Chapter 13 {The Counselor}

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(A/N: Surprise, surprise! Why hello there everyone, and welcome to the first original chapter of Paradox that completely differs from Infinity! It's FINALLY the big debut of our fav Royal man! I've been eager and waiting to write this chapter, so I'm thrilled to put it in your hands!
Now, onto the chapter!)


------Time Skip: Shujin Academy's Gymnasium------

Days just ran by very quickly without noticing at all, so the teenagers found themselves already facing the first day of the exams. It seemed as if the only two who actually took it seriously and studied well for it were Ren and Emiko. But before the finals started, Ryuji had called his best bud desperately asking for his help to study, and it appeared that even for Ryuji studying with someone can, in fact, be more fun and less dull and boring. Ren doubted that his help would be beneficial at all, but he crossed his fingers and hoped for the best. On the first day on May 11, they had biology in which was a no-brainer for the two dark-haired thieves. Then on May 12, it was history and English in which Emiko felt herself doing more than excellent since English was secretly her most favorite subject of all time. After that on May 13, it was social studies and math, making Ren doing better than the brown-haired since he had a more analytical brain than her. 

After the exam was finally done, allowing the students to take a breather after the nerve-wracking experience, the school's broadcast announced that an urgent assembly will be held at the gymnasium. Glancing at each other, Ren could tell that both Ann and Emiko were as confused and lost as he was with absolutely no idea what was going on. The trio quickly packed their bags before following the crowd of the whining students out of class toward the appointed meeting area--they've just finished their exam for the day and now what? Not before long, all the students of Shujin were lined up inside the gymnasium with Principal Kobayakawa standing behind a microphone, fixing its position. Murmurs and whispers filled the entire room as students exchanged quiet, disapproved, and disgusted looks at the principal, wondering what that asshole was up this time. The clearing sound of his throat caught the students' attention, causing them to stop talking among themselves as they eyed them intensely.

"Ever since that specific incident, many of you have voiced concerns that I could not bear to ignore. We believe the mental health of our student body is absolutely vital, so we've acquired the services of a therapist. The floor is yours, Doctor..." Principal Kobayakawa slightly stepped away.

With that said, the now-curious eyes of the students followed the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching the stage. A tall, bespectacled man with brown, short unkempt hair and a small stubble underneath his chin went on top of the stage toward the mic. He wore a blue dress shirt tucked into his upturned khaki slacks with a checkered dark blue tie accompanied with a white lab coat over the top. On his feet he wore open-toed sandals without socks and in his suit's chest pocket, he had a yellow pen and a staff ID that was further tied around his neck with a red strap. The male teacher with glasses gave the students a small wave along with a warm, charming smile, causing the female students to swoon over him almost immediately as some quietly squealed under their breaths, for that teacher looked... smoking hot!

"Isn't he hot?" A carefree female student gawked.

"It's nice to meet you all." The male teacher with glasses spoke kindly, his voice was as smooth as silk.

"Whoa, his voice is sexy!" A calm female student exclaimed.

"My name is--" He left his sentence hanging in the air, "Huh?"

He grabbed the mic between his hands, fixing its position by raising it to fit his height. Well, the difference in height between him and the principal was... uncanny.

"My name is Takuto Maruki. Thank you for welcoming me to your school." While bowing, he hit his head with the mic.

A collective laugh erupted from the gymnasium as the students laughed at that stupidly silly action. Meanwhile, Principal Kobayakawa could only sweatdrop heavily while eyeing Maruki hopelessly... could someone remind him again why did he bring someone like him?

"No need to be formal with me, though. I'm just here to council anyone who's interested. You can even call me Doc, if that would help you feel more comfortable. Any assistance you need, I'll be-- Oh... I guess I'm not really any good for helping with money problems..." Maruki gave the students a goofy grin.

Everyone laughed at his latest remark--such a comical relief was new to Shujin's students amidst the drama that occurred recently. Yet, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing... in fact, it was more than welcomed and much needed.

"...Thank you, Dr. Maruki." The principal took over the mic, dismissing the students to leave.


------Shujin Academy's Courtyard------

Taken over by sheer joy and laughter, the students left the gymnasium, never easing the conversations about the new "hot counselor" of Shujin. The female scholars couldn't stop swooning over how hot he looked or how sexy his voice was, going as far as recalling every small detail about him from how smooth his unkempt brown hair seemed to the way he dressed. Meanwhile, some male students exchanged their concerns that how someone who looked like a complete joke could be the counselor and was supposed to listen to their problems; Shujin must've reached a new level of madness. They went on their way to describe how silly and stupid he looked, like what the hell was that poor getup like some beggar? Wasn't he supposed to be a counselor? Then how he'd allow himself to even wear something like that in the first place? Opinions varied among the students regarding Takuto Maruki as girls had completely adored him just from the first glance while boys had mixed opinions, some had their doubts about him while others laughed at him like some sort of a joke. Yet, there was no denying the funny introduction of his earlier made the students forget about their mental exhaustion after the exam that day, so perhaps that was a good start? Only time could tell.

Stepping outside to have a breath of fresh air as well as to stay away from the others' gossip before their next class, Ren and his two classmates, Ann and Emiko, made their way toward the practice building. It seemed even there, the trio couldn't escape from the overwhelming gossips and murmurs about the new counselor since some students stood around the corners and their conversations reached their ears clearly. All the previous heat about the Phantom Thieves seemed to go away with the wind like it never existed now that Takuto Maruki became the new hot topic of Shujin. Heading toward the edge of the passageway, Emiko let out a loud, annoyed huff before rubbing her temples amidst the worried looks of the other two. She leaned her back against it before whipping her face upward toward the partially exposed sky, closing her eyes for a brief moment as some locks of her short brown hair swayed lazily along with the wind over her face. After inhaling a deep breath, she opened her eyes again before walking back toward the other two, anger and annoyance still visible on her face.

"Hey, are you okay Emiko?" Ren turned over at his friend's side.

"I'm seriously going to lose it if I heard another word of 'how hot Dr. Maruki is' or 'how sexy Dr. Mastuki's voice was.'" Emiko gagged in disgust.

"Yeah, I understand where you're coming from..." Ann sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yo." Ryuji approached the group, "You ever expect this place to actually give a shit about our mental health?"

"Not in a million light-year." Emiko deadpanned.


"Well, our school's made national news. Maybe they figured they'd look even worse if they didn't do anything for us." Ann stated for the matter-of-factly.

"And Doctor... uh... Doctor Whatshisname."


"Yeah--wasn't that guy just basically clownin' it up onstage? You really think he'll do us any good?"

"Ryuji..." Ann tried to shush him once she caught the glance of a figure walking toward them.

"Hey there." Maruki approached the group with a kind smile.

"Ah...!" Ren slightly widened his eyes.

"Speaking of the devil..." Emiko trailed.

"Sakamoto-kun, Takamaki-san, and Hayashi-san, right? And that must make you... Amamiya-kun."

".........?!" They all had a surprised expression.

"How'd you know our names?" Ryuji asked suspiciously.

"Well, I was informed of certain students before beginning my tenure here. Those who had bad, ah... previous interactions with Mr. Kamoshida." Maruki seemed uncertain with the phrasing of his last sentence.

"Uh-huh." Emiko nodded uninterestedly.

Maruki took a glance at Emiko with an anxious expression, never missing the way he cleared his throat nervously. The moment she raised his eyebrow in silent question, he quickly averted his eyes away from her toward the other three teens. There was it; the same look the students of the school whenever their eyes met hers, she could recognize it anywhere. That Kamoshida bastard... he must've said something about their last interaction. Something like, "Hayashi-san threatened me over false accusations."

"Amamiya-kun, it must've been especially tough for you after having just transferred here." Maruki turned his attention at Ren.

"No, not really." Ren pushed his glasses upward.

"You're quite the tough youngster--just don't overdo it, okay?"

"So... whaddya want with us?" Ryuji wondered.

"Ah yes, I'd forgotten... I know I already offered my services to the student body earlier, but would you four be interested in counseling?"

"Nope, not at all."


"How's that surprising?"

"You were just a touch more emphatic about it than I'd expected... ah! But, if you come to my office, you can have free snacks! All you can eat... would be nice, but there's still plenty to be had. So, how about it?"

"Tell me more of these snacks..." Ren tailed, holding his chin.

"Hey, don't fall for that!" Ann yelped.

"He's fallen victim to temptation." Emiko commented blankly.

"To be frank, I've been explicitly ordered to provide counseling to the students directly involved with Mr. Kamoshida. It's in the school's interest... for its students."

"Ahhh, the school's interests, huh?" Ryuji mocked.

"Even someone like you should've been able to distinguish a lie like this. Isn't that right?" Emiko scrunched her nose upward.

"I know that asking you to be open with a complete stranger like myself is a lot. Making this mandatory wouldn't do you any good, either. Might as well turn it into a worthwhile experience..." Maruki trailed to himself.

"Hm?" Ren tilted his head curiously.

"...Ooh, I know! If you attend my counseling sessions, I'll teach you different ways to improve your mental acuity. Like, ways to hone your concentration before exams, or not getting nervous on dates. How's that sound?"

"Uh..." Ann had no idea what to say.

"That..." Emiko seemed hesitant.

"Mental training..." Ren thought.

"If I make good use of this, it may aid in our Phantom Thieves activities too..."

"There's also snacks..." Maruki reminded with a playful smile.

"Alright, alright, enough with the snacks!" Ryuji yelped before looking at Ren, "So, which way are you leanin'?"

"No harm in a little chat." Ren smiled softly.

"I guess it'd just be more trouble for us if we didn't go."

"Hmm, yeah." Ann agreed.

"God, this is frustrating... fine, we'll do this whole counseling thing!" Emiko ran her hand through her hair.

"Really? Then, I guess it's a deal. I'll be in the nurse's office--feel free to come by whenever it's convenient for you." Maruki beamed.

"Welp, we should get goin'." Ryuji turned his back.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Giving him a lazy wave, Ryuji walked away from the man and followed by Ann behind him, the two exchanging a light chat along the way.

"Thanks for taking my counseling into consideration. Now that we have a deal, I promise I'll do my best to help you." Maruki smiled again at Ren.

"Sure, thanks."

"I've made a deal with Maruki."

"What's the holdup, dude?" Ryuji called.

"Sorry for keeping you like this. Well then..."

Bowing to him, Ren quickly walked away from Maruki to catch up with his two blonde-haired friends, unaware of the fact that he left behind him a certain brown-haired girl. Standing across one another in utter silence, Emiko and Maruki stared at one as none of them dared to open their mouths to break the awkward and intense silence that hovered over their heads. The more Emiko looked at Maruki, the more she realized the resemblance between him and that... man. Yes, there was no mistaking it anymore... the face shape, the eye and hair color--it all looked exactly the same that it terrified her. It seemed even after that bastard rotted years ago in his grave, he still insisted on haunting her everywhere in any way possible as a cruel reminder of the sin she committed. Seeing the same gentleness and kindness in Maruki's eyes that man used to look at her in the shadows of her memories left a bitter taste in Emiko's mouth--hence, even the sparkle in his eyes was the same. Her face twitched in pain as the line between the images of Maruki's face and that man's face no longer remained blurred... the resemblance was just uncanny!

"Um, is there something wrong, Hayashi-san?" Maruki hesitantly, finally breaking the silence.

"You look... just like him." Emiko blurred out.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Mikki, you comin' or what?" Ryuji's voice came out.

Turning on her heel after a vague statement, Emiko quickly walked away, leaving a confused Maruki behind who silently watched the girl as she caught up with her friends and disappeared into the distance. So many questions rose in Maruki's head about that little exchange with Emiko just now, especially with the way she stared at him as if she wanted to cry.

He looked... just like him?

Wait, she couldn't possibly mean...!


------Afternoon: Class 2-D------

Twirling the pen between his fingers flawlessly, Ren let out a deep huff as he buried his face into his other hand. The events of that morning were... bizarre, and that was the least thing that could be said. Maruki never seemed like a bad person nor he gave any bad vibes or ill intentions--even his smile seemed genuine. Ren wanted to trust that man and open up to him for the sake of the counseling sessions they agreed on, part of him wanted that because the deal they made would be very beneficial for the Phantom Thieves. The other reason was that... the burden he carried with him was too much that he longed to share it with someone. It wasn't like he was opposed to talking with Maruki about it, for he gave a really trusting aura, but life taught Ren in the cruelest way possible that not everyone can be trusted. The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth as he pursed his lips solemnly, halting the spinning of the pen. His dark grey eyes stared emptily at the blank pages of his notebook as he narrowed his gaze in deep thought--he was conflicted and had no idea what he should say even if he went to see Maruki. Recalling that incident... was painful and it still hurt him until now.

So... was he really willing to go through that pain for someone he just met?

"All right, settle down. I have an addendum to the earlier assembly, regarding the counseling you've all been offered. The counselor will be available to you starting after school today, in the nurse's office. Dr. Maruki will only be posted here through November, so be sure to speak with him soon if you feel the need. For the majority of you, it's your choice whether or not you see him, but... there are a few students I'll speak with later... the school's decided: visits to Dr. Maruki will be mandatory for these individuals." Ms. Kawakami informed the students.

Mandatory? Now that was just plain rude. After Ren and his friends were willingly going for the counseling sessions, the school had decided to forcefully shove it right down their throats. Letting out a troubled sigh, the buzzing of his phone inside of his pocket caught Ren's attention before he unlocked it and went for the group chat. He had... a pretty good idea what the discussion would be.

Ryuji: Yo, you guys gonna go for it?

Ann: What, the counseling?

Ann: It kinda sounds like we're being forced to.

Emiko: Kinda?

Ann: Okay... we ARE being forced to.

Ryuji: I told Maruki I'd do it, but...

Ryuji: I dunno if I'm really that into the idea, you know?

Ren: Let's do it.

Ann: I think I'm gonna try going today.

Ren: Good luck with that.

"Counseling, eh? Lady Ann's right. Make sure you visit him so you don't draw any attention to yourself, okay?" Morgana reminded.

"Of course I will." Ren gave him a firm nod.


------After School: Nurse's Office------

Standing in front of the closed door of the nurse's office, Ann's hand stopped midway before knocking on it as a hesitant expression invaded her features. Staring down at the wooden floor, she lowered her arms while biting her lower lip harshly, believing that maybe it was best if she just walked away. There was a lot of grief and regret held within her heart, so she had her doubts whether opening up those wounds was really the best way. She was scared... terrified of the pain she might be exposed to if she began talking about it with Maruki; she didn't want to feel it again! Ann shook her head in protest at those thoughts before slapping her cheeks a few times--no, she set her mind to do it! For her sake... for Shiho's sake... if she wanted to become stronger for the both of them, she had to let go of the past, of the pain, of all the hatred. Taking a deep breath, the platinum blonde-haired girl donned a renewed determined face as she knocked on the door, firmly and without hesitation. Feeling her heart beating quickly inside of her chest, Ann cleared her throat nervously while waiting for the acknowledgment for her to walk in. Once she heard a voice from inside telling her to get in, Ann breathed in and out a few times deeply before opening the door in one full swoop, ready to take on whatever the hell was waiting for her on the opposite side!

Stumbling on her feet from the sudden force, Ann tripped and nearly fell down flat on her face hadn't she quickly used the door for support. Inside, Maruki sat on the couch across from the girl, blinking his eyes a few times in confusion, making her cheeks turn rosy pink from embarrassment. Great, she'd just made a fool out of herself! If only the ground would split up and swallow--

"Yes?" Maruki greeted with a bright smile.

"Ummm..." Ann trailed awkwardly.

"Welcome. Are you here for a counseling session?"

"Yeah, is now a bad time?"

"Not at all! It's always a good time, so long as I'm not already listening to a student." Maruki stood up, "I'm so glad you're here. Would you care for a snack?"

Sweatdropping at the mention of the snacks yet again, Ann sat down on the couch across Maruki, silently watching him place a carton box of apple juice in front of her. After taking her bag off, her fingers dug deeply into the fabric of her red stockings as her arms shook ever so slightly. No, she couldn't afford to look weak in front of Maruki now... she was determined to do this!

"Shall we get started? Oh--but first, just relax, all right? I'm only here to listen to whatever you wish to talk about." Maruki reassured her warmly.

"Sure. Although I really only have one thing on my mind right now anyway..." Ann leaned her back against the couch.

"Yes, I'd say that makes perfect sense. But don't force yourself into talking with me. You could even just grab some snacks and be on your way, if you wanted! Haha..."

"No, it's... it's all right. I know I need to talk to someone about this, anyway. That is, if you're willing to listen to the super-long story..."

"I absolutely am. Take all the time you need."

Seeing the way Maruki smiled at her so warmly and kindly gave Ann all the courage she needed as she took a deep breath, ready to share her story. She began explaining how she met Shiho during middle school after the latter told her that her painting sucked during art class, making her smile fondly at the memory. Maruki nodded slowly before gesturing for her to continue, allowing her to recall how they became friends rather quickly and even agreed to attend the same high school. She said how Shiho joined the volleyball team during her first year as it was her sole passion, wanting nothing more than to be recognized as a national hero. Yet, that was the beginning of the end as Kamoshida began targeting Ann after spotting her in a modeling magazine, having sexual interests in her. Kamoshida constantly asked her out for dates, threatening her that if she refused to make appearances, Shiho would be removed from the frontlines of his team, forcing her to agree to his proposal, thus beginning the nasty rumors about her. Ann left no detail in explaining how miserable and powerless she felt for not being able to help her friend despite seeing her injured constantly, how much she hated herself and Kamoshida for putting them through that hell. She described quite explicitly all the despair, anger, and hatred that welled up inside of her when Shiho tried to commit suicide, the painful moment she saw her laying on the stretcher, fighting to stay alive. The words Shiho whispered to her ear about... what Kamoshida did to her because she kept refusing him.

Maybe had she just submitted to him--

"...I see. That's such a horrible thing to do to someone." Maruki knitted his eyebrows in genuine anger.

"Yes. That's why I wanted to get even with him... for Shiho." Ann held her hands tightly.

"Mmhm... and?"

"........" Ann paused for a moment before speaking, "At first, I thought Kamoshida ought to face the same fate Shiho was going to put herself through... but..."


"...Later, I realized that wasn't right. If he did take his own life, it wouldn't undo Shiho's suffering--in fact, it'd just give him the easy way out."

"Is that so? You know, you are quite the wise, level-headed young woman, Takamaki-san."

"Huh? Uh, I think you've got the wrong..."

"Nope--in fact, I think you're wiser than I was at your age. I wasn't anywhere near as mature as you are now."

"...It's not like I did anything special, though. If I hadn't gone through my own share of hell, I don't think I'd be so mature either."

"I see... so, what's on your mind now?"

"Right now? Hmm... I'm just hoping Shiho will get better quickly. We both suffered a lot, but... I just wanna get back to laughing and having fun together like we used to. At this point, I don't give a rat's ass about Kamoshida!"

"Now there's a healthy outlook! You can't change the past, but you still want to keep your chin up and press onward--is that the gist of it?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"I mean, it'd definitely be better if none of this had happened at all, but..."

"I definitely agree with you there." Maruki chuckled, "But, it's impossible to wipe every tragedy from history."

"If only, right? Everyone would be so much happier if we could actually do that." Ann laughed wholeheartedly. In all honesty, she felt much more at ease now.

The bell rang catching the two's attention in a reminder of the time that passed by them unnoticeably.

"...Oh, it seems I lost track of the time. We should wrap things up here for today--thank you so much for coming to see me." Maruki smiled at the girl.

"Oh no, thank you! I feel a ton better now that that's all of my chest." Ann gave him a small grin.

"Hah, good to hear it--you deserve it. Feel free to stop by again anytime."

"Will do! See you around!" Ann waved at him goodbye while turning on her heel to leave.

"Ah, Takamaki-san!" Maruki suddenly called.

"Yeah? Something's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. I'm sorry for calling you out like this. Take care."

Watching as the girl gave him a hesitant look, Ann made her away outside of the office, leaving Maruki behind him as he rested his chin on top of his crossed arms, donning a serious expression. Ever since that little encounter with Emiko earlier that day, something lingered on his mind that made him feel a bit uneasy. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious in the slightest, but he had no right in asking.

She had to be the one to talk about it, if she wanted to.


------Meanwhile: Class 2-D------

Packing his stuff inside of his bag, Ren's attention went toward the window next to him, watching as the sun slowly sank into the horizon as its rays shone upon his face. Narrowing his eyes in deep thought, he couldn't help but wonder how the counseling went with Ann--she should be done from it by now, right? He couldn't help but wonder how it must've been hard for Ann to open up to a complete stranger about everything she had gone through, making him admire her more for that. She... was truly stronger, a lot stronger than him as he was still scared of talking about that day, wanting nothing more than to run away from the memory. He... was still weak... nothing had changed at all... heh, he was really pathetic. Morgana popped his head out of the bag, seeing the bitter and pained expression on the boy's face, causing him to feel nothing but worry about him. He was going to open his mouth to say something when he saw the way Ren shook his head violently as if he was desperately trying to dismiss whatever dark thoughts swirling in his mind. Taking a deep breath, Ren looked down to see the look of worry in Morgana's eyes, causing him to smile sadly before gently stroking his head, apologizing and telling him there was nothing to worry about. The boy really needed to make up his mind and stop making others worry about him--he owed them as much.

Feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, Ren quickly pulled it up before seeing messages coming from a private chat with Ann.

Ann: Well, I went in for counseling.

Ann: You're going soon too, right, Ren?

Ren: Yeah, I am.

Ren: How'd it go? The counseling, I mean.

Ann: Hmm... well, it honestly wasn't as rough as I was expecting.

Ann: I think you should just go and give it a shot.

Ann: Dr. Maruki's easier to talk to than you'd think.

Ren: You really think so?

Ann: Yup, I assure you! There's nothing for you to worry about.

Ren: Ah, I see.

Ren: Very well, I'll go and see him right away.

Ann: Okay, see you tomorrow.

"Didn't you have a counseling appointment? That's in the nurse's office in the Practice Building, right? I'll just pass time in the area until you're done." Morgana informed the boy, jumping out of his bag.

"I just hope it'll go well..." Ren muttered quietly under his breath.


------Shujin Academy's Hallways------

And there he was.

Walking down the hallway of the practice building, the grip of Ren's hand tightened around his bag's strap as a blank expression made his way toward his face. Although Ann's messages gave him a little bit of reassurance and ease regarding the counseling sessions, he still couldn't help but feel... hesitant. He really wanted nothing more than to lay it all out in the open and lessen the unbearable weight on his heart, yet he still had his doubts. From what he heard, Maruki seemed trustworthy and easy to speak with but the incident that gave Ren his criminal record taught him that people couldn't judge based on their exterior. Letting out a deep, troubled sigh, Ren massaged his temples as he descended further in the hallway... yeah, he was going to do it! There was no turning back now! With those thoughts in mind, he turned around the corner to spot Maruki walking outside the room along with the kind red-haired girl in the ponytail whose name was... Yoshizawa if he remembered correctly. The two of them were chatting at the door and laughing with much familiarity as if the two of them knew each other from before, earning a confused tilt of the head from Ren as he stood in front of them. Just... what was their relationship exactly?

"Ah, hello." Yoshizawa greeted with a friendly smile, "Are you here for a session as well?"

"Yes, that's right." Ren replied hesitantly.

"Is that so? Dr. Maruki is a wonderful counselor. I've actually been seeing him for a while, before he ever came to Shujin."

"Oh? I didn't know you two were acquainted." Maruki smiled, "Don't go overselling me too hard though, Yoshizawa-san--I'm really nothing special."

"Well, I need to get going. Please excuse me." Yoshizawa bowed politely before walking away.

Ren watched Yoshizawa silently as she walked away before disappearing around the corner with a somber expression. During their last encounter, she gave him the same look of terror others did after recognizing him from the rumors. Now, she just acted as if nothing happened at all--was she just being polite because Maruki was there?

"What say we get started?" Maruki pointed at the door, catching the boy's attention.

"Oh, yeah!" Ren nodded before clearing his throat and following Maruki inside.

Placing a hand over her mouth while walking into the hallway, Yoshizawa's mind couldn't stop thinking about the transfer student. During their last encounter in front of the guidance counselor's office, and before Kamoshida's change of heart, it was the big revelation to her that he was the same person from the rumors. Those gossips she kept hearing all the time made that "delinquent transfer student" sound like a cold and merciless criminal who took pleasure in hurting people. But when she met Ren for the first time at the train station, she sensed nothing but genuine kindness, even his smile seemed so bright and warm. Back then, Kamoshida's revelation to her was a big surprise that she couldn't say anything and because of the way she looked at him, he seemed in a lot of pain. Covering her face with both of her hands, Yoshizawa felt guilt eating her from the inside out for causing him that grief... she really was the worst. She needed to apologize to him next time she'd meet him--rumors are just rumors until they're confirmed, right? Because she was covering her face while walking, Yoshizawa couldn't see where she was headed as the next thing she knew, she bumped into something harshly which caused her to fall on the floor, earning a surprised yelp from her.

"Ow...!" Yoshizawa hissed as she rubbed her head.

"Watch where you're going, would you?!" A harsh voice scolded her.

"I-I'm sorry--" Yoshizawa left her sentence hanging in the air as her eyes met with whoever she bumped into, "Wait, you are...!" She widened her eyes in surprise.

"What? If there's something you want to say, just spit it out." Emiko picked up her glasses from the floor as she fell down from the impact as well.

"N-Not at all!"

"Ugh, just look at this mess... giving me more work than I had to..." Emiko mumbled, proceeding to pick up the mess of papers from the floor.

"Here, let me help you, Senpai!" Yoshizawa began picking up a few papers as well.

"I didn't ask for your help, Miss Honor Student." Emiko slapped the red-haired's hand away.


"I don't need your sympathy, I can manage on my own just fine." Emiko collected the last of the papers before picking them and standing up on her feet again.

"B-But--" Yoshizawa quickly stood up.

"...I don't want to repeat myself." Emiko glared deadly at the girl.

Sensing the dark aura that emitted from the brown-haired girl, a cold sweat rolled down Yoshizawa's face as she took a step backward. Her red eyes widened in shock as Emiko's gaze sharpened and darkened at her in pure... disgust as she walked past her. Yoshizawa heard a lot of rumors regarding that senior of hers as well who apparently murdered her father in cold blood, shooting him right in the head. She thought that it was just too much and students might be hurting the girl with all those stories... but now she knew they had to be true. The gaze she gave her was so dark and intense as if it was piercing her soul, full of hatred and malice--the eyes of a true murderer. She was nothing like Ren whose eyes shone with nothing but benevolence and sentimentality; she had so much venom and loathing. Placing a slightly shaky hand over her chest and feeling the quick beating of her heart, Yoshizawa took a deep breath to try to calm her nervousness down. Lifting her face, her eyes met with a pair of emerald green ones as a green-haired boy stood across her not too far away, blinking his eyes at her presence like he was taken away by it. He gave off such a childish and innocent appearance, especially with his big and round eyes that looked at her with awe like a small child who saw something for the first time.

He never said anything... he simply looked at her in pure and innocent surprise.

"Um, excuse me? Is there something wrong?" Yoshizawa asked calmly.

".........!" Konno's face turned dark red, "N-No, I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to stare at you like that! P-Please don't think I'm a creep or anything! E-Excuse me!"

The green-haired boy had bowed to her many times comically at a quick pace before running away from the area as if he never was there. Yoshizawa simply stood behind bewilderingly before turning to a confused chibi figure, tilting her head as a question mark popped out from it. She was simply going to ask him whether he needed something and not judge him at all because she never thought he was a creep at all. Oh well... it looked like she had to apologize to him too.


------Meanwhile: Nurse's Office------

"Welcome! Thank you for coming." Maruki beamed, pointing at the couch across him.

"We made a deal, right?" Ren sat down hesitantly.

"Ahaha, well... I'll try to make sure it's worth the trouble."


"Now, would you mind telling me what happened to you that day?" Maruki narrowed his eyes, "It's fine if the subject's uncomfortable to you. I'm here just to listen and not make judges."

"Okay..." Ren nodded slowly.

Taking a deep breath, Ren re-positioned himself on the couch before proceeding to talk about the story in full detail as Maruki leaned forward to hear it all. The dark-haired boy tried his best to recall everything that happened that night in full detail--how that drunk man was forcing himself on the poor woman, how he stumbled across him, how the man fell down and injured himself after Ren tried to shove him away, and how the woman lied to the police in her testimony. Reliving those awful memories and moments made Ren feel a lump growing in his throat that begged him to stop talking and feel that pain all over again, but he pushed that feeling to the back of his mind as he kept talking. He remembered it all--all the despair and misery that accompanied that woman's betrayal. Throughout the whole conversation, Maruki never spoke a word... he never judged nor commented on anything as he simply nodded every now and then. The man furrowed his eyebrows while pursing his lips tightly, holding his hands tightly as if he was trying desperately to repress his anger. Ren could see the sullen expression on Maruki's face as he could barely imagine what he must've gone through... and for a boy to be suffering from injustice in such a cruel way just because of the kindness of his heart.

Well... the world never was a kind place, to begin with.

"I see... mm, thank you. I think I've gotten a good grasp of the situation you're in, Amamiya-kun. Well, full disclosure... the school gave me a brief rundown of the circumstances surrounding your transfer here." Maruki narrowed his eyes in anger and frustration.

"It's in the past. I'm doing okay now." Ren forced out a bitter smile.

"Did you have to force yourself to accept everything that happened...? No, that doesn't seem to be it..."


"Now that you've told me more about yourself, I think I've realized something. It seems like you've largely been able to reconcile your internal world with your external one. I should note--that's really, truly impressive. Even most adults can't reliably manage that."

"What do you mean?" Ren seemed genuinely interested.

"How to put it--You know how everyone has an internal reality? Some conception of themselves they're thriving for? Like, wanting to be a model student, or wanting to be loved and relied on... that kind of thing. But that idealized reality and the one in actuality are often far apart. That gap is responsible for a lot of people's pain. Not everyone can ace their exams. And not everyone can be the heroes they wish they could be."

Ren could only stare at Maruki in awe as his lips parted ever so slightly.

"You've already been through so much. That kind of suffering is usually enough to twist people up into dark places. But you--you're standing up to it, and confronting a tough, painful reality. To me, that's incredibly admirable." Maruki smiled, "...Then again, maybe that's a little weird for you to hear from a guy you just met, huh?"

"Yeah, but it sounds right." Ren chuckled.

"Not even any deflecting self-deprecation! You really are strong, Amamiya-kun!"

Ren simply smiled at the man sadly, tugging into his sleeve tightly. He wasn't strong at all... he was and still weak who wanted nothing more than running away from it all. He simply forced himself to look strong.

"No, you're just giving me so much credit, Dr. Maruki..."

"Well, let's see... sorry, this went on longer than I expected. Somehow, the conversation just took on a life of its own, I guess..."

"I don't mind. I actually feel a lot better after talking about this with someone. Thank you so much." Ren smiled more genuinely this time, feeling as a huge weight was lifted from his chest.

"........" Maruki paused before furrowing his eyebrows, "...Hey, I've actually got one last request. Do you mind?"

"A request...?"

"I'm actually doing certain research along with my duties as a counselor. It's not quite like counseling--more like a type of psychological treatment it's a project to learn more about people's metaphorical hearts. What they think, how they feel. If I get far enough with it, I think it'll be able to help a lot of people! So...?"

"So... what?"

"Oh, sorry! Uh, I guess my point is... I'd like to ask you to help with that research! All you'd have to do is listen to my theories, and then tell me if they spark any ideas or realization on your end. Please! Any time's good for me--I can work around your schedule. And, uh... I've got a lot of snacks, too! You can have them! They're yours!"

"Well, okay then."

"Really?! YES! You're a lifesaver! Let's see... I know! Maybe I could teach you some tips for mental training? I happen to know a lot on the subject. I'm sure I can cook up a special regimen for you."

"Thanks, I'd really appreciate it."

"If you're dedicated enough, I'm sure you could draw out your full potential!"


"Okay! I guess that's our second deal."

"Seems like it."

"...Oh, right! Would it be okay if we traded contact information?" Maruki pulled his phone out, "I'll contact you when I've got time, or when I need some input from you."

"Of course." Ren took his phone out as well, exchanging his contact info with the man.

"...That should do it! Now! I'd better do my part to repay you. Let's talk about mental training and presence. Let's see, first off.."

For the rest of the session, Maruki ended up giving Ren various information and tips on how to improve his concentration since the next day would mark the end of the midterms. He gave him recommendations about the best sleeping and studying schedule from his experience, as well as foods that'd help him greatly to improve his memory like honey, chocolate, and nuts. He also noted that chewing gum ten minutes before the exam might help as well along with some light exercises first thing in the morning. Maruki also pointed out the importance of the last revision before any test as it helps to make the information stay within the long-term memory, making it harder to forget them. Ren nodded eagerly at those tips and bits of advice, looking more than willing to try them out the next day before the exam. The two of them had absolutely no idea how much time had passed until a sudden yawn from Ren caused Maruki to realize how the room was tinted with hues of yellow and orange as the sun was already setting. Talk about intense concentration too... he never realized it since he was too indulged in the conversation.

"Wow, look at the time! I got so into the conversation that I lost track of it." Maruki glanced at the clock on the wall.

"I'm so sorry for taking your time like this. Thank you for everything." Ren quickly stood up.

He had to get Morgana soon as well.

"Oh, and here. Never a bad time for a snack, right?" Maruki offered a piece of gum.

"Um... thanks." Ren sweatdropped as he took it.

"Thank you for your help today. I'll see you around at school."

"Sure, see you later."

"Take care, Amamiya-kun."


------Evening: Leblanc's Attic------

Plopping his aching body onto the soft mattress of his bed, Ren could only feel piles upon piles of exhaustion running through his veins. He had no idea he stayed for hours in Maruki's office, listening to his tips to raise concentration for the following day's exam. While it was a worthwhile experience, he was just wholly tired, barely able to keep his heavy eyelids open. Good thing he memorized some things at school for the next exam since he had no time to study anything more that day... perhaps he'd skim through some things on the train the next morning as a safety precaution. Setting that thought aside, it sure has been a while since the last time Ren felt so... calm and at peace as if everything that was on his mind slipped away like a dream. He never felt so clear-minded like that in what felt like forever--talking with Maruki about that incident really made him feel a lot better. Plus, the mental training he went through that day felt like his mind became stronger. That man was really amazing! No wonder why Ann felt so comfortable talking with him. However, a loud yawn coming from Ren caused him to put those thoughts aside as tiredness came back to him in full force.

"I'm beat..." Ren threw an arm over his face.

"You really spent a long time talking to Maruki. Look how late it is... well, if you think the sessions are worthwhile, you should try going again sometime. But we should definitely get some sleep for now. Tomorrow's your last day of exams, right?" Morgana reminded the boy.

The sound of his phone vibrating next to him caught Ren's attention as he quickly pulled it up, opening the group chat. It kinda became a habit to chat almost every night.

Ryuji: So how'd it go? You went for counselin' and all, right?

Ren: It wasn't bad actually. Dr. Maruki is really a nice person.

Ann: See? Didn't I tell you?

Ryuji: I still dunno about it though... I mean, talkin' about personal stuff in front of a complete stranger feels kinda weird to me.

Ann: Yeah, I get what you mean. I was hesitant at talking with him at the beginning too, but I found myself warming up to him immediately!

Ann: You really should try and see him. You too Emiko.

Emiko: Right now, exams are more important.

Emiko: And speaking of that, I get you two didn't study for tomorrow, am I wrong?

Ren: I don't think they did.

Ann: Err...

Ryuji: Wait, tomorrow's the last day, right?! Oh shit!

Emiko: Oh shit indeed.

Ryuji: So I gotta pull an all-nighter tonight? Gimme a break!

Ryuji: Talk about a pain in the ass...

Ann: Even if I study now, will I still be able to memorize the info until tomorrow morning?

Ryuji: Eh, does it even matter?

Emiko: You two are just hopeless.

Ren: They're failing for sure.

"I guess one of the good things about Miss show-off is that she can be the voice of reason between you... sometimes. She talks big, but let's see how she'll pull it off." Morgana smiled challengingly.

Ren could only laugh wholeheartedly at the cat's remark.


Word count: 7924 words

A/N: Okie dokie, after a lot of losing motivation and delaying the writing of this chapter, it's finally finished and done with!

To be honest, one of the biggest reasons why I'm losing motivation is the lack of support for this story. I honestly feel like no one's reading it anymore, and I guess I can get why.

So far, it's been almost identical to Infinity with some minor additions. But now, this chapter is totally Royal-exclusive and COMPLETELY different from Infinity!

With that said, I hope people will actually read this... 😅

But hey, MARUKI'S FINALLY HERE!!! HE FINALLY MADE HIS DEBUT!!! I seriously love this man so much! ><

And Emiko and Yoshizawa's encounter tho... interesting!~

Also, what could be the reason behind Nagisa looking at Yoshizawa like that? No one shall know... yet~

What did you think of the chapter?

Let me know! 😊

Rand Talih💞

Published on: Thu/Feb 11/2021

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