Mysterious Visitor (unique)

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The old man lay upon a bed, grumbling to himself. His body had become shrunken and weak save his white tuft of mad wizardly hair. Why will they not leave me in peace? He just wanted to rest his tired bones. He pulled the thin blankets around his boney shoulders and curled up on his side. What was this place?  He'd forgotten. He stroked his long wispy beard and it soothed his nerves. He wished only to force his way back into a slumber, but alas sleep eluded him. He blamed THEM, whoever they were.

What a place this was with tall ceilings and ominous rumblings at all hours. At one point he'd been escorted through its long eternal corridors. How long ago he could not recall. Time no longer interested him. Just beyond the door of his quarters he could occasionally hear shuffling and murmurs. He would stiffen, bracing himself for an intrusion of his privacy. It had happened before–how long ago he could not tell for sure–but beyond a doubt he knew it would happen again. 

His vision being poor, the old man could not make out the features of his chambers but could appreciate a soft dim yellow light bathed the corner in which he lay. Outside, darkness knocked ominously against the windows. It must be late, he thought. Why does their puttering and creeping never cease?

His life could be in peril, he did not know. He couldn't help but think these were malevolent creatures that roamed the halls. Who was in charge of this macabre circus? He'd give them a piece of his mind!

And then they were upon them, swirling about, pulling at him, tugging at his blankets, threatening to expose the cocoon of warmth he had created. There were two. Well, I'll get some answers now! He snarled and faced the female one who stood above him.

"WHOOO SENT YOUUUU!" he demanded.

The woman shook her head, surprised at this unique question, but she took a step back and crouched lower so they were face to face. She gently placed her hand on his arm but he pulled it away to let her know he didn't want any of this monkey business they peddled.

"Mister Alder, I'm just checking to see if you have any pain after your hip operation. You fell. You are at Northwest Hospital."

He frowned, deepening the wrinkles on his withered face. "NO," he pouted. "LEAVE ME ALONE." 

The doctor nodded and hung her head as she backed out the door. 

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