Round 14

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ShadowClan Warrior, exiled WindClan Warrior
Sneaky and secretive, very brash, he is standoffish and hates attention seekers, he usually ignores his mate and actually is cheating on him with a she-cat from WindClan

ShadowClan Medicine Mask
Good learner, intelligent and good with herbs, he is kind, open, and friendly.

Living situation:
Both constantly argue and Fogpounce keeps threatening to abandon the kits when Meadowseed isn't looking, making Meadowseed clingy to his kits


Three adopted toms, One adopted she-cat

The oldest is a sandy tabby she-kit with one amber eye and the other is blue.

The second oldest is a amber and white tabby tom with bright amber eyes

The second youngest is a sandy colored and white tom with bright blue eyes

The youngest is a small black and white tom with blue eyes, who can't walk very well die to his small legs.

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