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Whats good, everyone? Long time no see and welcome to the relaunch of my Serena fanfic – Performing in Another Region. Just like the original, Serena is the main protagonist and this story takes place right after she left Kalos for the Hoenn region to compete in Pokémon Contests. Serena will also be accomplished by three original characters: Namaiki, Anthony, and Cameron. You already met Namaiki, but her character has caused some confusion last year. You will be Cameron and Anthony later on at the beginning of the series. Ive already outlined up to at least twelve chapters and now Im in the process of typing them up. So, I hope this relaunch turns out a lot better than the original. For now, enjoy this small prologue to start things off.


A Wingull flies to the top of a large tree with a glazed donut in her beak. Inside her nest of tree branches and leaves, her six children begin to chirp with excitement and happiness upon seeing their mother return with their breakfast. The Wingull mother uses her beak to break the donut down until there are six pieces laying inside the nest. One for each of her six children. All six baby Wingulls reach for their breakfast at once, but they end up headbutting one another in the process.

Just on the other side of the tree, a Wurmple crawls upward with its little legs to a waiting pile of leaves and proceeds to chew them. Three Zigzagoons dig their ways inside the Earths soil to perhaps search for food themselves. A flock of Taillow take the skies as they screech their names follow by a Beautifly illuminating the blue sky with its colorful wings. Jackson can watch all the wild Pokémon cross his path all morning, until the brown-haired male examines his outfit about his undercover job.

Jacksons uniform is similar to the one his partner Dennis is wearing as well: a gray short sleeve shirt underneath a money green vase-like jacket, a pair of blue jeans, brown boots, and a cap that matches the color to the vase with the letters T and C in gold yellow. The symbol matches the chain hanging from both their necks.

Just as I expected, Dennis voices out as he takes off his radar goggles. They appear to be regular sunglasses, but with the ability to see through walls from within forty-five feet. How Dennis and his gang got their hands on such technology is beyond Jacksons guess. Hell just have to think about it another time. Nurse Joy have the eggs in a back room. The door to the room has one of those lock boxes that allowed only certain people can go in. Dennis hands Jackson the goggles so he can see for him. The moment the tan skinned male puts the goggles over his face, the entire area is blacked out like a satellite map. The Pokémon Center looks like a blueprint that exhibits the interior. Jackson scans the interior until he comes to the back room with six walls filled with Pokémon Eggs. In the corner of his eye goes the lockbox Dennis was talking about. There is no way in hell we will get through there now, Dennis grunts. Its like Nurse Joy knew we was coming or something.

In order for Jackson to carry out his personal agenda, Dennis cannot get suspicious. But to make sure that doesnt happen, the rookie needs to step outside his class and think like a criminal. He looks through the radar goggles again and finds a back door not too far from the room where the eggs are. Hold up, Jackson responds. Theres an entrance around back. Perhaps we can find a way to get through there. The eggs are only at the end of the hallway.

Really? Jackson hands Dennis the goggles back. An evil smirk creeps upon his face as a sinister chuckle passes through his teeth. And Ive got just the right tool for the job. Dennis and Jackson sneak through the back of the Pokémon Center. Neither one of them are certain if Nurse Joy is aware of their plan ahead of time or not. They could be even walking into a trap, but the value that each Pokémon Egg possessed makes the odds worth it. All Dennis and Jackson have to do is play it quiet to avoid detection, but be fast enough to carry out the mission before Nurse Joy arrives. First things first though: get through the back door.

Simply opening the door is out of the question too since its lock from the inside. It reminds the partners of that back door from a grocery store that is used as an emergency exit. Once you open the door, an alarm will go off. So what kind of tool do you have that could help us out? Jackson wonders. Dennis digs inside his dark grey bag and pulls some kind of gun out with a nuzzle at the end. What is that?

Next generation laser cutter, Dennis answers. Welcome to the future, rookie.

I thought laser cutting were only used for construction. More specifically for industrial manufacturing.

Thats why this is the next generation. Now, move. Dennis shoves his partner for he was standing in front of the door. And this is industrial laser cutting, so I stand back if I was you. I wouldnt want to endanger that pretty little baby face. Jackson dismisses Denniss comment for [Jackson] will have the last laugh in the end. He stands behind a trash can while his stubborn partner presses the trigger on the laser cutting gun. A thin blue line appears from the nuzzle and aims in the framework. Jackson is amazed how a simple gun like that has enough fire power is cutting through the metal lock like cardboard, but small enough to carry around in a bag.

Were in, Dennis announces with the door cracked open. Jackson have to admit: that small gun is powerful. That small laser cutter can crack open any secure door than a bottle of champage. Dennis and Jackson sneak inside the back of the Pokémon Center.

They walk down the reddish pink hallway until the duo reach the end. Dennis peaks his head from the corner and finds Nurse Joy and a Chansey in a separate room with a large window. Behind the two medical professionals lies a wall with three shelves all stocked with Pokémon Eggs. He counts up to eight eggs on top of each shelf. What do you see? Jackson asks in a whisper so nobody would hear them. That room is secure for only certain people and Pokémon like Nurse Joy and Chansey can gain fill access for obvious reasons. Dennis knows the laser cutter is out of the question. That would bring too much attention and theres no way using one of his Pokémon to smash in without setting off the alarm. The use of technology has change since the he first started his career as a Pokémon Poacher. Nevertheless, he did prepare himself for this situation.

A way inside, Jackson answers.

And how do you supposed we get pass the alarm? Dennis reaches in his bag again and pulls out a yellow device with all kinds of buttons, a meter, and some kind of antenna sticking up top. What is that?

The sound of a door sliding open ring Dennis and Jacksons ears. The guys poke their heads out from the hallway and catch a glimpse of Nurse Joy and Chansey walking out of the egg room as the door behind them closes shut. Once they were out of sight, the guys walk to the door. Dennis holds the device over the screen and presses the green button. A series of numbers pop on the screen every second until a red light appears. Suddenly, the door to the egg room slides open. Now then he starts off saying to Jackson. do you want to help us both out or continue with these dumbass questions, looking stupid?

All Jackson can think about at this point is his plan. His desire to get revenge on Dennis and the poor treatment [Jackson] received since day one, but he have to wait for a little longer. Jackson will get the last word and he cant wait to see the look on Denniss face. [Dennis] will be the one thats going to look stupid.

Dennis walks in the room and glorifies the amount of eggs in his presence. Nurse Joy must have storage every Pokémon type from water to fire, grass to electric, bug to psychic, flying to fairy. Dennis begins to think of prices he should sell each one. He also fantasizes of all the money in the pocket and all the things he can buy. His truck needs a new set of tiresor perhaps he should throw away that piece of crap and just buy a new one. Here, the criminal tosses an empty sack on Jacksons feet. Now grab every single egg off those shelves. Team Covetous aims to make a fortune this year, so you better not miss one egg or thats your ass. Its time to collect what we came in Hoenn for.

For once, Jackson couldnt agree with him more. The male didnt find too much information about the gang Dennis is associated with but learning the name of this evil group is the start. Now he can stop this little sheared and get to the reason why he really came in the Hoenn region. He cleans out the top shelf and picks up a yellow egg with black stripes. Jackson has no intention of selling Pokémon in the beginning, but he still needs to keep his guard up. His timing has to be on point. Once he sees Dennis still preoccupying himself with his sack of Pokémon Egg, Jackson reaches in his teal green pants and takes out a length of rope.

With his sack filled with his merchandise, Dennis ties it in one knot and holds it in the air with so much triumph. He chuckles evilly at the thought of all the money he can earn from each one. In fact, Dennis overlook the fact that there is another knot laying at the top of his sackand it didnt come from him. Maybe I can get more money from these eggs in an auction, he suggests. Just imagine the boat load of gold people would pay just to get their hands on a Pokémon Egg.

Jackson has been waiting for this moment all morning long. Its time for some payback. He yanks his end of the rope, snatching the sack filled with Pokémon Egg from Denniss hand and to his side of the room. Sorry, Dennis, Jackson replies. but these eggs are not for sale.

Dennis turns his head a sharp 180 degrees. He looks down at the kid with his pupils filled with both anger and confusion. What the hell are you doing?

What does it look like? Stopping you from stealing these eggs for your own selfish desires.

Oh. So, I see youve got jokes, Dennis chuckles. You must not be aware of the repercussions that come from stealing merchandise from Team Covetous, especially to a traitor.

A traitor? Thats funny because Jackson yanks off his disguise to reveal his real outfit: a pair of dark blue pants with matching shirt underneath a small sturdy orange vest, orange boots, black fingerless gloves, and an orange cap. I was never even on your side.

A Pokémon Ranger? I see. So, youre not a traitor, youre a pigand I HATE PIGS MORE THAN TRAITORS!!

Then youre gonna hate this. Jackson kicks the security box right behind him, setting off a set of alarms. Flashing lights also illuminate the egg room while the alarm system blares in every room of the Pokémon Center. So much for making a quick getaway. Its only a matter of time until Nurse Joy rushes in the egg room. Dennis has to get out of there, but some of those eggs will be coming with him one way or another. Now that the mission has been compromised, its time for Plan B.

No need for Nurse Joy to use her access card since the door is wide open. She rushes inside the egg room and found two male figures in opposite sides, all the shelves are completely empty, and two bags tied up. A thousand questions rush in the medical professionals mind. Whats going on? Who are you two? Where are the eggs?

Nurse Joy, meet Dennis, Jackson introduces. Hes a professional Pokémon hunter from Team Covetous.

A Pokémon Hunter? Wait, did you say Team Covetous?

In the flesh, Dennis confirms. And Im taking those eggs off your hands right now. Dennis tosses two Poke Balls in the air. Two distinctive sound effects are accompanied by bright lights that turn into energy forms either landing on the ground or flying in the air as two of Denniss Pokémon appear. One is a large, grey rhino-like Pokémon with a horn on its snout that resembles a drill that stands tall on its two legs. The other Pokémon resemble more of a wasp, but with four legs that act as stingers with an additional stinger on its black-and-yellow striped abdomen. Both of Denniss Pokémon glare down at the ranger and medical professional with their red eyes. Its scary because they have the same level of greed and selfishness along with their trainer.

Oh my. This is terrible, All Nurse Joy cares about is the safety for the unhatched Pokémon Eggs that are being kept prisoners in those sacks.

Not to worry, Nurse Joy, Jackson says. Breloom, come on out. The ranger tosses his Poke Ball and calls out his true partner. Standing in front of him is a green, bipedal Pokémon looks similar to a mushroom because of the cap on top of its head. It has two red claws on each hand and feet with a tail that storages seed clusters. Breloom!

Dennis chuckles at the ranger and his partner. Breloom may have an advantage over Rhydon being a grass-type while the latter is a ground and rock type, but the hunters Beedrill is a bug and poison type, which can spell trouble for the grass type. It is the perfect candidate. This might not last long, he comments. Now Ill be taking those eggs off your hands. Pin missile.

Beedrill fires small, white needles from all four of its large stingers and aim them at Breloom. Use mach punch, Jackson commands. Brelooms right fist is covered in a white orb and repels every single needle, destroying the pin missile attack and showering the egg room with a glittering white shine.

What? Dennis mutters out loud. But pin missile a bug-type move. Breloom should have been affected when its mach punch made contact.

Jackson smirks with confidence, his arms fold in front of his chest. Thats because my Breloom is also a fighting type, he explains. Mach punch is a fighting type move. So, Im guessing this battle is far from over. Energy bomb.

Jacksons grass-type partner opens its mouth and forms a green energy ball before aims it at the other side of the room. Breeeeelooooom, the Mushroom Pokémon shouts.

Tail whip, Dennis growls, leaving Jackson and Nurse Joy in a state of confusion. A bug type like Beedrill is unable to use normal type move unless hes not commanding Beedrill. Rhydon steps in front of Beedrill then turns its body around and swing its tail. The energy ball makes contact with its tail and bounces back towards Breloom.

Dodge it, quick, Jackson commands.

Breloom. Breloom springs upward, avoiding its own energy bomb as the attacks explodes on the floor. However, the moment Breloom skyrockets towards the roof, Beedrill dashes forward towards its grass-type opponent with both of its stingers sticking out further than its yellow head. The grass-type doesnt have time to dodge, so the only thing Breloom can do at this point is brace for impact as Beedrill stabs it repeatedly with its stingers. LOOOOOOOOOMMM!!

AH! Breloom! Jackson screams.

Thats not fair. Battling two against one, Nurse Joy fires at the hunter. The attack did leave Breloom shaking and bruise, but the mushroom Pokémon manages to stand back on its feet. Nevertheless, Dennis still have another evil trick up his sleeve. He launches a sharp look at the pink head with something in mind.

Lets see if saving these eggs means risking the life of someone else he thinks to himself. Sludge bomb, Dennis commands Beedrill. One of the poison bee Pokémons arm stingers turn into a dark purple before it releases brown blobs of sludge toward Nurse Joy. The medical professionals senses danger towards her as she stares at the brown blobs only inches away. Nurse Joys blue eyes are filled with a mixture of fear and water. It is like shes staring at the barrel of a loaded gun that is firing multiple bullets at her all at once.

Nurse Joy!

Breloom! With just a little bit of time, Jackson and Breloom sprint forward and the entire room is covered in gray smoke.

Jackson is the first one to open his eyes. Everything seems to be in order. Nurse Joy appears to be unharmed. Shaken, but without a single injury. For that, Jackson is relieved until he hears a painful sound in his ear. He jumps on his feet to find his partner lying on the floor with three layers of purple lines across its eyes while indigo bubbles floats above his head. Breloom! Jackson screams.

Oh dear, Nurse Joy rushes to the poisoned Pokémons aid. Breloom must have took the hit from that sludge bomb assault for her and Jackson. Such a brave Pokémon with an even braver trainer. Suddenly, a sudden crash sets off the alarm system again. Only this time, flashing red lights illuminate not only the egg room, but every other room in the Pokémon Center. Both Jackson and Nurse Joy turn to find Dennis and his Rhydon, whos horn is spinning like a drill, standing on the other side of a large hole inside of the wall with a large sack in hand.

No need for Dennis to keep things on the low key. Since his only exit is blocked, he has to improvise on another escape attempt. Thanks for the eggs, he screams. And dont worry: Ill take really good care of each and every last one them. Astalavista, losers!

Nurse Joy is not about to let some hunter get away. No! Hes making off with the Pokémon Eggs. Just as the nurse is about to give chase, she feels Jackson pulling on her left arm.

Stop! Jackson warns her. You cant give chase to that man.

I have to. Those eggs are in serious danger with every second that passes by.

I understand your frustration, but Dennis is a professional criminal. He went through all this trouble just to steal some Pokémon Eggs. Theres no telling what he will do.


We recovered one sack. Just focus on the Pokémon that are still here and you let me worry about Dennis. In addition, Jackson also informs Nurse Joy to give word out to Officer Jenny and tell her everything that just occurred. Hell worry about rescuing the second bag of Pokémon Eggs. With no other option, Nurse Joy nods her head in understand. And you let me worry about Breloom, she adds. Ill take good care of it.


Jackson turns to his fallen friend who is still heavily poisoned. He bents down on both knees and places a hand over its head. Youd fought very well, friend. I promise to come back for you as soon as I handle Denniss ass. Obviously, Breloom cant hear what Jackson is saying, but there is no doubt it understands its trainer. On that note, Jackson runs out of the Pokémon Center and gives chase. By the time Jackson is at the front of the Pokémon Center, a gray truck speeding out of the parking lot grabs his attention. That is the same truck Dennis drove over here with, so theres no doubt hes inside. Well, there goes my ride. Now how will Jackson catch up with Dennis now?


Out of the blue, he finds a wild Taillow in the sky flying in his direction. A Taillow. Perfect. Jackson pulls out a green Capture Styler and points the stylus at the flying Pokémon. That Taillow will be perfect to keep track of Dennis. Capture on. Jackson launches the Capture Disc with one press of a button with the Disc leaving a trail of beams. Taillow just flap its wings in place while the Disc loops around it several times. Meanwhile, a number appears in the screen of the Styler. The young ranger twirls his right arm around three times with device in hand. The Capture Line tightens around the flying Pokémon until disappearing. Capture complete, Jackson announces. Taillow, help me out and go after that truck.

Taillow, the bird Pokémon confirms and heads towards the gray truck, though Jackson still needs to find some transportation.

GRROOWWLL!! Jackson hears a Pokémon yells from a distance. He turns to see Officer Jenny in her usual uniform riding a motorcycle and a Growlithe in the side car.

Officer Jenny!


The metal bars are a lot stronger than Ursaring thought. It unleashes another round of fury swipes, but the attack didnt even leave a single scratch. Ursaring roars with frustration, desperate to get out of his lonely prison. A male and a female wearing the same outfit as Dennis walk towards the Hibernator Pokémon. The guy has messy blue hair while his female coworker is blonde with straight hair. Just the sight of these two make Ursaring feel more aggressive. Those two are the ones who capture it in the first place. Another roar travels out of the mouth when both its jaws pulled apart.

Settle down, Heather shoots at the prisoner. You need to absorb all your energy for where youre about to go. Ursarings forearms glow white as the Pokémon slams them hard on the cage. Once again, the results stay the same. However, because of previous attempts, Ursaring did manage to move it forward towards the edge of the shelf. Both the Team Covetous grunts step back a few feet and start to panic. Do something, will you? The female shouts at her male coworker.

Relax, Bell composes. Check this out. He pushes a button to a device strapped to his left arm, but it didnt seem to do anything, much to Heathers annoyance. Before she can comment, Ursarings arms begin to glow white again. Perhaps if Ursaring continue to use hammer arm, the cage will eventually fall out of the truck and break. The minute Ursaring strikes its arms on the bars, the cage is surrounded with yellow electricity. Ursaring roars once again, but this time in pain as its body is impacted with a strong jolt of electricity. The Hibernator Pokémon lands on the ground, paralyzed and leaving behind static that travels all over Ursarings body. My latest invention works perfectly, but Im not surprise.

What did you do? Heather asks.

Each cage is made out of titanium steel – one of the strongest elements in the world – and equipped with a censor that will unleashed volts of electricity if any Pokémon attempts to break free.

But thatll hurt the Pokémon.

Its only powerful enough to paralyzed Ursaring. Bell walks up to Ursaring who is still laying inside its lonely prison cell. Thanks to his early preparation, Team Covetous shouldnt have a problem with any problems with Pokémon attempting to escape. Speaking of Team Covetous, the duo spots a large male figure with shaggy red hair, wearing a dark grey shirt inside a black overcoat jacket with the Team Covetous logos in the back, blue jeans, a pair of Timberland boots, black sunglasses, and a black fedora hat stepping out of a red luxury car with chrome rims. Several chains are hanging around his neck; two of them with his logo in either yellow diamond or platinum.

Heather and Bell feel a sudden chill running down their spines. Every time they even find a picture of Alphonse, their bodies start to shake and goosebumps run throughout their skins. Its like watching a scene from a horror film and their boss is that serial killer that harasses every male and female he sees together. Regardless, Heather and Bell make way for their Team Covetous leader. B-B-Boss, Heather stutters. Youre here.

We thought you were heading to Slateport City, Bell replies.

So, youre saying I cant stop by and check on my own organization? Their sketchy boss wipes off the lenses to his glasses.

Fear strikes down on the two like lightning on a raining day. Every stray of Bells blue hair sticks out like it was hit with electricity like that Ursaring. Sir, I didnt mean

Calm down, Alphonse dismays. You guys acting like you saw a poltergeist. I thought I drop by and see if the merchandise was ready to transport, but I can tell there were some problems. The boss is referring to the sight of Ursaring laying in its cage, panting like its out of breath and with electricity running through its body.

Wellwe did have some minor problems, Bell admits.

But you are working through them, right?

Y-Yes, sir. Alphonse nods his head in understanding. The man in charge walks inside the cockpit of the plane and is astonished by the number of Pokémon his team collected. Scanning the entire cockpit, he counts up to a number of thirty Pokémon. Half of which try to use an attack to break their prison cells, but their attempts are in vain. Some of them who use moves like Ursaring with his Hammer Arm end up suffering the same fate as the Hibernating Pokémon: hit with a volt of electricity that left them paralyzed. The other half are scared for their lives; wondering what does this evil team of crooked hunters have in store for them? The flashy leader steps up to one cage that stores an Eevee.

The Evolution Pokémon is terrified and stumbles backward until its tail is touching the back of the cage. Eevee, it screeches. The human chuckles as the Eevee quivers, secretly begging this stranger would let it go. Unfortunately, freedom is not what Holstein has for Eevee. Aww, he says. You dont have anything to be scared, little one. Youll be safe and sound where youre going.

Eevee continues to shiver while its head is buried in its little legs. All the Evolution Pokémon is asking for is freedom, but it was obvious that its simple request is too much to ask for Alphonse. Alright. Get the Pokémon loaded up. Were moving out.

Team Covetous only got a few weeks left to get everything prepared, so there is no time to waste. Though the red head do have to admire how everyone is hustling hard. It shows him that everyone wants to earn a big paycheck. As Alphonse walks back to his car, his phone starts to ring in his overcoats right pocket. He pulls out matte gold smartphone from his pocket and the word PRIVATE on the caller ID. Alphonse knows its somebody from his gang. Boss, Dennis cries out.

You better have a good reason for calling me on my personal phone.

Boss, we got a problem.

Alphonses eyes widen in anger. You didnt get the Pokémon Eggs?

No, I got a whole sack of them

Then what is the problem, Dennis?

That new guy you recruited isnt who we think. Hes a Pokémon Ranger named Jackson.

Alphonses eyebrows stretch all the way to the top of his forehead and across down his cheeks. What?

Yeah, Dennis confirms. He disguised himself and must have filtrated into headquarters somehow. He knows everything about us and the Pokémon Black Market. Well, this is just fantastic. The entire mission has been compromised and now there is a Pokémon Ranger after him? Its only a matter of time before word gets out to the public. Alphonse growls fiercer than an angry Growlithe. His genius plan was practically foolproof, but how could have not seen this conspiracy? Boss, what do I do? Dennis asks. That hunter and Officer Jenny are on my trail and I cant seem to shake them off.

Lose them.


Dennis, you are a resourceful guy. Figure it out. When you lose Officer Jenny and the hunter, meet us at Slateport City. And dont call me on my personal phone again.


The flashing lights coming from Officer Jennys motorcycle seems to grow closer to Denniss truck. Some help his supposed leader Alphonse is to him. Lose them? What does he think Dennis is trying to do? This is your last chance, Officer Jenny announces over the speaker. Pull over or we will use force.

So, Officer Jenny likes to play rough? Well then, Dennis will just have to show her two can play that game. He opens his Poke Ball and Beedrill appears from outside of his truck. Use your pin missile and get those clowns off my tail. Beedrill fires the stinger from the end of its body at the motorcycle.

INCOMING!! Jackson warns.

HANG ON!! Officer Jenny fires. With only a second to think, Officer Jenny shifts her entire body with her motorcycle to the left as she makes the attempt to dodge the bug attack. The pin missile shoots right pass Officer Jenny and towards Jackson as he holds onto the female officer tightly as the pin missiles runs pass his face. The attack is so close where the hunter can taste the green stream it left behind. But fortunately, the only damage are the trail and a few pieces of Jacksons hair. However, at the cost of allowing Dennis to gain the upper hand in his escape. But at least this trail is a straight shot.

Dennis has done it again. Although he wishes for that pin missile to make a direct hit, so Officer Jenny and that double-crosser of a Pokémon Ranger can wipe out and retreat. But at least they are off his trail. From now on, its a smooth ride from here on out. Suddenly, sirens blare down the trail once again. Shit, the dangerous hunter spits out.

Officer Jenny and Jackson are still out there. During in a fit of his rage, he notices a young female with long pink hair carrying some Pokémon wearing red glasses standing in the middle of the road. She better moves out the way before she becomes part of the ground.

The little girl realizes the truck speeding towards her and jumps out of the way. Is that a Pokémon that girl is holding? Dennis asks himself. He has never seen a Pokémon like that anywhere in Hoenn. What is the name of that Pokémon? And how can he capture it?


And that does it for my long-delayed prologue. I hope I didnt keep everyone waiting too long and if I did, Im sorry. It feels good to be back.

For this relaunch, I decided to try something different like starting the fanfic off out with a prologue. What you just read was a little highlight of Team Covetous, an evil organization led by Alphonse that is benefited on one thing and one thing only: stealing rare Pokémon and selling them for money. They are a ruthless bunch that will use extreme methods on anybody – people and Pokémon – to get what they want and whoever stands in their way. You will definitely see them again without a doubt. If you thought Dennis was ruthless, wait until you learn more about Alphonse.

One other change I included is the rating. This fanfic will be rated T because the material will contain slight profanity and violence throughout with a little crude humor every now and again. I hope you enjoyed my prologue and dont worry: Serena will appear in the first chapter. The Performing in Another Region relaunch is in full swing and this is only the beginning. Stay tuned.


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