...W-Wet F-food-d...

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Alright... this is something about myself that I don't want to.... talk.... or remember about.... but at the same time I do...

Me personally, I don't mind mixing foods as long as it's edible-stable and doesn't make me gag.

Speaking of gagging, I'm a criminal at it. Whenever something doesn't smell good or taste good, I'm the first one to tear up.

Other stuff like vomit and gross things on t.v. make me gag, but come to think of it, my worst "gag moments" would be wet food.

Yes I said 'wet food'.

What I mean by 'wet food' is when water literally mixes with the food I'm about to put in my mouth (unless if it requires water like insta-noodles).

So then the story behind this is last year on father's day, my family from the next city over came to celebrate with a grilled feast. We had everything!

Carné Asada
Mashed potatoes
Honey bread
And a whole lotta more food

So the family that came consists of my aunt, unckle, cousins (two), my cousin's wife, and their absolutely adorable daughter!!!

(If you can't tell, she's my little angel! I love her!!)

Anyways, for some reason, we were drinking water from those plastic water bottles (which always leaves stray bottles everywhere) but anyways, my little angel wanted a drink of water. She tugged at my dress a bit and pointed to the water in my hand. I handed her my water bottle and she took it gladly, taking the sips she needed.

But here's the thing....

She's still a toddler and you all know how babies eat (sort of) sloppily? Well then, apparently she had one small piece of corn in her mouth (stuck on the inside of mouth where her cheek is I guess) and as she drank my water, the water made the piece of corn flow into the bottle itself...

Once she was done drinking from my water bottle, there was only a sip left (with that piece of corn) and my first thought was to finish the drink.

I did not know that there was corn in my drink!!

So when I drank the rest, I felt that tiny piece of corn flow into my mouth as I drank.

And you know what I did?

I. Chewed. It.

I nearly spit it out right there in middle of the room, surrounded by loved ones. I (somehow) managed to swallow...

I started gagging like crazy. Everyone was staring at me, even my little angel. She had a face full of curiosity.

"What's wrong Mich?" asked my aunt.

I responded with "I think I, [gag], ate a piece of, [gag], corn that fell into my water from ______ (my little angel's name) when I let her drink from, [gag], it..."

Everyone just started laughing while I was about to jump into the kitchen to get clean water.

I ended up laughing at the situation too and I still do every time I tell this story to someone but ever since that day, I try to control my gag reaction....

Hell, I'm gagging right now...

Ugh, and don't get me started on bean boozled...

Rotten cheese. Not good for me...

But that's only one fact about myself that makes me... me!

Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you soon...


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