Honey's show

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Honey is a giant eevee with a ring around her neck.

Honey was fixing her fur.
"Honey five minuets!" A teacher says.
"Ok!" Honey yells back.
Honey was on the stage.
"Now who's ready for a true show?" Honey screams.
"WE ARE!" The crowed screams.
Honey used ring bomb with caused a pixie-like dust to fill the air.
She jumps up and then she uses ring throw and healing pulse.
The healing pulse changed the rings to a pinkish color.
Honey jumps on the rings then at the highest point she jumps down like an angel.
A Glaceon jumped on with an espeon.
The espeon used physic and the ring circle around honey.
The Glaceon uses ice beam on the pixie-like dust changing it to a light blue.
The espeon broke the rings then she raised all the dust.
Honey jumped and did tricks in the air.
The crowd gasped.
Honey sent two rings into the air.
The espeon took control of them then she broke them.
The Glaceon uses shadow ball turning it black.
The espeon made the dust fly in the air and circle around honey as she did tricks.
Honey jumped up and she used rain dance.
The rain made the dust sparkle as well as her ring.
The crowd was amazing.
Honey sent two rings flying in different directions.
She jumped up and she lands on her paws.
Honey jumped up then she did a flip as the dust starts to fall.
Once all the pixie-like dust landed the show was over.
"The winner for the fundraiser was honey!" The teacher says.
Honey smiles but the Glaceon and espeon are nowhere.

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