Chapter 1: Awakening! Strength of the sibling bond!

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Third point of view.

Wednesday. April 20, 20XX

Location: Shujin Academy.

Time: Afternoon.

Weather: Raining.

It was the middle of History class as the history teacher, Mr. Ushimaru, was giving his lecture to the class. The weather outside let out the sound of it raining as it gave a soothing feeling to those listening.

Mr. Ushimaru: Now class, these "Spirits" are nothing, but superstitious stories made up of legend. Even if the Spirits of Yin and Yang were even true, they have no real effect on a person's conscious. They were meant to teach you kids the difference of what was either "Right" or "Wrong."

As the teacher talked, a man by the name of Ryuji Sakamoto sighed as he was playing with his pencil. Ryuji had blond hair as he wore his school uniform with a yellow shirt all the time. He was absolutely bored as he opened his phone under the desk and began to tap on the phone screen to his friends. A student in front of him was as he was drawing pictures carefully in a book. The student had short brown hair while wearing a Shujin Academy school clothes. He had blue eyes and would be somewhat shorter than Ryuji if they stood next to each other. While the student was drawing, the teacher began to look back to his students. Ryuji casually kept his calm in trying to show interest to the class, but the student in front him didn't notice.

Mr. Ushimaru: HEY! I'm teaching a class here, Ito!!

The teacher threw the chalk he had at the student, but casually shifted to the left while continue to draw. The chalk's new target hits Ryuji in the head and causes him to recoil in shock at being hit.

Ryuji: OW!! You got to be kidding me here! Watch where you're throwing the chalk!

Mr. Ushimaru: Do I look like I was trying to hit you?! Grrr! That brat!

The student in front of Ryuji listened in hearing what was going on around him. Upon closer expression, he had a soft build, but not enough to look like he was an athlete. The student was known as Hikaru Ito. Hikaru looked up to talk to his teacher.

Hikaru: Sorry if I'm being rude, sir... But hearing this in the middle of class helps sparks some cool drawings for me to create for myself...

Mr. Ushimaru sighed and held a hand to his head. He took off his glasses to calm himself down by rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Mr. Ushimaru: Kid, I don't CARE if you draw in my class. But you should know by now that I HATE when my students don't pay attention!

Hikaru: Sorry sir... I'll stop drawing now...

With Hikaru putting his drawing book away, he sat there in trying to be ready for the lecture to continue. With the lecture starting again, Ryuji sat there thinking to himself while rubbing his head.

Ryuji: (Every class with this guy! I always get hurt with chalk because of him! Who does he think he is anyways??)

As time passed, the bell began to ring in signaling that class has ended for the day. In another class, a Language Teacher by the name of Sadayo Kawakami, was the homeroom teacher of Class 2-D. In it contained the classmates of Ann Takamaki and Akira Kurusu. They had received a message from Ryuji and sighed about the topic they were talking about.

Ann: That idiot... I wish that guy would just stop messaging during school.

Akira pushed his glasses up and looked at Ann.

Akira: It's Ryuji. Do you think he has the attention span to wait?

Ann thought for a moment and knew the answer instantly to that question.

Ann: On second thought... Forget I even said anything...

Sitting in the middle of the classroom, sat a girl with brown hair as it was kept in a ponytail by a black ribbon in the female attire of Shujin Academy uniforms. Her hair reached down to her back. The female had a soft expression as if in deep thought about something with red eyes. Something that was troubling her greatly. Akira got up and was about to leave the room, when he saw the girl in her own troubles. Akira tilted his head in wondering what the girl was thinking about as he turned to Ann.

Akira: Why don't you go ahead to where we're meeting today. I'll catch up as soon as I can.

Ann: Okay. See you there.

Ann began to leave the room while Akira went over to where the female student was. He tapped the girl on the shoulder to shock her out of her thoughts and gained her attention. The girl sighed as she seemed to be irritated.

???: Ugh... What?

Akira: You seemed to be having some trouble. May I ask what you were thinking about?

The girl scoffed and looked away from Akira in not wanting to answer. Akira looked at the girl and was about to begin walking away when the door opened up to show Hikaru walking into the classroom. He stood next to the female in question with a soft smile on his face.

Hikaru: Hey, sis.

The girl looked to her right and saw Hikaru there, smiling softly as she smiled back at him.

???: And what took you so long, little brother?

Hikaru sighed and looked at his sister.

Hikaru: History teacher scolded me for drawing again, Kura...

Kura groaned and began to stand up at hearing her brother say that. Kura seemed to be somewhat taller than her brother while Kura then pinched both sides of Hikaru's cheeks and began to pull on both sides. The surprise of the action made Hikaru yelp slightly in pain. With them standing side by side, Kura was taller than her brother.

Hikaru: A-Ah! Noooo...! Don't do that...! Don't pull on my cheeks...!

Kura: You always seem to get in trouble, little brother. You know what happens if I hear you getting in trouble...

Hikaru: But I like to draw...!

Kura: Doesn't mean you purposely go ahead into your own little world! You know what happens if we get pulled out of our volleyball teams because of our grades!

Hikaru froze at hearing that and began to tear up from being yelled at by his sister. Kura looked at her brother and sighed. She stops pulling on Hikaru's cheeks and rubs his head.

Kura: I'm doing my best to help... I don't want anything to happen to you... You're my only family I have... The ONLY brother I have...

Akira was listening in as he looked at both of the siblings. The mention of the volleyball team caught his attention as that meant both siblings he was seeing were victims of Kamoshida, the coach of the volleyball team.

Fourth Wall Break!

The scene freezes up as Soejammy and Neptune pop up in front of the screen with spiral glasses on.

Soejammy: In needing to explain the situation at hand. The siblings I had created are indeed part of Kamoshida's victims that go to Shujin Academy.

Neptune: That includes how he has acted towards them and other reasons that will come up within time.

Soejammy pulls down a chart with a Kamoshida on it while Soejammy uses a laser pointer.

Soejammy: Now note that this is 100% NOT how Kamoshida actually looks in the anime or game, but it does portray to how he acts and is downright hilarious. As for those that have seen the anime or game series itself, Kamoshida is a big grade A+ asshole with a stat of 80 bullshit points and an abusive rating of 85.

Neptune: Kamoshida treats those in his volleyball team like they're slaves and don't think twice what could happen to them.

Soejammy points to Kamoshida's head in wanting to talk about his mental capacity. Kamoshida's brain was the size of a peanut.

Soejammy: As for his thought patterns, he treats all the boys on the volleyball team like shit to where bruises could be made visible. By that, abusing his teams to keep them shut up and do as they are told.

Neptune: But that's for the boy's volleyball team my dear sir. As for the women... That's an entirely different story in general based on what we know...

Soejammy: Worse part is, no one could ever believe what is going on in the school due to the background of Kamoshida.

Neptune: Meaning because he has such a perfect record, no one can prove anything he does is true.

Soejammy and Neptune both take their katana's out and make a diagonal slash each at the chart. Letting the display fall into four parts while turning the attention back to the audience.

Soejammy: But with what you know of the show already you know how the story ends.

Neptune: For those that don't please do not spoil it for others that are exploring around for fun.

Soejammy: Hopefully we won't have to cut in between scenes like this as mostly the story will be self explanatory from here on out.

Neptune: Doesn't mean we can't jump in at any time for fun!

Soejammy: With that, we now return you to your regularly scheduled story.

Soejammy took the moment to look back at the picture he had used and began to hold back a laugh.

Soejammy: *chuckles* He looks so stupid.

Soejammy and Neptune drop down below the camera as a counter from 3 started.

End Fourth Wall Break.

The scene resumes with Akira walking back towards the group in wanting to talk to them.

Akira: Excuse me, but may I ask you two about Kamoshida?

Both siblings looked at Akira, Kura giving a slight glare while Hikaru hid behind his elder sister somewhat.

Kura: What do you want newbie?

Akira: I kinda overheard you two talking about the volleyball coach.

Kura: Tch. So?

Akira: All I can say is... I hope everything works out for both of you.

The sound of a cat could be heard slightly as the twins looked at Akira.

Kura: hear a cat?

Hikaru: C-Cat?

Akira sweated slightly as he held a hand up.

Akira: N-No... No cat here.

Another sound of a cat was heard as Hikaru circled around and looked at the bag Akira was carrying.

Hikaru: It came from here...

Hikaru opened the bag softly and could see a black cat inside. Hikaru's eyes lit up upon seeing the cat.

Hikaru: Kitty...

Akira pulled his bag away softly as he felt his privacy being violated sightly. He looked at Hikaru weirdly until Kura placed a hand on his shoulder.

Kura: My bother takes... Somewhat of a liking towards animals... Whenever he hears or sees one, his curiosity gets the better of him. He's a little on the soft side, but cares for people around him. Unlike me, I do what I can to take care of ONLY him and myself.

Akira looked at Kura and then towards Hikaru, who still had the look of wanting to pet the cat in his eyes. Akira chuckled softly and pointed towards the door.

Akira: I... Can't let him be seen here, but if you follow me, then I could let you pet Morgana.

Hikaru's eyes lit up more as he looked towards his sister. Kura looked at both Akira and at her brother, sighing at what was going on.

Kura: Jeez... Not how I wanted my day to go like this...

Kura gathered her belongings as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

Kura: But I am curious to see the cat as well.

Hikaru looked at his sister and smiled brightly and looked at Akira in wanting to head out to where they were going. After a couple minutes, the three entered on the rooftop of the school, where Ann and Ryuji were. It had been raining still as it showed it wouldn't let up.

Ryuji: Bout time. Where the- Huh??

Akira leaned against the wall next to Ryuji while Hikaru and Kura stayed standing. Ann was currently leaning against the wall on the opposite side of Ryuji. The two looked at both Hikaru and Kura when they arrived with both siblings joining the group under what roof cover the building could give.

Ryuji: Huh?? Why is the shy guy from my class here?

Hikaru looked at Ryuji and gave a slight wave to him.

Hikaru: Oh, hey Sakamoto-san. I didn't see you there.

Ryuji got up from the ground in anger slightly from that statement.

Ryuji: You tryin' to start a fight?! I was sittin' here the whole fickin' time you dumbass!

Hikaru became scared slightly and hid behind his sister. But this angered her in getting all up in Ryuji's face.

Kura: The hell are you yelling at my brother for, asshole?! You know he gets scared easily!

Ryuji: He's a man! How can someone at our age still be this easily scared?!

Kura: You don't know him like I do! If you want a fight, I'll gladly take you on shrimp!

Ryuji: Oh ho ho!

Both Kura and Ryuji were glaring lightning at each other while Ann gripped Ryuji's shirt from behind.

Ann: You better calm down, or you know what's going to happen.

Feeling the effect of woman's scorn on him, Ryuji stepped down and took a seat.

Ryuji: Tch... He started it. Saying how I wasn't noticeable or somethin'.

The sound of a pencil writing on paper could be heard in gaining the group's attention. Hikaru held up his notebook with it saying "Sorry..." on it instead of using his own words. The group was confused slightly as Kura sighed in having to explain.

Kura: When my brother gets yelled at or becomes very frightened... He gets locked up in his voice and can only communicate through writing or texting... It's a process I'm trying to get him out of, but we're still trying...

Ryuji looked at Hikaru and then back to Kura.

Ryuji: So what?? He becomes fraidy cat when scared?

Akira's bag gave off a growl when hearing Ryuji say that. Ryuji's attention went towards the bag and stomped his foot against the ground.

Ryuji: No one asked about you cat!

Ryuji raised his right hand into the air, but not before Kura grabbed it.

Kura: If you EVEN think about hurting a defenseless cat in front of MY brother...

Kura glared at Ryuji with an intent to kill.

Kura: I WILL hurt you boy.

Ryuji gulped at hearing the threat as he pulled his arm away and sat back down.

Ryuji: Tch... Whatever...

Akira looked at Ryuji and then towards Hikaru with a soft smile.

Akira: You wanted to see my cat?

Hikaru looked at Akira and nodded his head. Akira then set the bag on the ground and began to open the bag slowly. The cat inside the bag popped out of it and gave a slight meow.

Akira: This is Morgana. I...kinda found him abandoned in an alley that was shivering in the rain. Had I not found him, he would have died.

Hikaru and Kura looked at Akira and then at Morgana. Hikaru went closer and sat down near Morgana to began petting him. Morgana meowed cutely at being given a good pet. For his appearance, Morgana had black fur, blue eyes, a yellow collar and white paws. Morgana began to purr as he jumped onto Hikaru's lap and lied down. Hikaru smiled brightly and  looked at his sister happily.

Hikaru: Awwwww. Morgana likes me.

Kura: Huh. He is pretty cute when we can see him.

Morgana: Nyyya~

Hikaru chuckles lightly as he kept petting Morgana. Morgana had sparkles in his eyes at the treatment he was getting. After some time passed, Akira tapped Hikaru on the shoulder to gain his attention.

Akira: I'm sorry to do this, but we're about to head home for now.

Hikaru looked at Akira and then became sad at them having to leave soon. But in not wanting to ruin the time he had, Hikaru forced a small smile to his face.

Hikaru: Thank you for letting me spend time with Morgana. Today might... Be my happiest day really...

Akira tilted his head in not understanding why when Ann decided to ask.

Ann: Why would today be your happiest, Ito-san?

Kura sighed and decided to explain.

Kura: It's... My brother's birthday actually... He turns 17 today. My birthday is in December.

Ryuji: Really? Huh... I didn't know actually...

Hikaru waved his hand softly in waving off Ryuji's apology.

Hikaru: It's okay Sakamoto-san... I didn't get a chance to tell it to the class really... I was rushed to my seat to start class when I first arrived.

Ryuji looked at Hikaru and sighed.

Ryuji: Hey, I want to make it up to you man. Maybe tomorrow we can head somewhere and I can treat you to something dude.

Hikaru looked at Ryuji, but became sad.

Hikaru: Oh... No. You don't-

Ryuji: Dude. Just accept the offer.

Hikaru looked at his sister, to which Kura gave a nod. Hikaru smiled and looked at Ryuji.

Hikaru: Okay then. After school tomorrow, we can go somewhere to eat.

Ryuji gave his signature smile when he was happy and gave a pat on Hikaru's shoulder.

Ryuji: Hey. Got to give you something better than petting that flea ridden fur ball.

Morgana: *hissssss*

Ryuji: Ah, shut it you stupid cat.

Morgana: Mewrrawrrr.

Ryuji: You want to go?!

Ryuji seemed to be actually to Morgana as Kura looked at Ann.

Kura: Is... He having an argument with a cat...?

Ann became nervous for a moment and waved her hands.

Ann: Morgana and Ryuji... Don't see eye to eye at most times... So Ryuji pretends to know what Morgana is saying. Right?

Ann said while looking at Akira to help her out.

Akira: He's a cat whisperer.

Hikaru became shocked at hearing this and looked at Ryuji.

Hikaru: Oooooh. I wish I could talk to cats like Sakamoto-san can. He's lucky to know what Morgana is saying.

Kura sighed as she rubbed her head at the annoyance of everything.

Kura: Ugh... This whole thing is getting on my nerves...

Kura looked at her brother and crossed her arms.

Kura: Look. I know you want to stay a little longer, but you know you have practice...

Hikaru froze up at hearing this and looked at the time. It seemed to be a half-hour before practice would begin.

Hikaru: B-But sis...

Kura gave a sad expression when looking at her brother.

Kura: I know... But you know Kamoshida wants us to be at practice at least fifteen minutes early...

Hikaru was gonna say something else, but then nodded his head.

Hikaru: Okay... I'll... I'll go on ahead...

Hikaru had a sad expression when leaving as tears formed in his eyes. Kura looked at her brother and didn't like that they had to go to practice. Kura tightened her hand into a fist and had a look of anger in her eyes.

Kura: (I'm sorry, Hikaru... I wish I could do something to stop all of this... I wish something would be done about Kamoshida already...!)

As when she was about to leave, a voice began to echo in her head. The voice sounded like it belonged to that of a woman.

???: (*echo* Your time to cast an endless darkness on Kamoshida will be at hand soon enough~ I wonder what you'll do when given the chance~? *giggles*)

Kura held her hand to her head in feeling a twinge of pain. Akira noticed Kura in pain and decided to ask her.

Akira: Are you okay?

Kura waved Akira off and spoke back to him.

Kura: I'm fine. Sometimes the rain gives me the worst headaches... I... I think I'm going to stay up here a few more minutes...

Akira looked at Kura and nodded his head. Morgana quickly hopped into Akira's back and lifted it up to sling his bag over his shoulder.

Akira: Guess we'll make our leave as well. We have... Things to do.

Ryuji and Ann took it as a signal to begin heading for the door to exit as Akira was the last to begin leaving. But just as he was walking past Kura, he had whispered something to her before leaving.

Akira: *whispers* Everything will be handled soon enough. This is a PROMISE.

Kura looked at Akira before he left through the door. The words repeated within her head over and over by what Akira said to her.

Kura: What did he mean by that?? "Everything will be handled?"

A few minutes before, Hikaru was walking down the steps of the school and approached the first floor section of the school, ready to head for the gym. Not before three students grabbed Hikaru and pushed him to the wall, surrounding Hikaru in trapping him.

Hikaru: Haito, Kinshin, Todai...

All three students were in the gym clothes provided to wear whenever for gym class in school.

Kinshin: Hey Ito. Let's talk.

Kinshin had a smirk on his face when being in front of Hikaru and delivered a hard punch to his stomach. Hikaru coughed up spit and was gasping for air.

Hikaru: *cough* *cough* Already... On doing Kamoshida's... *coughs* Orders...?

Kinshin: You know it.

Todai: Been waiting for my turn to have some FUN!

Todai proceeded to kick Hikaru in the leg and force him down in pain. Hikaru clenched his teeth in holding back his screams to not give what they want. Hikaru's breath was shaky as he tried to raise from the floor, but felt pain as Haito grabbed Hikaru's hair and forced him to look at Haito.

Haito: You use to be so damn well protective of your sister, Ito. Picking fights with anyone infatuated with her, defending her when called out on and even when someone forced themselves onto her.

Haito lets go of Hikaru's hair and kicks Hikaru's chest to slam him against the wall.

Hikaru: Guah... S-Stop that... I'm not like that... Anymore...

All three students laugh when Hikaru said that and looked at him.

Kinshin: Have to say, you're nothing like I thought I had heard of you when you first came here.

Hikaru took a kick to the left arm by Kinshin.

Todai: You're nothing but a pushover, wimp!

Hikaru took a punch to the left side his head by Todai. Hikaru slide off the wall and was on the floor again once more.

Hikaru: Augh...!

Haito approached Hikaru and crouched down to get a closer look at Hikaru. What Haito could see was some blood had began to trickle down Hikaru's head.

Haito: Well, this is a problem. We were only supposed to rough him up a little bit, boys.

Todai: Not our fault Ito won't prepare himself. He probably doesn't even know how to fight.

Kinshin: Yeah. He's nothing but a chump. Ito is just a rumor about being ruthless.

Hikaru could see the three men laughing as his eyes had glazed over slightly and saw them beginning to walk away. Hikaru began on trying to get up slowly in trying to recover from his injuries, but then heard Todai talking first.

Todai: I wonder what his sister is like? I seen them walking around and daaaaaamn is she fine!

Hikaru clenched his hands into a fist at hearing that and was still trying to recover.

Kinshin: Now that Ito is such a weak kid, he can't do anything to us. I say his sister was the prize all along.

Hikaru began to frown as he leaned against the wall in pain in trying to control himself. But not before Haito made the last mistake the three could make.

Haito: I say we deserve her. I wonder what I would do to her first though~?

This sent Hikaru off the deep end as he began to run straight at the three men. In the time before having to go to Shujin Academy, Hikaru was famous for one thing: Protecting those close to him. Mainly his sister as her beauty would win over the many hearts of men and approach her in wanting to be her boyfriend. For Hikaru, he had been picking fights with any males that would seem off to him. Finding out that they only loved his sister for her looks. Hikaru hated people that would only get with his sister for that reason and had made a vow to himself. A vow to never let a male force themselves onto his sister. But something at Shujin Academy has forced that change, and made him a shadow of his former self.

Hikaru: (I don't care what I was told! I'm f**king pissed!)

When running past the steps, Ryuji, Ann and Akira could see Hikaru running past them with the look in his eyes.

Ryuji: W-Whoa... Was that Ito?!

Akira: Yeah.

Ann: What was that look? I never seen that in Ito-san before.

When the three ran down the steps to see where Hikaru was going, he suddenly grabbed onto Haito's shirt roughly and forced Haito to the wall.

Haito: Wh-What?!

Hikaru glared at Haito and punched him in the back.

Hikaru: Hasn't anyone told you...? I get pissed when I hear someone's true intentions that dare impose themselves in front of my family or friends... I've became so damn cautious about any male trying to play themselves off as "Mr. Perfect."

Hikaru pulled on Haito's shirt and threw him to the wall. Hikaru breathed hard in having to use any kind of strength while being hurt. Hikaru glared at the three with a single eye that had glazed over to being that a greyish color.

Hikaru: I will not let you touch her! Don't think for a second you'll have your way with my sister!

Todai: You're dead kid!

Todai closed the distance and threw a haymaker that went from the left side of Todai and was going towards Hikaru's head. Hikaru raised his right arm in defending against the attack and glared at Todai. Todai began to feel unrelenting regret when looking at Hikaru in the eyes and could feel his sins crawling down his back.

Hikaru: Hasn't anyone told you this line before...? "Don't poke the bear."? A simple phrase that anyone should know... Even for someone as dumb as you...

Hikaru took Todai's arm and twists it. Making Todai yell in pain and agony before being thrown down the hall a few feet. Hikaru pointed towards where Todai went and yelled.

Hikaru: Consider me as the damn bear you poked! You bastards!

Ryuji, Ann and Akira looked at the scene before them as other students began to head towards where the fight was happening.

Ryuji: Jeez! I thought those were only rumors of that kid! Thought his sister was the tough one!

Akira: "Rumors?"

Ann looked at Akira in needing to explain.

Ann: Before Ito-san and his sister, Kura, came to this school, we heard an extremely tough student was being exchanged here a year ago. How tough the brother was and how beautiful his sister is. Because of that, males wouldn't try hitting on the sister that approached her. But those who did seemed to be found beaten up suspiciously... No one knew who was hurting the students.

Ann focused her attention back to where Hikaru was and saw him block a straight punch from Kinshin and forced him to the ground in pain. Hikaru made the pain Kinshin would feel more intense the more Kinshin's right arm was being pulled on.

Ann: To think that Ito-san here was responsible...

Akira looked at Hikaru in seeing him fighting like this as he brought a question up.

Akira: But why is he fighting then?

Ann and Ryuji looked at Akira in confusion as both seemed to get what he meant.

Ryuji: Yeah...

Ann: Why would he start a fight? Unless...

Akira: Unless they talked about doing something to his sister.

When Hikaru got up, he was about to punch Kinshin in the face when a large man came in and knocked Hikaru to the ground and pinned Hikaru. He was rather muscular and wore a white t-shirt and sweats. To the school, he was the gym teacher known as Suguru Kamoshida.

Kamoshida: Get them out of here! I'll hold Ito down!

Hikaru: Get off me!!

Hikaru was on his stomach and elbowed Kamoshida in the head. Hikaru got up and was about to begin attacking Kinshin again, but not before his right leg gets kicked by Kamoshida.

Hikaru: Augh!

Hikaru fell to the ground in pain, as the leg he was kicked on was attacked earlier before by Todai. Hikaru held his leg from the force of the hit and yelled in pain. Kamoshida then got to Hikaru and pinned him down fully while the students took the injured students away. Once the two think they are alone, Kamoshida gets up and looks at Hikaru. Ryuji, Ann and Akira had taken upon themselves to watch the scene unfold carefully to not get caught.

Kamoshida: Well, well. Look at you causing trouble for me again.

Hikaru gets up and looks at Kamoshida. Hikaru held his leg in pain from the damage he's taken.

Hikaru: I wouldn't... If you kept your promise damn it...

Kamoshida chuckled before grabbing Hikaru by the neck and began to choke him.

Kamoshida: Listen here, you dumb punk. You are in no way, meant to hurt MY team. You hear me? Hit them again, and your protection of your sister is off.

Hikaru grits his teeth in anger while Kamoshida continued to talk.

Kamoshida: I wonder what every boy in the school would think if they had a chance to date your sister? Could you keep handling every boy that comes your way and keep your studies up? Last time I checked, your grades were failing with having to focus on both things.

Hikaru had his hand in a fist, but lets it fall due to what Kamoshida said to him.

Hikaru: Tch...

Kamoshida: Good.

Kamoshida let Hikaru go to drop to his feet and then felt intense pain as Kamoshida punched him in the stomach. This time, Hikaru coughed up small traces of blood.

Hikaru: Gurk...!

Kamoshida laughed as Hikaru went down holding his stomach in pain. Hikaru shook slightly in pain as he held his tears back.

Kamoshida: See you at practice, trash. *chuckles*

Kamoshida began to walk away and turned down the corner to head off. Hikaru crawled to the wall and began to get up slowly and hold onto the railing for support. Hikaru shook in pain as a gasp was heard. Ryuji, Ann and Akira turned to see who it was, the person who had gasped was Kura.

Kura: Hikaru!

Hikaru lost any strength and fell down again in pain as most of it was lost from fighting. Kura rushed over to where her brother was as she checked over his injuries.

Kura: Brother! Please tell me you didn't fight again...!

Hikaru looked at his sister and then to the wall in saying nothing. Kura took his silence to be a yes as Kura knew why her brother was hurt like this.

Kura: Tell me who did this.

Hikaru looked at his sister and shook his head softly as a no. Kura looked at her brother and hit the ground with the bottom of her clenched fist in being angry.

Kura: Damn it, brother! I'm not a defenseless little girl! You're my only brother and both of us promised we would be there for each other! Stop trying to act tough and tell me!

Hikaru was silent still as Kura was on the verge of tears at seeing her brother like this. Ryuji, Ann and Akira came out of hiding and approached them.

Akira: We saw the whole thing.

Ryuji: Three members of the volleyball team and Kamoshida did this to him.

Kura and Hikaru froze up when that was said out loud. Kura looked at her brother in looking for confirmation in what was said, and nodded his head to be true. Kura clenched her fist tighter to where she accidentally cut into her palm from her nails and began dripping lightly with blood.

Kura: Damn you...! Kamoshida...!

Akira tapped Ryuji and Ann on the shoulder and gave them a look that it was time to go. With them heading out Kura looked at her brother and began to help him up.

Kura: Brother...

Kura's point of view.

Time: After School

I began to help my brother up carefully to support him on trying to walk. Hikaru was bruised up from the attacks he taken from whoever was on the volleyball team and Kamoshida. Hikaru made slight noises of being in pain as I helped him on trying to get him out of the school.

Kura: (No way in hell is my little brother going to practice now! I've had it with Kamoshida! After I get him home, I need to do something in order to stop all of this!)

As we got to the entrance, I had to set my brother down so that I could get his locker key to get his other shoes to change them. It was rather hard to effectively help my brother change his shoes without hurting him in some way. From being in this much pain, he had passed out and slipped into being unconscious. It broke my own heart that this happened to him. Thinking about Kamoshida of what he and the volleyball team did made me even more angrier by the second.

Kura: (If only I could really hurt him in some way...! He'll learn to not mess with us again...!)

After I had taken the time to switch out both our shoes, I headed for the door of the school to see it had stopped raining. At least for us that our walk home will be a little easier. After I had gotten down the steps of the school, I heard some whispers coming from the alley nearby. I almost didn't think twice about listening in whatever was going on, until I heard Ryuji speak.

Ryuji: So, we really doing this?

Ann: Aren't we? We made up our minds to do this. Kamoshida has to pay for what he did to Shiho and Ito-san.

This piqued my curiosity at hearing Ann say this. I began on getting closer in and carefully set my brother down to lean against the wall.

Akira: Our deadline is in 12 days before Ryuji, Mishima and myself get expelled. We have no choice but to take his heart by storm.

Morgana: *cat sounds*

Kura: ("12 days"? "Take his heart"? What in the world are these three doing??)

I peeked into the alley and saw Akira pull out his phone. He tapped onto the screen and pressed some buttons on it.

Akira's phone: Beginning navigation. Destination: Kamoshida's Castle.

Kura: ("Castle"?? Just what the- H-Huh?!)

As I stayed with the group, the area around us began to warp and distort near us. I was thinking I was going insane for a moment, but what I saw next began to appear.

Distortion Shift: Kamoshida's Castle.

The school and around us began to change into that of a castle. Just like the phone had announced. I couldn't believe that something like this happened, but here it was. Something that should be the school, turned into a huge castle!

Ryuji: Alright!! Let's take that dumb castle by storm! Can't wait to-

Kura: Wh-What just happened?!

I yelled as I fell onto my ass in seeing how much everything has changed around me. I heard footsteps coming from the alley and looked to see three people in what looked like to be costumes.

(A/n): (These are pictures of toy models, I tried finding pictures of the actual anime, but I couldn't get them to render for Wattpad. So this is the best I could do.)

Kura: Wh-Who are you people?!

???: You?!

???: Not again...

???: I-Ito-san?!

Kura: H-How do you know me?? Explain!

The man with the white mask and black trench coat held up a hand. He began to move his mask up slowly to show he was Akira.

Kura: K-Kurusu?! If that's you... Then that means...!

The two with the black skull and cat-like masks removed theirs as well to show that they were Ryuji and Ann. I was flabbergasted at how they looked and looked around them.

Kura: Okay! What is THIS!? What is going on here?!

A voice clears their throat and began to speak. Though it didn't belong to the any of the three I knew.

???: Didn't I say be careful of using the app?? Now we accidentally brought in more people...

Kura: Wh-Who's there?! (A fourth person?? But I thought-)

Walking out the alley, I saw what looked like a cat, but didn't seem to be your average cat at the same time. It had on a rubber mask and a tiny suit with a yellow scarf to help finish the look.

???: I believe a REAL introduction is in order. My name-

Kura: A... A talking cat...? No... A talking, monster cat...?

The cat-like creature fell backwards to the floor while Ryuji laughed at it's reaction. The cat began to sit back up and yell to the sky.

???: Why is that everyone's first impression of me?! I am not a MONSTER or a CAT!

Ryuji: But you are a dumb cat.

???: I am not dumb, I am smart! If anyone here is dumb, it's you, Skull!

Ryuji: Why you little-!

I was in a state of shock until Akira came over to tap my shoulder in gaining my attention.

Akira: If I may... I could provide an explanation...

During the time I was told, my brother and I seemed to have been taken here by the power of a strange app Akira had mysteriously gained. When being informed of what's happened, we seem to be in a world of how Kamoshida sees the school. Otherwise what Morgana had told him as a "Palace". Not only that, but the cat my brother had met before is the one arguing with Ryuji. The same cat that was Morgana. I was told that Morgana wasn't your average cat as this was how he actually looked like here. The world we were in brought out who Morgana truly was. Not only that, but being within this world gives these people "special" powers. Beings that are called, "Personas".

Kura: J-Jeez... This... This is too much...

Akira: Kinda hard to take in, huh?

Kura: When you explain all of this, of course it's hard to take it all in. This isn't your average thing to see every day, you know.

Akira: You're... Not wrong about that.

I heard the sound of groaning when I looked to see that it belonged to my brother. I had almost forgot that he was in pain from all the damage he took in the school earlier. I was about to go to my brother when Akira placed a hand on my shoulder.

Akira: He's... Still hurt, right?

Kura: Well, yeah...

Akira looked like he was contemplating something, before he looked at me. He got up and began to stand in front of my brother with his mask down over his face.

Akira: This should help ease his pain...

Akira reached for his mask to which made me curious.

Kura: What are you-?

Akira: Persona!!

What I saw Akira do next, was rip his mask off and saw a form of blue flames surround him as a figure began to appear to be that of a small woman. Almost that of an actual pixie.

Akira: Pixie, use Dia on Kura's brother for me?

The spirit like creature that was called Pixie nodded her head. She flew over to my brother softly and brought her hands together. What happened next was that a green light surrounded my brother. I could see some of the bruises he gained fade away to show he was being healed. After the process was done, my brother began to breathe a little easier and the "Persona" disappeared. The mask had returned to his face as I couldn't believe what I saw.

Kura: Y-You can heal people??

Akira: Not just heal, but also use Personas to defend us in battle and fight back. Our reason for being here...

Akira looked back to the castle that resembled Kamoshida's view of the school itself.

Akira: ...Is to steal Kamoshida's heart.

Kura: Yeah... I heard you guys say that before... But what do you mean by that...?

Akira shook his head at me on saying no to my request.

Akira: This place is too dangerous for you AND your brother. You're not even meant to be here.

Kura: I say I have just as much of a right.

Akira: Without a Persona-

Akira began to take a few steps toward me, before I got up on my feet quickly.

Kura: I can handle myself.

Akira stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

Kura: I'm not some little girl that can't defend herself. I have just as much of a right to be here. You don't think I know what goes on in the volleyball teams?? Kamoshida told me about his deal with my brother!

I slammed the back of foot against the wall in anger as I knew EVERYTHING of what my brother was going through.

Kura: My brother thinks he's protecting me, but I even made a deal myself with Kamoshida...

Akira became shocked to hear that coming from me as the others were calming down. I looked at my brother in seeing him still unconscious as I began to think back on our life.

Kura: It was just me and my brother... We're basically orphans without a family to call our own... We took on anything together that came our way...

I began to think back to how we handled bullies and how my brother would scare off boys that tried to hit on me to gain interest in. But then...

Kura: When we finally came to this school, my brother was having to deal with every boy in the school... I had a feeling the volleyball team that kept trying to gain my interest was under Kamoshida's orders, but my brother wanted me to be happy... When Kamoshida came to him with a deal to keep his team in check, that would mean Hikaru would have to join his team.

Akira: But what we heard in the hall-

I shook my head in cutting him off. I looked at Akira that he didn't have the whole story.

Kura: My brother may be thinking he's protecting me... But that's where MY deal with Kamoshida comes in... After I heard Hikaru forcing himself to join Kamoshida's team, I began to see bruises on him that were being dealt to him more than his team... That being he was having to be the punching bag for the team members to "calm down." My deal was... If I joined his team, my brother would be safe from almost any injury as possible...

Akira: Then you must also know...

Kura: That Kamoshida is a sexual fiend? Yeah. But seeing and hearing what had happened today, crossed the line for the LAST time. I don't care what you say, but I'm not leaving this place. Not while I have this chance to get back at Kamoshida.

I began to walk towards Akira and poke him on the chest to force him backwards.

Kura: If you EVEN think about sending us back, I will personally wait for you back in the real world until you four come back! I think you can guess what I'll do when you come back. Right?

Akira looked at me and gulped at my statement and held his hands up.

Akira: O-Okay... Besides... Sooner or later, you'll just keep coming in after us... Even I know when to give up while I can with girls...

Kura: *smiles* Good. Now that I get to stay...

I looked towards where my brother was.

Kura: We can't just send my brother back like this... Kamoshida must be pissed by now that neither one of us showed up for practice and is looking for us... I can't send Hikaru back without help home...

Akira: Hmm...

Akira began to think while Ryuji pats him on the shoulder.

Ryuji: We could try and hide Ito behind one of the boxes and crates nearby? We'll have to come back through here anyway when we're done for the day.

Morgana and Ann came up to us also with Morgana having a look of concern in his eyes.

Morgana: But is that really the best option...?

Ryuji looked at Morgana in rubbing the back of his head.

Ryuji: The nearest room we could hide in is not close and there are tons of those guards. You think we can defend her brother AND fight these chumps at the same time??

Morgana: Well...

Kura: No way is my brother going in there like this. As his legal guardian for being his sister, Hikaru stays out of site no matter what.

The team looks at my general direction and saw me picking up my brother as soft as I could.

Kura: He stays out here, and that's that. Hidden away until we come back for him. End of discussion.

With myself being the eldest sibling, I did have custody over Hikaru in our family.

Akira: Arguing with each other will be pointless. If we must, we'll have to hide her brother here before we enter the Palace. I agree that keeping him in the open would be dangerous.

Ann: Then let's hurry. We don't have time to waste here. We need to find Kamoshida's treasure and steal it while we can.

Finding a place we could hide my brother, we left him in a place we could remember. Akira had been waiting for us as he seemed to have been in some sort of trance. I waved a hand in front of his face and began to get a little worried.

Kura: Um... Kurusu-san? You okay?

As if hearing me, Akira looked at me and shook his head.

Akira: Yes. I'm okay. Let's get going.

Location: Inside the Castle.

I looked at Akira and just shrug off what just happened as I too wanted to begin going inside of this place. While we explored, it looked everything that a castle would have in real life. Only that the guards were actually monsters that the group refered to as "Shadows". But the strangest thing was, Akira seemed to have more than one Personas as during a battle, he had called out a being called: Arsen, a Persona that looked like a winged-thief. Ryuji, Ann and even Morgana had their own Personas also. Ryuji had a Persona that looked like an undead pirate known as Captain Kidd, Ann with a woman in a red dress and beings at her will called Carmen, and Morgana with a muscular male and a thin sword called Zoro. As for other names, they had code names to call each other when infiltrating the Palace. Joker for Akira, Skull for Ryuji, Mona for Morgana and recently Panther for Ann. I was currently in a conversation with Morgana for more information about all of this.

Kura: So... These "Persona", are beings that resemble your "inner" self?

Morgana: Yes. By accepting who you are deep down, your rebelious soul will awaken your Persona. Giving you access to it's power.

Kura: And depending what Persona I have, my clothes will depend what my soul represents...?

Morgana: More or less.

I looked down while we walked down the hall cutiously in thinking to myself about hearing all of this.

Kura: (I wonder... Could I also have a chance at this power...?)

We kept exploring as there was more guards and settings that dictated how big this castle really was on the inside. There was decorations of Kamoshida everywhere that showed how big of an ego he truly had about himself. What's worse, Ryuji had told me that he and Akira had saw the dungeon portion of the castle. In them were the male volleyball players as it showed the abuse they would get from "training". Even in another part of the castle that they saw how Kamoshida viewed the girls of the volleyball team. Made me very sick in hearing how Kamoshida thought the girls were very infatuated with a man like him. It wasn't true as he always forced himself onto others. When hearing all of this, my determination for continuing grew even more.

Kura: (Kamoshida... I don't know how these people are gonna take you down, but however they're doing this, I'm gonna be there to see your downfall.)

Third person view.

Location: Outside the Castle.

Outside the castle, a guards in metal suits of armor came out and walked to one of the many creates of supplies. One having gold bulky armor walked ahead of the group was the Captain while the rest was a dull grey being regular Soldiers.

Shadow (Captain): Lord Kamoshida requested to make him a feast. Gather anything that will meet his desires!

Inspecting the area around the crates for anything they could use, a Soldier noticed something that was out of place.

Shadow (Soldier): Sir! This crate over here seems to be tampered with!

Shadow (Captain): What?! Show me this instant!

The Soldiers go to the create they were inspecting and remove the top of it. Inside sits an unconcious Hikaru with his back against the wall of the box. The Soldiers look at each other and pull back away from the box.

Shadow (Captain): An escaped prisoner?! Lord Kamoshida would have had our heads if one of them escaped!

Shadow (Soldier): What should we do?

Shadow (Captain): We take him inside to make him repent for trying to abandon his King, Lord Kamoshida himself! Get him out of there! Now!!

Doing as the Capain told it, the Soldiers began to extract Hikaru out of the box. Hikaru begins to stir from his sleep at feeling his body being tugged and opens his eyes slowly.

Hikaru: Ugh... Wh-What the...? What's-?

After getting them opened all the way, Hikaru gasped at seeing the Soldiers in front of him and at the castle itself. He looked around and only remembers being the hall before passing out, not knowing what had happened after that.

Hikaru: Wh-Where am I?! Who are you?!

Shadow (Soldier): Ah! Sir! The prisoner is awake!

Hikaru looked ahead of himself and could see the Captain in gold armor walking towards him.

Shadow (Captain): So you think you could run away, huh?

Hikaru was confused greatly as to what was going on as he got punched in the gut. The attack caused pain to course through him as he coughed up blood.

Hikaru: Guahhh! Augh...!

Hikaru lost any kind of strength he had and began on trying to gasp for air. The soldiers held Hikaru up for the Captain to keep talking to him.

Shadow (Captain): Your acts for trying to escape from your duty to Lord Kamoshida will not go unpunished!

Hikaru used what strength he could muster and looked up at the Captain. Blood could be seen crawling down his face of the blood he coughed up.

Hikaru: Wh-What...?? *coughs* What do you even mean...??

Shadow (Captain): Ignorance will get you nowhere. Take him inside!

As the Soldiers began to take Hikaru inside, he began on trying to struggle slightly.

Hikaru: N-No! Let me *coughs* g-go...! S-Sis! Someone...! Anyone...! *coughs* Help...!

Shadow (Soldier): Be quiet prisoner!

One of the Soldiers punched Hikaru in the back and caused him to yell in pain. Hikaru was being dragged by the Soldiers as they marched into the castle.

Location: Inside the Castle, Chandeliers.

On the chandeliers, the team carefully traverses across them as to not take a mistep or accidentally fall down from them. During Kura's jump across, she almost slipped and fallen down below. Had Akira not been paying attention, Kura would have definitely fell. But the way he was holding onto Kura was that, Akira had one hand behind her back and a soft grip on her wrist. Kura was leaned back slightly as they had a brief moment to look at each other in the eyes.

Akira: Watch your step. You could've hurt yourself.

Kura blushed madly at Akira and reached for the railing to pull herself up out of the position she was in quickly. Kura then followed up with slapping Akira in the face while blushing still.

Kura: D-Don't t-treat me as if I'm some sort of damsel in distress!

Akira: But you were about to fall.

Kura: That doesn't mean talking to me when-!

Rushing over to both Akira and Kura. Morgana jumped up and down quickly to gain their attention.

Morgana: *whispers* Quiet! Something's happening down below!

Looking at Morgana, they looked over to Ryuji and Ann as something had caught their attention. Something that didn't look like it wasn't anything good at all. When they looked down, both of them became shocked to see that they had found Hikaru. More importantly that Hikaru had woken up from his conditions earlier.

Shadow (Captain): Take this prisoner to the great hall of Kamoshida! He must learn to repent for trying to escape from his duties! If the intruders try to stop you, keep the escort safe by sacrificing your lives!

Shadows (Soldiers): Yes sir!

The Soldiers stood at attention and began to escort Hikaru and the Soldiers restraining him further into the castle.

Hikaru: What the hell is going on?! Let me go!

Kura gasped and stood up to begin heading for the nearest way to descend down to the ground floor to cut them off as Akira took hold of her wrist quickly.

Kura: Let go of me, Kurusu!

Akira: That isn't an option.

Kura: But that's my brother you damn idiot! Are you telling me that you won't-?!

Akira began to tighten his grip on Kura and began to glare at her.

Akira: I didn't SAY we weren't going to save him. But charging in without a plan and attacking head-on will get us KILLED. Do you want to die for nothing and leave your brother forever trapped here for the rest of his life??

Kura was about to argue with Akira when Morgana caught her attention.

Morgana: We're gonna save your brother Kura... But Joker is right... We need to think this clearly or we'll have a whole army of Shadows to deal with... We can't risk that at all...

Kura looked at both of them and then at her brother, who was being taken through a small doorway down below that leads further into the castle. Even if she wanted to go charging in guns blazing, Kura knew getting herself killed in her attempt would be suicide.

Kura: D-Damn it...!

Ann walked over to Kura and gained her attention next to give her words of encouragement.

Ann: Don't worry, Ito-san... We're going to save your brother. We promise.

Kura looked at Ann and could feel a sense of familiarity about how Ann was feeling. A sense of knowing what she wanted, but knew she had to take her time to reach it.

Ann: Kamoshida will NOT get his way. I will personally promise that.

Kura had tears in her eyes at seeing how useless she was in trying to save her brother like this. Ryuji even approached her in attempt to calm down.

Ryuji: I'm not good with pep talks, but I'm goin' to try by saying this: Don't worry. You're brother will make it out of this. If we know from the rumors and what he's done up till now, he'll power through this and stay alive. I caught a glimpse of him struggling before we lost sight of him, he's not ready to just submit to what he's gonna have to deal with. Have faith in your brother and just hope for now. Right, Joker?

Akira nodded his head in making that statement to be true. Kura looked at all of them and began to wipe away her tears and stood up.

Kura: Then what are we waiting for? An invitation? Let's hurry.

Nodding in agreement, the group hurried down and began to push forward through the castle. They had found some traces of distortions along the way. Distortions that indicated places the Phantom Thieves called "Safe Rooms". Safe Rooms were places in the actual school where Kamoshida had the weakest influence at and meant the team could rest for a short period of time there. But as the team pushed forward more, they began to get tired. Meaning their will to keep going was beginning to run out. The team had come across another Safe Room and entered it to take another break. For Kura though, they had come across many Shadows and not seen her brother yet, meaning she was getting restless.

Ryuji: Ugh... I'm beat... I feel my legs are about to fall off...

Ann: *pants* Not to mention *pants* how fast we're trying to push ahead...

Akira looked at his team and then at Morgana. Both of them were nearing their limit as well while Kura still had energy to spare.

Morgana: Joker, I thinks it's best we come back again tomorrow.

Akira: I agree. Let's head back to the entrance and-

Kura slammed a hand on the table, she didn't like the sound of having to leave her brother here alone.

Kura: And leave my brother here to these monsters?!

Morgana walked over to Kura in looking worried. He even had a good reason as to why.

Morgana: Kura, please... We know you want to hurry and find your brother...

Akira: But know that we're the ones fighting here. We won't be able to stand up against the Shadows here unless we have enough energy to fight with.

Akira gestured to how Kura looked and to how he looked.

Akira: You may have energy to keep going, but you haven't fought against a Shadow. We're going to get your brother, but we can't risk going in unprepared. WE need to come back tomorrow to regain our strength first.

Kura looked at Akira and then at the others who were feeling fatigued. Kura then sighed as she balled her hand up into a fist and let it go in an instant.

Kura: Fine... But I'm staying here in this room until you all come back. Leaving my brother here is out of the option. Got that?

Akria looked at Kura and saw the determined look on her face that said: "Make me leave this place. I triple dare you." Akira sighed and knew he wouldn't convince her.

Akira: Okay... But I trust you to stay here until we get back. You're only able to advance through here because of us.

Kura: I get that already...! Just hurry and go to do what you need to recover! You'll know where I am when you come back...

Kura went over to the couch provided in the Safe Room and sat down to test how comfortable it felt. Akria and his team look at her as each of them began to leave the Safe Room and head for the exit. But before Akira leaves, he left some food for Kura to eat until they come back.

Distortion: Rescinded.

Location: Shujin Academy

Time: Nighttime

With the team exiting the Palace, the distortions around them began to fade along how everyone looked. They were in the small alley they were in before entering the Palace and sighed in relief Morgana had reverted back to his cat form as Morgana looked at Akira.

Morgana: You sure leaving her there is okay...?

Akira: If we tried taking her out of the Palace, it would be difficult along with trying to sneak past the guards... And I doubt we have any kind of strength to fight back with...

Ann stretched and leaned against the wall while yawning.

Ann: If I was in her shoes... I wouldn't leave Shiho in there as well... I would never forgive myself if I left her in there when needing help...

Ryuji: Not to mention that's her only brother... They don't even have parents to look out for them... I heard they still live at an orphanage due to not wanting to be separated from each other.

Akira looked at the school and could picture how Kura must be handling with herself and grew a determined look and thought to himself.

Akira: (Kura... I'm not going to break my promise to you. We'll be back as fast as we can tomorrow to help your brother...)

The group begins to head their separate ways as the night begins to settle as the team heads off to bed for the night. Getting their rest for tomorrow in hopes of finding Hikaru and rescuing him.

The Next Day...

Thursday. April 21, 20XX

Distortion: Kamoshida's Castle.

As the team had finished school and re-entered Kamoshida's distorted world, they to head towards Kura's last location. When arriving, Kura was sitting on the table with her leg crossed over the other. When Kura saw the door opening, she got up off the table and walked to them.

Kura: You four ready?

Akira: I was going to ask how you handled being here by yourself. You okay?

Kura: I'll be okay when my brother is safe. As far as my "condition", a whole army could try and attack me and I will NEVER forgive anyone who hurts my brother.

The team looked at Kura as she walked past the group to keep searching for her brother.

Ryuji: You think she's pissed?

Ann gave Ryuji a look and sweats at the question in hopes he was kidding.

Ann: What do you think Ryuji...?

Ryuji looked at Ann and then gave a look once he realized how he asked about Kura.

Ryuji: Stupid question?

Ann: Stupid question indeed.

Morgana: About as much to expect out of Ryuji really.

Morgana had a cheeky smile when saying that while Ryuji had a tick mark on his head.

Ryuji: Shut it, you stupid cat!

Heading forward once more, the team finds themselves in a twist and turn corridors as they carefully take care of each enemy along the way. When approaching a room, there seemed to be a bookshelf with a book sticking out of it. Feeling curious, Kura picked the book up that had a title reading: "The Slave Book".

Kura: "The Slave Book"? Hmm...

Morgana approached Kura at hearing her say something.

Morgana: Find anything Kura?

Kura faced towards Morgana and crouched down to be closer to him.

Kura: I found this book. It was just sticking out unlike the rest.

Morgana decided to take a look at what Kura found.

Morgana: Hmm... Let's keep this book on hand. It could be important.

Kura nodded and began to head out with the team to continue exploring. Upon coming to other kinds of bookshelves, the group had found other books called: "The Queen Book" and "The King Book". Seeming they were important, Kura had also picked them up to carry them. After some more exploring around, the group seems to have come across a library. Seeing all the books makes Morgana and Kura think about the room they were in.

Ryuji: Jeez... Talk about all these damn books... Can we go lookin' somewhere else?

Morgana: No, Skull. There has to be something in this room.

Akira: What do you mean, Mona?

Kura took a step forward and looked around the room.

Kura: My... brother plays a lot of video games, but seeing him play some of them, there would seem to be hidden secrets to find.

Ryuji: Meaning...?

Morgana: You idiot... Kura's saying that there's more to this room than meets the eye. If someone wants to keep something secret without it being in plain sight, there has to be a secret mechanism in this room that reveals it.

Kura nodded her head at Morgana's explanation and pulls out the three books.

Kura: And to help with that, it may involve with these three books we found earlier.

Agreeing to take a look around the room, the group comes across a section that was about the boy's volleyball team.

Ryuji: Hey, look at this. This side contains names of each of the male players in Kamoshida's team. Huh? What the hell is this??

Morgana: "Ryuji Sakamoto: The Vulgar Ape." Huh. More than accurate if I think so for Skull.

Ryuji: Cat... I will hit you.

With looking at the shelve, Kura took hold of the book of Slaves and slides it in until a clicking sound could be heard.

Kura: (That seems about right. Now for two more- Huh?)

Kura looked at the shelve that read her brother's name, Hikaru Ito. Her curiosity got the better of her as she picked the book up and opened it to any page in the book. She could feel tears in her eyes for what Kamoshida thought of her brother. But it was tears of sadness. Sadness for her brother for what Kamoshida was making him deal with. The beatings, abuse, the false promise Kamoshida made to her brother... Seeing how her brother was being treated made Kura feel a burning rage inside of her. The burning rage of someone with so much hate for one person.

Kura: (Kamoshida...! I will not let you get away with this any longer! I don't give two shits what happens to you! I won't let you have your way!!)

???: (*echos* If you wish to seek revenge, you must first gain power first deary. How you discover that, I leave to you~ *giggles*)

Kura felt a sting of pain in her head as she leaned against the wall. She began to breathe heavily while the others had continued on putting the books in without her, Akira had noticed her condition and jogged over to Kura.

Akira: Ito? Are you okay?

Kura used the wall of the shelve to support herself as she began on trying to recover from her dizziness. She looked at Akira with one eye that showed a new seriousness in wanting to save her brother.

Kura: I'm fine. What about the books?

Hearing a clicking sound, the sound of gears could be heard softly as a door opened up a secret room.

Ryuji: Whoa! It worked!

Ann: Let's see what secrets he's keeping.

Entering the secret room, the group becomes shocked to what they see. In the room was a bunch of pictures littered almost everywhere. What shocked them the most, was that it wasn't just pictures of one person, but two people.

Ryuji: These pictures...! These are of Suzui...!

Ann: Shiho...

Morgana: Not only her... But these pictures look like volleyball members beating someone up...

Kura: Brother...

Kura tightened her hand into a fist by seeing what all has been done to her brother. Akira noticed Kura getting angry and placed a hand on her shoulder. This caught Kura's attention to give his own advice.

Akira: We will find your brother. Trust me.

The group looks around the room first and find a couple items that caught their attention. A map and a key.

Morgana: This must be the rest of the map we needed.

Akira: Let's see...

Akira pulled out a map the team had found on the day Kura and her brother had followed them in. The map the team had had only covered the lower part of the Palace, but the added map now showed the rest of the Palace. After analyzing the map, Morgana points to the second map they had acquired that was at the top of the castle.

Morgana: If my hunch is correct, the treasure we're looking for is here.

Ryuji: Are we even close to getting done??

Ann: Do you think it's really going to be that easy?

Ryuji sweats and hangs his head down at knowing the answer to that.

Akira: We're not getting there with any shortcuts. Shortcuts tend to be more troublesome than helpful. Considering we don't know the place.

Ryuji: But it's sooooo boring!

Kura got behind Ryuji and punched him in the back of his head. He recoiled in pain as he crouched down to rub his head.

Ryuji: What the hell was THAT for?!

Kura: Need I remind you on WHO we have to rescue first?!

Ryuji thought for a moment before remembering about Hikaru and having to rescue him.

Ryuji: Oh right... I forgot...

Kura glared at Ryuji and proceeded to beat him up. When she was done beating Ryuji up, he was on the floor with his ass in the air. Kura pats her hand and places them on her hips.

Kura: Okay. Shall we continue? I feel refreshed now.

The others sweat as they saw Ryuji's condition and thought to themselves.

Akira, Ann and Morgana: (Mental note: Don't do stupid things in front of her...)

After continuing onward, they the group had to carry the unconscious Ryuji to a Safe Room and lays him down on the provided couch. Kura sweats at her actions and speaks up about it.

Kura: I... Think I hit him too hard...

Morgana: I think it's the perfect punishment, considering he's almost clueless about everything...

Ryuji swung in his sleep at Morgana and missed him, mumbling in his sleep.

Ryuji: Shut it... Ya stupid cat... *snores*

Ann stared at Ryuji and facepalmed.

Ann: Even in his sleep he continues this...

Akira leaned against the table and sighed.

Akira: Either way... He's out of commission. We'll have to leave him here for now until he's woken back up.

Kura: I didn't think I would knock him out that hard...

Morgana: But with his big mouth down for repairs, we can have more stealth on our side. Skull's mouth would give away our location if he talked for a second.

A ladle was thrown at Morgana from behind as the sleeping Ryuji was pinned as the culprit. Morgana jumped up in down in anger while Akira walked up to the ladle to pick it up.

Akira: Where did this ladle come from??

Hiding in a secret compartment, Soejammy and Neptune were hiding in there with some friends of theirs. Soejammy had a chef's hat on and was covering Neptune's mouth in trying to keep her quiet. Akira sighed and decides to leave the ladle as it were and faces the group.

Akira: We should get going. Everyone, except for Ryuji, good to go?

The group nod their heads and go through the door of the Safe Room. The door clicks shut as Soejammy, Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert fall out of the hidden door of the Safe Room.

Soejammy: That was close.

Neptune: Tell me about it. I tried tying the ladle up there before the others arrived. Sadly, it hit the cat.

Noire: Why tie it up there?! When did you-

Neptune: Time Skip.

Noire looked at Neptune and sighed.

Noire: I hate you.

Neptune: I know you mean love!

Noire growled and began to chase after Neptune while Blanc and Vert stood next to Jammy.

Blanc: So, why are we here?

Soejammy: Oh nothing. I just want to be up close for what happens soon. Thought we had time to cook some food before what was gonna happen, but they arrived sooner than expected...

Soejammy smiles while Vert seemed to catch on what he meant.

Vert: Oh right. That Persona thing.

Soejammy snaps his fingers and points to Vert.

Soejammy: Bingo is your namo! C'mon, let's go see how this unfolds.

Blanc: Didn't you make the story anyway? Wouldn't you know how it happens already in your head?

Soejammy: Hey. Putting my input on the story is always fun to do. Besides, I'm really wanting to see the action.

Blanc looked at Soejammy before hitting him in the head at his recklessness.

Soejammy: Ow!

Blanc: Wasn't it your idea to try and stay out of worlds where people don't know us?

Soejammy: I know. But I have to give commentary somehow.

Vert looked confused and faced towards Soejammy.

Vert: Commentary for what?

Soejammy: For the fight coming up soon.

Soejammy begins to head out as Neptune and Noire began fighting in a makeshift smoke cloud. Vert and Blanc looked at each other and sighed as they followed Soejammy.

Location: Castle Cathedral.

Once Noire and Neptune had joined Soejammy, Blanc and Vert. They poked their heads around a corner of a doorway.

Neptune: We miss anything?

Soejammy puts a finger to his lips to signal Neptune to be quiet. He looks at the group that consisted of Akira, Ann, Morgana and Kura standing there. He brought a hand up to snap his fingers lightly and teleport them to higher ground and look at the group from above them.

Soejammy: *whispers* Here comes the next part of the story.

Down below, the room shifted slowly from looking like a gym to being the Cathedral again.

Kura: Okay... What just-??

Morgana: What you saw was the cognition of Kamoshida's reality.

Kura looked at Morgana confused slightly.

Morgana: By that, I mean the gym to him is almost like a place of worship. If we look around here, there's a huge statue over there of the man himself.

Kura: And because a Cathedral is a place of praying, he thinks of himself a "God" of somewhat?

Morgana: If you want to put it like that.

Ann tightened her grip with her hand at hearing this and didn't like it.

Ann: A bunch of bull is what I like to call it.

Akira: Agreed. If his mind is this delusional, I don't want to know what he's like when not insane...

Ann: Let's not think that please...

Laughter could be heard as the lights go out in the room and the curtains suddenly close up. The room was encased in a shroud of darkness.

Morgana: H-Huh?! What happened to the lights?!

A spot light shines down as it shows a familiar person standing down the aisle. It was Kamoshida. But this one had on a kings cape, a pink speedo, and a golden crown. What was different was the eyes. They were a bright yellow instead of his normal eye color.

Soejammy: For those of you that do know the series of Persona, That would be Kamoshida's Shadow self. Or otherwise be called Shadow Kamoshida. THIS Kamoshida is the true feelings and intentions of how the Kamoshida outside this world actually feels deep within his own heart. To tell  the difference between the two, is both the eyes and voice somewhat. The voice still sounds the same, but has a more... supernatural kind of effect? I don't know how to describe it, but every Shadow self of each character always has yellow eyes. Don't know why, but that's one of the ways to tell a Shadow from a real person. Note, any person noticeable that may resemble others, may be cognition of someone they know, thus they do not have yellow eyes.

Noire, Blanc, Vert and Neptune puts their finger over their mouths to tell him to keep quiet. Soejammy sweats and watches down below to watch the scene. Kura took a step forward and points to Kamoshida. A look of anger could be seen in her eyes.

Kura: Kamoshida! Where is my brother!?

Shadow Kamoshida: Ah. If it isn't the sister of the pathetic brother. Come to praise your king?

Kura: Shut up! WHERE! IS! MY! BROTHER!?!?

Kamoshida laughed and snapped his finger. Being lowered from above, the group could see a bruised and beaten up Hikaru. Rope was tied around him tightly in keeping him secured from falling, but tight enough to make him uncomfortable. Hikaru looked almost lifeless somewhat as his eyes were glazed over due from being beaten down. Hikaru coughed to show that he was still alive.

Kura: HIKARU!!

Shadow Kamoshida: Persistent bastard your brother is... When I told him to bow down, he wouldn't listen. So as a king to the slave, he was punished. And punished to the extreme I say. Nothing but talk while also being trash.

Kura looked at her brother and then at Kamoshida in feeling anger.

Kura: Kamoshida! You bastard!

Kura was about to charge in towards Kamoshida, when Akira pulls Kura back by by her right arm in time before two metal blades could cut into her from the shadows. When the lights come back on, the group could see two soldiers standing in between Kamoshida's Shadow.

Akira: You okay?

Kura looked at Akira and nods her head, but pulls her right arm free.

Kura: I said I'll be fine until my brother is out of here.

The group faces their enemies currently in front of them while Hikaru was still being held tied up in the air still. Akira contemplated on how to rescue Hikaru while trying to keep Kura safe from harm.

Shadow Kamoshida: It's pointless to even try a foolish attempt. You will all die here before you can even save this weakling.

Kura looked at Kamoshida and glared at him. Akira laid a hand on her shoulder to gain Kura's attention.

Akira: After we get your brother down, run to the nearest Safe Room.

Kura: And what about you three?

Ann pulled out a whip that was rolled up while Morgana stood ready to fight.

Ann: Protecting you and your brother is more important than trying to get Kamoshida right now.

Morgana: And because you two don't have Personas, you can't fight back in this world.

Kura looked shocked at them on what they were planning.

Kura: You can't be serious! I deserve to be in this too!

Akira looked at Kura and gave a serious glare her way. This forced Kura to take a step back with what he said next.

Akira: Don't. All of this will be for nothing if you go down here now. Didn't you say your brother is everything to you? What would he think if you died right now??

Kura froze before the adrenaline rush was dying down to make her realize the gravity of the situation. If she did die, Hikaru would be left completely alone with no one to turn to. Kura tightened her hand into a fist and let it go to be open again.

Kura: Okay... You win...

Hearing the sound of metal clanking, the soldiers were getting closer as the group got in front of Kura.

Akira: Once we find an opening to get Hikaru down, you rush him to the Safe Room. No matter WHAT. Got it?

Kura nods in understanding the plan as the soldiers' armor broke down to reveal their true forms. One was that of a knight riding on a horse called Berith, while the other was another Pixie. Ann reached for her mask and pulled on it to call her Persona.

Ann: Carmen! Come out and light them up!

As Ann's Persona came out, Carmen had black hair that was in twin tails curled up. She wore a black mask and had pink skin while wearing a red vibrant dress while smoking on a cigarette. She wore heels as she stepped on a figure whose head looked like a heart. Upon command, Carmen used the skill called Agi to send a fireball towards the pixie. The pixie dodged as it charged towards Kura. Akira got in the way and brought out a knife and swung to get in a struggle with it. Akira looked towards Kura gave her an order.

Akira: Go save your brother and get out of here!

Kura nodded her head and began to try and circle around while watching the fight. Berith began to charge towards Morgana with his spear lowered intending to spear him. Morgana got into a stance and prepared himself.

Morgana: Come out! Zorro!

When appearing, Morgana's Persona, Zorro wore an all black suit made out of leather as it was vastly taller than Morgana himself. Zorro wore a cape that fluttered behind him when wind brought forth while wielding a rapier. For a belt, it bear the insignia of a Z as the trademark of Zorro. Zorro used the skill Garu to send a blast of wind to keep Berith away. Akira focused on the Pixie in front of him as his Persona materialized behind him.

Akira: Arséne! Pillage them!

Upon command, Arséne was summoned as he rose to the sky as black wings came out of his back. Arséne wore a black top-hat while horns protruded from his head. A black mask that had eyes and a mouth to be flames while the torso of him wore an aristocratic attire. The legs of Arséne were disproportionate as the heel had knives on the back end to stand on. The hands of Arséne looked to be that of claws instead of regular hands. When Akira and Arséne had first met, he had announced himself as The Pillager of Twilight. Arséne used Eiha, a curse skill to attack Pixie. The attack was super effective in hitting her as she disappeared in an instant.

Kura: (So strong! Alright. Time to get Hikaru!)

Getting out of her place from watching the fight, Kura was about to head towards where her brother was. But got cut off immediately when a large Shadow was in front of her and sent her flying backwards into a pillar.


The group faced towards where Kura was as fell to the floor with a new Shadow making itself known. It was that of a angel-like enemy that was bigger than the other Shadows so far. Analysis showed it was called: Heavenly Punisher.

Morgana: Where did that one come from?!

Ann: Ito-san!

The group was about to go to Kura's aid, but were cut off when more Shadows arrived. Akira, Ann and Morgana had become trapped in a circle created by the Shadows.

Akira: What?!

Ann: We're surrounded!

The Heavenly Punisher lands on his feet and was facing towards Kura. Up above, Soejammy and the CPUs were watching the scene unfold.

Soejammy: Yes, everything is going according to plan.

Noire looked at Jammy in confusion.

Noire: "Plan."? What plan??

Soejammy: You didn't think I would make it THAT easy for the heroes to save Hikaru, did ya?

Neptune: Considering the sister doesn't have powers...

Soejammy places a finger on Neptune's lips as he points to the scene.

Soejammy: Shhhhh!! The action is starting...! *eats some popcorn while sipping on a drink*

Blanc: Where did you even get popcorn and a drink??

Soejammy: Do you REALLY want to ask that?

Blanc stayed silent and shook her head.

Blanc: Knowing you... Of course you're this random...

Soejammy: Though... I feel I was forgetting something...

Soejammy's group focused back to the scene as Akira's team were defending on all sides in trying to fight back. The Heavenly Punisher begins to set down as it was in front of Kura. When opening her eyes, Kura got up slowly and saw a metal foot stomp down in front of her by just a few meters away from her face. Kura began to crawl backwards in fear of being stomped on. When backed into a corner, Kamoshida laughs at Kura's predicament, he begins to speak.

Shadow Kamoshida: Yes. Grovel in fear. You ARE in the prescience of a king.

As a few more minutes go by, Akira's team begins to pant in trying to regain their strength as the Shadows closed in around them more.

Morgana: There's too many... I don't know why there's so much...

Akira: If this keeps up... We're done for...

Ann looks over to where Kura is and sees her predicament. Her view of Kura gets blocked as Shadows get in the way.

Ann: I-Ito-san...

Kura looked at the Heavenly Punisher as it raised the sword it wields into the air. Ready to strike her down at any moment.

Heavenly Punisher: For defiance against my king, I shall send you to death myself! All who defy the will of my king will perish!

Soejammy watched on as he raised an eyebrow.

Soejammy: Weird... The awakening should have happened...

Vert: That's what causes the characters to awaken to their power, right?

Soejammy: Yeah. Hmm...

Soejammy got his laptop out and began to look through it real quick. Vert looked at Soejammy in wondering what he was doing.

Vert: You think you got something?

Soejammy: Not yet. Trying to see if I- Oh...

Noire: What?

Soejammy: I forgot to add that in...

The CPUs fall down as Soejammy chuckled. He soon adds in the part of how Kura awakens her Persona as he pressed enter to shape the story to his will.

Soejammy: Okay, now time for the magic.

With Kura, she just gazed at the blade that is meant to strike her down. Seeing the blade that will end her life. When it begins to swing down, Kura felt a pressure in her head.

???: (*echos* Do not just sit there! Move!)

Hearing the voice in her head, Kura moved quickly as the blade came crashing down on the ground instead of its intended target. Kura breathed when seeing the spot that was attacked and would have been her if she stayed there.

???: (*echos* Did you not want revenge for the pain the bastard has done to you and your brother?! Are you going to throw it all away?!)

Kura froze up and looked at the Heavenly Punisher beginning to float towards her to attack again. Kura then looked towards where her brother was as the voice began to speak again.

???: (*echos* If you die here, your bother will be forever be trapped here. And those that helped you will die as well. Do you wish for that to be their fate?)

Looking at her friends, Kura could see that they were still wanting to keep going and try and make it out of this struggle alive. It was because of them that was able to get here this far. But now, they needed her help.

Kura: No... I don't want them to die...

???: (*echos* Then you must do what is necessary. No matter what the cost.)

The Heavenly Punisher approaches Kura and had it's sword ready to strike at her again.

???: (*echos* Will you let this wretched man who is a false king take your life and your brother away from you? Destroying something so precious to you?)

Kura: No... I will not let him... I will make him pay. I will make ALL of them pay...!!

The Heavenly Punisher began to swing it's sword down as a crashing sound could be heard. Akira and the others looked to see as it was where Kura was.

Ann: Ito-san!

Morgana: No!

In the smoke, the smoke shook. Catching the eyes of everyone. When the smoke begins to clear, type of energy was keeping the sword at bay. In the smoke, Kura had glowing yellow eyes.

Shadow Kamoshida: What?!

???: (*echos* Well well, looks like you made the right choice. If you wish to get revenge on those that wronged you, why not make a contract?)

Feeling a pounding pulse in her head, the same energy holding the blade of the enemy was pushed away. A surge of energy was surrounding Kura as she began to yell in pain.

???: (*echos* I am thou... Thou art I... Thou who wishes to bring chaos to the land of those that do Thou wrong...)


Kura was on the floor as she writhed in pain. Surges of energy could be felt as forces of wind due to the hidden potential being released.

???: (*echos* Let your power explode, as you take justice into your own hands!!)

A flame encases Kura's face as it showed the mask of a black wolf. The yellow eyes that peered through it gave a chill to anyone that looked at Kura. When she got onto her knees, she began to rip the mask that was attached to her began to rip off. Kura yelled as an explosion of energy was released from inside her.

Shadow Kamoshida: Not another one of these freaks!

Kamoshida looks at one of the Shadows and points to them.

Shadow Kamoshida: You! Don't just stand there! Stop her right now!

Nodding it's head, the Shadow began to charge towards where Kura was in order to attack. But when approaching the destination, Kura was nowhere to be seen. Ann and Morgana became sad to not see Kura when the energy died down.

Ann: I-Ito-san...

Morgana: Could she have burned her own soul from the pressure...? That can't be...

With Morgana saying that, the room began to grow darker around everyone. Soejammy's group began to wonder what was happening with Neptune speaking up.

Neptune: Jammy??

Soejammy: It's okay. It's all going part of the plan now.

Noire tilts her head in confusion.

Noire: What happened??

Soejammy: *smirks* It's time to kick this story off with a show~.

Soejammy gestured over to the scene as the area grew darker and darker. Everyone in the room were becoming worried by what was happening.

Akira: Morgana...?

Morgana: I don't know. We can still see light still, but the area here is-

Before Morgana could finish his sentence, a Shadow rushed towards him and was about to attack. When getting too close though, a blade sliced through the Shadow in an instant from the darkness itself.

Morgana: Huh??

Morgana looked back to Akira and Ann and gave a sign that it wasn't them that did it. What happened next, the Shadows around them began to get sliced away one by one.

Shadow Kamoshida: Wh-What?! How did?!

Laughter could be heard in the room as it echoed. Everyone looked around for any sign of who was making the sound. When Ann looked to where Hikaru was, a figure went past his location and took him into the darkness.

Ann: Ito-san!

Everyone looked to where Hikaru was last seen and saw he was gone.

Shadow Kamoshida: Where did he go?!

???: Out of your hands, and back into mine. You bastard.

Hearing the voice, everyone, including Soejammy's group, faced towards who made it. On top of a ledge where a stain-glass window was. A person holding someone in their arms could be seen as their shadow was being cast down below.

???: You've hurt so many people... Innocent students, abusing your power, making people go into depression. Tell me, do you have any remorse for what you've done?

Shadow Kamoshida looked at who was talking to him and smirked.

Shadow Kamoshida: Must I answer to a peasant like you?

The answer did not seem to sit with who was up on the ledge.

???: Then if that is your final answer... I will make you pay for what you did to my brother!!

This shocks everyone in the room as Akira was the first to speak.

Akira: Kura?!

The room starts to become normal again as it reveals Kura's new form. Her hair was more free as it reached past her shoulders. New clothes had given her a new appearance from the neck down consisted of a black ninja garb with a white scarf and a black wolf mask. Kura jumps back down as she placed Hikaru down to lean against the wall, as the Heavenly Punisher began to rush towards her from her left.

Morgana: Kura!

Reacting quickly, Kura faced towards where the enemy was and reached for her mask.

Kura: Release your power! Kagura!

When ripping off the mask, Kura's Persona was released and began to materialize behind her. The Persona, Kagura, hovered just above her user. She wore a long dark dress while having a malicious smile on her face at seeing her opponent. The hair of Kagura was long and black as it shot towards the Heavenly Punisher to take hold of it's limbs. Kagura floated in the air as her eyes were dark red as she raised the Heavenly Punisher into the air.

Kagura: Let's see what we can do. Shall we~?

Kagura snapped her fingers as Eiha was cast upon her enemy. With her opponent being caught off guard, Kura dashed forward and jumped into the air.

Kura: Let's see you handle this!!

Pulling out two crossbows, Kura pulled the triggers as it released an arrow each. Impaling the Shadow as the arrows protruded it's chest, Kura puts her crossbows away and pulls out a small blade holstered located behind her back. After pulling it out, a sound could be heard when going past the Shadow as a blood substance began to spill from the Shadow itself. Kagura drops the Heavenly Punisher to the ground as it was stunned. Kura then faced towards Akira's group and shouted to them.

Kura: Let's take this thing out in one-shot!

Akira nodded his head and motioned for Morgana and Ann to rush to Kura's location. Once they were together, they executed an all-out attack on the Shadow. With Kura being the lead, she takes center stage as she lands on her feet with her blade out. She makes a few swipes in the air before doing a spin to point her crossbow at the screen when the Shadow bursts from the assault it took. As her finisher it read "No mercy for the wicked." Once the battle ended, Ann, Morgana and Akira looked at Kura and were happy to see another Persona User.

Morgana: So, how does it feel Kura?

Kura examined herself as she could sense a strange power coursing through her.

Kura: To be honest, it's weird and a little different at the same time.

Ann: But you feel you can kick ass with it?

Kura: Ten times that at least.

Akira smiled as he gave a thumbs up with the statement as Kura smiled. Almost forgetting one thing, she faced towards Kamoshida's Shadow and glared at him.

Kura: You..

Feeling Kura's rage, Kamoshida's Shadow began to back up while Kura began to try and run towards him. But from being recently awakened to her power, Kura fell to her knees and began to pant heavily.

Kura: I so...tired...?

Kura could only watch as Kamoshida's Shadow could escape as Kura tried to reach out to stop him.

Kura: No! Get... Get back here... You coward...!

Akira looked around and could see Hikaru was still knocked out.

Akira: Kura. Stay focused. We came to save your brother. If we don't get him out, he'll be in great risk still.

Hearing Akira point that out, she could only ball her hand into a fist as she knew he was right. Once agreeing to leave with the others and get Hikaru out of the room, Soejammy gave a sigh of relief.

Soejammy: That was crazy. I LOVED IT!!

Vert: I'll say. I was scared about how the story would have turned out if a bad ending had came up early right at the start.

Neptune: It would've been like those JRPG's many people play. Depending how the game is played that is.

Soejammy groaned as that wasn't the point that was being made.

Soejammy: But something was weird...

Blanc: What do you mean?

Soejammy: I checked the story not twice, but three times before publishing, and somehow the awakening part was removed.

Blanc was confused with what Soejammy said

Blanc: You mean your story was altered??

Soejammy gave a confirmation as he looked at the area below them.

Soejammy: Either some glitch or whatever, but I know I wrote the awakening scene by heart. Have you EVER heard of me on just writing just for getting content out quick??

Vert: He does have a point. Jammy is always careful in releasing his content and never writes unless he feels the inspiration in him.

Noire: That is true.

Neptune: Seems we have a mystery on our hands... I call not being the dog! 1, 2, 3, not it!!

Vert, Blanc and Noire: Not it!

Soejammy: Not- AHHHHHH WANKERS!!!

Neptune giggled as she heard Soejammy groan in annoyance.

Soejammy: Well, I'll try and see what happens next time. Though I'm not sure if it will happen again.

With all being in agreement, they go through a portal Soejammy creates as a figure stands on a higher platform than them.

???: Hmm...

The mysterious person sighed and began to disappear into the darkness as they vanish from sight.

Chapter 1. End.

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