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"mind explaining me why are you freaking out this way?" i ask him as i take in the look he's sending kaden all across the huge auditorium. "you're kind of scaring me right now, lauren."

the muscle in his jaw twitches but he doesn't break his staring. kaden's not paying much attention to him though. he watched us walk all the way up, then take our seats in the back of the room but that's about it. i know why he's watching me though and this time, it doesn't have anything in common with our shared history. this time, it's about the assignment i didn't turn in.


"i'm not freaking out," he breaks his unwavering stare, finally turning his gaze to me. "i just don't think a professor should look at any of his female students like that."

"is this your way of trying to show your jelous side?" the corners of my mouth curl up involuntarily. i know he's right but i can't stop the happiness that bursts through me when i see him still care about me after everything i've done.

"are you serious?" he shakes his head adamantly, "of course i'm jealous, reina. but jealousy is not the only thing i feel towards that perv right now."

this doesn't make any sense. if lauren really is digging for kaden's team, why is he speaking about him this way? aren't they supposed to be lifting each other up?

his threatening glare grows stronger with each second passing and i could swear i've never seen him this furious. his jaw is clenched so hard, i'm afraid it's going to snap in two.

"hey," i gently cover his hand resting on the table, curled in a tight fist, with mine. i have no idea what set him so off but i'm willing to do anything to make the pained expression of his face go away at this point. even if it means torturing myself with holding his hand. "it's okay, lauren. i'm not the only girl he's looking at that way. i'm sure it doesn't mean anything, he's just sick in the head."

those are not entirely lies. i'm not the only woman passing kaden's luxury cotton sheets. he has quite a haram, from what i've heard, though i don't think telling lauren that he seems to have this weird possession with finding his way back to me is a good idea.

"i know. it's just. . ." he huffs out a frustrated breath, "i don't like when he's looking at you that way. you're my girlfriend and he shouldn't be checking you out like that. he's a fucking professor, for fuck's sake."

"ex girlfriend." i feel the need to clarify, even though i hate how that word sounds.

his chocolate brown eyes drop to my hand still covering his. "yeah, whatever. same difference."

his voice comes out distant as he remains staring at our hands for what feels like eternity. suddenly, i don't like having him so close to me. his proximity only reminds me of something i can't have, something i had to give up on in order to protect two of the three people i care more than anything about.

i quickly scan his face with my eyes before i force myself to retreat my hand from his. i don't wait for the hurt look that's sure about to flash across his features. instead, i turn away from him and bring my focus on the lecture in front of me.

confrontation has never been one of my strong eminencies but i know now is not the time to be silently complaining about what i'm not good at.

i've had enough time to think this all through and i've come to a conclusion that i want and need to know how lauren fits into all of this. i have questions, a fucking lot of them that is, and i want to know the answers, whatever they are.

so, as soon as the clock above the door start buzzing, signalising the end of the class, i drag in a deep breath and turn to lauren, "uhm, could you . . . maybe walk me to my next class so we could talk?"

his brows knit together for a split second before the soft smile takes over, "sure, i was about to offer anyway."


standing up, i shove the notebook inside my bag and scoot out of the chair before letting him follow me down the aisle.

we walk in silence and a momentary flick of panic washes over me when i begin to question whether he's actually behind me, but the thought gets shoved away when his hand connects with the small of my back, his touch immediately making my knees go weak.

he doesn't say anything else but he doesn't need to, either. his fingertips speak for themselves and once again, i find myself falling into the nostalgic feeling of feeling home.

but feelings can be easily shattered, and this time isn't any different. however, it's not because of lauren, not directly at least. it's because of the person that speaks up next, just as we pass the big, pompous table.

"mister hawt, can i talk to you for a second?"

don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter!

this is all i'm going to say about this chapter. especially since lauren is confusing the hell outta me.

that dude better not be playing with us, or reina for that matter.

mind sharing your thoughts on this chap?

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