Landing A New Journey

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This fanfic takes place after the final episode of the XY series "Till We Compete Again." Serena has now landed in Hoenn and begins her new journey as a coordinator.


"Can you two stop running in here?"

Her feet continues crossing over one another, almost stepping on top of each other. She would hate to see all this food ending up on the floor, but it doesn't help with these two always running around in circles. Especially in a tight space like this. And not to mention they both share the same height measurement to that of a Pichu. Focusing on the pan she's holding in her hand, the woman walks up to a large wooden table. She takes the spatula in her other hand, scoops up some scrambled eggs from inside the pan, and dumps them into an empty glass plate.

"Plusle, Minun, go upstairs and wake up Namaiki for me, please?" She finally got the two Pokemon to settle down and listen to what she has to say. "Of course, I tried to wake her up myself, but that daughter of mine sleeps like a Snorlax being called to battle." Plusle and Minun nod their little heads and took off full speed out of the kitchen. To get to the staircase, Plusle and Minun cut through the dining area and run across the family room. The staircase came across the staircase after making a left at the front of the door. After running up the stairs, they run into a problem that separates them from Namaiki's room --- her bedroom door.

Plusle and Minun examine the large wooden door in front of them, figuring out a way on how to go through it. They can't use the doorknob because, obviously, they can't reach for it. Even if one of them standings on top of the other. Breaking the lock off the door is clearly out of the question. Just as the duo is on the verge of defeat, suddenly, Plusle notices something. He pulls Minun closer to him so he could see too that the door is crack open. Plusle tries fitting its small body through the tiny opening, but gets stuck, so Minun pushes his plus partner from the back. By doing so, the small force became enough to open the door up some more and Plusle got in the room. The minus Pokemon crawls through the opening and this time, Plusle pulls him in.

The room symbolises that of an average teen girl's personality. Each of the lavender color walls are covered with either mirrors, a frame of multicolor letters that spells out "Namaiki", or numerous posters of Hoenn champion Steven Stone. Portraits of family, friends, Pokemon, and ribbon cases filled with old contest ribbons are placed on top of a wooden dresser. Across the dresser is a large, soft bed, follow by a retro style chair hanging in between the bed and the window. The duo run across the brown carpet and jump on top of a table in front of the bed that resemble a pokeball. Plusle and Minun use the table as leavage to climb on top of the bed. Plusle and Minun climb on either side of a large figure with extremely long, pink hair and wrap inside the bedsheets. The duo shake the head of the figure a few times, trying to wake her up. But all they got in return is a loud moan.

Time for Plan B. If Namaiki didn't want to wake up, then Plusle and Minun will have to take matter into their own hands. They spin their arms around in a circle until little balls of sparks form around the tip of their paws. The troublesome duo quietly chuckle to themselves about their plan. Man, this is going to be funny...or at least for them. Minun pokes the girl's head with his left foot; this is Namaiki's last chance to wake up. But the sleeping girl tosses her body to the other side. She left the Pokemon with no other choice.

On the count of three...1...2...3. Plusle and Minun drill their paws inside the comforter until they touch a certain body part whether it's arm or the neck. Whatever the case is, they finally got Namaiki to...wake up?


A flock of Taillow flew from inside the tree branches and towards the blue sky. Ground-type Pokemon like Diglett and Dugtrio pop their heads from the dirt to figure out where the loud noise is coming from. Back in the kitchen, the mother sets a plate of Pokemon food in front of the small open window in front of the sink. This signals for a bug/flying type with multicolor wings to land on the edge of the window.

"Well, good morning to you too, Bautifly," the woman says as the beautiful Pokemon starts eating it food.


"Looks like everybody is finally awake."

Meanwhile, back upstairs, Plusle and Minun are rolling over on the bed laughing their heads off after the stunt they pull. A pair of hands grab a fist load of the bedsheets as the female figure stands up on her two feet. Every strand of her pink hair is standing from the top of her head after being hit with a spark attack from the duo. "You guys," she growls like an angry Growlithe. "I told you over and over again not to wake me up like that." Plusle and Minun gave out this innocent smile and hug the girl like they didn't do anything wrong. But Namaiki is not having it.

"Namaiki, I hope you're out of that bed. Your breakfast is ready."

"I hope you would learn by now to stop using my own Pokemon as an alarm clock," the daughter fires back. She walks up to her window and opens it up, allowing the glamorous view of the morning sun rays enter the room. Despite the rude awakening, it didn't change the fact that it's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining beautifully over the neighborhood while the blue morning sky is fill with flying type Pokemon. Namaiki stretches her arm out, twisting them around from one side of her body to the next. Meanwhile, her two troublesome partners climb on either one of her shoulders as a small gust of wind blows some of her hair in front of her face.

"Today is going to be interesting," Namaiki states.


"Welcome to Mauville City," a man over an intercom announces to a group of passengers walking inside the airport. "We hope you all had a safe flight and have a wonderful time here in the Hoenn region."

Passengers who had deported from their flights walk inside the airport. A handful of people walk up to the front desk for directions or other assistance. Many went up to friends and family that were waiting for them. Some walk straight into the bathroom to handle their business, while others are either about to get on a plane or still sitting waiting for their flight. For one individual, she is making a call back home to a family member. She has on

While talking, her Pokemon are out of their poke balls. Standing upright on two legs, one Pokemon has bright yellow fur and a big, bushy tail that storages a branch with a red bow tied. On the girl's left side, this Pokemon is like a quadruple mammalian like with a slender body that is covered by mostly a white-cream colored fur. It has large blue eyes and four vulpine-like legs that are called ribbons in the pokedex. One of them is currently wrap around its trainer's left arm. And finally, the last Pokemon in the girl's arms has black and white fur to represent a pana. It has green leaf sticking out of its mouth and wearing a pair of red glasses.

"So I see you landed in Hoenn," a woman says to the female trainer on the other line. "How was your flight? Are you like Hoenn so far?"

"Geez, mom. One question at a time," the daughter jokes. "The flight was amazing and I am loving Hoenn so far."

"Where are you exactly?"

"Mauville City. I was looking it up on the plane. It's got big buildings, boutique stores with the cutest clothes and the city is close to a beach. Mauville City is like every tourist's dream."

The mother chuckles at her daughter's excitement. "Sounds like Lumiose City," she responds with her eyes close with a bright smile on her face. But the smile slowly fades away. Serena looks at her mother and her smile disappears as well as her current facial expression is replace with a look of concern. "Hey, Mom," Serena calls out. "Is something wrong? You seem sad."

"Oh it's nothing," Grace replies. "Anyway, have you find out any information about Pokemon contests?"

"Not yet, but I'm heading to the Pokemon Center once I leave the airport. Perhaps Nurse Joy knows something."

"Okay. Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon, watch over my daughter for me."


"Pancham Pan."


"Good luck, dear," Serena's mother says. "Do your best and remember to always be one with your Pokemon."

"Bye, Mom." After ending her conversation with her mother, Serena returns her team in their pokeballs. After which, she walks out of the airport, scanning her surroundings that in Mauville City. It's a even a lot bigger in person that it was on the plane. A small gust of wind blow some of her hair in her face, but the honey haired girl pushes it away using her left hand. It's the start of a new beginning for Serena. But first, it's off to the Pokemon Center.


Namaiki spins around in front of her mirror. After brushing her pink hair, she takes a good look at herself in the mirror, tossing some kind of black fabric in the trash can. "So what do you think?" She asks Plusle and Minun. "I look good, don't I?" Plusle and Minun are not even paying attention to their trainer. This is the fifth outfit Namaiki tried on this morning and they're ready to start their journey already. Minun playfully shoves Plusle until the latter falls off the bed. This prompt him to jump back on the bed, only to tackle the former after hearing him laughing. "Never mind," Namaiki grunts.


"Come in."

Stepping inside her room is her mother. "I see you're wearing the outfit I brought," she responds after seeing Namaiki in her outfit. "But what happen to the rest of it?"

"I just cut the sleeves and the hem off." Namaiki turns herself around an entire three-sixty before placing her right hand in her hair and her left hand on her left waist. She winks at her mother while standing on her right foot. "Looks good this way, huh?"

"Please don't say anything about your outfit to your father. Anyway, Cameron called. He mentioned something about Littleroot Town?"

"Yeah. I tested him earlier and said I'll meet up with him at Professor Birch's research lab."

"I see."

"Okay, you two," the female trainer says to Plusle and Minun. "Enough with the rough housing. It's time to get out of here and start our journey." Plusle and Minun climb on either one of Namaiki's shoulders then She bolts out of her room and down the stairs. Of course her mother is happy for the daughter, but does Namaiki have to rush things? She just ate breakfast two hours ago and already heading out the door. Not to mention just coming back from finishing up a previous journey a week ago. Namaiki can wait a few more hours to settle down at least. Or maybe this is the mother's way of holding onto her daughter more. Nevertheless, she's just have to accept the fact her little girl is growing up, whether she likes it or not. The mother scatters the room and finds a one strap bookbag that is as pink as Namaiki's hair with a black pokeball design on the floor.

Speaking of Namaiki, she walks through the front door and steps outside of her house. She would have kept going to if it wasn't her mother screaming her name.

"Namaiki, wait," her mother yells, running down the stairs. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The daughter scans her mother's hands and see the pink bookbag. "My bookbag," she proclaims. "Thanks, Mom. I totally forgot all about this."

"And you thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Namaiki giggles then surprises her mother with a hug. It's the least she can do for the one person who supports her dreams.

"I love you, Mom," Namaiki comments.

"I love you too, dear. Please be careful and call back once you made it in Littleroot Town."

"I will."

"Plusle and Minun, watch over my daughter for me and keep her out of trouble." The duo nod their heads in understanding, although Namaiki just looks away. It's more like she has to watch over them knowing how troublesome these two can be. Before she leaves, a Beautifly lands on top of her head.

"Oh, don't worry, Beauti," Namaiki says to the beautiful Pokemon. "I haven't forgotten about you. Take care of my Mom for me while I'm gone, okay?"


"Well, I guess I'll be going now. See you later, Mom."

"Bye, sweetie," the mother replies as she watches her daughter run off. Well there she goes, off with Plusle and Minun to start a new beginning. "Call me once you arrive in Littleroot Town," she screams. "I want to know you made it there safe and sound."

"I will."


"Where am I?" Serena airs out with a soft tone in her voice. Serena turns her head to the right and sees a blue building with seven stories. She could have swore she pass by this building already for the fifth time. No, she has. What gave it away is because this exact building is close to a food court. Even if it's down the street, Serena could still smell the aroma that fills every inch of the block. It's official...she's lost.

"Oh no," she says. Everywhere Serena turns her head, there's a building right beside her. Each building almost taller than the other. Talk about a bad way to start off her Hoenn journey. On the other side of the street, a man all dressed up with a suitcase in hand walks down on a sidewalk. He appears to be someone who knows his way around Mauville City.

"Excuse me, sir," Serena calls out the man.

"Can I help you with something, young lady?" The well dressed stranger responds.

"By any chance do you know where the Pokemon Center is?"

"Why, yes I do. And all you have to do is turn to your left." On her left is yet another tall building. However, compare to the others, the entry of the yellow building resembles a pokeball with a large monitor mounted with the words "Pokemon Center" flashing in the screen with neon lights. But what Serena doesn't get is that she was walking around in circles this entire time and now she just seeing this? Whatever. Serena can think about this later. All the honey haired trainer cares about is that she finally fund the Pokemon Center.

"Thanks so much," Serena says to the stranger.

"No problem."

Serena walks up to the Pokemon Center, but before she storms inside...


Serena finds herself on the ground after an unseen person comes running out of the Pokemon Center. When the Kalos native comes to, she finds a female with long, curly pink hair standing above her. She is dress in a short, black sleeveless top that's only long enough to cover her chest. Her top is follow by blue denim jeans that are being held together by a white belt with a yellow buckle and a pair of yellow boots. And for accessories, this girl is wearing blue earrings and has a yellow bracelet on her left arm. Or maybe it's a watch. It all happen so fast. "Oh my goodness," she says. "I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?" The pink headed girl asks, offering Serena a hand.

"I'm fine," Serena responds, taking the girl's hand. "Just surprise...and shaking."

"I'm sorry. I got Plusle and Minun checked from Nurse Joy and now we're heading to another town." A Plusle and Minun? So that's the names of the two Pokemon on the girl's shoulders. They almost reminds Serena of a Pichu.

"They're so cute," Serena comments.

"By the way, I'm Namaiki," Namaiki introduces herself.

"I'm Serena." Suddenly, Plusle and Minun jump off their trainer's shoulders and onto the ground. Namaiki wonders what's wrong with them until she sees them gathering five pokeballs. The two trainers are curious to who would leave their pokeballs out, but they put two and two together and realizes it's there pokeballs. Serena bends down and grabs her three, then Namaiki grabs her two --- Plusle and Minun's pokeballs.

"What a relief," Serena says. "Thank you, Plusle and Minun." The duo jumps back on their trainer's shoulders and say thanks.

"Well I better get going. Sorry again for running into you."

"No worries. How about next time, try not to be such a hurry."

"How about next time, try not to get run over," Namaiki jokes and runs away. Talk about a weird girl. Now that Serena's pokeballs are safe in her hands, she walks inside the Pokemon Center.


"Thanks so much, Nurse Joy."

"Its no problem at all. We can assure that your Pokemon are in excellent hands."

"Chansey [Thats right.]" As Nurse Joy and Chansey walks to the back with her pokeballs, Serena looks around the center to figure out what to do now. It'll be a while until all her Pokemon will be finish with their check ups. She sees another set of phones over in the corner. Perhaps there's someone else can talk to other than a relative. Actually, there is one person Serena wants to check up on since she haven't talk to this person since flying to Hoenn. She walks over to the phones and dials a numbers on the screen. After a few moments, the face of a young female appears in a multicolor screen. Like Serena and Namaiki, this girl is also a trainer. But this one has a dark skin tone with brown hair that is tied into two pigtails, a reddish pink top, and green eyes. Another trait Serena notices is her casual smile on her face that's so wide anyone can see it from behind.

"Serena!" Shauna calls out. "Its so good to hear from you."

"Hi, Shauna. Nice to hear from you too," Serena replies.

"So how's the Hoenn region?"

"Huh? How did you know I was in Hoenn?"

"Bonnie called me earlier and told me about your big Hoenn journey." Hearing that Bonnie told Shauna about Hoenn didn't came much of a shock to Serena. It's not like Serena meant to kept it a secret or anything. "Why didn't you tell me?" Shauna asks, with a pout on her face.

"I didn't know how to reach you at the time, and you're helping Professor Sycamore."

"You still should have try, but I forgive you."

"Speaking of Professor Sycamore, how are things going with you?" Serena asks her best friend.

"Great. Tierno, Trevor, and I have found a bunch of wild Pokemon. One of which decided it wants to travel with me."

"You caught a new Pokemon?"


"That's great. Im guessing you have a lot of ideas for showcase performances."

"You already know," Shauna affirmates. "So don't think your journey in Hoenn will make it easy for me, Serena."

"Easy for what?"

"Easy for me being Kalos Queen, of course."

Serena laughs. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be back real soon and I'll be Kalos Queen, no doubt."

"Bring it on." Of course, Serena and Shauna are friends first, but at the end of the day, they are still rivals. Rivals who are on different journeys for a similar goal. And the only way to achieve that goal, they must compete against one another. Nonetheless to say, they still support each other and will always have one another's back. "But enough of all that. Speaking of Bonnie, she told me something else happen before you got on your flight. Care to explain?" Shauna finishes her question with a wink and a cheeky smile.

"AHH!!" Serena's face changes into a crimson red color. Her eyes shot wide open and her pupils are gone. "W-W-What are you talking about?" The honey haired trainer asks as if she has no idea what her friend is talking about. But Shauna didn't even need an answer. Serena's red, puzzle face is all she needs to answer the question.


Shauna turns her head to an unseen persob. "Whats going on, you guys?" As the performer waits for an answer, she ducks her head, avoiding a sudden hidden power attack just by a few millimeters.

"Is everything alright over there?" Serena asks.

"I gotta go. Tierno and Trevor seem to be in trouble."

"Okay. See you." And with that, the connection is gone. Looks like Shauna is working really hard on her dream. And now it's time for Serena to do the same. As soon as Nurse Joy comes out with her Pokemon, it will be the perfect chance to find out more information about Pokemon contests and where will the first one take place.

"Serena?" Nurse Joy calls out, walking in the lobby along with Chansey. Talk about perfect timing. "I'm happy to say both of your Pokemon are in excellent health."


"Yeah. Your Braixen and Sylveon. I can tell they have been raised very well."

"Nurse Joy, I have three Pokemon: Braixen, Sylveon, and Pancham. Where's Pancham?"

"I'm sorry, but Braixen and Sylveon are the only Pokemon I examined," Nurse Joy protests. "Though I wonder about this empty pokeball you gave me." Empty pokeball? Grabbing the three pokeballs on the tray, Serena releases her Pokemon. There is Braixen and Sylveon, but where is Pancham? Scanning the pokeball, Serena realizes something. "This isn't Pancham's pokeball," she announces. "But how could..." Suddenly, Serena remembers that incident with that Namaiki girl. After colliding with one another, Plusle and Minun must have gotten a few of their pokeballs switched without realizing it. So this empty pokeball must be one of the two tiny electric Pokemon and Namaiki must have Pancham. "Namaiki."


"Namaiki. I ran into her...well, she ran into me and our pokeballs got mixed up. I got to go find her."

"Namaiki was here. She said she was heading to Littleroot Town."

"Littleroot Town?"

"Yeah, but she has to pass Oldale Town first." This is not good. For all Serena know, Namaiki could have left Mauville City by now. But whatever the case maybe, she has to find her and get Pancham back. She can't just sit around and hope that she realizes Pancham.

"Nurse Joy, what's the quickest route to Oldale Town?" Serena asks.

I hope everyone is not too mad at me for deleting the first chapter. I'm making this fanfic available for both Wattpad and fanfiction. But on a personal note, my personal life has been a mess all this summer and it has been affecting my creative craft. My folks are struggling financially and not to mention I'm going back to school in a week. But writing calms me down, so I wanna thank all my readers for sticking with me and having my back all this time.

I'll be back with more chapters, but for now, what will happen at that time? Has Namaiki figure out about Pancham yet? Will Serena find Namaiki before she skips town? And what other surprises Hoenn has in store for our favorite trainer? Stay tuned, "Performing in Another Region" is in full swing.

Also, I wanna thank XDiamondX90 for taking the time to draw Namaiki. Now you guys can see what she looks like.


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