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[ there's way too much stuff here i know ]

《 brightpaw's and dapplepaw's warrior names are brightsage and dapplerain 》

《 brightpaw is nb / female 》

《 although petalpaw and shellpaw were apprenticed at the same time, petalpaw did not receive her warrior name until brightpaw and dapplepaw also did because she failed her first warrior assessment 》

《 starlingfall's warning to dandeliontuft stimulated her to be much harsher and even violent to her daughter, giving petalbreeze a predisposed inferiority complex and a penchant for self-abhorrence, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy on starlingfall's and dandeliontuft's part 》

《 the omen itself, however, was false: petalbreeze being born on the solstice was a coincidence and had nothing to do with the deaths of shellfreeze's mother and siblings or that of petalbreeze's father 》

《 after petalbreeze's death, starclan made starlingfall revoke his status as a medicine cat because of his false omen causing petalbreeze to be abused and cause her to hate herself all her life. likewise, dandeliontuft will go to the dark forest for hurting her kit both psychologically and physically 》

《 petalbreeze's father's name was sedgesnow, and his appearance matches petalbreeze's: white with blue eyes 》

《 originally, petalbreeze was going to be white with ginger patches and amber eyes. this was changed because shadedatlas had graphics available and i wanted one :) [ but also because white stands out more against nature than amber and white, and standing out is one of the things she talks about in the book, albeit briefly ] 》

《 petalbreeze's name doesn't mean what she thinks it means: she was named 'petal' for her petite and delicate appearance and 'breeze' for her pacifistic nature and her gentleness to other cats- a gentleness she never gave to herself 》

《 i did not make shellfreeze's and petalbreeze's names rhyme intentionally... if you thought "oh their names rhyme because they were friends", you are not correct... sry xD 》

《 shellfreeze's mother's name was bloomspirit, and her siblings' names were violetkit, adderkit and bluebellkit 》

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