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"what the fuck are you talking about, travis?" i snap at him after he pushes me inside and closes the door behind him.

i can tell he isn't really pleased to be here but it doesn't offend me in the slightest. i don't want him to be here, either, so at least, we're on the same page.

i wait for him to begin, forcing every single cell in my body to remain as patient as possible but i can only take so much. "you wanted to talk? then talk. i don't want to have to stare at your selfish face all night."

"fine, fine," he rakes his fingers through his brown hair, a sigh of frustration leaving his lips, before he clutches his head and massages his temples lightly, "i will,  just -- just give me a second."

i choose to let it go, despite the anger boiling inside me and look him over instead. i know i shouldn't feel sorry for him but i can't help but do exactly that when i take in the big purple bruise shining across his cheekbone. "you look like shit, travis."

"try sleeping around 4 hours in two weeks," the corners of his mouth quirk upwards a little, "i'm sure you wouldn't look much better."

the comment about his sleeping schedule tenses me up even more so i move to the couch and plop down onto the armrest. i check the clock on the wall, silently praying that my roommate gabby won't choose tonight as one of the few days to actually come home.

she doesn't know of travis since i tried to keep my contact with him as minimal as i could, and i'm not sure telling her that he's my brother would be the best idea.

the more people know about him being here, the more dangerous it gets for me.

not that i have to worry about that aspect, thanks to kaden. if anything good comes out of the terms he and travis set up -- then it's definitely kaden's promise to keep me safe from any potentional threat. though, the irony of it all is that he is the only threat i need protecting from.

"you said you didn't have much time," i tell travis after another few minutes of unbearable silence.

"yeah, i don't." he sighs and sucks in his lower lip nervously as he glances around the apartment, "is anyone else home?"

i consider telling him yes so he would have to get out of here but that wouldn't solve anything. "no, i'm alone."

my eyes flick back up to his face and i watch him silently nod. "i don't want to drag this out but i want to tell you i'm sorry, reina. i didn't mean for you to be drawn so deeply into this. you know i didn't, i wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you."

the sincerity of his voice paralyzes my common sense for a second but i manage to break out from under the spell, "if you didn't mean to draw me so deeply into this, you wouldn't have agreed to kaden's offer in the first place, travis. stop saying shit you don't mean, you know i can't stand it."

"i do mean it, rei." he takes a few steps toward me but stops himself before coming too close, "i didn't want this to be like this for you. do you think knowing that you're fucking up your own life just to make mine better doesn't eat me alive? i think about it every day. i know mom and dad would've killed me if they knew what i forced you into but what else can i do? i can't get you out, no matter how much i want to."

his words would've stung me if i wasn't already immune to them. "save it, travis and just tell me why the hell are you here already. i can't bear listening to your stupid whining right now because if you really did want to do what's best for me, for you, nanna and everyone else around you, you'd be already done with this shit."

the wave of anger rushes through me once again, but i don't fight it this time. the last twenty four hours have been a resemblance of my personal hell and i need to get everything that's bottled up inside me out.

"kaden told me he had to bail you out of jail again last week. when is it going to be enough for you? who else has to die for you to --"

his big hand is clasped over my mouth before i get the rest of the sentence out and he shakes his head, a slightly concerned warning written all across his face.

my brows furrow in confusion and i turn my head to shake his hand off of me. determined to finish my little edifying speech, i open my mouth once i turn back to him but stop myself when he holds his index finger in front of his mouth.

"don't speak," he mouths, not making any other sound as he retrieves his phone, his fingers moving swiftly across the screen.

i'm still not sure what's happening but i remain silent until he turns his phone to me seconds later.

don't freak out but there are several bugs placed around this apartment.

i read his message, my eyes immediately widening, "what? how do you know? who put them in here?"

i mouth back to him and he begins silently typing again.

kaden. just play with me. he can't know what i'm about to tell you.

don't forget to fill in the little star below please!

weeell, who could know reina's apartment was being bugged? and why does travis choose to tell her now, if he knew all along? also, what do you think reina meant by "who else has to die for you (travis)"?

i'm super excited to read your thoughts so don't hesitate to write them, please.

i was planning to post this update anyway but decided to do it immediately when i saw that we're currently ranking as #39 in short story! thank you so so so so much guys, your support means the world

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