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We walked home in silence, the sound of our footsteps the only thing echoing on the street. After Aminah and Kunle left, that was a mild way to put it, by the way, nobody said anything for a while and when someone finally spoke up, it was Adam and it was to ask if Sophia was okay.

If Sophia was okay after she told Aminah to shut up. If there was anyone that question should be directed to, it should be Aminah because honestly, that babe had suffered in Sophia's hands. Even after Sophia had treated her like she was irrelevant, she had put up with it, never for once allowed it to get it, and now, Sophia to shut up, in front of others?

I understood Aminah's anger and I was lowkey angry at Sophia for what she did but I still couldn't help but feel bad for her, especially the way her shoulders slumped when Kunle ran after Aminah and she looked like she genuinely regretted saying that.

We left not quite long after that and we left Alex and Gab behind. Alex had remained quiet all through and for some strange reasons, he looked angry, he even looked like he was angry at Sophia.

Weird. Because I don't understand why he'd be angry at her. Too many weird people ehn.

Adam seemed to be preoccupied with his rights as he said nothing while we walked. His hands were in his pocket and his face remained impassive and he looked a little bit disturbed and a little bit uncomfortable?

Because of what happened back there?

We were like 6 houses away from my house and he still haven't said a word. Now, that's totally unlike him.

"Are you okay?"

I found myself asking, my head turned sideways so I'd see his face. He turned to look at me, his eyes met mine for a very brief moment before he looked away, almost hurriedly.

"Yes, I'm okay. It's just...." He trailed off and I could almost hear him swallowing a lump. "I just have a lot going on on my mind."

Ohh. I found myself nodding slowly. He did look like he had a lot going on.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

My mouth, not myself, asked shocking me out of my wits. I should have known, ever since we started getting closer that my mouth had developed a mind of its own, always opening and closing and forming words. Whenever I'm with him, I say things, lots of things I wouldn't have said on a normal day, with another person.

He looked at me again, a small smile on his lips and he shook his head.

Then, he muttered something that sounded so much like you want to know.

Hmmm. I frowned, my mouth opening to say something else but we were now in front of my house and Aminah was leaning against the fence with Kunle directly in front of her, his hands on her cheek. They both turned to us as we approached them.

Aminah's eyes looked vacant, glassy, and swollen. It looked like she had been crying? I found myself walking towards her till I was standing by her side.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded curtly, her eyes still fixed on Kunle who had now moved a little bit away from her.

"I guess we will see tomorrow then."

"You're coming over again tomorrow?"

She asked her boyfriend, her voice picking up and I smiled. Kunle smiled too, a wide grin on his face.

"Not exactly. I'm staying over. Adam's cousin is throwing a house party tomorrow."

"Ohh. Do we get to come over?"

She asked again, excitedly and I shook my head. Look like I was worried for nothing. This babe and party ehn. I sha hope I wasn't included in us.

"Of course, the more, the merrier."

"Oh yeah." She threw her hands up in the air and she twisted her body in some sort of dance.

"So, see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. Goodnight."

"Good night."

But none of them moved from where they stood, they just stood there, looking at each other, more like smiling at each other before they both burst into laughter at the same time.

Oh wow.

They leaned in closer so that their faces were inches apart and I could hear that they were whispering things to each other with Aminah occasionally giggling. I shook my head, looked at the spot Adam originally was only to see that he had left. I did the same too, leaving the couple to themselves.

Aminah entered my room a couple of minutes later with a huge smile on her face. I subconsciously smiled at her too. Aminah had this kind of positive energy and aura about her, her energy just seems to light up everything. It's just basically for the atmosphere to be moody if she was present.

"Sorry that I took so long. We just got carried away and....."

She trailed off, that smile still on her face. She was always a bubbly person but then, she lights up even more whenever she was with Kunle and she was talking about him. It must be love or something close to love, what they shared. I wondered how they fell for each other if they were never close from the beginning.

"So, how did you guys started dating?"

I found myself asking and she flopped down on my bed excitedly, her smile brightening even more.

"Okay. We'reriends, we weren't talking buddies self. Just casual hi's and hellos but then, during the summer coaching, something happened."

She paused and I did not know when I asked; What happened?

"I don't know exactly what happened but for the first time, he seemed kind of aloof. Adam and Sophia weren't attending the summer coaching then so I termed his aloofness to their absence but then, one day,  I heard him, overheard him actually on a phone's conversation with someone. I couldn't make sense of the conversation but it seemed to be causing him so much emotional distress. It was my business but then, I found myself going over and asking him if he was okay. It took that small gesture of mine for us to get here. "

Oh wow. Interesting. A very small gesture brought them here but I still couldn't help the unsettling feeling in my stomach. I felt that they wouldn't have happened if Sophia had been attending the summer coaching then.

"We got close really fast so Sophia was surprised when I got that close to him. I'd have been surprised too if I were in her shoes. Before that time, I don't even think Kunle knew my name."

I couldn't help but wonder how bad Sophia must have felt, resuming and seeing her best friend, the guy she likes so into another girl, a girl she probably never likes.

"I know I'm not her favorite person but I have to put up with her because of Kunle and because.." She trailed off and shrugged. "And because, yes, it's strange but I ca and I know that It'd cost Kunle emotional distress if I should start acting up towards her because honestly, I think I'm reaching a breaking point. "

I heaved a sigh, a breaking point was getting long overdue. Aminah is a sweet girl who doesn't deserve to be treated like the way Sophia was treating her.

"I like how she is with her friends or the people she likes. It's hard to believe that she's the same Sophia Williams."

Well, I can testify to that, especially when she starts acting like a possessed person. God, that girl was unbelievable. More unbelievable because she's a celebrity with a huge fanbase. There really can't be two celebrities with her kind of personality.

I can even become bi for you if you want.

I smiled at the memory. I can't even start to understand that girl. I still don't know what she was up.

"Why are you smiling? Are you thinking of something funny?"

I wiped the smile off my face and I shook my head at her.

"I'm glad you have someone like Kunle. You guys are good together."

She smiled brightly again.

"Yes, me too. I'm glad. I don't ever want to lose him. I'll probably just die if that should happen."

I don't want you to lose him too but then, Sophia. I don't know what to think about her anymore.

Aminah's phone chimed and when her face lit up when the screen came on, I knew it could only be one person, Kunle. She laid down on the bed, her back to me and the duvet covering almost her entire body. I was seeing it now, how obsessed she was with Kunle. The way she completely turned away from our conversation was enough proof.

Aminah was still busy giggling and chuckling to herself and her phone when I went to the bathroom to shower and even when I got back, she was still smiling and giggling. I doubted if she was even aware of her surroundings because the ground could crack open and she won't even have an idea. All because of Kunle.

I was about to sleep when my phone chimed. I swiped the screen up to see a new message from Adam. I had blamed Aminah earlier when she became a smiling puppet because of Kunle's message but if I could see myself right now, I was sure that I looked even worst than her.

The message was a simple two-lettered word but it could as well be a 500-word love letter. The message was already opened and I could see that he was online which meant that he was probably waiting for me to reply. I tensed, my fingers hovering on the keyboard. I finally replied, my fingers typing a mimic of his message.

His reply was instantaneous.

Oh wow, she replies.

I smiled, my body lowering by itself, my hand wrapping the comforter around me. It took me just a second to realize that I was mimicking Aminah's posture as I typed my reply which soon turned to replies.

The next thing I heard was that Aminah standing up from the bed and half dragged, half walked herself to the bathroom. My eyes were still fixed on my phone when the door opened again and it was only when her footsteps halted hurriedly that I looked up. She was standing just a foot away from me and looking at me through curious eyes, sleepy eyes.

"What are you doing on your phone that you're still awake by this time?"

I looked away from her face and a glance at my phone's screen. The time was s it not 11 pm like 5 minutes ago? Was it not like 5 minutes ago when Adam messaged me? So we've been chatting for what? 3 hours?

Color me a surprise.

was that I can't even say that this was exactly what we've been talking about. We've talked about nothing and everything.

I looked down at my phone, at the chat. His last unread message was

Oh, I did not me had gone like this. I did not mean to keep you for this long. Good night and see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

"What were you doing? You barely even replied when I told you goodnight like 2 hours ago."

Oh wow. She told me goodnight and from the looks of things, she slept off already. I had no idea.

"I was just....."

I trailed off, unable to articulate what I was Were you chatting with a boy?"

I looked away, my finger pressing the lock button of my phone and she exclaimed, her palm covering her mouth.

"You were chatting with a BOY? Oh my God!"

She sat down on my bed and she grabbed my hand, turning me around so I was facing her. Her eyes were wide and huge, all traces of sleepiness gone from them and I could feel the excitement in them.

"So there's a boy? So you like a boy? Do I know him? Who is he?"

She fired, all in one sentence and I just looked at her, unable to say anything. When I finally opened my mouth to say something, she cut me off again.

"There's a boy and you did not tell me? Is it fine? Have you kissed? Oh my God! I'm dying here. You have to tell me every single thing."

She was practically jumping on the bed, her hands still on my left wrist and tugging at it.

There's nothing to say...

Oh, there's so much to say...

So much, too much that I probably won't be able to say it all.

"Kunmi, I'm waiting oo."

She shouted again, startling me out of my reverie. She was looking at me, expectantly, as if whatever it was that I wanted to say was going to have a huge impact on her. With the way she was looking at her, the way her hold was tightening around my wrist the way her body was shaking uncontrollably, I really couldn't see a way out without telling her anything.

I cleared my throat.

"There's a boy...."

She shrieked and she almost hauled herself away from the bed. I had to gesture for her to keep it down. It was 2 am for goodness sake.

"There's a boy?? Oh my God! Where are my dancing shoes?"

She practically started dancing on the bed and I smiled subconsciously. Aminah ehn.

"So, how far have you guys gone? You've kissed? Made out? Or....."

She trailed off, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and I cringed.

"We...." I trailed off, remembering that last time at Ibadan. He wasn't about to kiss me then, was he?

He probably wasn't.

But his eyes, his look, his touch...

I shut down my thoughts. It wasn't only my mouth that was acting on its own when it came down to Adam, my brain and body were starting to act up too.

What was I even thinking? Why would a pretty boy like Adam want.....

"Oh my goodness! Look at your expression. I must have out a lot. I blame Kunle for all these."

Her excited voice interrupted my thoughts and it jolted me back to reality. I blinked thrice, successfully pushing all those thoughts to the very back of my mind.

"So who's this mysterious guy? Do I know him? Is he from our school? Hmm hmm?"

I looked at her. She was still looking at me, her body closely pressed to mine.

"Who's he?"

I opened my mouth, closed it back and I did not have to wonder if I had voiced out the name because of her reaction, She shrieked, her hands leaving my wrist so she'd cover her mouth and she did move back a little with her eyes huge as a saucer.


She echoed, incredulously.




The first thing I did when I entered my room was to enter the bathroom and to dab water, cold water on my face. That did the magic, the trick of riding my mind of going down the train of thoughts it was hell-bent ongoing.

Or where it had already gone and stayed,

For the better part of the evening.

All through the evening, I had never been more conscious of someone else, it was like I could see and feel her every movement. With her subtle breathing, her eyes darting back and forth between others in the room, she seemed to be looking at everyone in the room but me. She has a habit of wringing her fingers together when she was so focused on someone or something and she has this habit too, of biting her lower lip when she wasn't talking.

And that was unsettling, a whole lot.

I could suddenly feel her and see everywhere even though I wasn't looking at her. She was suddenly everywhere and everything. I almost lost my shit. I was too lost in my thoughts that I couldn't even be bothered by what Alex said.

For some strange reasons, I felt like he meant something entirely different by what he said. I couldn't start to try to decipher what it could mean. With Kunmi sitting beside me and filing in every single part of me, I was incapable of thinking. I couldn't even think even if I wanted to.

It was that bad.

I thought the night breeze would calm my nerves but if anything, it worsened it. If anything, I only became more aware of her, of her scent. It was everywhere and then, she asked me if I was okay.

I wasn't okay, couldn't be okay.

And again, she wanted me to talk about it. I almost laughed out loud at that. Wanted me to talk about it. I could smile because she doesn't want to know.

She was too innocent, acted too innocent for the thoughts she was putting in her head.

That innocence.......

I dabbed water at my face again, staring at the brown skin boy in the mirror. He stared back, gaze unwavering and he told me.

Get a grip, Adam!

Yeah, I needed to get a grip if I don't want to lose my shit.

I took a deep breath and I stepped out of the bathroom at the same minute Kunle stepped into the room. His eyes mirrored my expression because I was looking at him worriedly and he was looking at me worriedly? Do I look that bad?

"Was Sophia okay when you left?"

Was the first question he asked as he walked further into the room and he flopped down on the study desk, his legs outstretched, one hand on his lower abdomen, and the other one behind his head. He looked tired and he was worried about Sophia? I don't understand those two.

"She wasn't."

I replied plainly and I instantly felt bad at the rate at which he sat up and he sighed heavily, his hand running through his hair and face.

"I don't understand Sophia. I don't understand why she treats Aminah like this and then, she feels bad after treating her like that? I understand she's not herself but then, Aminah didn't do anything wrong."

To Sophia, she did many things wrong, becoming your girlfriend would be at the very top of that list.

"What do you think of Sophia?"

I asked, even though the question wasn't related to what we were discussing. He looked at me strangely, giving me a once over.

"What kind of question is that?"

I shrugged, leaning against the bathroom door, my arms crossed over my chest. I asked a question that needed a simple answer. He looked away from me and he went back to his first position. A minute or two of absolute silence stretched between us before he spoke up again.

"I don't know what I think of Sophia or basically, I think so much of her that I really can't pinpoint that this is that particular thing I think about her. She knows so much about me, so much and she's that one person I can tell about my deepest scars without thinking that I'm telling a second party. She feels like home to me, she is that person I can always return to whenever it gets too tiring."

Well, I'd be damned if that did not sound more like a love confession more than any other thing.


It was the sound of the door being closed that woke me up. I sat up, rubbing sleep off my eyes and when I opened them, I instantly closed them back because of the sharp impact of sunlight streaking in through the opened windows.

It was almost midday and I wasn't surprised that I woke up this late.

"See you waking up by 11 am. Why am I not surprised? You did not sleep throughout the night."

I groaned at Kunle's words. Yes, I had stayed awake for the better part of the night, chatting and typing away like a crazed romantic.

I think I was going crazy because crazy people have zero control over their senses and I have zero control over my senses these days.

I opened my eyes slowly. Kunle was dressed and he looked like he just returned from somewhere. I looked at the time, it was 11 am.

"You went somewhere?"

"Yes, I was at Sophia's."


"I just felt the need to check up on her and to confirm if she's fine."

I did nothing. I only stared at him.

"And is she fine?"

"Hmm. She's traveling later today. Looks like she'd have to go for the gala at Dubai."

I nodded. She had initially decided on not going but knowing her and knowing her mother, she would never allow her not to attend the gala. She needed Sophia to get away from home as much as possible, she needed Sophia to immerse herself in the things she loved doing and traveling, fans meetings, runways, photoshoots were more than a hobby to her. They were her lifestyle.

How she managed to remain so humble, so indifferent about her popularity and social life was one thing I admired about her.

Though she could be a pain in the ass most times.

"Aminah said she'd be coming over with Kunmi for the house party later in the day."

Kunmi was coming over? She did not mention that. The thought of her coming over-excited me and it scared me at the same. The thoughts, like weeds, were back again in my head, my brain, my everything, and everywhere.

Charles was throwing an in-house party only because his parents weren't around. They've traveled out of the country for a two weeks conference and he immediately turned the house into a pub after they left. I don't even know why he was calling whatever it was he was throwing today a house party.

He has been partying since I got here.





Aminah begged, coerced, threw a tantrum, threatened me even all because she wanted me to attend the house party. I did not understand why because she could have easily gone by herself. I wanted to go, then I did not want to go. Strangers, new people, girls all doled up looking like princesses, and then, the stares. Was the other reason I wanted to go outweigh those reasons?

Eventually, I gave in to Aminah's plea and the ecstatic look on her couldn't just be because I agreed to go with her. Her excitement was always on a total level. I understand how someone could be that excited all the time. It baffled me, her positive energy.

She must have noticed my discomfort because she tried to soothe me and she even promised to stay right by my side all through the evening. I should have known better, even if she wanted to, she was incapable of sitting still in one position. When we arrived, Kunle was the one who welcomed us, smiles and all that. I wasn't sure if what was happening in the house should be called a house party or a party at all. It was more like a hangout, a gathering. People, girls, and boys were gathered in twos and threes, talking in animated voices, loud music blaring from stereos hidden somewhere, smoke filled the air, the smell of shisha, cigarettes, and even weed. DefinitNotne and I, should probably turn back and walk home but I found myself following the duo to the dining room, my eyes scanning the entire living room for one person but he was nowhere in sight.

Some other girls were in the dining room, drinking from a red cup, and at one corner, a girl was busy grinding one guy. They were so lost in whatever it is they were doing that they appeared not to care that they have crowds as spectators. I looked away, subconsciously biting my lips, regretting coming because I don't like this scene and he wasn't even here.

"Adam should be downstairs in a couple of minutes."

I smiled, then stopped, reading more into Kunle's words when it was just a normal piece of information. Of course, it was normal for him to come downstairs after, all, we came here because of him.

Kunle excused himself and he came back with two cups. He stayed for a couple of minutes before he excused himself again. I sat there with Aminah, making idle talks but I could tell that she was starting to feel uncomfortable. It was just impossible for her to stay still at one point. She ended up excusing herself and I watched as she crossed the room to the other side and she just sat with a bunch of other people, older people, and she just fitted right, talking and laughing with them within minutes. I wondered how people do that, fit right in, everywhere and anytime.

I felt bad that she kind of just left me and then, I really couldn't blame her, It was just her nature.

I sat there, eyes fixed on my phone, scrolling through the thousands of unread books in my library when I felt someone touch me on my thigh, my upper thigh. I tensed, looked up to see a guy, a weird-looking guy with dreads settling himself on the chair Aminah just vacated except that he had now moved it closer so that his knees were brushing against mine as he sat down and his left hand remained on my thigh and it was now moving in a circular pattern.

What on earth...

"Hey, babe."

He drawled, eyes glinting with mischievousness as he stared at me, no, my chest and he used his tongue to sweep over his lower lip. I recoiled, my blood boiling.

"Could you please remove your hand?"

I tried to inject fear into my voice but it came out more like a whisper and that made him smile and lean in even closer, his hand itching higher.

"Oh come on, I know girls like.........."

"I think she just told you to fuck off."

I looked up to see Adam standing in front of us, eyes dark and unreadable and he looked really angry, his jaws clenched and it looked more like he was trying to refrain from doing somewhat he'd end up regretting.

The boy looked away from me slowly, that grin still on his face. Whatever he wanted to say died in his throat when he saw Adam, more like Adam's eyes, they were so dark, spewing brimstone. His grin disappeared and he flattered, stood up, muttered something incorrigible to himself and he just left. Wow, that was it?

I blinked and when I opened my eyes, Adam was now sitting on the empty chair and he was all smiles, nothing like Adam from just seconds ago. My heart flipped a thousand times and I found myself smiling back.

Oh boy, I think I must like this boy.

I stilled myself at my subconscious thought and he looking around, shaking his head at the scenes in front of him.

"Let's get out of here."

He did not wait for me to reply before he pulled me by my hands and he led me out of the dining room, out of the main house to a much smaller building behind the main house. I knew it was the games room because most of the houses in our estate were built the same way. He flipped the switch and the entire room light up. I looked at the room, at the games, then at him. He was still holding my hand.

"Do you want to play?"

He asked suddenly, dropped my hand and he shoved his into his pockets. I stared at my now free hand, then at his that was now in his pocket, then at his face. I shook my head.

"No, I just want to sit down."

He nodded, his eyes softening and we walked to the west wing of the room where we could sit down on a cabinet built into the wall. I sat down while he leaned on the space beside me, more like supported his entire weight on his hand the was on the cabinet because his entire body was turned towards me.

"I'm sorry about the guy from earlier. Most of Charles's friends are immoral. I should have gotten there earlier."

I smiled. I had almost forgotten about what happened earlier and he even was apologizing. None of us said anything for a while but I could tell that he was staring intently at me. I stared straight ahead as the space in front of me became a fascinating piece of art.

"Should we just return to the party?" I asked, even though that was the last thing I wanted but the silence was getting too...

"Do you want us to?"

He replied with another question and I found myself shaking my head. We remained in that position, me looking at the space in front of me and him staring intently at me. After a while, I heard him heave a sigh, more like a labored breath and he leaned fully against the cabinet. I looked away from the fascinating scene in the blank space to him. He has acted strangely since yesterday.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, then shook his head because that's what's it looked like. I wasn't even sure of his answer was.

What could be wrong with this boy?

"What's wrong?"

I found myself asking again because it looked like something was wrong with me. My question jerked his head up and he looked at me with darker and more intense eyes. He looked at me for a while before he nodded to himself and one minute, he was standing next to me, overwhelmingly male and handsome and the next, he was standing directly in front of me, more like in between my thighs with my right hand pressed against his chest, right where his heart was.

How and when he did that, moved to stand directly in front of me, grabbed my hand, and pressed it against his chest was what I don't understand.

And his heart wasn't beating, I couldn't even find the word for what it was doing. It looked like his heart was going shoot out of his ribcage with the rate it was beating,

No, pounding, thumping, racing, anything but beating because hearts don't beat like this.

I felt flushed as I stared at him. He was staring at me, intensely, intently and there was something else I couldn't recognize in those hazel eyes of his. His hand was still on mine and mine was still on his chest and he wouldn't stop looking at me.

"This. Is. What's. Wrong."

He said slowly, breaking the words for me and his eyes, the feel of his hands on mine was doing things to me like making my heartbeat, no, race faster, and goosebumps form on my skin. I swallowed, wanting to look away from him but failing miserably.

"This.." He continued, motioning to his heart. "This. Is. All. You."

This is all me? All me? I was making his heartbeat this fast, at this pace that would probably make him have a heart attack if it doesn't stop soon? No way!

I didn't understand what this boy was going on about at all.

My lips parted on their own accord and I watched as his eyes dropped to them, my lips before he looked at my eyes, again.

My legs buckled and I would have fallen off if he wasn't holding on to me.

I looked away from his intense eyes and I looked at where my hand laid on his chest. I attempted to pull it away but he only held on, firmer, stronger.

I was forced to look at him again and he had moved even closer to me, his free hand now cupping the left side of my face. It was so light, so feather-light that I could hardly feel it but I did felt it when he moved his thumb against my cheek in a soft caress. I gasped, the sound leaving my mouth before I could process it at all.

God! What's this boy doing to me?


My name sounded like a caress when he said it that way. A soft thing.

He removed my hand from his chest and he allowed it to drop on my left thigh, his, still wrapped around mine.

He gulped audibly, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You're driving me crazy and I'd probably become crazier if I don't do this."

His eyes dropped to my lips before he looked at me in the eyes again, his thumb moving in a soft caress on my cheeks. I wasn't numb, I was just liquid, incapable of doing anything or saying anything.

"I so want to kiss you right now."

He asked, his voice soft and velvety, more like a whisper and I count have possibly heard him right.

"Can I do that?"

Adam, pretty boy Adam did not just ask me that but his eyes, his hand, his thumb moving softly on my cheeks was telling me otherwise.

Hmmm hmm hmmm

Oluwa, wetin dey occur? Adam wants to corrupt my innocent Kunmi. I won't allow this, at all. I won't allow him to taint my sweet and innocent baby. No way.

Kunmi too 😒😏😒😒😏, omo ti life. From this chapter thereon, I'm diagnosing her with Adam's syndrome because ehn.

Kunle and Sophia ehn! What do you guys think of their relationship, friendship or what can I even call it? Because ehn, E get as e be sha.

Sorry for the late update again. E get as e be.

See you guys when I see you ♥️♥️♥️

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