Chapter 9: Life As Friends

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The morning metamorphosed like a caterpillar blossoming into a butterfly. The faded purple shades mixed with blight orange of the rising sun and I stretched in bed. Feeling lazy, I slept late last night. That mysterious taxi driver might be a private spy. Who know? I wondered, still in bed. Something pushed me to clean up and go back home, but I didn't want to go. My eyes were half opened, my mind was half awake. It's just the sense of responsibility that's making me feel awkward, right? And it's been a while since I last slept in Arielle's apartment.

Tired of the thoughts, I pulled out of bed and walked to a standing mirror by the corner if the room. It looked just like mine and I couldn't help but to admire myself for it.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

A voice muttered, and I turned back in fear. It was Elle.

"Oh my, you startled me!" I placed a hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeats.

"I thought you weren't feeling well." She walked up to me.

"How do you know?" I frowned.

"Evelyn told me." She confessed, with a timid smile, admiring my slim reflection in the mirror.

"So, how are you feeling now?" Elle asked, as if yesterday had never happened.

"Fine." I lied, but the look in her eyes pressed for the truth. "Fine. I'm still struggling with the nightmares."

"Oh, I thought it stopped. Should I hook you up with another therapist? How did you cope with it? Can you remember what happened?"

"About the nightmare, I don't remember any of it so, calm down Elle. I should be more worried about you than you are about me right now. And yesterday-"

"Let's forget about yesterday, okay? I'd find Ryan and beg him to come home. He needs time to cool off. He will definitely come back." Elle implored with expectation in her eyes.

"He left you yesterday." I urged. "Don't you think it's time to move on and perhaps remember about everything you've been through for him?"

"Ugh," she sighed, and I realized the bandage on the side of her forehead while she continued. "You still don't know how much love drives one crazy. Ryan isn't just my life partner, or my husband. He is the father of my three kids. Ending my marriage like this won't make things easier. Living will get more difficult and how do I explain to my children? When they come of age, I'd take the blame for anything that happens wrong. Perhaps, I still love Ryan."

"I still don't get you, Elle. Is love the reason for madness?" I hissed. Hoping she would reason with me.

"You can call it whatever, Ally. Now, about you. Why did you visit so late at night?"

"Did you even check your phone at all? Didn't you see my calls?" I frowned at her, looking away.

"I came from work, tired and had to prepare dinner. Sorry if I missed your calls." she gently blushed.

"And this gown? Where on did you go?" Her eyes searched mine in puzzlement.

"I didn't go anywhere... I mean, I just dressed like this without even realizing." That was the only lie that came out of my mouth.

"I thought you went to a club for husband search, but whatever the case might be. Let me get you something to wear and also a glass of coffee. I know my house is not all glassy like yours but, I'll advise you go clean up first." She explained and left the room.

Exhausted, I exhaled and walked into the bathroom to give a morning shower.

After showering, I walked into the room and met a blue, self-portrait pleated floral gown already on the bed with a cup of hot coffee swirled with cream and mocha in the middle of it. The heart design made me smile while I took the first drink. I gently sipped the rest, filling me with its tastiness of warmth felt like a promise of goodness. I made sure I drank it all before putting on the floral gown. It fitted me as if it was mine. Elle is 5 ft 3 inches while I'm 5 ft 6 inches tall, but this was lit.

I walked out of the room and met her daughters Trinity-7 and Tiffany-4 having breakfast with her in the dining room. They both had brunette hair and dark-brown eyes, like their mother. Only Tate looked exactly like Ryan, with his dirty brown hair and honey-brown eyes.

"Miss Torres!" The girls exclaimed in unison.

Seeing me like this might be awkward. I gave them a good morning hug before joining the table.

"It's your size as expected. I've had that gown for a while now. It feels like it's always getting longer." Elle chuckled and served me a piece of avocado toast and chilled fruit juice.

I looked at the smile on her daughters' faces and thought about if they had witnessed yesternight's incident.

"Where's Tate?" I asked both girls.

"He went for a vacation in South Los Angeles Street with grandma." Trinity replied

"He won't be back until a week before school resumption." Tiffany added, looking sad.

Too bad it's already affecting the kids. There's nothing like living together as a family, especially growing up at such a young age.

"So why don't you stay with grandma?" I fondled her cheek to blush, but she didn't. "I'm still mummy's girl."

"Awwwn... Now I see." I raised my gaze at Elle, who was acting absent minded.

"Thanks for letting me in yesterday."

"I should be thanking you." She replied. "So, about your nightmares?"

"I told you I don't want to talk about it. Bringing it up in front of the kids won't make me feel any better, okay?" I warned with my eyes, making a saccade to the girls.

They were looking at me with full concentration now, I just faked a smile. 'How weird of a doctor.' I hissed in my mind.

"Okay then, I'd be going back home soon."

"I was thinking about driving you home myself. I still wonder why you came all the way here without a car or a driver. Like seriously, it's unlike you, Ally! Where the heck are your bodyguards?"

"I told them to take a break from work and... I SNUCK OUT. Almost saying the last part, but remembered no one should know. Even Elle. She would make an anthill out if it and it would go viral. That definitely will make me unable to leave my house at will or probably visit the cinema like I use to. A sigh escaped my lips in confusion.

"You told them to take a break? Why, Ally? Don't you care about your own safety? And you came out that late. Wait... Don't tell me you took a taxi." Elle froze, staring at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. As if I did something extraordinary.

"Come on, Elle! Stop exaggerating! It's not as if it's a big deal. I'm human, just like you." I blow out my checks and rolled my eyes at her. As if it meant nothing.

"That's where you're getting it all wrong. You're the owner of Unity cooperation! A worldwide industry and software developing company! The founder directly handed it over to you and what are you were doing? Misusing it."

"Stop saying it like that, okay? Last night was just one night. And I'm fine, thank you." I looked down at the empty plate in front of me.

"Huh, I wish I was as lucky as you were. Living in royalty, just like Cinderella. Lucky you."

"My life is not as perfect as you think, Elle." I looked at her and realized that she was a little distracted. As if lost her in thoughts or something.

I snapped my fingers at her, and she woke up to reality. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." She faked a smile and called on Jane, the maid, to take the girls back into their rooms and clear the table.

Merely looking at Elle, one could tell how disturbed she was. As if she wanted to tell me something but didn't know how to. She wishing that she was as lucky as I, meant something. That word is disturbing. I tugged on my ear, thinking about it.

Watching till the maid and the girls left, I felt a hand on mine. It was Elle's.

"Please... I need to ask something from you." Her doe-like, black eye pleaded.

"What's it, and why are you acting so weird?" I frowned, hoping it's not what I'm thinking.

"Please, for my sake. Employ Ryan in your company. I know he has downsides and push backs but doesn't everyone do?"

"Like seriously? I can't believe you're asking me this right now." I pulled my hands off hers, pissed at her last words.

"That man is your downfall, Elle. Just look at your face. What do you see when you look in the mirror every morning? A strong woman or a weak one? A fighter or a coward?!"

"Please... For my children's sake. I try keeping them away, but I think they already know. I don't want this to affect them than it already has. Please consider employing him at any position at all. I'd make sure Ryan accepts it whole-hearted." She sniffed, while holding the tears back.

"Uh, your husband. No, that ended with last night." I pointed to her face. "Your ex-husband left with no sense of responsibility! He doesn't care about you or your kids!" I gazed at her and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"He does and I'm scared, Ally." I watched her face contort.

My eyes narrowed on hers, unable to understand her mumbling. I leaned closer, hoping she could open up more to me.

"He wants Tate, that was why I took him to my mum." she paused, taking a hard swallow on her breath. "To hide him from these, especially Ryan. I don't want our son to turn out like him. I can still change things right, especially when I have a friend like you by my side." Tears welled up in her eyes with pain.

"My policy is I don't employ lazy and untrusted people. Especially with what he has been through. I'm sorry Elle, but I can't help you with this. You are a free woman now." I pressed. "Accept the divorce and love a better life. Who knows, you might meet your soulmate. Someone like you, who will treat you like a queen that you are! Forget about Ryan, please."

"Okay, fine. When do you intend to go home? I can drive you-" Elle wiped out the lingering tears that split from the corners of her eyes.

"No, don't worry. One of my drivers will be here any moment from now. I called before the breakfast."

"I could just drop you home. It's nothing compared to how much you've helped me.""

Friends are relatives you make for yourself. After I'd lost everything, you're the only one I've got, Elle." I stared into her eyes with sincerity.

She just smiled, even though it was difficult. The expression behind the smile on her face tells it all.

'Piinnn! Piiinnn!! Piiinnn!!!'

A sudden car horn sounded outside.

Elle stood up and peeped. As if she was expecting someone, but then, I got a call and it was from Simon. I clicked on the reply bottom and placed the phone by the side of my right ear.

"Hello ma'am. I'm ready."

"Okay, I'll just you soon." I told my driver and ended the call.

Looking up at Elle, I realized she was a little disappointed. She must have thought it was Ryan.

"I'd be on my way now." I told her.

"I would miss you." She replied calmly. "And about your nightmares, if you need someone to share your pains with. I'm always here. Don't be a wonder woman forever."

"What's that?" I joked, and she softly chuckled. "You already have enough, Elle. I'll be alright."

"Take care of yourself. I'll see you later." I gave her a warm hug before carrying my handbag and shopping bag for my cloth.

We stepped out together as she waved me goodbye.

I got into the shiny black Mercedes Benz S-class and sat mid-seat. Elle waved me goodbye while Simon drive out if the compound. Scrolling through my phone, it was already 9:00 a.m.

I feel something is still amiss but I gently placed my head on the headrest, thinking of how today would go. It's Friday and Evelyn hasn't called yet. I dialed her contact as he drove down the busy road.

When I got home, Shelly and Sandra rushed to me. Helping me with both bags. It surprised me to see that Chase was already in the living room. Our eyes met and I looked away. His presence made me wonder why I feel unsettle whenever he's around. While entering my room, he followed along with the maids. They waited until I gave them the permission to leave both of us alone. The look in Chase's eyes was eager, as if he had something important to discuss. I did not know.

"I thought you slept in your room last night, I was sure of it." he confirmed, with his blue eyes focused on mine.

"Are you monitoring me now?" My eyebrows furrow as I placed a hand on my hip. With full focus on him, listening.

"What happened last night? Don't tell me you snuck out to the cinema." He questioned.

"My business isn't yours okay, what I do is none of your business." my lips tightened at his audacity. He must think of me as a fool.

"Sorry to ask, ma'am, but are you usually this cold-hearted?" Chase sounded pained. I wondered what I did wrong.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't expect any special treatments but... Let's forget the buts." He said the word and I could feel my heart racing already. My eyes quirked on his, wondering what was going on in his mind. "You said we would go to a boutique for cloth shopping by 8:00 a.m this morning. I was just worried that you left just like that and because of the state of your health." He paused again.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you." Chase raised his palms up as if he had given up already.

"You are a stranger in this house, not part of the family, so stop being nosy! Go with Simon. Tell him to use the silver Lexus. He will take you to the boutique and help you with shopping." I instructed.

"I thought you don't want to." He gave an increase-pitched voice.

"Stop pushing me, Chase! I had a lot to do, okay? I'm tying to be nice here and if you don't need help, then you can as well forget about it!" I snapped.

His eyes searched mine and I could see the pain in them. Apologizing isn't my thing. I didn't feel sorry either. I just rolled my eyes at him and walked upstairs.

'Uh, you need to relax, Ally. Relax.' I rubbed my forehead simultaneously, thinking about the hurt expression on his face.

'How annoying?! I don't have to deal with Chase if Xavi didn't bring him home. Thinking about working for me, it's his choice but... I don't know why I'm pissed right now. I just hate him so much. His attitude and all. Isn't it obvious? Chase does not differ from Ryan after all.'

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