The Luna and Her Moon - For Readers

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The Luna and Her Moon is a Werewolf Romance that follows a main character who has experienced sexual trauma in her history and is learning to love and live for herself. kerfuffled_ has written a story that does not gloss over the traumas that the character has experienced, and shows that people continue to live with these traumas whether they want them to stay in the past or not. If you're a fan of romance and shape-shifting canines, this slow-burn romance has tender and goofy moments that will keep you rooting for the couple.

Want an in-depth analysis? Check out my review below!

Title:  While I was first confused with the title,The Luna and Her Moon, the title later makes sense after a few chapters of the story. I like that the title changes expectations, though it can still be confusing to readers at first sight.

Cover: The cover, for me personally, has some of the same notes as the title. While eye-catching, I don't fully understand the concept of the torn paper(?).

Plot: I am, admittedly, estranged with romance stories. The plot revolves around the relationship, and for some reason my little adventure-addicted self doesn't understand where the action is! The Luna and Her Moon manages to combine the two with a nice dosage of werewolf scenes and dark backstories that threaten the life or well being of our protagonist, as well as a relationship that is able to actually build off of those events. The relationship develops quite naturally, and while I wish I could see more of the main character, Anna, learning the ins and outs of her new life, the book is just getting started!

Characters: The characters created by the author have, so far, not disappointed me. There is a steady dose of comic relief, caregivers, romantic interests, villians, and a complex main character. The characters all interact with one another quite well and have never seemed to have unrealistic interactions. I would love to see the characters interacting with new people and new situations, but, if you read the book (which you should!) you'll see why that is oh so difficult for our dear Anna.

Writing Style: The author does a great job of giving readers a look inside the head of the main character and in this 1st person POV that is a great thing. All of Anna's actions and thoughts seem realistic and well thought out (to her extent). The chapters are quick and great for binging, and at no point did I feel overburdened or underburdened with everything that was going on. Aside from a few grammatical errors, kerfuffled_ knows what they need to do in order to write their story and share it with you all, the readers of Wattpad.


Overall, The Luna and Her Moon has earned a rating of Bready-Lightly Toasted! The characters offer a great building block, but since the story is still getting started I'm left wanting more in terms of plot and description. If there's one thing I know, though, it's that Xavier is considerate and we need more of that in our Wattpad romances!

For the author: If you would like the notes I took for your review (chapter notes, grading), please DM me.

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