The Unforseen Guest

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The trio got a mission in the enemy’s fancy castle. They have to steal something worth from it. Little did they know, there had been a real foe between them, who had leaked everything they had planned from the start. Who is this person? How do they fix it? Or can they?

Additional infos:
- This story contains superhuman people called mutants, and they are supposed to be hidden and protected.
- Nyx, Achlys, and another person have their superpowers. Nyx has enhanced strength, speed, agility, endurance, or just basically he’s above normal humans. Achlys has the shadow manipulation, she can summon and even unite herself with the shadow.
- Their age is about 20 ish, pretty young for stuff like this right? Well, it’s fantasy, why do you care–


The Unforeseen Guest


“Where do you think you’re going, my friend?

This sentence somehow gave an electrifying jolt through my body. My body almost got frozen in place when I was just about to back down from the scene. I turn my back to where I was and catch the eyes of the snake. Those eyes made me feel the bejeebers out of me, thinking he already knew what I was going to do. But, I still gotta focus and stay low.

“I’m going to get another drink. This one suits my liking.” I said as I lifted my empty glass and retreated from the place. Chills have been piecing me through, especially after hearing his barely audible chuckle when I turn my body around. I really should focus on the mission- no, I should keep that as a warning.

I took a stroll around the immense hall while looking for another glass. I must say, it is quite a great tour. There are some chandeliers hanging on the roof, making the room dazzling with the view of golden lights and skylight that could be seen through the window. Not to mention the enchanting patterns on the concrete, which are something worth the eye-catch of anyone who has ever set foot in this mansion. This building is truly a work of art, and the immaculately and luxuriously dressed people here just make it feel like this place is a royal palace from the middle ages holding a ball.

I had to stop admiring the expensive view. After sneaking past people, I finally reached the edge of the room which is filled with tables covered with white cloth with various foods and drinks. My hand put down my old empty glass and replaced it with the same drink. Taking a sip really helps me settle the tense feeling that has been dreading me since meeting with that man. My heart craves that I will not see him again. Otherwise, I will definitely be found out and everything will turn to disarray.

‘What should I do right now?’ My job is to monitor and read the situation, as well as trying to allure people's attention from suspicious things that could be due to the others, which sounds simple but actually really tense, especially when you’re in a room full of potential enemies. However, all my worries should go on Nyx, that lunatic. Right now, he has the most risky task out of all of us, yet he bluntly said he could finish it with no problem. Speaking of us, where the heck is Achlys?

We just parted about half an hour ago, so she should be with me in this room by now, since the host is also about to announce something for the people, who have just gathered in one place, namely this main room. I still remember how she looked, her appearance is truly remarkable, although she never changed her good ol’ black fashion style. From what I recall, a black silk dress that brushes the floor along with black long gloves to protect her cold and sensitive skin, including black diamond jewels to complete the set. This outfit plus her pale skin made her look like she belonged to the black and white era, but also made her look like a ghost lady since she has long straight black hair that reaches her knee. Not to mention her typical emotionless face with no speck of light in her eyes. A glance at her could definitely overwhelm you by how charming yet menacing she is. Finding her should be easy, as she looks like obsidian amidst gold in here.

The sound of clapping suddenly echoed throughout the room, apparently the host had arrived through the big stairs. Everyone, including me, were fascinated by him, who looked so classically charming in white tuxedo. The guards in formal clothing start clearing up the area in the middle by telling people to move for him so he has some big space to do whatever he wants to do next. Not only they told people to make room at the center, but also up to the large main door which is straight from the stairs. Not long after some words of speech from the host, the door has finally opened, making a loud creak sound. There everyone could see a large box covered in red cloth, strolled by some servants to the center of the room. I can hear the whispers of bewilderment and curiosity, although I know what is going to be behind those clothes. The host did say that he wants to show something spectacular to his audience, a brand new collection that is the rarest and only one in the world, he said. But little did he know, the thing behind it is going to be a fake, since Nyx has already exchanged it with something.

The host waved his hand to calm his spectators, and it did make them quiet. Now it’s just the sound of footsteps and small music that can be heard by everyone. He walked over to the box, brushed the silk fabric gently and smiled. His eyes are sparkling and burning when looking at that thing, as if he was trying to resist the urge to show off his collection loudly, the cloth also got held by him tightly. I can feel like he’s going to pull it out any moment, but he never did.

He lets go of it and turns to his people, and his smile, it’s gone. “This. Was the one that I want to show you.” he said in a firm and loud tone so that people could hear him. “My new collection that you have never seen in your life!” His hand is still pointing towards the box, and my heart can’t stop beating fast. The host somehow sighed, he shook his head and walked a bit further from the box. I can’t seem to read what he’s doing. “I only want my trustworthy and decent people to see this. But, it is unfortunate.-” 

‘I still can’t understand-’

“-We have some uninvited guests here.”


A loud crash shocked the entire room. Something just fell down and smashed the box until it created dust all over the place, along with a fraction of glass shattered on the floor due to the broken window. Everyone screamed and coughed at the moment, some were even running from the scene. I, who is almost at the back, trying to see what just happened at the stage. This is such an unexpected event, like seriously, what just happened? I looked around and saw the guards start closing doors and blocking people's way of escape. That alone has made me panic since that means I don’t have a way to get free from this place. The crowded people from my side of the room had moved elsewhere, making me have a good view of what happened in the middle. The peak of my interest returned to the unexpected event. I took a step closer to it and immediately dropped my glass until it shattered on the ground after I saw what actually had happened. 

My heart stops. I was left gaping in the same place as my body immediately got frozen in place, and cold sweat started pouring down profusely. My anxiety started becoming intense, my heartbeat was racing, and my breath became short. The dizziness began to come. I could feel myself trembling and my muscles tensing. I can’t believe it, nor do I want to believe it.

I saw Nyx lying unconscious on top of that box.


The guests in the area also didn’t believe their eyes. All slowly took a step back and tried to adapt their mind to what had just happened, while the guards made their step forwards to the scene. Ray’s eyes are still glued to his friend Nyx, who’s seen to be collapsed from afar. As the guards almost approached the unexpected guest, all of a sudden, signs of life appeared on Nyx. The guards were just about to grab him and hold his body in place, but too bad they don’t know how unpredictable that guy is, no one knows how he could handle such damage and still manage to overcome it. 

The overwhelmed Ray still remained in his place and witnessed all the chaotic events, where Nyx had just managed to escape through the broken window on the roof, forming a feeling of panic to the guards who just rushed out of the room to catch him. Everyone began to make noises again, but they were more extracted to the host who seemed to know everything. This really brings chills down to Ray’s spine. The host does nothing but shrugs, building everyone the tension as if he’s a psychic, or is he actually?-

Before the man could explain anything to his guests, someone had grabbed Ray's hand fervently, making the guy let out a small scream. He swiftly turned his head and saw a lady whose body was as tall as his shoulders. Thank goodness, it was just Achlys. That woman still gives the creeps to Ray for her ominous look, and for dragging him away without a single warning. Ray didn’t resist the coercion and followed her blindly to the corner of the room, behind a huge pillar that makes them hidden and unseen by people. 

He can finally breathe out his strain and start processing what had happened. Just before he could even let out a word for Achlys, some sort of thick black fog enveloped between them. There was no sign of panic when their vision started to see a whole different room than the one they were in. They got teleported, that is one of Achlys abilities. Things should be better for them, but Ray still couldn’t shake the thought of what he heard before running away with Achlys. He heard the host say, there are still more intruders to be hunted in this building.


Right now, all we have to do is escape. I didn’t get the chance to ask Achlys, but I know we have something else to be focused on, so now it’s my turn to take her hand and pull her somewhere else. I had just moved barely a meter away from her, but a shadow suddenly wrapped around my waist and tightened up, holding me in place to stop me from going any further. My head turned around to meet the gaze of a cold wolf, Achlys gave me a death glare, I don’t know for what reason- so I asked her straightforwardly, “What are you doing?”

She pulled her attention away from me and went in the other direction with her hand released from my grasp. “Follow me.” she said. Short and concise, but it’s still a bit confusing. The shadow has gave free will to move again as she already went away, and so I follow her throughout the hall because I trust her instinct.

This hallway is not far different from the main hall. It still has that pretty pattern and lights shining up to give a luxurious vibe for that hall. There are also some artistic pictures hanging, which are probably very expensive too looking by the style. One is a big potrait of someone, another is a painting of a landscape, and another one is an abstract painting, and more and more. I couldn’t take my eyes off them, not to mention the gold frames used in all the paintings. As an artist myself, I would seriously love to have this in my house-

Another shadow started binding my left hand and pulling me towards Achlys aggressively.  I lost my balance and almost fell because of it, but then I realized how far away I was from her. It seems like I slowed my pace when admiring the gallery. Although I had just balanced my body back, her aura, her gaze, she herself who is just standing far away from me, were piercing me through like a needle, and I couldn’t really stand straight up because of it. My head felt like it dropped a sweat, so I gave her a hesitant smile and immediately jogged on the soft red carpet towards her. 

We continue to walk through the lifeless hallway, like there are really no guards or servants who ever pass or walk here with us. There is literally nobody here, even though there was chaos right inside the building, and we both know it. To be honest, I don’t have any clue on where we are going, this direction wasn’t shown at all when we were planning our strategy. Perhaps Achlys just found a safer path? But there’s one thing that just really bothers me ever since we’re in this hallway. Should I really trust her with this?

“Achlys. Where are we going?” I asked nervously, “Shouldn’t we find Nyx? Or get away from this place? What is this hallway anyway?”

No answer, of course. But I really got to have my answer. “Achlys.” She is still walking away. “Hey.” 

We are just about to hit the end of the hall. There is nothing there, no more route or anything, just a portrait on the wall. Where do we go after this? She has reached the dead end, and I’m about to too. I see her staying there straight, no more silk clothes brushing the carpet. My heart has been beating really fast, I think it’s just my anxiety that has been increasing lately. But this whole thing really just bothers me.

I was just about to reach her shoulder, and I can’t hold myself to ask for my response. “Achlys, you have to answer me-”

“How noisy.”

‘Huh?’ My heart stops. I feel something is wrapping my whole body, like every single part of it, which leads me to terrifying thoughts. I was in total shock that I didn’t realize what would happen to me next. I let out an unnoticeable scream as I bumped to the floor, since I had lost balance on a leg that I couldn't move anymore. My hands were also stuck behind my back, so I tried to get myself up by my head. I was able to atleast get myself up for a bit, however something pulled me to the floor again. I struggle so hard but still can’t find any way out, I’m legit stuck on the floor. I’ve been screaming out for Achlys, although something is blocking my mouth too. Sure my scream is pretty loud for my distance with Achlys, even so this doesn't seem to show any improvement in the situation. Did she get into the same predicament as I do? If yes, then we’re in big trouble.

I stopped spending energy talking and focused more on getting myself off from this bond. My heart is beating much faster and my breath is getting slower, and I can’t get more air with my mouth being forcefully closed. Therefore, I decided to stop for a while to chill myself out. I can hear my loud breath from that, but I still can’t find any sign from Achlys. When I’m pretty chill, all that can be heard is just my huff, but if I were to focus on other stuff, I can barely hear the sound of footsteps. My body felt shaky and cold because of that. The tension is real.

“Is that the other guy? …Well done.” 

‘Who is that?! Who is he talking to?!’

I’m starting to struggle again, except I’m not moving as much as before, just so that I don’t look too desperate in front of this mysterious person. Despite that, I really want to free myself from this tightness. My slow movement is getting hasty as the sound of steps becomes clearer to me. A warm air enveloped behind my back, however it doesn’t help with my body getting chills.

“Poor thing. He looks more pathetic than the other one.” I can hear that very loud, sir. It’s like he’s talking straight to my ears. But with that statement, does that mean Achlys also get to the same situation-

“He is.” Right there, my whole thoughts changed in an instant. The voice just now is very familiar to me. By that, I realized what I’ve been through. The good ol’ shadow bond, by this b##ch, ACHLYS. Knowing this, the chance of me being free is gone. Unless she could be more kind enough to let me do my own thing. The guy chuckled, and it really annoyed me. I don’t know what he's planning to do, or they.

“Set him up, I want to talk to him before leaving”

The shadow doesn’t pull me to the floor anymore, but now it pushed me until I got into a kneeling position and my head straight. My eyes are then exposed to the light in the room, everything feels so bright that I felt my eyes burning. It needs to adapt to focus my vision, so now I can see who I’m facing. I was not surprised by the person in front of me, but I do feel mad by seeing his face again. 

“So, we meet again. How was the party? Was it that boring to make you leave so early?” 

‘There was a scene, you bast#rd.’

The guy smirks at me. “The scene your friend made was pretty exaggerated. He was supposed to be arrested immediately for affray and trespassing, but instead escaped. Luckily he was finally caught too.”

He kneeled with me, and his smile became bigger and more sly than before. I frowned at him and wanted to say something, but of course I can’t with this gagged mouth, that’s unfair. His irritating face really infuriates me, and all his acts almost made me forget about Achlys existence. I saw a glimpse of her at the back when moving my head, which made me want to take a clearer look at her. Before I could turn my head back, a hand started grabbing my jaw and forcing it to face the guy in front of me. I see that the smile from before is already gone, and now his gaze is much more deep and sharper towards me.

He scoffed, “What? Still in denial?” his head tilts, “No need to look back at the lady. I think you have much to worry about what’s in front of you.”

He adds, “Moreover, I think you should care a little more about your friend. You brought your mutant friend into the world, and you're not worried about people who will hunt him down for their own gain? Tsk, how bold.”

I couldn't help but swallow saliva after hearing that sentence. All my thoughts of freeing myself were immediately lost in thoughts about how Nyx was doing now. I still imagine how he fell before, and how he looks so messed up. I don’t think he ever got into a situation like this before. Sure he met some people on the way and perhaps there was a fight, but if it resulted in him getting beat up like that? I don't think I've ever seen it. How did he even get slammed like that before? It’s unusual. Or maybe–

“Now, now, don’t get too deep in thoughts. Hmm… I actually changed my mind.” He turned his eyes to Achlys who was still behind me. I know he’s giving her bright-fiery eyes, and I know he has something vicious on his mind.

He’s not on me anymore, he stood up with his shoulder straight to Achlys. “He can be a good use for bait. Hold him hostage.” Oh f#ck. “That mutant maniac was too crazy and uncontrollable, perhaps his partner can calm him down.” No, I don’t think I can about that–

Footsteps were barely heard because of the soft carpet absorbing the sound. My eyes can still see him watching his watch on his wrist. He then turned his attention to me while straightening his elegant suit. Just as I thought he would just leave me alone, that annoying mouth decided to open up again.

“Don’t worry, he’s probably with his new friend that would suit him more. I heard that they even had a great playtime outside this building.”

‘Another mutant?!’

“So, just enjoy your time here –But actually, not here– You will find another place that might… will be a place that is quite memorable for you.”

Ugh. This bind, it's getting so frustrating. Whatever efforts I made are just in vain. Why does Achlys have to make this so tight? I didn’t bring my mainstay weapon right now. F#ck.

“Heh, yeah, I guess this is the time you should be worried about yourself. There's no other place to go, my friend.”

I can see him finally walking away, but my fury just keeps yelping at him, wanting to reply. It sounded ambiguous, but yet made him stop his steps. He sighed and glanced at Achlys.

“Knock him out.”

My eyes widened right after my ear received those messages. I forced my head to look back and find the traitorous lady. But before I could see her face, mine was immediately slammed back. My head throbs so bad and it feels like it flies away in a second. I'm so light-headed. My mind became empty straight away, and so the void has began to fill my vision and thoughts.

— End

Writer's note:

Whew, it's been a long time since i use this app. I'm still writing ever since i left, but now i'm more focused on my OCs. This one is aboht my Personas, i hope you guys can get a hint about what they are (although i haven't said much about Nyx but yeah-). It ends on a cliffhanger, yes. There should be a part 2, but i never promised myself. It just ended like that lol. So yeah, feel free to brainrot, i guess-

— 18 May 2024

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