Chapter 14: Living A Normal Life

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‘Am I really in my room?’ I opened an eye.

‘Ugh! That must have been a dream. A bad dream. I’d still categorize that into a nightmare because I was unconscious throughout.’

I stretched out of the blanket and closed my eyes from the sudden brightness. No, I should have gone back if this was a dream. I am definitely on my bed right now and my attention went to the open windows.

What was that all about? Chase isn’t that attractive, is he? I trust myself to know what is good for me. I shook off the dizziness that was still scampering in my head.

“Ugh! What a relief! I thought I was stuck in that illusion for a while.” I snapped at myself, thinking about it.

‘What was the dream about again? Chase. That jerk?! It doesn’t make sense for me to be with him even for a night. Someone must drug me to be with him, even in the dream.’ I pulled out of my white blanket and sat upright. The memories flashed through my mind and I try to think hard, to gather enough for my healing. Everything feels like a puzzle right now.

‘Does he have any connection with my past? Won’t it be obvious if I ask him? A stranger shouldn’t know more than he should, else he will consider himself family. Ugh, I might go crazy speaking to myself like this. What I need is a hint of what actually happened to me. And now stuck with if it was actually Scarface or Chase.’

As my feet touched the ground, my bones and joints cried as I waddled out of bed. It was a nightmare after all. This is bound to happen.

I stepped into the bathroom, took a bath, and put on a metallic one-shoulder dress. I haven’t checked on my company in the 16 days. I think I should go out today. Everything about chase is pulling me down. I glanced at my perfect reflection over the mirror and I held my wavy black locks with hairpins.

Now, I’m good at going. I checked on the standing mirror before leaving the room. It seems I am the first person to get downstairs today.

An array of standing  workers set up the table and while others stood beside the room. Normally, Shelly and Sandra usually call me that breakfast is ready, but I changed my mind. Looking upwards, I realized Chase was entering as well.

Watching him enter the dining room, I suddenly felt lightheaded and held onto the chair.

‘No, not again. This isn’t happening. Why do I have to break down anytime he’s around?’ Holding myself together, I forced myself up and sat on the first chair, where I normally seat.

Chase didn’t notice. He walked up to the dining table and took a seat. On him was a white shirt and black blazer.

I couldn’t help but to stare as he walked closer. Was he really the one who I dreamt of last night? His 6’4 feet height was the same. So was the hairstyle. What about the biceps? Are they like that on him? Does he have a tattoo? Why did his breath smelt tobacco? Does he smoke too? Is he that sexy when naked?" My eyes raked through him lustfully and I didn’t realize until he pulled the chair back to the seat.

Watching Chase seat before me, my heart skipped a little faster, and my knees get wobbly. I wasn’t standing up, so I couldn’t fall, but I’m sure I would if I was standing.

“Hey, Mrs. Torres.” Chase turned to me in a calm tune. I watched a small smile form on his lips as if yester-night never happened.

The champagne and baked cookies hooked my throat. Why is he acting like he didn’t call me Alexa last night? It’s not as if I want him to. This is just so annoying. I quickly gulped down more champagne to make it flow.

“Hope you had a lovely night?” His hand went to his head, adjusting his hair. Chase must have invented some words just to piss me. He’s good at it.

“Fine, thank you.” I fake a smile so he would just shut up and eat. His words usually ruin my day, as last night’s ruin my night. I have killed him a thousand times already in my head.

“Are you going to work today?” he raised another question.

“Yes, I need to check-in.” I replied. No, I don’t have to reply. Why did I answer Chase? It’s not as if I owe him any explanation. I rolled my eyes at him vividly and took another cookie. It was chocolate cookies, something only Shelly knew how to prepare, but I haven’t seen her today.

‘Was it because of yesterday? I remember clearly that she was in tears. I’d check on her before leaving-‘ My act dropped immediately to what caught my attention. My eyes widened at my son and his girlfriend. They both entered with such a force that the door slammed open.

Brooklyn curled her arms around Xavier’s neck with her legs wrapped on the small of his back and her fingers stuck in his jet black hair. Lost in the kiss, they both of them didn’t realize they were in the dining room.

Chase pressed his lips together, watching them. Then he faked a smile at me. I just rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. 'Does he have to look at me?'

Xavier stood, driving more wet kisses at his girlfriend, and her finger sprayed to his jawline until they took one intense last kiss and suddenly broke apart.

“Oh, sorry. Good morning, mum.” He apologized before joining the table while Brooklyn covered her face from the embarrassment. “Good morning, mum.”

“Hello.” She greeted, adjusting her rough blond hair.

Maybe Chase is right. I pretend everything is alright when it isn’t. I didn’t want to fake another smile at this. Neither did I want to sweep it under the carpet like it never happened. I took a sip of wine at the thought and cleared my throat.

“Things need to be addressed.” I gave the both of them a serious look. “I know that you both a crazily in love, which is a good thing, but please, be more consistent about where you are. It’s annoying watching you like this, Xavi. Or do you both still have to go in?” I queried.

Xavi blew out his breath from his cheek and we shared an eye contact.

“You don’t have to point it out like that mum.” His blue eyes saccade to Brooklyn, as she timidly blushed at him.

He had dark-Grey shirt and black pants. It seemed like the both of them weren’t ready to for work today. At least Brooklyn was a model, so she didn’t have to go to work every day. What is Xavier’s excuse?

“Aren’t you going to work today?” I raised.

“Of course I am. Probably later.” Xavier replied me with his eyes still focused on Brooklyn. Just then, he raised their interlocked hands and planted a soft hiss on her manicured fingers.

Just then, my eyes caught the emerald-shaped diamond ring on her middle finger.

“Wait, is it what I’m thinking?” I gasped.

They turned to me in surprise.

“Are you guys engaged? What’s that diamond ring about?”

“Yes, mum. I proposed to Brook in Dubai. About two weeks ago.” Xavi smiled with eyes and mouth. He looked settled, as if it wasn’t anything.

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