Chapter 1

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Eva's POV:

"3-2-1...yeah!" Everyone yells as Kara busts open a bottle of champagne. We each get a glass. "To Supergirl and Electress-" J'onn starts, but Kaa stops him. "No, to family. Love is what bonds us together." She says.

Everyone agrees and as we go to toast we see something fly outside Kara's window. "What's that?" I ask as we all race to the window. "Nothing good." Alex says. J'onn, Kara, and I exchange a look before setting our drinks down.

We race out of the apartment and change into our uniforms at the same time. The we leap into the air and speed after the flaming pod. "We need to stop him or there could be major casualties." J'onn says. "I got him." Kara says, speeding up.

Then, she halts all of a sudden due to an shock from a force field. The pod hits a window cleaner's platform, sending the guy hurtling towards the earth. "I've got him, you two get the pod." J'onn says. We nod and speed after the pod.

We see he's about to hit some construction beam. "Kara." I say. She nods and speeds ahead of the pod, pushing the beam away as I continue after it. It crash lands and I quickly fly to the crash sight. J'onn and Kara soon are by my side. "That pod, it's identical to mine." Kara says.

I walk closer to it to see who or what is inside. "Careful Electress." J'onn says. Ignoring him, I reach down pull of off the front. "Oh my God." I breath. There is a man inside that looks to be Kara and my's age. Soon agents arrive and get the man out of the pod. They take him to HQ.

"You two, get some sleep. I'll meet you both at Supergirl's house tomorrow." J'onn says. We nod and fly back to Kara and my's apartment building. Kara and I are neighbors. "Night Kara, I'll be over about eight. Want me to bring breakfast?" I ask.

"When do I ever say no to free food? Especially yours?" She asks. We both laugh and go into our separate apartments. I quickly change out of my uniform before showering and changing into shorts and a tank top. The next morning at 6 I get up and head to the kitchen.

I then set to work making breakfast. After finishing around seven- twenty I head to my room, pack a bag with regular clothes before changing back into my uniform and throwing my hair into my usual half up. I grab the food and walk over to Kara's. "Morning." I call into the apartment.

Kara comes in already dressed as Supergirl. "YEEESSSSS! I love your Quiche." Kara says. I laugh as she takes a fourth of it and eats it while I just take a regular sized piece. After we eat and put the leftovers in Kara's fridge J'onn shows up.

"Come on, there's someplace I need to show you two." He says. Confused we follow him through the skies of National City to a giant office building. We land on a platform and J'onn turn back to his human form. The doors open and Kara and I gape at the interior. "Where are we?" Kara asks.

"The Department of Extra-Normal Operations." J'onn says. "Wait." I say. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. This has always been here, with the glass, and the views, and, and you made us fly to that cave everyday?" Kara asks. "DEO has several facilities Kara." J'onn says.

"A bat bit me in the last one." Kara says. "Liar." I say. She just sticks her tongue out at me. "Hey sis, Eva." Alex says. "You knew about this place too?" Kara asks. "Yeah, it's like a block from my apartment. It's kinda like the old place. Maybe better." Alex says.

"Well, ok then. Where's the man that fell to Earth?" I ask. Alex leads us to a medical ward where the man is laying on a table, shirtless, with chords attached to him. "He has to be from Krypton. He must have escaped before the planet exploded like Clark and I did." Kara says.

"He's comatose. His vitals are stable, he breathing is normal. There's nothing else we can really learn from him because-" Alex stops talking when her needle breaks. "See, that proves he's from Krypton." Kara says.

"It just proves he's from another planet. Which means he could be dangerous." J'onn says, walking into the room. "Sir, I request that Winn help with the investigation. We need someone to analyze the pod's telemetry and Winn reads Kryptonian." Alex says. Winn step forward.

"I got bored, I thought I'd pick up a new language. Space talk." Winn says, giving a thumbs up. "You want to prove your worth Mr. Schott. Find something my team of highly trained Alien experts can't." J'onn says. "Challenge accepted." Winn says. "Let's go." The Martian says.

"We'll figure this out Kara, I promise." Winn says, walking away with J'onn. I rub Kara's shoulder. "Hey, Winn's got this." I say. She nods at me. "I know he does." She says. "So, are you two watching the venture launch tonight?" Alex asks.

"No, actually, James and I are going on our first date." Kara says. I smile at her. "It's going to be great. We are finally both free and clear to just hang out. No aliens trying to destroy the Earth, just him and me together like normal people. Doing what people do on dates." Kara says happy.

"Ok." Alex says. "What?" "What, 'what'?" Alex asks. "You're doing that thing where you so 'ok', but you're really not ok." Kara says. I smirk because of how well Kara described her sister's attitude.

"Because you're doing that thing where you are seriously super over eager which means that you really aren't but you're trying to convince yourself." Alex says. "I'm not doing that thing. That's- I'm excited." Kara says. Then Kara's phone buzzes.

"And this is Miss Grant texting me. I'm not her assistant anymore. I have to go." Kara says. "Bye." I say, chuckling. "So Eva what about you?" Alex asks. "Oh, I don't know if I will. It's not really my thing. I think I'm just gonna test out a new recipe tonight." I say.

"Well if it's good don't forget to bring me some." She says. I smile at her. "Of course. You and your sisters are always the first to try my new creations." I say. She smiles at me and leaves. Sighing I decide to head back home. It seems kind of like a down day anyway.

Oh how wrong was I.

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