Peso plumas surpise

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A/N: YEAHH! I'm back with another chapter. I will be continuing all my books. All the books marked as complete for example unfound love will no longer be updated because it's finished. But for books like this one that revolve around one shots I'll still update them, just not weekly nor will they be my top priority.

& I also understand that there are so many peso fans... so... I will be working on a another peso pluma book!! But I am already working on 3 other books so it may take a while...

Please enjoy! ❤️

I took pesos hand as he lead me inside a giant building I wore a red dress he looked so handsome in his suit...  we passed through a long hall that seemed to stretch endlessly and into the darkness of what appeared to be a huge cavern at its end. As soon as the door closed behind us I was engulfed by darkness. It reminded me too much of my own cave where I'd hidden from my abusive parents... except that instead of dirt, the walls were covered with thick gold leaf, and instead of stalagmites hanging over our heads, they had beautiful chandeliers made out of pearls. I felt like some kind of queen... and this wasn't even my crowning achievement! We reached an archway of carved stone and entered a vast room full of candles. The walls were hung with tapestries depicting scenes depicting men in armor carrying women across mountains. I could only make out the vague shapes of their faces but it was still quite overwhelming and fascinating! I looked at the man I loved admiring all these magnificent tapestries and paintings until we finally came to stop before one that depicted two figures in a field. It was a woman and a male... the woman held a staff in her left hand while the man lifted his sword, ready to strike... then the scene changed to another and the same scene... but then another. And another. And another. All of them depicting a different pair of lovers. One male and one female. The images didn't seem to match but I assumed they must be husband and wife because I had seen them kissing many times before. They looked so happy... it was the best... I saw roses all over the place. "why'd you bring me here?"

"because I love you...literally... I want us to spend the rest of our lives together.. and it's our break from tour let's enjoy it" said peso with his warm smile and his suit.

"look!" He pulled me closer to him and pointed at the wall. "There's an archway just like these on the other side... we go there and we can see the ocean for miles and miles and miles..." I nodded and smiled and listened to everything he told me. This was really nice... it was the first time I'd ever been alone with anyone and I wanted to cherish every second of it. I was grateful for his gesture but I knew he'd never do anything like this if he thought I would regret it later. His eyes never strayed from mine as he spoke to me about all of his wonderful plans for our future. I didn't notice how he stopped and stared at my face... or that my tears started falling. I just enjoyed his company and tried to keep smiling. But I felt awful. Why couldn't I have been born as a girl? Maybe I wouldn't cry.
He wiped the tears off of my cheeks tenderly. "You look so beautiful... why are you crying?" I looked down, ashamed. "Why are you sad mi amor? Tell me please? I want you to be happy. You deserve happiness, no?"
"Yes...yes I do..." I said softly. "I am happy come here" I said kissing him and he kissed me back, the ocean sight was beautiful and stretched out for miles.

he kissed my neck I slowly moaned seeing his beautiful face and his tattoos he looked so sexy...

he looked deep into my eyes I didn't know if he could read my thoughts or feel my soul through the touch of my lips... he cupped my face in his hands I wanted him to kiss me deeper... and more passionately... 
he put his hand between my legs he was stroking me through my dress he was so talented not just at music ... he moved his fingers up and down making me moan again I was getting so wet but I didn't care it was perfect it was better than perfection it made me want more... and more...
I grabbed his hair pulling it away from his face he was watching me now and he leaned forward and kissed me, his lips tasted sweet and salty at the same time it was so passionate I gasped in surprise and pleasure. Then he pulled away and began kissing my face his tongue dancing around my lips and my ear his hand caressing me under my skirt.
I moaned, "come with me... please let's stay here forever" I pleaded holding onto him tighter. I wanted to be wrapped in blankets and kisses and soft pillows and warmth and love... I needed someone who loved me back I needed him. I wanted him so much and I wanted him to make love to me so bad... he didn't disappoint me... he was gentle and loving and gave me the feeling of being cherished and protected... I felt like my heart was about to burst I felt so good... he kept kissing my face and hands...
slowly I took off his suit kissing his beautiful body underneath and he moaned softly...
"I love you" he said.

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