Serpent's Daughter - For Readers

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If you're a fan of Fantasy, check out Serpent's Daughter by TheresNo_Rush ! While ongoing, the book has insofar left me impressed with an intriguing storyline, well-written chapters, and complex characters with complex relationships. The author has managed to find a strong balance of action, dialogue, character development, and worldbuilding that will keep you turning (or swiping) those pages.

Want an in-depth analysis? Check out my review below!

Title: Serpent's Daughter . The title alone is eye-catching and allows the reader to get a small glimpse of what sort of story they're getting themselves into. 

Cover: The cover is beautiful and creates a strong sense of intrigue for the book. "The poison that becomes an antidote" makes sense early on, so the cover isn't misleading readers that they're getting themselves into a fantasy story that may not seem familiar at first.

Plot: Serpent's Daughter is slow-burning, as the author keeps you on the hook as the chapters go by. Questions will go unanswered, but answers to questions you didn't know you had are given in full. While the beginning can be a whirlwind as readers become familiar with the world and the politics that govern it, the author doesn't leave you out to dry. With only four chapters posted at the time of writing this review, I'm interested to see how our main character, Alethia, handles the situation presented to her by her mother, and how the subplot will soon merge with Alethia's life.

Characters: The characters are complex, and at no point did I find myself rolling my eyes at their actions or words. Despite being fantasy, the characters and the relationships they experience all feel real. There is no unnecessary drama, no unexplored emotions. The author doesn't hold back in being realistic with the characters, both good and bad.

Writing Style: Written in the 3rd person point of view, the author finds herself occasionally flipping between characters to tell the story in full. This switch can be a turn off for some (no pun intended), but I imagine it won't take long for the plots to converge and make the switches less dramatic. Other than this, the author knows how to write a story that gives readers a peek at the world, the characters and their inner thoughts, and narrative. The writing is consistent and kept me reading, without feeling like I was being bogged down by the rules of the world and setting the book is taking place in. By sprinkling these details in, I felt that I was never being overburdened, so you shouldn't feel that way either!


Overall, between the beautiful cover and title, the well-written storylines and characters, I'm inclined to give Serpent's Daughter the first-ever Perfectly toasted rating of  Well Toasted!

For the author: If you would like the notes I took for your review (chapter notes, grading), please DM me.

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