Pool party Preparation.

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"Hey babe. I'm gonna set up a fun pool party with blessd angel and some others!"
Said peso with excitement planting a kiss on your neck. "Alright. I'm gonna upload a YouTube video for now, and decorate my walls! I'll see you soon" you said with excitement, ready and egar to finish your YouTube video.

You had to publish this video, it was an editing tutorial for those who didn't know how to edit. Or how to make their own edits, it was kind of cliche, considering you had to edit your own editing video.

Peso plums left quickly going to work on setting up the pool.

You continued to type and cut pieces. You began clicking quickly and then rewatched the video. "Yay" you said outloud as you were closer to finishing all you had to do now. Was add some labels and text.

You got a notepad and took a break, wiriting a couple things that you were grateful for.

You grabbed a sticky note and drew a star.
You placed it on your dashboard.
You went back to editing your video.
You watched it one last time keeping everything good, you had great text. The video was smooth and the quality was popping.

You hit upload and waited for it to process.
Meanwhile you decided to start decorating hanging up some rose stickers and adding plants to your room.

You put a giant heart on both sides of the door... it was so cute. Especially with the sun shining through, you decided to add some decor to the windows and placed some cacti.

As you wrapped up your decor, you decided to check on your upload and found it was uploaded 100% you smiled feeling so happy.
Peso entered again, "I have a small gift" he whispered, your eyes lit up and he kissed you, slowly he gave you a small ring... and a necklace. "I want these to serve as a reminder for how much I love you regardless if we are together or apart... we are together in our hearts"

He said as he hugged you... you were speechless but very happy.

The end! Part 2 will be up

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