Part 13

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Naira was warily tired. His hand curled around her waist when entering into the house. She drew closer to his body unconsciously. They got inside the house and she felt the familiar sudden security surround her mind.

She treaded her way to the room to just drop dead in sleep, but he curled his hand around her arm and moved her closer to his body. His left hand spread around her waist tightly.

She looked up enquiringly into his eyes. His hand went back and her eyes drew there. She stiffened when a packet of chocolates greeted her eyes. An abrupt watery mist covered her gaze. She bit the inside of her cheek to not wail. Her glance slid up to his eyes.

His eyes slid to her cheek and all over her face. A pained wounded hurt was reflected In his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said the two words in a strained tone.

Naira absorbed it. But, she wasn't sorry at all. She wasn't sorry that she was with him as his wife. She buried that thought deep.

"My mumma says, everything goes alright with a chocolate." She chuckled lightly.

As she had expected, tears flowed down her cheeks. His eyes pained more at that and his fingers slid on the marks over her heated cheek in a soothing caress.

She moved back and turned around but he pulled at her hand. He pulled her body hard into his chest. He banded his arms around her in a lock. Her arms lay helpless to the sides. Naira sniffed continuously on his shoulder for about a minute.

"I don't usually cry this much." She whispered, embarrassed while his arms held her firm to his chest.

"Yeah." He mumbled into her neck and sighed heavily.

His hard strong body held her in a comfort and warmth. She moved her head from over his shoulder slowly. His lips travelled on her skin and ear in a whisper. His hand cupped her cheek and his forehead touched hers for a second. His eyes were closed. Then he moved back and walked away with much longer strides.

Karthik was over the phone barking orders one after the other at Swayam.

"Buy all the shares of Singhania properties one by one. Liquidate the assets. Burn it down all." Karthik said in grave austerity.

The old man had the dare to hurt his wife, mar her skin, mar her mentally. He did not hurt what was Karthik's, but his own daughter, what kind of a father was he, but oh no, such disgusting power hungry animal would have none affection.

Karthik stared at the band of gold over his left hand ring finger. His eyes pained looking at it. He had ruined everything. Now, he was going to set it right. He knew about her dream. He knew about her ambition. He knew well about it all.

But his mind roared again in satisfaction when she refused to walk away and adamantly stuck to his side. But he had to make sure of everything again, to give her a free walk away. He couldn't let go off her now, but she could he thought painfully. He wanted to see what she'll choose tomorrow. She should go for her dream. He would make sure of it, but a certain hope filled his mind that she would reject the offer and stay with him.

He walked out, and reached to her room. Karthik pushed opened the door and walked in. His eyes fell on the sleeping figure on the bed. He moved forward and stared down at her. The fingerprint marks on her cheek looked vile and evil. It marred her porcelain skin and he gulped down the rising anger by fisting his hands.

He shook his head and laid his body on his back next to hers. He sighed and rested his head over his right arm on the pillow. He stiffened suddenly when she stirred in her sleep. Her body drew closer to his and burrowed into his side. He took a sharp intake of breath feeling her softness on his body. His left arm went around her waist and he drew her more closer into his chest. His arms filled with her warmth.

He suddenly craved everything and his eyes swam pictures and images of a future, a life, a wife, kids, a family but he pushed it aside feeling the danger of it playing with his head again and the delicate new relation would make him a fool in front of the world.

For now he let the warmth spread into his veins and settle his mind as he closed his eyes and his breath evened out immediately......

Naira stirred and suddenly she knifed straight up on the bed frantically trying to get out of the nightmare that she was in. It was frightening. It was choking her to death. Two large hands caught her throat and were choking her. Strangulating her. She was cold. So cold. She felt like a dead body.

She struggled to get out of the bed but she was held tight. She flailed her arms in a crazy effort to be free, but she couldn't. She was sweating.

"What's wrong with you ?!!"She heard his voice.

She got out of the nightmare in a hard pull. She blinked rapidly and her sleepy strained eyes caught the sight of his body under her own flailing one.

"You're here !!"She cried and held onto to his neck.

She was now on top of his body and all over strangulating his breath, but she couldn't let go of his strength and his hard warm body.

She stopped moving completely. Her body went straight and she saw that both of her legs were around his waist. Her cheeks burned and reddened. In a quick snap her eyes caught his. His eyes were sleepy. She got off his body in a jump and low squeak.

"What are you doing in my bed ?!!"She raised her voice, trying to cover up the blush spreading in a blooming pink all over her body. She scrambled to the far side of the bed scowling at his face.

He grinned suddenly and caught her wrist, her eyes widened when he pulled her body towards his.

"That's not what I heard when you were clutching my body in a desperate grip."He mocked her.

She only glowered back, and pushed at his arms which surrounded her shoulders like iron bands.

"Why are you blushing so much babe ?!!"He slid his left hand thumb finger over her heated cheek in a caress. Her cheeks warmed up more and he chuckled lightly.

She got off the bed. He caught her hand lightly while still lying on the bed. He had a frown drawing up his brows in a strain.

"Where are you going ?!! Come back to bed."He said sleepily.

Naira's mind abruptly thronged with the terrible feel of the nightmare still clutching her neck. The same nightmare she got while staying at her parents house. She gulped hard, she always used to get it usually while trying to sleep. It had been a long it came tonight and she knew why. Her right cheek burned with a sharp stinging pain of her father's harsh hand print.

"I'm not going to sleep tonight."She said hastily in a panic.

He looked back into her eyes leisurely. His eyebrows sharp and defined cleared and straightened up on the bed.

"Nightmare ?!!" He asked.

"Yes."She replied evasively.

He tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, holding her hand now more firmly.

"What about ?!!"He insisted in a curious voice.

Naira looked down into his eyes and she hesitated. His eyes locked completely with hers and he seem to understand. She stood there like that with her hand in his. He nodded his head and she felt relieved that he didn't insist on with the questions.

Naira let go of his hand, and Naira turned around. She heard a rustling and he seem to get out of bed. In a second his hand circled around her waist. Naira craned her neck up and looked to the side into his eyes.

"Where are you going ?!!"She asked quizzically.

"Where are you going ?!!" He counter questioned her, ignoring her.

Naira stared back flatly.

"Out." She said.

Karthik said nothing. He just grabbed two jackets, one for him and the other one for her. He walked out of the room and into the hall. She seem to follow.

He opened the door of the house and a gush of frigid air hit her face . Naira gasped and moved closer and deeper into his side.

"It's cold."She whispered as white puff of air escaped her lips while talking.

He just placed his hand around her back and pushed her body into his warmth more in response. Both of them walked out in the open and outside down to the porch. He suddenly moved away and Naira shivered as abrupt cold spread around her skin. She frowned when he walked to the garage.

"I don't want to get in the car." Naira stopped him in a shout.

He froze and turned around instantly. He looked tired and irritated.

"What do you want to do then ?!!"He asked softly.

Naira grinned at his helplessness. That's good. Nice punishment for marrying her forcefully. He shouldn't have done that, now see, poor him, he looked already half dead.

"I want to walk."She replied still grinning widely.

He started at her as if she was crazed and looked around at the mist.

"Fine, but I will not be responsible if you freeze to death in this cold."He growled low and slid his hands in the coat pockets.

He kept walking. Naira jumped and ran after his longer steps. She reached towards his side and locked her hands around his right bicep. It flexed in response as he looked down at her while walking. Naira burrowed more into his warmth. She smiled up into his face and he gazed down at her lips unblinkingly.

They kept walking on the road in comfortable silence.

"Are you done now ?!!"He asked finally.

Naira paid no heed to his question. She walked faster and fluttered like a colorful butterfly.

Karthik sighed in exasperation. How did he ever dream of having a kid with her. She herself was one small baby. Well she behaved like one.

He followed her trial and walked up to the tree where a wooden bench was dug into the moist ground. If this goes on, her not sleeping in the night at all, it was going to be a living hell from now on. If he knew she was this wired, he wouldn't have married her.

His eyes turned cold and he grabbed her waist. She squealed but he made her stay put in his lap while he sat down on the bench. Naira gasped. She tried to move off his lap but he held her there more firmly.

"What the hell are you doing ?!!"She spluttered.

His right hand index finger slid over her lips.

"Shhh..."He whispered, settled more comfortably on the bench with his arms around her tightly, he closed his eyes. He drew his coat around her in a blanket.

She looked up into his face. She stared and stared for more than two minutes as his breath turned slow and evened out falling warm on her face. He was falling asleep.

How can he fall asleep, she sighed and sagged back into his chest. She listened to the calm beat of his heart under his chest. His heat was spreading across all over inside her bones. Naira closed her eyes and drew her legs closer. He sighed and burrowed her deeper unconsciously into his body. Her eyebrows strained suddenly as she felt the moment freeze in her memory.

A lone tear followed by another, the salt drops rolled down her cheek and wetted his t-shirt over his chest. A silent sob escaped her lips and she felt him stiffen immediately. He pushed up her chin in the view of his eyes. His eyes sleepy yet alert.

Naira just shook her head and sniffed a little. His mood became grave at her non-committal nod of head. What would it take for her to talk ?!! She still behaved as if he was a stranger, that she couldn't trust him with anything. That he did not like.

Naira froze suddenly when his hand surrounded her waist and he pulled her up onto his chest. Her breath got caught as his lips softly grazed on her right cheek where it throbbed. She turned stone when he kissed her there like feather touch on her skin again and again. His hand tightened on her waist and squeezed hard. She felt an anxiety suddenly remembering the slap. She stiffened feeling different things altogether.

"This is the reason of your nightmare, right ?!!"He murmured in a very husky tone.

She gulped hard. He abruptly put his forehead on her burning one. His eyes heated and warm caught hers. Both of his hands cupped her cheeks.

"Nobody is going to hurt you again. I promise."He whispered fiercely and very intently.

Naira took the sweet painful promise in and her heart thudded in response to his touch. Her eyes watered and her lips turned up a little in a smile.

"You coming ?!!" Karthik bit out from over his shoulder.

Naira jumped and hurried after his long strides. She stayed silent by his side after almost destroying his night !!

He grabbed her waist and moved her fast. She was already tired now and finally was feeling sleepy.

He still kept glaring at her while they entered the mansion. Warmth filled her body. Before he could turn around she tried to tip toe and escape to her room fast, but his hard voice froze her to the floor.

"Where do you think you're going ?!!" Karthik asked.

Naira closed her eyes and kicked herself for not moving faster out of the hall. Well, fate never helped her, did it. She sighed and turned around with her heart racing.

"I was going to my room."She replied.

Karthik's eyes narrowed. He really was pissed off at her.

"Why ?!!"He asked.

"To sleep." She managed to speak out.

His narrowed eyes turned cold. He walked towards her and Naira's eyes widened, she stepped back instinctively.

"After all that drama in the middle of the, damn night, now you're feeling sleepy finally !!"He roared. Boy, he was hell angry.

Naira turned around to run but he again grabbed at her waist sliding her body easily under his arm. She again flailed her arms and legs in the air.

"I'm sorry !! I'm sorry !! What should I do if I can't sleep !! " Naira screamed a little trying to push off his hands around her waist.

So this is what happens if he didn't get his sleep ?!! This point Naira noted down in her mind for the future. She stopped struggling and folded her hands as he jostled her body to and fro and carried her to his room.

He put her on the bed and she tried to scramble away, but he was fast as his body fell down on hers. He caught her failing arms and pushed them up over their heads.

Her head pushed down on the pillow. She stopped struggling and his hold slackened. He was panting hard as he had carried her all the way from the hall. He looked completely tired. He slid away and fell on his back on the bed beside to her still breathing hard.

Naira turned to his side and settled under the covers comfortably. He drew far away from her to the other side of the bed, but he still had his hand locked with hers.

"Sleepy ?!!" Karthik asked her softly now, turning to her side on the left.

"Very much."She murmured in a whisper of sleep.

Her droopy eyes looking into his still displeased and irritated brown eyes. Naira drew her hand and circled her delicate fingers with his long ones in a clasp and warm entwine. He looked down at their entwined fingers then back into her very sleepy eyes. He sighed and it seemed all his anger seem to drain away. He tugged at her hand.

"Come here."He murmured .

He dragged her body slowly to his and she burrowed herself on his chest, flinging her legs over his in a lock. He drew up the covers over her, his chest moved up and down in warm serene breathing now. His strong arm covered her back drawing her more into hard body in a protective cocoon.

Naira snuggled comfortably on his chest.

"No nightmares." Karthik ordered her sleepily in a whisper over her forehead.

"No nightmares." Naira agreed softly .

His hand flexed on her waist and both of their breaths evened out falling asleep in deep slumbers of their own, becoming one, in their delicious stir of movements on the bed.

Their hand entwined and their hearts beating in sync, the night passed away without anymore nightmares !!

Naira stirred and abruptly her eyes flew open as the morning light spread through the windows and fell over her face. It woke her up from the deep slumber she was in. She jerked up suddenly and sat up bleary eyed.

She drew back the covers and slid her legs down on the floor. She padded her bare feet out of the room in search of her husband. They slept together but then where had he gone early in the morning ?!!

Naira made her way to the kitchen. She had an anticipatory feeling of finding him bent over the oven, or near the burner cooking something. She entered into the kitchen and found a completely different scenario. He was all dressed up, sharp and suited, as if he was ready for work.

He wasn't facing her. Naira cleared her throat loudly.

His back straightened and he froze for a second but he went about his way, ignoring her again. She sighed, well, this isn't any new. Fine then, she could be silent too. Her glance fell on the counter as she slid onto the bar stool. There was a plate full of scrambled eggs, fresh orange and apple fruit cuts, two toasted bread pieces and a cup of hot steaming coffee. Both of her eyebrows drew up surprised. There was another plate too, which had a few crumbs. He had his breakfast ?!! Without her ?!! But he made a plate for her ?!!

"You made breakfast for me ?!!" She chirped, smiling a little.

"I didn't." He said shortly.

The little smile that spread her lips just vanished at that. She raised a left eyebrow and drew her gaze down to the ample of breakfast.

"Then why is there an extra plate of food on the counter ?!! I see that you already had your breakfast. I don't see anyone else that you just cooked for except me." Naira said.

"Are you done ?!!" He gritted through clenched teeth. Oh no, she didn't want to make him angry in the morning.

"Done. Completely. I don't talk like this much usually. Except I'm afraid if you keep on making me nervous, I can't possibly stop with it. " She blurted out.

His face cleared with the black glower and a bemused look passed over his face looking down into her red blushing cheeks. Just plain awesome. Now he was laughing at her.

"I make you nervous ?!!" He quizzed her in an amused voice.

"Yes." She blustered.

"Why ?!!" He asked again.

His eyes focused intently on her lips and Naira licked her lower lip uncomfortably again. She turned crimson and blushed pink because of his teasing eyes.

"You don't talk to me like the way you should and you're rude. It's not the way you should speak to your wife." She concluded.

He stared at her for quite a heated moment.

"Are you ?!!" He asked her.

Naira stared back confused.

"What ?!!" She asked in a low voice.

"My wife ?!!" He asked.

Naira straightened feeling an abrupt change in the air around. It became tensed and strained. Why was he asking her that again ?!! Something in his eyes told her he wasn't just asking her a casual cool question as he presented it to be. Why was he asking her now, when he had married her without her consent ?!!

Before she could open her mouth, he moved and stood closer to her now.

"I have to talk to you about something. Eat your breakfast and meet me in the living room." He clipped into her face, moved back and pushed past her.

Naira turned around as he walked out of the kitchen.

What was he talking about ?!! It sounded like serious stuff. Now what happened ?!! She worried anew.

Her eyes slid down to the breakfast plate which had turned cold now.

She brushed it off and took hold of the coffee. She needed the caffeine now. Naira put down the empty cup, feeling kind of rejuvenated and treaded her way towards the living room.

She walked slowly and reached the hall. He was sitting on the large sofa chair.

"Come here." He ordered.

Naira drew forward and reached across. Her eyes sliding from the papers kept on the table in front of him and to his face.

"Sit." Karthik ordered her again.

Naira meekly complied. She sat across the chair identical to the one he was settled in. What was this now ?!! He bent forward and slid a paper closer to her hand.

"Sign this." He said again shortly.

Naira felt her heart stutter as she held his gaze and slid it down to the paper. She lifted it up and narrowed her eyes. It seemed like a legal document. Property transfer from the current owner to the new one. Her eyes focused on the words. Her gaze jumped down to the lines at the bottom of the page.

I hereby declare the land in acquiring to Karthik Goenka !!

"What is this ?!!" She asked abruptly.

"Do you recognise it ?!!" He asked her instead.

She did. Once upon a time when she was really young, her father had transferred a particular piece of land under her name as an investment. The question is, why was she holding a legal document which says that she is about to transfer the land to Karthik Goenka ?!! Her husband ?!!

Understanding seem to dawn into her mind.

"You just have to sign it." Karthik started , but Naira concluded it with her own slow words.

"To make it yours." She looked up into his eyes while saying it.

She stared down at the document. She had always thought about it. Why would he preposition her father to marry her ?!! What would be the reason behind it ?!! Why had he been constantly persistent ?!! Why he forcefully married her ?!! He could have any girl ever ready at his doorsteps to get married to, but there was a reason right, she thought. And the reason was this.

"You don't have to look so sad. This is still another document. It will certainly flare your interest." He flung the words at her.

Whatever he would bring up now, nothing could compensate the immense pain that started to circulate around her body. Each time she thought he was different, and not the type of how her father was, he was making it all prove wrong. With all these business propositions he was reminding constantly that what they had or what she thought it was between which was something new and delicate, is not exactly true. And it was just a too dreamy a fantasy of her mind.

He slid the other document beside to the previous one. She kept staring at it for a long while.

"Marraige contract ?!!" She whispered the words, feeling drained out.

"Yes. You would have a place to practice your dance or whatever that is there, in a work shop. It's assigned to you. You can fulfill whatever dreams you had. But then you would have to stay with me as my wife till the land is under my possession" He said.

Naira could only stare at him. What about their marriage ?!! She had already dissolved that dream. He was deliberately pushing her away, wasn't he. He didn't want to be chained with her. She was nothing but a past in his life. How did she think otherwise that he would want anything to do with her. He was rich. He was fascinating. He was everything that a woman can dream of.

"You don't have to worry about your father, if that's the reason you don't want to sign the papers. He isn't going to be a problem to you. I wouldn't let it happen. Even if you decide to leave that is, you'll have my promise. He is never going to even catch your shadow." He concluded his offer.

Naira blinked once and then twice. She wasn't thinking about her father at all right now. She was thinking about how easy he was making her life and future. Of how he was frantic to wash his hands off her. Forever. As so that, she wouldn't be a problem in his life. Of how, he wanted neat and clean break up. Of how, there shouldn't be an ex wife knocking at his doorsteps in the future. She blinked again looking down at the documents.

"Maybe, you need time for this. I will come back in the evening. I hope you will make a decision by then." He said , and slid out of the chair.

Naira drew her eyes to his face. Karthik was about to turn around. Her almost watering red eyes drew back to the papers once again. If he wanted this, then, she couldn't deny him.

"You don't have to wait that long." She whispered suddenly.

Karthik drew up tight suddenly. He had been relieved a second ago, thinking that she wouldn't sign it. He slid his head to the left side, and he turned around slowly.

"I'm ready to sign the papers right away." She mumbled in a reply.

But before she could go through with it, she needed to understand what was the worth of that land, so much so that, he went on a long procedure of propositioning her father ?!!! She was intelligent enough to get it because he had wanted this land. Yes, it mattered so much to him. Too much. Maybe he had immense profit from it or it may be of something else . Whatever it was, he had laid out a careful plan.

"You sure ?!!" He asked her.

What else is there now to not be sure of. Everything was clear. She was made fool in all this. A victim of constant betrayal.

"Yes." She replied. He turned completely towards her and slid down on the chair again.

She grabbed hold of the pen and moved forward and bent closer to the papers. She felt a tear slid down from her left eye but she hurriedly bent her head to shield her face from his eyes.

Karthik stared down as her thick black long locks slid down in waves when she bent her head to sign the papers. His eyes narrowed as her slender hand shook over the paper.

But he couldn't stop her from making the decision. He had made a mistake due to his fierce anger. Now, he had to set it right. No matter what it could cost him. Karthik saw the only hope of her choice, fade away as she abruptly yet firmly signed the papers carefully one after the other. Karthik closed his eyes in a tight shut.

"Is that all ?!!" She asked in a low sweet voice again.

"That's all." He muttered in a hard voice and turned around.

"Wait !!" Her voice raised in a panic.

He stilled instantly and turned towards her.

"What is the land worth to you ?!!" She blurted out the question that clawed her since she went through the document.

She needed to know with a desperate urgency. It surprised her how it became so important suddenly to know about his life.

"None of your concern." He clipped.

He seem to wait for her to protest but she didn't utter a word. She felt her eyes mist over suddenly in a sting. He froze looking at the tears forming in her eyes, but she willed them not to flow down her eyes. She was strong, she told herself.

Karthik felt like a complete jerk now.

"What are the tears for now ?!!" He glowered up in irritation.

"That's none of your concern." She shot back.

He turned around and finally walked away after gathering the documents, leaving her in a mess of gloomy thoughts. He looked displeased as hell. Why is that ?!! She thought sadly. He got what he wanted, didn't he. She winced as the front door banged as he left the mansion.

Karthik returned home late that night . He flung open the door and directed his gaze to the bed, but he blinked when he found it empty. She might be roaming around the house he thought.

He walked into the bathroom. He closed it shut. Very reluctantly he slid into the bubble bath and his face burned because of it. What could he do, he needed the bath badly after going through the mess at the factory.

A delicate sweet smell of strawberries permeated his nostril and he groaned heavily. He would smell of a woman all through the week with the amount of bath foam she slid into the water. He hurried with it and got out of the bathroom wearing a t-shirt and track pants.

Damn, he was not at all habitual in living with a woman. Now he would first make sure which bathing foam is he using before hand. He made a note of it for the future.

He froze suddenly. Did she run away again ?!! But somehow he felt that she was inside somewhere. He just needed to look around the rooms. His feet took him to his study after fifteen minutes of search. Of course she would be here. Didn't she tell him about 'the read before sleep kind of therapy' she was in, he thought with a wry smile.

Karthik walked inside and his eyes fell on a thin figure curled on the sofa at the far end corner, opposite to the racks. A deep sigh left his lips. He moved closer and slid his gaze over her form. . She looked like a little kid with the scrunched up nose and half opened mouth.

He bent down and lifted her up in his arms. He walked out of his study and reached her room. He put down her sleeping form in the middle of the bed and drew up the covers and kept looking at her face. She stirred again and her eyes flew open suddenly.

Naira let out a loud scream looking at the dark figure bent over her. But then she realized it was karthik. She heard him switch on the light and just as immediately the room flooded in complete brightness. She decided to ignore his presence altogether. God knows what kind of contract he would whip out again to flung it on her face. It's better to avoid his company for a while.

Naira moved back feeling her cheeks heat up but she froze suddenly when she got a strong whiff of her bathing foam. Strawberries ?!! She sniffed again and his body locked up as she drew closer. The warmth from his body immediately started to surround her. It was very strong the scent.

"Why do you smell of strawberries ?!!" She asked abruptly.

She was used to the woodsy scent of his cologne, but this !! He smelled so womanly !! She saw with widening of eyes his cheeks turn red and he avoided her aghast eyes.

"You smell like a girl." She burst out laughing again.

His face turned stone as he slid a very nasty look at her. His mouth twisted angrily but Naira couldn't hold anymore.

"Oh my god, this is epic." She laughed out loud.

" I don't have the habit of living with a woman ohkay ?!! I didn't knew your bathing foam would be already mixed in the water." Karthik blurted out as an explanation, totally embarrassed.

Naira still didn't stop laughing. She was now rolling on the bed holding her stomach. He gritted his teeth in anger.

"I hate you !!" He shouted.

"Ditto, baby." Naira shot back.

Karthik then hurried out of the room fuming in anger. While naira laid back on the bed and tried to sleep. She kept on twisting and turning in her bed for the next half an hour but sleep wouldn't come.

A sudden idea struck her. She went into the contacts list in her phone.

"Still not sleepy." She sent the message to Karthik.

She was surprised when it vibrated immediately. Her heart fluttered in a ruffle.

"Close your eyes." Was the reply.

Naira pursed her lips.

"Can't." She sent in reply. A second later, the phone vibrated.

"Can't or won't ?!!" Karthik had asked.

She blinked down at the message and hesitated, but she shook her head and typed a reply.

"Both." Naira answered in her reply.

She waited for his reply but it did not come for more than a minute. Naira pouted. Maybe he fell asleep. She slid the phone in annoyance and turned away her face to the left side on the pillow. A second later, the phone vibrated again. She jerked around and grabbed it.

"What are you afraid of ?!!" She read out the message.

It went and hit strongly at the right spot. Memories swam in front of her eyes. Bitter memories of her childhood. Her father hitting her mother in the night. Her cries and moans. Naira was afraid if she slept, something would happen to her mother. Uneasiness rose up thinking about home. How was her mother ?!!

How can she talk about all this to him. He wouldn't care about it, she thought sadly.

"Nothing." She replied back and pushed away the phone.

No answer came after that and she sighed heavily.

Naira rolled her eyes. She was abruptly propelled out from her thoughts when she heard the door knob turn in. The door creaked open and she saw a familiar figure fill in the space. Her shoulders sagged in relief. Goodness, this was the second time in the night, he scared the day lights out of her. He must be crazy.

"Nothing what ?!!" He asked her.

What ?!! Her brain still tried to understand why he barged into her room again.

"Huh ?!!" Naira asked.

He walked in, closed the door shut and made way to the left side of the bed. What was he doing ?!! She frowned. He slid on his back and settled his head on the white pillow.

"Your message." He cleared her confusion.

Her message ?!! Her forehead cleared of the frown. She still kept blinking at his figure laid out in a sprawl on her bed.

"Why are you here ?!!" She asked.

"Come here." He whispered in the heavy silence.

Naira felt her heart race at that and the pulse in her wrist quickened. Her body burned hot and she stayed dumbstruck in freeze. Her forehead creased in confusion at his behavior, but looking into his eyes she slid closer to his side.

"What ?!!" She asked, he caught hold of her hand and pulled her to the side of his chest.

Naira protested by flailing her arms but he closed his arm around her shoulders.

"What are you doing ?!!" She gasped still struggling.

"Making you asleep." He replied in a soft voice.

It was pointless moving her hands. It was like hitting a hard wall. Naira sighed frustrated.

"You can't force me to." She snapped angrily.

He just took a deep breath in. His chest moved up and down with it. He didn't reply for a while.

"You aren't going to tell me what you are scared of ?!!" He insisted again.

"No !!" Naira replied instantly.

Why was he trying to penetrate into her thoughts when he himself was making her go away from his life. Everything else is pointless. The marriage. His manners towards her. He was being too husbandly. Didn't he remember what he said about staying clear of their respective paths ?!! Didn't he remember about the deal and contracts that she signed in the morning ?!! What happened now ?!!

He just wanted her to stay with him till he got the ownership of the land right ?!! He didn't care about what happens with her after that.

His hand tightened on her shoulder.

"Talk or sleep. You've got a choice." He responded warily and locked his hands more tighter around her.

Her mind growled out. Whatever the hell are his manipulative business skills, she wasn't going to cave in here. She really wasn't going to talk and make him see the vulnerability inside of her heart. She was afraid he would mock and sneer later about it in disdain and she wasn't up to take more humiliation on her self respect.

"Sleep." She gritted her teeth agreeing to the second choice.

"Good." He replied shortly and deeply.

She settled back into his warmth as there wasn't a way out to let herself free from his iron band arms. His tense strong muscles softened as soon as she sagged down into his chest. She was happy though that now she didn't have to worry about the nightmares.

The steady rhythm of his heart beat under his chest gave her an assurance. A safety. She suddenly had nothing to fear. The immense calm she had in his arms. That was the uncomfortable feeling being crept into her mind, and it scared her more than any nightmare she had till now. Was she falling in love with her husband ?!!

Precap : The wifey !!The s*xy Naira !!Punctured and Locked !!The confessions!!Lost in a forest!!

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