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Dedicated to Blessingg_xx. She made me feel like a god this morning.




I returned to my seat after seeing what caused Aminah to scream like a possessed demon. Kunle was trying, putting up with Aminah's energy. Heavens knows I can't. She was always screaming.

The four of them buried their heads in Aminah's phone as if the pictures of the girls were going to fetch them millions or something. I just sat there, watching them, waiting for the malady to pass, waiting for Aminah to stop screaming like a maniac.

I wasn't watching them per se, I was watching Kunmi, watching how her eyes widened and she surprised expression as she looked at the pictures, then at Sophia as if she couldn't believe that it was Sophia in the pictures. I was lost in the trance of looking at her, her near round face, perfect eyebrows, perfect......

Aminah shrieked and she practically flew out of her chair. This babe ehn. She gets wahala, no doubt. They resumed looking at the pictures, Aminah's voice in awe as if the girls in the pictures weren't humans like the rest of us. She'd be surprised to see that their lives ain't all rainbows and sunshine like the pictures on Instagram portray.

"See, I don't care if she's a psycho or not. You are in the same picture frame with all these popular faces. God! I just like you more. In my head, you're already my best friend. Take me along with you the next time you have this kind of shoot, I want to meet Shade Onam and my Kosi too, hmm, hmm?"

I held my breath as I looked at Aminah who was still grinning like a child and to Sophia whose expression I couldn't decipher. Then Sophia smiled, a real smile with her teeth showing and she even patted Aminah's hand.

Oluwa wetin day occur?

I looked at Kunle who was also looking at the duo and his expression was torn between shock and surprise.

"You promised oo. Sophia. Oh My God! I can't wait to meet them. Oh My God."

Aminah kept rambling as she left Sophia's side and she joined Kunle, sitting too close to him that they almost looked connected.

"Sophia, you guys were naked, right? Call me too. I like stuff like that."

Sophia's answer to Kunle's word was to throw her water bottle to him which he dodged easily before he threw it back to her.

For a moment, there was a loud silence, the excitement of the commercial shoot gone until Aminah spoke up.

"Guys, it's almost time for all the prefect's elections brouhaha. What posts are you guys going for?"

Aminah's voice was lighting up now and I just had to reason why and how everything always seems to excite her.

"It's all mapped out already. The school authorities already know who'd end up with which post. All the campaign whatever is just for formalities."

Kunle answered her but I could barely decipher his words anyway. My attention was on Kunmi who was busy wringing her fingers together, her eyes solely focused on them as if the most intriguing thing in the world. I felt my lips stretching into a lopsided grin without me meaning to.

"Yeah but then, it's still fun. I'm so going for the post of the social perfect girl. Babe, don't you think I'd be perfect for the role?"

I looked away from Kunmi when I heard Aminah's words. She was looking up at Kunle and waiting for his approval but the latter was looking at Sophia and I knew why.

Sophia had always wanted that post.

"Sophia is going... She wants that post too."

Kunle answered her, sitting up straighter and so uncomfortable.

Well, talk about having two wives without even knowing it.

Aminah's smile turned into a frown and I watched as her hands dropped from Kunle who was still looking at Sophia. The latter said nothing. She was just staring at the duo with undisguised interest in her eyes, some sort of silent dare in her eyes as if daring either of the two to do or say something.

Something that I had no idea of.

Then she picked her water bottle and she drank from it, the whole garden quiet save for the bubbles in her throat.

This Sophia self.

She finished drinking her water, covered the bottle, and dropped it on her laps, her eyes still on the duo, Kunle's eyes still on her while Aminah's eyes were darting back and forth. Sophia finally cleared her throat, albeit slowly and even more dramatic.

"You can go for it. There are other good posts I can go for and besides, I might end up not going for any. It's more of a hassle self."

No Way. She had been dreaming of that post since JSS1 


"I'm serious Kunle. With everything going on, I don't think I want to add is perfect to the list."

Another lie. I looked away from Sophia to Kunle, then back again, and there, they seems to be communicating without even talking.

Are these kids hiding something from me?

"No, Sophia, you don't have to. You probably have more charisma for the post than I do. I'll just...."

"I insist."

Sophia said, interrupting Aminah who still looked dumbstruck at the fact that Sophia was giving something up for her. I was more than dumbstruck.

I looked at Sophia again and I watched as she finally looked away from the duo to stare at something in the air before she looked down at her laps, her fingers gently tapping the bottle. Then she stood up abruptly, hands gripping the bottle, a little bit tighter than normal.

"You guys should excuse me. I have to go and see Gabriella."

And she walked off without waiting for anybody's answer. There was a moment of sheer silence, Kunle staring at Sophia's retreating back and looking like he was mentally cursing himself before he stood up too.

"Babe, I'll be right back."

He too did not wait for Aminah's reply before he broke into a sprint, jogging off towards the direction of the library where Sophia had disappeared to.

Now, what's up with the both of them?

Low sounds, followed by whimpers, then suppressed yells was what woke me up the next morning. For a moment, I stared at the ceiling, thoughts in disarray and I paused all movements, ears on the ground, waiting for the sound again. I stared outside the room, through the window, it was still dark but the clouds were gathering and I could tell it was going to be daybreak soon.

I closed my eyes, willing the sound to not be what I think. Willing it to be something else, anything else.

Loud yell, whimpers again and one minute, I was lying down on my bed and the next minute, I was knocking on my parents' door. There was a cease of activities on the other side, ceased footsteps, then low whispers.

"Adam is that..."

I took a deep breath and I pushed the door open, their room was almost in disarray, bedsheet away from the bed, mom's makeup was n the floor. I looked around the room searching for mom but she wasn't in the room.

"Adam, why are you..?"

"Where's mom?"

I asked instead, cutting him short and I avoided looking at him. He cleared his throat, obviously preparing whatever stupid lie he was going to come up with when I heard the water running in the bathroom.

That answered my question but I still found myself looking around the room, at this disarray, wondering what could have awoken the monster again.

Too much for hoping that the nightmare had ended.

Too much. I should have known better.

"I tripped and I fell over your mom's vanity."

Dad explained when he saw that I was staring too much at the cosmetics on the floor. I said nothing in reply to his words. I only retraced my steps back to my room. I got to my room, my back against the door as I stared into the empty air. Dawn was fast-breaking and I was supposed to be preparing for school but I suddenly lost interest in everything, I just wanted to lay down on my bed.

After minutes of staring into the oblivion, I started hearing sounds of metals crashing against metals and I knew mom was already in the kitchen, no doubt trying to cook breakfast.

Fuck me.

I entered the bathroom and I kept staring at the boy in the mirror as I brushed, scrubbing my teeth so hard till my gum started to bleed. I continued brushing, ignoring the pain and ignoring the blood that I kept spitting out.

A little physical pain to dull the always present emotional one.

I dabbed at my face with water when I was done brushing and I just kept doing that.

What was I thinking?

All this while, what have I been thinking?


I met dad and mom in the dining, dad eating toast and mom staring his beverage in a cup.

"Good morning."

I announced my presence and mom looked at me with a smile on her face. She was dressed up, not her usual casual dress up at home, powder and foundation perfect on her face, mascara and eyeliner masking her swollen and puffed up face.

I looked away from her.

"Korede, good morning. Have your seat, let me make...."

"I have a project to work on in school, so I'd have to skip breakfast."

"You should at least drink your tea and take a bite. It's breakfast, the most important meal of the day."

I tried not to look at the man who just spoke, my hands gripping the edge of the closest dining chair.

Just like you want to turn hitting mom into the most important thing in the world.

"Korede, you should....."

"It's getting late. I should be on my way now."

I turned back and I started walking to the main entrance when I heard the sound of a dining chair being moved back and soon enough, mom caught up with me right at the patio.

"Korede, are you okay? You look a little bit off."


I quickened my pace instead of replying to her and well, she kept following me.


Her voice was a little sterner low. Louder even, that the driver that was leaning against the car jumped slightly.

I turned to look at her abruptly.

"I heard strange sounds from your room this morning."

She froze, her left hand that was grabbing my shirt falling off and I watched as she clamped my palms together, intertwining them, her eyes, everywhere but my face.

"Your dad tripped and I thought he hurt himself pretty bad so I screamed."


Fucking lies.

Do these people think I'm dumb or blind?

I said nothing, only staring at her before I nodded slowly and her lips stretched into a smile.

"Goodbye, Mom."

"Goodbye. I'm going to work today so you might not meet me at home."

I've even forgotten that she has worked, that she has a boutique. I've forgotten about that. Dad liked her being at home so she preferred staying at home to going out.

She always put dad first. She had never for once put herself first.

I kept looking at her through the rearview mirror. She remained rooted to that same point and she was looking at the car, expression blank.

I love this woman to bits.

And it hurts.

Way too much.


After the whole social perfect girl thingy and Sophia giving it up for Aminah, I don't even know what to think.

Is it bad if I should add Witch to her name now?

What's going on in that girl's head, I had no idea. I don't even know what she's capable of doing and how far she'd go just to get what she wants.

This Queen Weirdo ehn.

"Kunmi, you're going to bore holes into my cheeks oo."

Came her voice and I almost jumped out of my skin. I did not even know she knew I was staring at her. It was that period before assembly and we were among the few ones in class. Some of our classmates were in twos and threes, talking animatedly and Ezekiel was busy going around, breaking into conversations he has no idea of.

I was in my seat while Sophia was in hers. I met her there when I got to class. She was the only one in class then and she was staring straight ahead at the board, arms crossed over her chest. I wondered why she got to school that early and why she was staring at the board as if she was seeing something I could not see. I even followed her eyes, trying to imagine seeing things in her eyes but still nothing. Wasn't her neck and spine paining her, maintaining that straight posture for that long. She did not even reply to my good morning and now, she just talked to me, with a smile on her lips.


I found myself muttering before looking away and she already cackled. That jerked my face back to her.

"You've been looking at me since you got to class..."

So she even knew when I got here.

"What were you thinking?"

She asked again, undeterred by the fact that I was not even saying anything and she even propped her head upon her desk with her left palm so she could focus her attention on me.

"When were you thinking when you were looking at me?"

I said nothing in reply to her words. I could only stare at her as if well, she probably has invisible horns.

That's one of the logical reasons why Sophia is Sophia.

"What's going on in this girl's head? Is she mentally deranged? Is she bipolar or something?"

She started saying while still looking at me and I was starting to wonder if she was mentally deranged.

"Is there something fascinating on the board? Why does she keep staring at the board?"

She trailed off for a while, eyes still fixed on mine.

"This girl must be a witch."

Well, you just pretty much confirmed that you are a witch.

"I'm pretty sure those were your thoughts, Kunmi."

She completed with her lips stretching into a smile and she leaned back against her chair, arms crossed over her chest.

I opened my mouth to talk but my eyes were now drawn towards the door and to the boy entering the class.

He was oblivious to his surroundings, especially to our female classmates that seem not to have a problem with openly gawking at him. He walked straight to his seat, dropped his back pad and he turned right back to go out again.


Sophia called out, some sort of aloofness now in her voice. Adam stopped, his eyes settling on her for a split second before his eyes flickered to me and everything just seems to fade into the background at that point;

The witch beside me.

My classmates' loud chatters.

I noticed that his eyes looked sort of tired, wary even before he looked away so he was now staring at both Sophia and me at the same time.

"Good morning."

Even his voice sounded a little bit tired and I felt my heart tightening, wondering what could be wrong with him.

"Are you on your period?"

That was Sophia's reply to him and my mouth dropped open. Even our classmates turned to look at Sophia and some burst into laughter while shaking their heads. I saw a flicker of a smile on his lips but I could have imagined it because it was gone almost as soon as I saw it.

"I might not come for any of our classes today."

He sort of announced and Sophia nodded as if that was the most normal thing to do in this world.

His eyes flickered to me for a nanosecond again before he walked out of the classroom and I kept staring at the door minutes after he was gone.

When I finally turned back, Sophia's head was propped up on the table with her hand again and she was grinning at me?

Like a Cheshire cat??

Sophia is making me scared!



Adam stayed true to his words and he ended up not coming to any of the classes. I found myself looking at the door at intervals, waiting for him to arrive but well, he already gave us a heads up. I wondered what's up with him and what could have made him stay away from class like that.

And the fact that Sophia and Kunle seem to not be so bothered by it or if they were bothered by it, they were doing a great job hiding it unlike me, who heard nothing in the class.

Nothing, my thoughts were just scattered.

His eyes this morning reminded me of his eyes around that Christmas time when he looked so tired and down.

Could this be about his mom again?

Could she possibly have another relapse?

That doesn't add up because of Sophia and Kunle's behavior.

"Sophia, why are not eating your plantain? Do you want me to eat them for you?"

Aminah's voice broke through my reverie and I turned to look at her. We were in the cafeteria and Adam still did not show up.

Even Kunle ceased eating and looked at Sophia who just shrugged and mouthed yes and Aminah smiled and started to pack the plantain from Sophia's plate.

And well, Sophia appeared unperturbed by it all.

I already have so much on my mind to add this new development to it.

"Guys, why is Adam holed up in the Arts Studio? It's so unlike him to skip classes like this."

Aminah asked, voicing out my most major concern and I waited, almost holding my breath so I'd hear the reply.

"He's working on a project."

I hissed underneath my breath at Sophia's obvious lie. He did not even look like someone that'd want to touch a pencil this morning.

"Ohhh. I wish I had something the school would excuse me for skipping classes for. God! Mathematics class was a triple period today. Only God knows the number of times I died and was resurrected again in that class. I should start looking for an extracurricular activity that'd make me skip classes oo. O ti su mi."

That earned a chuckle from Kunle who paused eating to look at his girlfriend.

"Shebi you can dance? Just start a dance team and you'd be surprised that the school won't mind you skipping classes."

"Eeeh, Babe, that's our secret thing oo. I can only dance in front of you, not in front of the crowd. It's our thing."

She replied to him and the both of them burst into laughter.

Locked eyes, shared laughter, oblivious to the rest of the world.

Oblivious to Sophia.

I turned to look at the other girl. She was staring at her plate with a death glare.


Our swimming instructor asked me to stay back after the P.E period, standing at the edge of the pool and staring into the water. I've already changed back to my school uniform and Aminah had excused herself, saying she had to be somewhere She was talking to some students right by the entrance and when she was done, she walked to me and it was only then I allowed myself to think of the fact that it was absurd, she asked me to wait behind.

Totally, absurd.

"Miss Afolabi, good afternoon."

She said straight up when she got to me and I had to stand straight, feeling so self-conscious under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Good Afternoon Ma."

Her reply to my question was a smile on her lips, the kind of smile that did not reach her eyes.

"Why did you decide to take swimming classes when there are lots of other options."

My forehead creased into a frown as I wondered where this question was coming from. It wasn't like I joined the class two days ago or something.

"It was the best option for me and I enjoy swimming...."

"Well, that's the problem." She interrupted, shutting me up.

"You're here because you enjoy swimming not because you want to learn or contribute to the team. We're getting too much in the class and you ain't that impressed with your performance so I'd just suggest you switch to another, a more suitable one for you. Swimming is not exactly for people like you."

Well, I heard the message loud and clear. I might as well start to grow a thick skin to things like this. Looks like they've come to stay.

I mouthed Okay Ma and she turned to leave just as we heard footsteps walking towards us. It was Sophia.

"Good Afternoon Ma."

She greeted me when she got to us and I watched as lips stretched into a full-blown smile.

"Sophia, hope no problem? Walk with me."

She replied and she started to walk away but Sophia remained rooted on a spot and Miss had to turn back, brows raised questioningly.

"I came back because I forgot to tell you something."

"What's that?"

"I forgot to tell you that I'd be changing P.E classes."

Ehn? Wasn't she the best in the class? The indispensable one?

Miss Fadake's mouth dropped open and I watched as she tried to regain her composure.

"What are you talking about? You're....."

"I found a better class, the one I'm more suitable for, the one whose instructor wouldn't look down or discriminate among the students, the one whose instructor would encourage rather than discourage the students."

Was this about me?

Miss Fadake's eyes flickered to me before she looked away, her eyes now on Sophia.

"Sophia, I don't see you as a rude student, you don't want to..."

"I'm a very rude person." Sophia interrupted again and Miss Fadake looked flustered, surprised, flabbergasted even because Sophia talking right now was one of the personalities we've not met before. She looked angry, really angry, almost like she was ready to drown Miss or smack her hard across the page with the way she was glaring daggers at her, and yet, there was a little smile on her lips, arms crossed over her chest and she was standing very straight.

"I'm a very rude person Ma and I'm even ruder to adults who don't act like one."

What??? She did not just say that but she just did. Miss took two steps back, obviously surprised at the insult. When she spoke again, her voice was low, almost like a warning.


"I'm leaving the swimming team."

Came the younger girl's reply again with that smile still on her face. Wait, do people get to talk back to teachers like this?

"You know what, I'm going to speak to your mom. This isn't you."

Sophia said nothing in reply to those words and she only watched Miss Fadake walk away. I wondered if she would get into trouble with her mom because of this. She could have just ignored it.

Words like that ain't new to me anymore.

Words like the...

"You should have just slapped her."

Her voice cut into my thoughts, interrupting it and it was then, I noticed that she was now taking off her shoes and socks and she soon sat at the edge of the pool. I followed her lead, putting an ample distance between us because who knows???

Wait, what? I should have just slapped her?

"When she said those stupid last words, you should have slapped her. The rule here says  No capital punishments on the students, not no capital punishments on the teachers, especially if they deserve it."

My lips stretched into a smile. Slap a teacher? Oh come on, I can't even slap a junior. Violence is a very big no for me. She must be joking.

"I'm not joking oo."

She said as if she could read my thoughts and I had to straighten up.

"I'd have slapped her if I were in your shoes. It's her word against mine. Nobody would believe that I slapped a teacher. I'll start crying that she is accusing me falsely. Shey o lo on stupid ni?"

Well, it's high time I added psycho to her list of names.

"It's no big deal. She just wants the best for the..."

"Rubbish. God! I'm so angry. I feel like punching something."

Well, I hope I'm safe. I watched her carefully, she appeared too angry, her palm clenching and I start to wonder if she was angry at something or someone else and if she had merely transferred her aggression to Miss.

We said nothing for a while, both of us lost in our thoughts and I allowed myself to think about Miss words

Swimming is not exactly for people like me.

People like me.

People like me.

It's a big deal and it hurt even though I was telling myself otherwise.

I can't get immune to those words no matter how hard I try.

I breathed deeply, feeling tears pull up in my eyes. We had just two periods to go but heaven knows the last thing I would do is to go back to class.

"Let's sneak out."

This is that point where I should flee but instead, I stayed rooted to point and I eyed Sophia as if she had grown two heads.

"Don't look so horrified. I'm not saying we should jump the fence or that I probably have a hole drilled into a part of the school fence."

Well, I won't be surprised if you have.

"Have you always been a bad influence like this? Sneak out? No way...."

"Come on baby girl, you have to do stuff like this once in a while."

Ehn? Baby kinni?

"We should...."


We did not need to turn back to know it was Aminah and I heard Sophia breath in deeply, a forlorn look taking over her angry look, then it was replaced by her normal blank look just as Aminah got to us.

"Guys, I've been looking for you. You were hanging out without me."

She said as she got to us and I watched as she mimicked our position after taking off her shoes and socks.

Sophia said nothing, she was just looking at Aminah, not with rage, not with anger, not with hate.

But with undisguised interest.

As if she was trying to figure out something about her.

Well, shouldn't it be the other way round?.

Inhale. Exhale.

The monster is back 😭😭😭. Well, looks like he never left 😭😭😭💔💔💔

And do you guys know when body shaming hurts more? It's when it's coming from an older person. We live in a society where we put so much emphasis on age so at least, the older ones should know better than to talk without thinking. And to even think she was supposed to be a teacher, an instructor, a mentor. This set of people 💔💔💔.

Have you ever talked back to a teacher? And well, Aunty Sophia, the bad influence, slap a teacher, sneak out of school? 😂😂😂 Though when I was in school, I sneaked out a couple of times oo but not to do something bad sha. I was a very good student, unlike Aunty Sophia.

Sometimes, when I write about Sophia, I even get tremors in my fingers. Did she give up competing for that post???

Hmmm. Hmmm hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

See you on Monday ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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