What A Review Will Look Like

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Here at Perfectly Toasted Reviews, I'll be looking at your story from one of two perspectives.

Package 1: For You

For You consists of rating scales that are more similar (admittedly) to a critique. I will look at your story from the perspective of a writer and discuss aspects of your writing that are strong or weak. This is to help authors determine where they are at with their story for further edits.

* Blurb (10%)

* Plot/Concept (30%)

* Pacing (20%)

* Character Development (20%)

* Writing Style (20%)

Package 2: For Readers

For Readers consists of rating scales that can be used for marketing purposes. Rather than focus on your language, tone, pacing, grammar, etc, I will focus on your cover, plot, and how enthralling it may be. I will focus on what makes readers open, read, and stay. These reviews will likely be more sugar-coated since they are for marketing purposes, and won't directly say what actions should be taken to improve the stories.

* Title (10%)

* Cover (10%)

* Plot/Concept (30%)

* Characters (30%)

* Writing Style (20%)

Package 3: For Everyone

For Everyone consists of both For You and For Readers. In this combined package, nothing changes except that I do two reviews or one extended review. Reasons someone may opt for two separate reviews may be something along the lines of sharing the link for the For Readers review in order to gain readers, while being able to maintain some more privacy on whatever it is I suggested may need work in the For You package.

Questions? Please don't hesitate to leave a comment with your thoughts, concerns, questions, or even proposals. If there's something specific that you would like me to focus on, feel free to bring it up and I will add it to my review!

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