Omake 2: Youkai Faction

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Previously on the last Omake.

Makoto found a fox, who turned out to be a small Youkai Fox/Kyuubi girl by the name Kunou. After having a small spar against Kunou's guard, he was then told to follow them towards their leader.

As such, the leader turned out to be the Leader and Mother of Kunou. Yasaka-sama, found interest in the blue haired teen who can summon beings. Which brings us to this point. Makoto had revealed that he was a Persona User and Field Leader by a group called SEES.


"SEES? Persona User? Are you sure you aren't a sacred gear wielder?" Again, that sacred gear thing. He needed a proper explanation of them other wise it'll only end up complicating matters.

"And to which I ask of you, Yasaka-dono. What is a sacred gear?" Yasaka was now confused, but responded courtly. "A Sacred Gear is a weapon made by God to give to humans, only a select few get the chance of having one. Yet, this makes me wonder, that gun in your holster...I don't think I have seen a Sacred Gear like that before." She tried hard to remember, yet she knew it couldn't possibly be one.

"If you want Yasaka-dono, I can tell you a difference between a Sacred Gear and a Persona." She was amused. How could she not be amused? If this teen turned out to be powerful, then the Youkai and Shinto faction can prosper once more!

Makoto lifted up his sleeve and asked for permission of getting a knife. The guards looked tense, yet complied nonetheless.

Showing his clear skin, he cut his skin. At this Kunou widened her eyes. "Yuki-san! Why would you do that?" Yasaka motioned for one of the guards to get a medical supplies until they saw Makoto holding the gun to his head.

"Ame-no-Uzume." A wave of power washed over everyone in the room, a blue swirl appeared and the being that came was the goddess in question. Before Yasaka could speak, Ame-no-Uzume frowned at the cut Makoto made on his own body.

"You know you could have just summoned me normally, it wasn't necessary to cause harm to yourself." Ame-no-Uzume put her hand over the cut and casted a simple Dia spell. The effects was instantaneous, the flesh seemed to close on it's own, all was left was the dried blood on his arm. "If that is all Master, I will excuse myself."

"...Not quite just yet. They seemed to be in shock." Truly enough, Yasaka's mind was running astray. "I see. I suppose I can stay a little while for amusement, would you let me stay?" "Yes."

"Y-You are Ame-no-Uzume, correct? I'm not dreaming am I? She's supposed to be in Takamagahara!" Yasaka's and Kunou's tails wagged frantically.

Makoto slightly smiled which didn't go unnoticed by the Persona. "At long last I got to see you smile Master. I feel overjoyed."

"Yasaka-dono, Kunou-hime, my power is manifestation of the mind given form. Persona. She's not THE Ame-no-Uzume, this is what humans see her as."

"Oh, killjoy aren't you, Master? I was beginning to like their distress."

"She's not Ame-no-Uzume yet she is? In terms of how humans perceive her as?"

This'll take a while...


"I understand now. There is still two questions in my mind, would you care to enlighten me?" Yasaka took a drink of her tea, which was not spiked, mind you. It probably won't hurt him to hear them at the very least. He nodded in accordance.

"Good. Seeing as you summoned not just summoned Ame-no-Uzume and a fairy, is there anything else you can summon?" He frowned, should he take heed and tell them that he can summon Devils, Angels and other mythological beings?

"...Yes. However, I don't believe I have the need to call them forth at the time." Relishing the sweets laid out, he took his time to savor the flavour.

"That's sufficient for the time being, now here is my second question. Would you like to become the very first human to join my faction?" This was a curve ball if he had saw any. He only had 3 choices right now, either walk away - which could lead him to being hunted -, reject her offer peacefully but help her when she needs it, or join her faction while being targeted by others. The cons may out weight the pros but he can't deny that he needed more information from the Supernatural.

"Why not?" The tension cleared.

"As leader of the Faction, I declare this human, Makoto Yuki-sama, welcome into our abode." "Refer me to a different name, Yasaka-dono. We don't want any spy to know my real name now don't we?"

"Yes, of course. For now, we shall dub you, the Velvet Attendant of the Youkai." seemed right.

"Thank you." "No, thank you for agreeing. We, of the Youkai Faction aren't weak but we aren't strong by any means. You make up for it because you are a wildcard."

Fate seemed to laugh that day.

Omake End. See you guys and gals next time.

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