, and bring them in myself. Alert Mr. Marlow if you see anything else suspicious. Over and out."

Mr. Marlow called soon after. "Good day, Miss Fairpoole. Did you recover the older sentries for me?"

"Yes, sir. They're at the security office."

"Thank you, for following orders." He sighed loudly, and closed his eyes, looking relieved. "Zora just dispatched them for me."

A beep on the security network screen indicated the reactivated units were on the move, but the rogue sentries were frozen in place.

"The 5G units have stopped in an odd location," she said. "It looks like they're stuck in a corner."

"I'm well aware," Mr. Marlow said, with a sardonic lift to one eyebrow. "I'm here in the Ballroom with them."

She didn't like the perturbed look on his face. "Is everything all right, sir?"

"I suggest you come and have a look for yourself. I've never seen anything like this. Over and out."

Her curiosity and worry stirred, and she raced up the access ramp to the top level of the lift, into the famous Scarlet Ballroom.

As she entered, she was smitten with the magnificent, unobstructed view of Earth and stars. The outer wall and ceiling were transparent, composed of the sturdy layered glass compound used in the colonies. There was also the option of manipulating the specialized gravity generators, providing the amusement of weightlessness.

The ostentatious decor varied in shades of red, with highlighting textures of bronze, brass, and chrome. Strips of red neon curled around the silver-etched pillars lining the inner wall. The polished stone floor reflected the lights in a crimson blur.

The Scarlet Ballroom was rated as one of the Top Ten most romantic venues in all of the worlds, by a notorious polling hub on the Net. People loved to hold special events here, and the Owens-Carpenter wedding party was no exception.

Everything had been arranged with utmost care and frivolity by Mr. Wetzel and his robots. Banners and streamers hung from every wall, column, and arch. All of the red lighting was dim, to enhance the horrid wedding colors. The odd shades of peach and bright green insulted her eyes.

It was a reception dinner, on its way back to Earth. She read about the event earlier, in Mr. Marlow's launch report, but she hadn't expected the unusual theme. It was obviously based on a recent holo-film, 'The Sheik of the Sands'.

About two hundred people packed the floor. At the center of the gathering, near the lounge area, was a magnificent pavilion of colored silk and tasseled ropes, cascading in exotic folds of the nauseating wedding colors. All of the guests wore costumes. Turbans, veils, and robes flowed in every pattern and hue. Everyone was oblivious to the glitched sentries in their midst.

A troupe of performers caroused upon a makeshift flying carpet, a hover platform with an expensive rug thrown over it. The crowd gathered around, dancing to the music of an upbeat jazz quartet. There were cheers as an oiled strongman swallowed a brightly curved sword. The camel tethered nearby brayed, and shook the bells and tassels on its harness, while a dancer smothered in beads and fringe romped to the music. She shook her Shimmy and tossed her heels more than actual belly dancing, grinning like an overactive child, a typically amusing flapper. There was even a snake charmer, playing to a basket of harmless serpents.

The bride and groom sat upon enormous cushions, beneath the most lavish overhang of the canopy. They fed fruit to each other off of an ornate platter, laughing as wine sloshed from their matching glasses.

Lily looked about the room, and saw the two 5G units standing in an opposite corner. They both were focused on a strange dancer in a tattered veil, perched on a decorative balcony above them.

Mr. Marlow stood near the lounge, tall and debonair in spite of the troubled clench of his jaw. He stared at the unresponsive robots.

She weaved through the festive congregation to join him. "Good day, sir," she said.

"Good day, Miss Fairpoole. An astonishing event, isn't it?"

"Definitely. I've never seen a live camel before."

"Neither have I. Let's hope it's a good distraction."

She looked at him curiously. "A distraction from what, sir?"

"From what I may need to do." He pointed to the dancer atop the balcony. "That's an intruder in disguise. An irksome boy from the gymnastics teams. He and his friends have given me no end of trouble, for the past few hours. I saw them sneak in here, and called security. The sentries responded properly, but now they won't relent."

"Those 5G units are glitched," she said. "They're the last two that I haven't inspected. Mr. Paynter and I tried to recall them, but they've ignored all of our commands."

"I assumed the worst when they refused an order from Zora." His eyes narrowed. "We need to stop those kids from harassing the dinner party, but we must also subdue the sentries. They might become hostile, and we must protect our guests."

"How can I help, sir?"

"Do you see the interface panel on that column by the lounge?"

She nodded.

"Stand by, and watch carefully. If things get out of control, reset the security network with passcode N4273. Use it only as a last resort. I'll take care of the rest." His wristcom chimed, and he answered. "Marlow."

Mr. Paynter's voice was grave, with no hologram. "I'm in position, sir. Still no response from those junkers. I've got the original units here, if we need them."

"Good. I'll take this side," Mr. Marlow said. "Be ready, at the first sign of commotion. Those teenagers don't know the danger they're in."

Mr. Paynter chortled. "They'll be in danger of my boot in their ass, if they make any stupid moves. Over and out."

Lily was confused, yet stood near the interface panel. She silently repeated the passcode, to better remember it.

Mr. Marlow and Mr. Paynter moved to either side of the 5G sentries, observing discreetly.

The mischievous boy on the balcony whistled, and tore off his makeshift veil, grinning like a madman.

Another prankster standing below took the cue, and kicked the basket of snakes over. The squirming creatures spilled across the dance floor. There were screams, people stomping, and the area cleared quickly.

"Halt, identify yourself," the 5G units said. They raised their arms toward the balcony, their plasma guns and shields extending.

The boy above grabbed one of the ropes dangling near him, with a terrified expression. He flipped off of the edge, and swung across the room toward his friend.

The 5G sentries fired their weapons, causing more cries of alarm. Fortunately, they missed the boy in his acrobatic swoop.

The music and dancing died. All eyes followed the armed and ominous seven-foot tall robots tromping across the floor.

Mr. Paynter stepped forward, waving a hand to gesture his command. "Patrol Eight, return," he shouted.

They ignored him. Snakes wriggled away from their clunky, metallic footsteps.

The gymnasts huddled beside the camel. One of them untied the beast, and slapped it across the hide. Then they both dashed into the crowd.

The camel bellowed, and charged into the robots. It knocked them aside, and plowed through a refreshment table, overturning cakes and champagne with a tremendous crash.

Out of the chaos, Mr. Marlow appeared. He towered over the throng, and his smile was composed. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is hotel management," he said, voice booming over the panicked chatter. "We require your cooperation, for a few minutes. Please stand aside."

The guests moved toward the walls.

Mr. Paynter pointed at the fleeing teenage culprits. "Sentry J24, apprehend."

One of the older sentries hurried after them.

Then, Mr. Marlow, Mr. Paynter, and the second older sentry surrounded the disoriented 5G units.

"Sentry J39. Subdue," Mr. Paynter said, with a flick of his hand.

The older sentry deployed a restraining device, and approached its target.

Mr. Marlow pulled a thin metallic rod from his coat pocket.

Lily held her breath, surprised at what he wielded. It was a deactivation rod, once used in the ration camps of the Kaezer. She hadn't seen one in years.

Sentry J39 clamped a restraint around the arm of the nearest 5G unit, and pulled it off balance.

The newer robot swiveled its torso, and threw its captor to the ground with a resounding clang.

Mr. Paynter grabbed the errant robot from behind, and struggled to reach its power switch. It thrashed and pivoted to elude him.

Seizing the diversion, Mr. Marlow assaulted the second 5G unit. He bolted close, brandishing the rod.

The robot swung its broad, heavy steel shield with a sweep of its arm, and hit Mr. Marlow in the face.

He staggered, but didn't falter. With remarkable speed and a firm uppercut, he thrust the deactivation rod into the robot's neck joint. Then he pressed the charge, and withdrew the applicator.

The device implanted its barbed tethers into the delicate circuitry. There was a crackling surge and a buzz of tumult, as the internal charge sizzled with traces of white phosphorus. A thin tendril of smoke curled upward, and the robot was soon inert.

The remaining 5G unit flung Mr. Paynter into the opulent drapery of the pavilion.

He floundered and cursed, trying to stand, tangled in the rich silk trappings.

With a menacing hum, the sentry readied its plasma weapon, and pointed it at Mr. Paynter's head.

Fear raced through Lily's veins, and she opened the interface panel. She forced her way into the security network with the admin passcode. "Network 4, restart."

It took a few seconds. She held her breath, watching with trepidation.

Sentry J39 regained its balance, and intervened just in time. It thrust an arm forth, and diverted the blast aimed at Mr. Paynter toward the floor.

At that moment, the network reset, and all of the sentries stopped moving.

Mr. Marlow still held the deactivation rod in one tight fist. He extended his other hand to Mr. Paynter, and helped the older man to his feet.

Lily hurried across the room to them.

Mr. Paynter dusted himself off. "That was fun," he said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your cooperation, during this technical difficulty," Mr. Marlow said, wincing slightly as he spoke. He placed a hand to the cut at the side of his jaw, but didn't seem disturbed by the sight of blood on his fingers.

The bride and groom approached. Collapsed decorations, ransacked tables, and the stench of overheated wiring surrounded them, but they still smiled.

"Mr. and Mrs. Owens, I apologize for the disturbance," Mr. Marlow said.

The bride was the first to laugh.

Then, the entire room erupted into a toast. "To the Royal Crown, and the staff of the majestic Ruby lift."

"Here, here!"

The applause was deafening, as if everything had been a part of the show, and the guests resumed their celebration immediately. Music blared louder, the dancers moving faster. Champagne and wine were served with a little more abandon, after the debacle all had just witnessed.

The custodians and housekeeping robots tidied the mess, and carried all of the inactive sentries away for maintenance. A fleet of smaller, quicker steward units caught the snakes, and returned them to the basket.

Mr. Marlow conversed with the wedding couple for several minutes, and joined Lily and Mr. Paynter soon after.

"Would you like me to contact Cunningham for you?" Mr. Paynter asked, staring at the wound on Mr. Marlow's face.

"No, I'll call him," said Mr. Marlow. "There are things I need to discuss with management. I asked them not to deploy the 5G units, until we'd given them a proper quarantine and inspection. We're lucky this is an understanding and good-natured group. All of this misfortune could have been prevented, if Cunningham had listened." Fury clenched his brow and lips into thin, harsh lines, and he looked away, as if ashamed. His curtained undercut hung loose to his chin, messed from its tonic in the fray. "Pardon me."

He stormed away, and slammed his office door.

"He'll be in there for a while," Mr. Paynter said. "Him and that damn cat. He talks to it all the time. I'd say he's crazy, but I know otherwise."

"Shouldn't we inform Mrs. Colby about his injury?" Lily asked, concerned. "He was hit quite hard."

"Nope. Mr. Marlow is a fighter. I've seen him take a breaking strike to the ribs, and still beat an unruly drunk as big as himself to the floor. That was another memorable descent."

"Mr. Marlow told me that the descents are the most unpredictable. From what you've mentioned, it must be true."

"I've never thought about it," Mr. Paynter said, rubbing his grizzled chin. "But it sure is true."

A notification chimed on her wristcom, an alert from her robots to open the maintenance shop. "I need to get back to work," she said. "I'll return the last 5G sentries to you after they're repaired and patched."

"Thank you." He smiled, and his gaze traveled along her figure. "Call me anytime you need help, sweetheart."

"I'll keep it in mind," she said, forcing a smile. She strode away, and felt his stare trailing her.

Once the sentries were mended, and on their way back to security, she took her first break. She unfolded the cot built into her desk, and laid down for a nap.

Her dreams were usually fleeting, always fading when she woke. This one was clear. She stood in an orchard, a cool wind blowing across her face. A flurry of plum blossom petals rose, scattering around her. She heard a voice, someone singing. but she couldn't see who it was.

"Lily..." A man's voice called her name, and she turned to look.

Mr. Marlow knelt before her. His head was bowed, shoulders bent. He reached for her with one hand, his fingers covered in blood.

She gasped, and sat upright. For a moment, she forgot where she was.

Then, her wristcom chimed.

She answered, still groggy from sleep. "Good day, this is engineering. How may I assist you?"

Miss Gale appeared on hologram. "Good day, Miss Fairpoole. I have a favor to ask."

"Of course."

Miss Gale explained that another bored teenage gymnast had taken a dare. His friends stole a container of concentrated soap from a supply closet, when the first sentry had malfunctioned. With nothing to do, the three kids began a game. Two hassled the wedding, and the other had poured the entire vat of soap down the nearest drain.

The suds consumed the third level, frothing from every sink and commode. Unfortunately, the housekeeping team had to clean it up.

"My fleet is stretched thin, after the incident in the Ballroom," she said, wiping her brow with one forearm. "Would you lend me some of your custodians, for an hour or so? I'd be much obliged."

Lily yawned, and rested her forehead against her palm. "Certainly. Will eight units be sufficient?"

"It will, thank you. I'll let you get your rest, now. Over and out."

Lily placed the order through Zora, and sent the robots to help Miss Gale.

What a mess. Those three boys deserved ample punishment for the problems they'd caused. She read through the security report, and was happy to learn that Mr. Paynter had all of them in custody. The chaperon of their gymnastics team was furious. The parents would be even more so, when they received a bill for the damages.

The lift docked at the charging platform halfway through the descent, and she took advantage of the two hour break it provided. She dozed, and woke just in time for the drop.

All of the loose furnishings and cargo had to be secured in specialized compartments. Though Zora automated much of the process, it was Lily's job to assess the robots' work. She was amazed at how efficient the preparation was. All human passengers, and even the camel from the wedding, were restrained appropriately. After an hour of inspection, she was satisfied that the lift was ready. She perused all of the reports sent from the other departments, and issued the last clearance alert from her own.

Zora's smooth, courteous voice echoed through the corridors and cabins. "All guests and staff must be secured. Please report to the safety facility nearest you."

When the time came, Lily strapped herself into the broad, padded seat in her office.

The countdown began, and they released.

There were a few seconds of gut-tickling free fall, as the lift gained velocity through the upper atmosphere. A welcome buffering came when they passed through the first set of magnetic stabilizer rings. Once they regained a comfortable speed, everyone was free to stand and move about again.

The rest of the descent was routine, with no further trouble from the young gymnasts.

Lily organized the work orders from her fleet into the appropriate logs, and performed her last inspection of the assigned maintenance tasks. The robots were efficient and thorough, and Zora cleared all departments for landing.

The lift settled upon its docking platform with a muffled scrape of metal and squealing rollers.

The guests departed first. Several transport shuttles waited to take them to shore. One of the largest spaceports on Earth was here, in Malewai. Flights departed hourly for orbit, as well as to all major cities on the homeworld.

Lily joined the rest of the crew for the final briefing, and Mr. Marlow commended all for their work.

The employee shuttle flew all of the crew members to the gates of the port city. They said their farewells, and went their separate ways. In three days, they'd be back for the next scheduled ascent. Some of them lived on Earth, some in orbit. All seemed eager to go home, and to return to their normal lives.

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