Celebrating! The Birth Of The Phantom Thieves!

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Last Time on Persona Railgun.......

The group appeared back into the alleyway and were safely back in their real reality. Though, they were all exhausted as they tried to catch their breath from that running a minute ago.

"That sucked." Said Ann as she was trying to catch her breath.

"I know..... I thought I was about to pass out from all that running." Said Mikoto.

Ryuji stood straight up and pulled out his phone. "Hey, look at the nav!" Said Ryuji.

The humans pull out their phones to check on the app. "The destination has been deleted." Said the Metaverse Navigator.

"So its true. We can't go there anymore." Said Ann.

"Well the castle was falling apart, so I say that place is gone for good." Said Mikoto.

"Hey, what about the Treasure?" Asked Morgana.

"Oh you mean this Treasure, right.... here?" said Akira as he pulls it out of his pocket. But what he pull out was a.... golden medal.

"What the....." Said Ryuji.

"A medal? Where did the crown go?" asked Ann.

"What's going on here?" asked Mason.

"It means that was the source of Kamoshida desires. To him, this medal is much as worth as that crown we saw at the Palace." said Morgana.

"An Olympic medal huh?" Asked Mason.

"So that perv kept clinging to his past glory and couldn't let it go...." Said Ryuji.

"But.... this means we have changed Kamoshida heart right?" asked Ann.

"Probably." Said Morgana.

"What? Our expulsion is on the line here." Said Ryuji.

"This is the first example for me too!" Said Morgana. "However, there is no doubt that this has affect Kamoshida's personality quite a lot."

"Your right. The Palace did disappear after all." Said Mikoto. "Which means we will have to just wait and see what happens."

"And his Shadow self return to his real self. He must be feeling conscious of what truly did right about now." Said Mason.

"Correct, however, I believed their would be people that would be thanking you for what you all did." Said Morgana with a smile on his face.

"So, it just comes down to what is going to happen to Kamoshida, or we get expelled." Said Ryuji.

"Lets just wait and see." Said Akira. Everyone agreed to what he said. They will just have to wait and see.

The calling card was created by Ryuji. The Calling Card seemed to work on the real Kamoshida as the Treasure materialized in the Palace. They fought the Shadow Kamoshida true form. They made the Shadow self return to his real self. They now just have to wait and see if Kamoshida has a change of heart.


Time Skip......... 5/2........Early Morning.......

After the day the group has stolen the distorted desires from Kamoshida, they had to act natural until the day Kamoshida confess everything. Every day at school, Kamoshida was not sighted at all.

After a few more days of waiting, today was the day of the group suppose expulsion date. All the students were requested to gather into the gym as the principle of the school was going to make an announcement to the students.

Once all the students were there, they saw their principle on infront of a microphone. His name is Principle Kobayakawa.

The principle cleared his throat before tapping on the microphone. This causes the students to quite down as Kobayakawa is about to speak.

(Watch Video until 4:35 please. This Video has Kamoshida Confess His Crimes)


After the teachers cleared every student back to the class rooms, Ann, Ryuji, Akira, Mikoto and Mason stayed behind in the gym to look at the scene where Kamoshida confessed everything.

"His heart really did changed." Said Ann.

"I know..... I still can't believe it." Said Mason as he was leaking out tears of happiness.

"Need something to wipe those tears?" asked Mikoto as she hands him a Gekota handkerchief.

"Thanks." Said Mason as he used it to wipe the tears that were leaking out from his eyes.

"But isn't this happening way too fast?" Asked Ryuji.

"No. I think it is right. After learning what Kamoshida did to begin with, this seems fair." Said Akira.

"I guess so..... Yeah. Your right." Said Ryuji.

Ryuji notice Mishima and two girls walking up to them. "Huh? What the...." Said Ryuji.

Mishima turns to Ann and bows down towards Ann. "Takamaki-san... I'm sorry!" Said Mishima.

"Huh?" Ann asked as she turns towards Mishima.

"We all knew... but we pretended we didn't." Said Mishima.

"Takamaki-san, I had you all wrong....... I'm sorry that I spread rumors about you!" Said the tall girl.

"I didn't know at all." Said the other female student. "Kamoshida was forcefully pushing himself onto you.....It must've been hard for you."

"I am sure that their are a ton of people that want to apologize to you." Said the tall girl.

"Its fine. Its in the past now, so need to worry." Said Ann with a smile.

A teacher walked up to Mishima and the girls. "Hey! Return to your classrooms at once!" Said the male teacher.

"I don't think so...... I liked to ask some questions I would like to ask them." Said a female voice.

Mason knows that female voice anywhere. He turned around to see his mom walking towards this way. "Mom!? What are you doing here?" asked Mason.

"I have multiple jobs remember? One of them is a investigator job. I had a hunch that something was going to happen today at this school and it turns out I was right. Now teacher, would you be so kind in stepping aside so I can ask these kids on what happened here?" asked Abby.

"Who are you? You don't have that kind of authority!" Said the male teacher.

"Oh no?" said Abby. She pulled out something from her pocket and showed it to him. It was a badge. "My name is Abby Wilson. Multiple jobs in the government and has a own police force. I am very well known throughout Japan. So what was that about me not having authority?"

"I....I am sorry! Please forgive me....." Said the male teacher as he runs away in fear.

"Chicken...... Now, can I have you three time to ask you some questions about Kamoshida?" asked Abby.

"Sure." Said Mishima. The two girls and Mishima walked with Abby to somewhere they can have a private chat.

"Wow dude. Your mom really was scary to that teacher." Said Ryuji.

"She hates people who were the side that was causing such chaos. So you can say that my mom is on the true good side."Said Mason.

"Why don't we talk more about this after school?" asked Akira.

"Okay." Said everyone as they went to their classes.


After School......... Rooftop..........

After class was over, Ryuji, Mason, Mikoto, Akira and Morgana went to the roof top. Ryuji sat down on one of the chairs up there and Akira placed the medal on the tables. Morgana is sitting on the tables.

"I totally freaked out. He really did have a change of heart." Said Ryuji.

"And we were all lucky that his mind didn't had a mental shutdown. So this is a A+ job for everyone." Said Mason.

"Does this mean that they won't have a mental shutdown even if their palace disappears? I see.... So we need to persuade the Shadow without killing it and then send it back to its real self." Said Morgana.

"Um..... translation please Morgana?" Asked Mason.

"Our targets won't go undergo a cognitive collapse if we do that." Said Morgana.

"So we can get them to confess with no bad stuff? Hey that works for me." Said Ryuji with a smile.

The door entrance to the stair case opened up and Ann walked towards them. "Do you have to be so loud?" asked Ann.

"Don't worry about it." Said Ryuji.

"So....... how did it go? With Shiho I mean?" asked Mikoto.

"She's regain consciousness." Said Ann with smile. Everyone was surprised by that information.

"For real?!" asked Ryuji.

"It was only for a little bit.. but I got to talk to her! I was able to tell her that Kamoshida admitted to what he did!" Said Ann.

Everyone looked at each other before looking back at Ann. "Shiho.... she.... she told me she was sorry. Looks like she found out that I was flirting with Kamoshida for her sake..... And here I was, wanting to apologize to her." Said Ann.

"Its not your fault Ann." Said Mikoto as she gave her a quick comforting hug

"Yeah. Kamoshida's at fault for all this." Said Morgana.

"I know.." Said Ann. "Shiho mom is thinking of transferring her to another school after she recovers. The whole sexual harassment and attempting suicide....people will label her after that. Sounded like Shiho had the same idea too."

"Its going to get lonely...." Said Ryuji.

"Are you going to be okay Ann?" asked Mikoto.

"But I think it's for the best... I'm sure it'll be hard if she stays here." Said Ann.

"She is still alive you know. You could always visit her anytime." Said Mason. Ann nodded her head to Mason idea.

"Still, I was surprised that you hold yourself back against Kamoshida Shadow." Said Ryuji.

"It wasn't like that.....I just wanted Kamoshida to apologize himself." Said Ann.

"Your so kind Lady Ann." Said Morgana.

"No matter what he was, finishing him off would have left a bad aftertaste for you huh?" asked Mason.

"Huh? Thats not it. I think revenge is better served if I make him repent. Realizing what he has done, he'll grovel for forgiveness for the rest of his live, you know? I just believe there are fates much worse than death." Said Ann.

"Holy......" Said Mikoto.

"Yeah...... might be best to not anger Ann in the future." Said Ryuji.

"Now that is all settled, I was wondering about something back in that castle. Why was Kamoshida the only one that had that Metaverse thing?" asked Ryuji.

"Its not just him. Its someone that anyone can have if their hearts become warped from their distorted desires." Said Morgana.

"Anyone...." Said Ann.

"Which would mean that anyone in this country could have their own Palaces." Said Akira.

"Wanna check it out?" asked Morgana.

"N-Not right now." Said Ryuji.

"We have to lay low for the time being. People are still going to be talking about Kamoshida." Said Mason.

"And that their are rumors about us already. About how we physical confronted Kamoshida with violence. And what I heard, the students didn't take much interest in the calling card. They are just thinking it is just some kind of prank." Said Ann.

"Make sense...." Said Ryuji as he understands what she is talking about.

"We are the only ones who knows what was happening and have the power to do something about it. It will be hard to explain that to everyone." Said Akira.

"Yeah. Lets just settle down for the time being." Said Mason.

"Why don't we see how much this medal can be sold for?" asked Ryuji as he pulls out his phone to see if he can get a sold price for the medal.

"Yeah. We need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Might cause some trouble if we were caught with this." said Mason.

"Ohh! Got a hit! Wait...... 30,000 yen? Thats all a gold medals worth?!" asked Ryuji as he saw the price on his phone.

"Remember that time in middle school? I lent you some money." Said Ann with a smile.

"There's no way I borrowed thirty thousand yen from you!" Said Ryuji as he stood up

"Wouldn't be around that with compound interest?" asked Ann

"Ann...." Said Mason as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Explain please." Said Akira.

"It was a field trip back then to a aquarium in middle school. Ryuji, used all his money to buy a gift for his mom. Ann lend him money for the trip back." Said Mason.

"Besides, it is Ryuji fault for not paying me back all this time." Said Ann.

"Um.... Morgana quick question. The medal that was original a crown in the Palace, is this the real one?" Asked Mikoto.

"No. This one is a fake. Kamoshida still has the real one in his possession. This medal we have is just a by-product of his cognition." Said Morgana.

"So....... anything Treasures we bring back to our real reality, it must turn into what started those desires, even if it is not the real one?" asked Mason.

"Yes. Besides, Kamoshida will never again be proud of that once in a life time gold medal ever again." Said Morgana.

"Okay...... so where are we going to sell this 'medal'? " asked Ryuji.

"We know a place right Akira? The place that will buy about anything." Said Morgana.

"Oh! Are you talking about that shop called ' Untouchable Airsofts'? The place were Ryuji bought those model guns?" asked Mason.

"Yep." Said Morgana.

"We then....... why don't we celebrate somewhere for accomplishing our mission?" Asked Mikoto.

"There is a place. Shiho and I were planning on going there." Said Ann.

"What is it?" asked Mikoto.

"Its a famous hotel that has the most famous buffet ever in Shibuya." Said Ann.

"Oho! You got me interested already." Said Mikoto.

"So, when do you think what day would be best to do?" asked Mason.

"Ryuji, do you want to pick?" Asked Akira.

"Okay... lets go on the fifth of May." Said Ryuji.

"Its a plan. " Said Akira. "Now remember, lets try to act causal when we are there." Everyone nodded their heads to that fact.


Time Skip..........5/5...Wilton Hotel........

The group has gathered in a public hotel buffet area. Tons of people were at different tables and gathering food from the food court. The Persona Users were sitting at their own table, enjoying the food they have gathered.

Ryuji took a piece of the meat he has on his plate. "Hmm....so good!" said Ryuji.

"No wonder Lady Ann choice this place." Said Morgana after Akira gave him a piece of his food.

"Of course it is good. It is a famous hotel after all." Said Ann while she digs into a piece of cake on her plate.

"I am already loving this place." Said Mikoto as she takes a bite of a huge cheeseburger.

"Oh yeah. My mom is going to be questioning the students at school about Kamoshida....... before the police can." Said Mason while he chows down on some chicken tenders and french fries.

"That sounds troublesome." Said Morgana.

"Well.. our names are properly going to be come up for sure. Because of those rumors about us and Kamoshida." Said Mikoto.

"But there are some good news. I keep hearing stuff from the students on how the Phantom Thieves stole his heart." Said Ryuji.

"Well, most people might not believe it but I am glad that some are thankful for what we did." Said Mason.

"Yeah. Hey take a look at this." Said Ryuji as he pulls out his phone. He pulls up a website and showed it to everyone.

"'The Phantom Aficionado Website'"" Said Mikoto as she read the website title.

"There are some posts on here. 'Well done Phantom Thieves', 'Now I can keep going too', 'Thank you for giving us hope'." Said Ann as she read some of the post on the website.

"Pretty cool huh?" asked Ryuji.

"Yeah." Said Mason.

"Its kinda feels strange but I am glad that people are expressing their comments about us." Said Ann.

"Its refreshing to hear the voices from those we have saved from Kamoshida." Said Mason.

"Hey. What do you think we do now Akira?" Asked Ryuji.

"We good on time?" Asked Akira as he continues to eat his food.

"Huh? Oh man your right! We only got about a hour to eat!" Said Ryuji as he stand ups in shock.

Ann then stands up from her seat too. "Just 50 minutes left!" Said Ann.

"I am not going to finish all the beef dishes at this rate!" Said Ryuji as he rubs his hair in frustration.

"I need to eat my way through the entire dessert menu!" Said Ann.

"Look after our stuff! We will snag something for you guys too, don't worry." Said Ryuji as he and Ann left to go get more food to bring back.

After a few minutes, Ryuji and Ann brought more food the fill a table. More meat and dessert dishes were filled everywhere on the table.

"Aw man, it melts into my mouth." Said Ryuji as he takes a bite of one of his meat dishes.

"Seriously? Only meat?" asked Morgana.

"I am so happy." Said Ann as she takes a bite of her cake.

"And she is all about desserts." Said Mason.

"Hey.... Calories." Ryuji teased Ann.

"Shuddup! How much do you think one of these things cost?! I might not ever get the chance to do this again!" Said Ann as she scolded Ryuji before eating her cake piece again. "Hmmm. The Wilton Hotel cake buffet... I heard rumors but I thought I might never thought it'd be amazing!"

"And......... where is our share?" asked Morgana.

"I didn't really know what you'd want.... so I got you some beans." Said Ryuji as he pushed the plate full of beans close to Morgana.

"Beans?" asked Morgana.

"Let me guess Ann, you got some other dishes as well but is mixed up in there." Said Mikoto.

"Yeah. It was hard to choice. And we did get some more beans for those two." Said Ann.

"More beans?" Asked Morgana.

"It looks like they got so much that it got mixed up on the plate Morgana." Said Mason as he looks at the amount of food on that plate for Morgana.

"Lets go Akira." Said Morgana.

"To where?" asked Akira.

"To get some food.  Lets show these two how to truly means to have fine dinning." Said Morgana.

"Alright." Said Akira as he picks up his bag with Morgana in it and a spare empty plate as he begins to walk towards the food stations.

As Akira begins to pick a food from the food stations, he overhears conversations from adults about Kamoshida and his actions. Others were talking about the Phantom Thieves and how they were not a big deal. It seems that the public isn't taking the calling card and the Phantom Thieves seriously.

Eventually, Akira returned to the table to his friends with a plate full of delicious food. Just looking at it makes you want to take a bite of it.

"I see you have brought some food back." Said Mason.

"Whaddya think about coming up against such ritzy food?" asked Ryuji.

"I just wanna eat." Said Akira.

"He knows that Akira. But enough about that, lets dig in. Are you going to help us Ann finish all of this?" asked Mikoto.

"No thanks. I am way to stuffed right now." Said Ann.

"Stuffed of eating sweets." Said Mason as he noticed she is still eating sweet foods. "That is the only thing on her mind at the moment."

"Whatever. Lets finish this ourselfs." Said Ryuji.

Mikoto, Morgana, Akira and Ryuji begin to eat what dishes are left to eat. But no matter how much they ate, the amount of food they have still remains the same.

"There's still more?" asked Morgana as he can feel his stomach starting to get full.

"Why did we had to get so much food......?" Asked Mikoto.

"Don't give up! Lets keep at it!" Said Ryuji.

"I don't know if we can make it....." Said Mason.

They continue to eat the food again. Eventually, they were able to eat everything and the plates were completely empty and stacked on top of each other.

"We..... We did it." Said Morgana.

"Oh yeah...... This is a victory for all of us....." Said Ryuji as he can feel how painful his stomach is feeling at this moment.

"That was a breeze." Said Akira.

"Is your stomach...... the size of a freaking Palace?" Asked Mikoto.

"Good job you guys. How about one more dish to cleanse your palates?" asked Ann.

"No.... no more food Ann. " said Mason.

Ryuji covered his mouth when he was about to burp. "Oh this isn't good...... I got to go to the bathroom." Said Ryuji as he can feel like he is about to throw up.

"Me too...." Said Morgana. "Carry me gently."

"Lets go..... hurry." Said Mikoto. Akira picks up the bag with Morgana in it and the others with hurting stomachs begin to go find a bathroom.

They had go to the highest floor in the hotel to find a bathroom. The one on the restaurant floor was out of service and they nearly panicked.

"I am stuffed."Said Morgana as he was leaning over Akira shoulder.

"I know how you feel." Said Mason as they all walked to the elevators.

"I totally panicked when I saw that sign that it was out of service." Said Ryuji.

"How are we suppose to know that that bathroom on that floor was going to be out of service. Bad timing if you ask me." Said Mason.

"But man, Ryuji.... I know how you wanted to eat until you puke but you really did puke. You got to be more careful." Said Mikoto.

"I know...... Hey what floor was that restaurant on again?" asked Ryuji as he pressed the button to call the elevator.

"We came up here to get to the bathrooms... so it will be on the lower floors." Said Morgana.

Suddenly, a group of men in suits pushed them out of the way of the elevator doors. There was someone in the middle of the group but you can hardly see him in there.

"What the?" Asked a angry Ryuji.

"There is still no updates on the case?" Asked the Distinguished Man.

"Not yet...." Said one of the men near him.

"Hey you!" Said Mikoto.

"What do you want?" asked one of the suit men.

"Apologize to Ryuji to pushing him and us out of the way." Said Akira.

"We are in a hurry." said that same suit men.

"So, its okay to just push others out of the way just because you are in a hurry? Talk about no manners." Said Mason.

"It seems the customer base has changed since last time I was here. did they started a day care?" asked the Distinguished Man.

"What?" asked Ryuji.

"Sir, we don't have time for this." Said one of the suit men.

"I know." Said the Distinguished Man.

The Elevator door opened. Just as Ryuji was about to walk up to him, one of his buddies pushed Ryuji away from him.

"Don't bother with them!" Said the Distinguished Man. That group of men entered the elevator and took to who knows which floor they choices.

"What the hell was with that bossy guy?" Asked Ryuji.

"Shouldn't we head back down now?" Asked Morgana.

"Yeah but....." Said Ryuji.

"I know Ryuji. He wasn't even hiding the fact that he was looking down at us." Said Mikoto.

Mason pressed the button to call the elevator. He then noticed that Akira has his right hand on his forehead. "Hey are you okay Akira?" asked Mason.

"I am fine. Just a little bit lightheaded." Said Akira.

"Well, I am not surprised. You did eat a lot of food." Said Morgana.

"But be careful next time okay?" asked Mikoto.

"Okay." Said Akira.

Just as the elevator came up to where they are, they went back to the floor to where the restaurant is. And when they got back there, Ann looked angry for some reason.

"What took you all so long?" asked Ann.

"What are you getting angry for?" Asked Ryuji.

"Sorry.... I had a run-in with some woman a second ago. She bumped into me and accused me that it was my fault that I made her dropped her plate." Said Ann.

"Sounds like a rotten adult. But we know it wasn't your fault Ann." Said Mikoto.

"Yeah.... Thanks though." Said Ann. Mikoto, Akira, Ryuji, Mason and Morgana, even though he was still in Akira bag, sat back down in the seats.

"I wonder if we are out of place here." asked Ann.

"I don't think so. We have our own place for being here and our reason for living. So, I don't we are out of place here Ann." Said Akira.

"Thank you." Said Ann.

"Hey Morgana...." said Ryuji.

"Yeah.. What is it?" asked Morgana.

"...Anyone can have a Palace yeah?" asked Ryuji.

"Anyone with a strong distorted desire." Said Morgana.

"Wait... Ryuji..... Are you thinking what I think you are thinking?" Asked Mason.

"Yeah. Remember Mason........ We had some run in with those kinds of rotten adults back at the Elevator. I was wondering if we would be able to make them have a change of heart." Said Ryuji.

"Like..... continuing as the Phantom Thieves?" Asked Ann.

"...I've been thinking. We put in a lot of work into changing Kamoshida heart but no one believes in the Phantom Thieves. Plus those guys that had no other choice but to deal with it are thanking us. US of all people." Said Ryuji.

"What do you think Ann? Whats your say into this?" asked Akira.

"I...I agree." Said Ann. This surprises everyone at the table. "If we ignore people who are in trouble, I'd go back to how I was the same as before....."

"Well.... that is true." Said Morgana. "You're under my tutelage. There's nothing we can't accomplish as phantom thieves!"

"Shouldn't we be able to help them out? We have the power to do it while no body else can." said Mikoto.

"Lets do it. Even if we have to fight Shadows again, it won't change my mind. I want to help others. I am tired of sitting on the side lines." Said Akira.

"Then it is settled. From this day forth, the group known as the Phantom Thieves has been born!" Said Mason.

"So Akira, do you mind being our leader?" asked Ann.

"Sure." Said Akira.

"I guess that fits him well. He does know how to handle fights against Shadows pretty well." Said Morgana.

"And Mason, are you okay of being a Vice Leader?" Asked Akira.

Mason was shocked by that. "Wha...... me? You want me to have that Vice Leader spot?" asked Mason.

"We might need some to back Joker up if there was the chance he was taken down in a fight and needs time to heal up." Said Morgana.

"Well.......... Alright." Said Mason.

"Lets never forget this moment guys. The day that the Phantom Thieves will target any corrupted adults out there." Said Mikoto.

"We will strike and take their distorted desires. They won't know what hit them!" Said Ryuji.

"Yeah!" Said everyone.

And thus, the day that Kamoshida confessed his crimes has arrived. They went to a fancy hotel to celebrate their victory. They realized that it would be wrong to just stop at where they are now. From there, the group known as the Phantom Thieves as been born! what every corrupted adult is out there, they will be warned! The Phantom Thieves will steal your twisted heart and free you from your distorted desires!


To Be Continued........

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