Cure Number 23 (#time)

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Frank fell back against the pillow next to his lover. "Wow, that was incredible," he gasped.

"And it worked too," said Amanda smugly, handing Frank a cigarette.

"Indeed," replied Frank. But in all honesty he'd forgotten about his condition. He lay on his back staring at the ceiling fan and puffing smoke rings. That had been mind-blowing sex. "I mean how did you even manage to do that thing when you wrapped your leg..." Frank trailed off.

"Yoga," replied Amanda, stretching like a cat with satisfaction. She stubbed out her cigarette and Frank heard the rustling of paper on the nightstand. "Would you like a chocolate?" Amanda held a half-eaten heart shaped box of chocolates under Frank's nose.

"My you are decadent," said Frank. "Don't mind if I do." He bit into a chocolate and was rewarded with gooey caramel. I might be in love, he thought.

Amanda cuddled closer and ran her fingers through the hair on Frank's chest. "It's a pity every cure only works one time," she purred.

Wasn't that the truth, thought Frank. In desperation, they had searched the web looking for cures for Frank's problem. Recently they had found an excellent website and slowly worked their way down each of the remedies it had listed. Some were downright weird, but they all worked. One time. Then invariably his condition would recur and they would have to try something new–pressure points, neck massage, meditative breathing. There was only one cure left on the list they hadn't tried. Number 23. Frank shuddered. They had already skipped over it and tried numbers 24-26.

Frank hoped and prayed they wouldn't need to resort to number 23. Amanda, as passionate about Frank's medical problem as she was about love making, had already obtained the necessary items. Frank tried not to think about it.

"Amanda love, be a dear and pass me another chocolate," said Frank.

Amanda complied, holding the box above him so he couldn't cheat and look at what he was selecting. He rummaged around amongst the empty papers until his fingers closed around another smooth square. He popped it in his mouth.

Suddenly he sat bolt upright. His mouth burned. His eyes watered. He felt his diaphragm seize. "Whoph puts hot pepperphs in a chocolaf?" he cried with his mouth full. However, the chocolate was indeed delicious. It was probably already too late anyhow so he swallowed. Thirty seconds later he hiccuped. "Noooo," he wailed.

"Oh, dear," said Amanda with a resigned look on her face. "We'll have to try number 23." Her voice no longer sounded sultry, but instead more like a charge nurse in a hospital.

"Can't we try the video games again?" pleaded Frank. "Or the honey?" He was grasping at straws. "How about drinking from the other side of the glass?"

"Com'on, Frank," said Amanda. "You know that trick hasn't worked in years. It really seems like every technique only works once to cure your hiccups. It's just too bad you are so prone to them."

Frank started quivering, but he knew Amanda was right. He had to do something or the hiccups would last for days.

"I'll go get the rubber gloves and lubricant," said Amanda. "You get ready to bend over." 


For Amanda and Frank's list of hiccup cures see link in comments. 

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