Chapter 6

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Eva's POV:

The next morning I am awakened by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I ask into the phone. "Eva, today the President gives her speech. I want you with the Daxamite to make sure he doesn't escape." Alex says over the phone. "Fine, be there in ten." I say.

Groggily I roll out of bed and change into my uniform. After I am ready and have my coffee I fly to the DEO. "Thanks for coming Eva. We'll call if we need any help." Alex says before her, Kara, and J'onn walk out of the DEO. I walk down to the confinement area and into the Daxamite's cell.

"Hey, you're back." He says. "Yeah." "Do you always wear that, or are your a regular person who wears regular clothes?" He asks. "I'm a regular person when I'm off duty. Maybe if you ever earn the right the get out of here, you'll get to see that side of me." I say.

"I cannot wait for that day to come." He says, smiling, genuinely at me. I go to leave, but he stops me. "Hey." I turn to face him. "Uh, I never got your name." He says. "Well until your released I can only give you my hero name. I'm Electress." I say. "Why is that your hero name?" He asks.

I raise my hand to my chest and create sparks of electricity with them. "That's why." I say. "But you made me feel pain without touching me last night, how? Also, you said you have the power of Empathy, how many other powers do you have?" He asks.

"Well, I have a pain infliction power. If I glare at you I can cause you immense pain. I have super speed, flight, super strength, reality warping, concussive blast, healing, and plant control. I don't use the last one very often though." I say.

"Well your friend there is invulnerable, are you?" He asks. "No. I have a high tolerance for pain due to my strength, but I am not invulnerable. And like Kryptonite is my friend's weakness, my powers become useless around Iron. Haven't figured your why though since I'm only human."

"Wow." He says. Smiling slightly I then exit the room. I don't know why I'm being so nice to him. From what Kara has told me, his race are horrible people. Why would I want to show kindness to someone like that? I shake out of my thoughts and head to the main area.

I must have been down there longer than I thought because when I get back up there Alex, Kara, and J'onn are back. "Eva, come on, we know who really is trying to kill the president and we know where she is. Also she has Detective Sawyer." Kara says.

I let out an inward sigh of relief that is wasn't the Daxamite. "Ok, let's go." I say. We then fly out of the DEO. When we get close enough we can hear..."Amnesty is just another word for registration." We land quickly.

"That's a pretty cynical opinion." Kara says, making our presence known. The red head turns to face us. "Well if it isn't the president's little pet alien and her weird human friend. You're a trader to your people." She says. "It's not us against them." Kara says.

"Not yet maybe. But I've been to half a dozen planets just like this one and you want to know what they all have in common? They will lock away anything they think is different. Out of prejudice, out of fear. There's a real you two hide your identities Supergirl, Electress."

She then turns to me. "Even if you are human, the other humans can't be trusted and they will always fear you even if your of their own race." She says. That sends a pang through my heart thinking of my childhood. I shake it off quickly.

"No. It's because criminals like you can't be trusted." I say. Supergirl then uses her heat vision on her, but she absorbs it. "Let's see how super you really are." She says. She then sends flames at Maggie and Alex who were almost out of here.

"No!" I yell and send her flying backwards with bolts of electricity. She gets back up and starts swinging at Supergirl and I. Supergirl gets her in a headlock, but she starts to burn her arm. "What's wrong, can't take the heat?" She asks. Kara then lets her go, throwing her to the ground.

When she tries to get back up Kara freezes her with her freeze breath. Alex and Maggie run off while the girl starts melting the ice. She then blasts Kara back with heat vision. The the turns to me. Smirking evil she ends more heat vision at me. I scream in pain as I am thrown back.

I lay there on the ground, my body screaming in agony. I can't hear anything, only a ringing him my ears. I feel someone pick me up and the ringing slowly fades. "Your fine Electress. Your healing will kick in eventually." Kara says. I then feel he take off.

We must be headed back to the DEO. We won. I black out smiling over another victory. When I wake up I fee a presence next to me. "Hey, they let you out? Did Kara apologize. I can talk to her if-" "No, it fine. She already apologized. How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Better, I'm feeling better." I say, smiling and sitting up. "You are you ok? Agent Danvers said you had third degree burns on your chest." He says. He actually looks concerned for me. This fact makes me blush slightly.

"Well, I told you I had healing as one of my powers. Even though I'm not invulnerable I heal extremely fast. I'm fine now honestly." I say, smiling at him. "So, now that I'm out and not considered dangerous, will you tell me your name?" He asks me.

"Fine, but only if you tell me yours." I say. He nods, looking excited. "My name is Evangeline Madison, Eva or EM to everyone." I say. "My name is Mon-El, and it is nice to meet you Eva." He says, smiling at me. He sticks his hand out and I shake it.

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