Exploding buildings and metal guys, oh no I'm late for my date!

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Percy Jackson had just wanted a normal day, and of course, that was always too much to ask for. He had planned to meet Annabeth for a picnic, like a good boyfriend should. He even picked up an ice cream for the both of them (blue, of course), then the building exploded. It wasn't him that time, but two guys in head-to-toe metal armor. One was red and gold, the other was different shades of gray. Luckily Percy was across the street from the guys and the building so not much shrapnel hit him.

Then he saw the dude that was running away from the crime scene, the guy was wearing some weird black leather armor with the emblem of a red skull and tentacles coming out of its mouth. He looked very suspicious so Percy gave chase. Then he remembered the pieces of metal stuck in his skin and that it hurt to run with that in your skin. All of these things happened within the span of a few seconds and his ADHD helped him process all of it.

Red and gold metal guy called, "Kid, leave this to the adults."

I'm 17 and almost 18, don't call me a kid! He thought to himself, "Nah. I'm good."

He remembered the advice Annabth's cousin's friend gave to him once, "You have to flaunt the weird,"so he did exactly that. He felt for water and found a pipe running directly under him that was filled with the stuff. So he did exactly what any son of Poseidon would do.

He exploded the pipe. Doing that succeeded in doing exactly two things, getting the shrapnel out and knocking over Suspicious Guy. That gave the metal guys enough time to grab suspicious guy. Percy wondered what the mortals thought had happened and why they were wearing metal outfits.

"Thanks for the help capturing Alfonso here," the man was still struggling to escape the grip of red and gold metal guy.

"No problem, though I would appreciate it if you wouldn't explode the building across the street from me," Percy replied.

"We'll try our best. Won't we Tony?" gray metal guy elbowed red and gold metal guy whose name seemed to be Tony.

"Fine," Tony complained.

"Also, who are you guys? And that guy," he pointed at Alfonso.

"You don't know who we are?" Tony sounded very surprised.

"I don't watch the news," Percy said flatly.

"I'm War Machine aka James Rhodes and that's Iron Man aka Tony Stark."

"Oh, I've heard of Tony Stark!" glad he remembered something, "Aren't you, like, a billionaire?"

"Actually I'm a multi-billionaire," Tony corrected, "Come on Rhodey. Let's go interrogate this guy."

Then they flew away into the sunset. No. That was a lie, it was mid-day and that would have looked weird. Could anyone imagine two guys covered in armor, carrying a struggling dude between them into a sunset over New York? Percy definitely couldn't and he had seen some weird stuff.

"Oh gods!" he started running towards Central Park, "Annabeth is gonna kill me."

At first, Annabeth was mad but when he explained about Iron Man, War Machine, and Alfonso, plus the exploding building she forgave him. Though she was mad that the building had caused him to lose the ice cream.

"You shouldn't get involved with the Avengers, Percy. They're bad news. Especially with all the drama about the manhunts, missing person case, and being expelled so many times that it'll be suspicious."

"Don't worry, Wise Girl. I helped them beat one guy," they were lying on their picnic blanket, heads so close that they were nearly touching.

She was sitting up now, "Exactly Percy. How long until they use the security feeds to run a facial recognition on you?"

"After they finish interrogating the Alfonso guy."

"What if they find you and interrogate you? What would you say to them?"

"Uh... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it?" Yes, Percy Jackson just said a metaphor, the world must be ending.

"Well at least tell Chiron about this."

"Course' Wise Girl," his words slurred since he had stayed up studying for the test he had next week, "How bout' we actually go on our date now?"

"Sure, Seaweed Brain."

Then he had drifted off to sleep, nose falling on her shoulder, and started snoring softly.

"Get some rest, Seaweed Brain. You'll need it."

Yay! First chapter done. I'm writing this on Google Docs so I'm probably going to publish a few a week. Or one a week, I don't know. Please tell me any mistakes I've made in the writing and criticism/feedback. I couldn't find the perfect Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover, so I made my own. :)

"Thank you for your offerings and have a nice day" quote from the Oracle of Delphi. 

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