The Future Us

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quick note: I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! It's inspired by an imagine I read on tumblr a while back, though I can't remember who wrote 

summary: The reader and Peter accidentally time travel.

word count: 2,863

The x mansion was silent as y/n and Peter poked around Hank's lab, y/n looked around curiously flashing her light around at notes as Peter sped around the large space projecting a silver streak. He  suddenly stopped abruptly peering down at something on the table in front of him. "psst y/n." The silver haired boy whispered to his best friend.

"What?" She asked looking up from across the room. Currently the two were still roaming around Hank's lab in the x mansion at 2 am on April first. They had gone in with the intention of taking a few things to hide for a harmless April fools prank, but now the duo ended up exploring all the lab equipment and inventions they weren't even aware existed. y/n walked over to her friend, flashing her light around the desk that his eyes were fixed on.

"Look at this." Peter said, shining his flashlight into y/n's face with a smirk. She shielded her eyes with her own flashlight in hand, pushing his wrist away from her face with her free hand and he directed it at the desk, where there were multiple papers and tools laid out.

 "What?" She questioned again, "What are you looking at?" Her question was soon answered as Peter picked up a small metal box. He eyed the object curiously in his hand, tracing over the sides with his thumb. 

"Neat." He commented, holding it up for her to see. There was  a yellow sticky note attached to the top of the box with marks of where creases used to be, it read 'don't press button'

"Put that back" y/n told him suddenly shooing it away as her nervousness began to take over. This only made the speedster smirk.

"Why? I kinda wanna push the button to see what happens." 

"No!" She practically hissed as she took the box from his hand.


"You mean besides the fact that it literally says not to press the button?"

"What does it even do?" Peter asked with a small smirk. "it's literally out in the open, do you think our dear friend Hank would just leave something dangerous lying around? Huh?" 

"not if he knew that you'd be snooping around! There's a reason that no ones allowed in here." 

"Hey, you're here too." Peter defended.

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to mess with a potentially dangerous piece of technology." 

Peter pouted for a moment giving his friend the best pair of puppy eyes he could make, "please?"


"I just wanna see-"


"How bad can it be?" Peter asked the girl reaching for the box.

"Stop!" y/n told him attempting to shield the box from him, but she was no match for his super speed, in a flash he reached over farther taking it, and before she could react he was holding it and he pushed down the red button. 

"Peter!" She whisper yelled, throwing her hands on her head in panic, but when nothing happened Peter groaned.

"Lame." He simply said.

Y/n sighed in relief, reaching to take the device from a disappointed Peter but before she could take it from him it began to glow yellow and vibrate. "Peter what did you do?" y/n whispered when the room began to shake, matching the box's vibrations. The two friends changed looks and y/n bumped into Peter, losing her balance as the room shook harder. We need to get out of here. A zap was heard and a portal appeared where the lab door should have been behind them. Papers and equipment began flying towards it, Peter grabbed a hold of a nearby bookshelf and caught  y/n's wrist with his other hand when he felt like he was beginning to levitate towards the blinding white portal. "Oh why did you hit that button?" y/n yelled over all of the commotion as her hair flew into her face, from the portal's pull.

"I'm sorry!" Then the hinges that held the bookshelf in it's place against the wall began giving out and the pair of teens shrieked when the shelf began to gravitate towards the portal. "My hand's slipping!" 

"Peter, don't you dare leg go of that bookshelf!" y/n yelled allowing strands of her hair to fly into her mouth, "we need to get out of here!" 

"There's no door!" He reminded the girl and his grip on her hand began to slip from the portal's strength. y/n shrieked as she began slipping away farther, Peter's fingers that once were secured around his friend's wrist were now desperately wrapped around her hand, and she was still slipping. "Hold on!" Peter screamed over the ruckus, then a lamp flew over and hit him in the head-causing him to let go-and the two were separated and sucked straight into the portal crying out in terror. 

Y/n didn't  know how long she had been unconscious but quite frankly-she didn't care, all she cared about was where the portal had brought her and Peter-and how they would get back home. She groaned sitting up from the cold floor, pushing herself up from her stomach. Wooden floor. She noticed. Hopefully we're just in another part of the mansion. "Hey Peter?" She whispered, reaching for her flashlight. "I think we're just in another room." she said taking a moment to stretch her arms. "Pe-" she stopped in mid sentence realizing she was in a completely different room than any other in the mansion. There were children's books lined up next to each other on a shelf next to the door and the walls were painted a soft turquoise. There was a bed in front of her, it's star patterned covers were neatly fixed and a small variety of stuffed animals were grouped in front of it's two large decorative pillows. Just a few inches above the bed's head board hung white wooden letters arranged to read 'Crystal' in a cute cursive-like font. There was a large window behind y/n, it took up about half of the wall. y/n stood, noticing a picture frame standing on the little white nightstand beside the bed. She held it and her eyes widened. The frame contained a photo of her, Peter, Scott, Jean and Kurt all smiling and sitting on a checkered blanket on the front lawn of Xavior's school having a picnic. y/n recognized it-Jubilee had taken that photo only a few days ago. Only this copy of the photo looked like it had aged, with all of the flattened wrinkles across it and the heart that was drawn around her and Peter. This is so weird. She blinked, putting the photo back.

 y/n let her curiosity get to her as she turned her head to inspect the rest of the room. Outside of the window the skies were bright and birds were chirping peaceful songs, a white clock that was mounted next to the door read 2:05. Y/n took a breath while so many questions began flooding into her mind. How was it two in the afternoon if not even a minute ago it was three in the morning. The sound of footsteps outside of the room pulled the girl out of her thoughts, making her jump. She really didn't want to go out and face her reality, but how would she find out where she was if she stayed hidden. Here goes nothing she thought approaching the door. She took one last breath, turning the door knob softly before opening it. 

The hallway was bright with all of the natural light seeping through the windows, and it was full of students. They were all walking to class with books-some in groups laughing and some alone- y/n panicked when she didn't recognize anyone. She pulling up the hood of her sweatshirt, keeping her head down and scurried to hide behind a plant while continuing to watch everyone. The entire place was remodeled. There was a fresher paint job on the walls and everything seemed newer and cleaner. She scanned the small crowd of traveling mutants, spotting a much older looking Hank who was in his blue and furry skin. "what-" she said to herself with widening eyes. "how?"

"Hey!" Peter's voice came suddenly making her jump, "looks like we're in the future, pretty cool huh?"

"No, no it is not cool." Y/n whispered in a hiss, "we don't even know what day we're in or how to get back to our regular time!"

"Let's just ask hank." Peter shrugged, "I mean it was his thing that brought us here in the first place. Look he's right over there."

"We can't." Y/n told the boy, "remember the professor's lesson? We could mess everything up!"

"Oh, that's right." Peter realized looking disappointed. "...don't you wanna take a look around though? See what's changed?" Y/n shook her head no frantically. "Oh come on y/n..." Peter insisted, "aren't you a little curious to see what your future is like? I wanna find myself." He said looking back at the mutants around them. "Can't really do that from behind a plant though." He teased.

Y/n looked back at the hallway, feeling a bit of curiosity make its way into her gut. "Well how would we walk around without getting noticed?"

"I literally have super speed." 

"Yeah but so does your future self."


"So what if your future self sees you?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "and what if someone else sees you? We need to be smart and make sure that people notice us." Then she looked to the boy with a raised eyebrow. "Just promise me-"

"Ok I promise I won't knock anything over or something." He sighed cutting her off. "but I can't promise that-"


"Fine, no pranks." He groaned.

"Let's go find the professor, he can probably help us just make su-" And with a gush of wind, Peter was completely gone. Y/n sighed realizing she'd have to walk out of her hidden spot sooner or later. Fine. She thought, stepping out from behind the large plant and walking down the hallway into the direction of where the Xavier's office was. Class had started and the hall was completely empty now as she looked up at the grand staircase, and she began to make her up to the second floor. Peter then appeared beside y/n again and pulled his goggles up off of his eyes, he chugged down a soda before opening his mouth to speak, "it's fine the cabinet was full of them." He told her quickly after taking note of her disapproval. "Guess what though, my future self is nowhere to be found and neither is the professor."

"This is terrible!" y/n said, "now what?" 

"Hey, it's fine. We'll figure it out." Peter told her unexpectedly taking her hands into his, "he's probably just out somewhere. We can wait. Plus you have me..imagine being stuck here alone and bored." He said the last part with a small smirk as he began to descend down the stairs. 

"yeah, you're right." y/n agreed with a smile, following him down "but remember you're the reason we're here in the first place." She joked and he pretended to be offended. She let out a small shriek when she missed the last step (same) but Peter was quick and caught her, although she wouldn't have fallen. "Oh." She whispered softly when she realized how close they were, "t-thanks."

"No problem." He mumbled, starting to lean in. And they were so close that y/n could smell him-vanilla and she felt like she was melting in his arms and their lips were so close to touching, and their foreheads were leaning on each other and he had just brushed his lips over hers when-      


The two froze and turned their heads into the direction of the sound, quickly separating. The source of the voice was a young girl, probably about five years old. "I think that's your daughter." Y/n mumbled to Peter awkwardly taking a step away from him.

"who's that?" The girl asked even more confused when she saw y/n. "Are you cheating on mommy?" She whimpered pointing her small finger at the silver haired boy.

"Let's just pretend we don't see her and walk away...very...slowly." Peter suggested in a small whisper beginning to walk backwards in slow motion, y/n slapped his arm.

"I'm telling mommy!" The girl shrieked in a threatening voice.

"No! Don't do that!" y/n called out, throwing her hand in front of her. "Look!" y/n then began forming little snowflakes with her fingers, in an effort to distract the girl. The snowflakes then disappeared as she created a small icy carousel in her hand that spun slowly.

"Mommy!" The little girl cheered, taking the two teens by surprise. And she ran up to y/n hugging her leg tightly, "I thought you were someone else!"  

"I-um-" y/n said in confusion, "sorry what?"

"Well..." Peter said picking the girl up after she ran to him. "I think that this is our child." He laughed swinging the girl a little. "Look she has your nose." He commented, booping the small child's nose gently. "boop." That caused her to erupt into a small fit of giggles. "She's just how Luna was when she was little." He said mentioning his younger sister. 

"She has your eyes." y/n realized getting closer to the girl.

"You don't need Mr. professor to get home." The little girl said, y/n and Peter looked at each other in confusion. "I can see inside your mind."

"Crystal!" A voice came from down the hall, "I've been looking everywhere for you!" A figure of a woman could be seen walking down the hall to them. 

"You shouldn't let her see you." The girl warned, "you should hide."

"We don't even know how to get home." y/n told the girl. 

"you don't need to." The girl said, "it wares off."

 Peter gave his future daughter a look of confusion and set her down gingerly. "What?"

"Trust me." The girl smiled, "it's only a matter of time." She assured them, "I would know."

The figure of the woman got closer as y/n looked to the girl, "how-What's your mutation?" The girl opened her mouth to answer but suddenly y/n felt dizzy, she grabbed onto Peter's arm to stabilize herself and she was suddenly getting farther away from the girl and the hall, although no one was moving. "Wait!" She yelled feeling something pulling her away, the girl smiled waving goodbye.

"I love you mom, I love you dad." She said, the last thing y/n saw was an older looking version of herself picking up the small girl with a smile. Then everything went black as it did when y/n got there.

The first thing y/n noticed was the faint feeling of nausea lingering in the pit of her stomach but it soon disappeared and she opened her eyes hesitantly. After a few seconds of laying on her back she realized that Peter was laying on top of her. So that's why I feel like I'm being crushed. His face was nuzzled into the crook of her neck and he seemed to still be unconscious. "Peter?" She asked the boy gently shaking his elbow.

He groaned in response, "five more minutes, professor. I promise I'll go to class tomorrow..." he said groggily, dozing off again. She shook him again, whispering his name. "yeah...I know y/n's pretty-back off Warren..."  

"Peter get up." She tried again, "you're on top of me."

"I'm on top of-wait what?" He asked suddenly aware of his surroundings, he perked his head up fast enough to get whiplash and their eyes met ."Oh."

"Can you get off of me?"

He stared at her lips for a moment comprehending her words before giving her a flirty smile and cocking a brow, the boy made eye contact with the flustered girl. "Actually I'm pretty comfortable like this, aren't you?"

"no, you're crushing me." 

Peter let out a long dramatic sigh, standing up. "and I thought we were having a moment." He said to himself under his breath. He offered his hand to her, pulling her to her feet when she took it. 

"Thanks." She said a bit quietly. 

He nodded biting his lip in thought, "looks like we're back." 

She nodded. "yup..."

"So...what time is it?"

y/n looked over at the clock on the lab's wall "3 in the morning-we were only gone for an hour?!"

"It felt shorter."

"Shorter?" y/n asked, "it felt like an eternity!"

"That's only because you were freaking out the whole time." Peter replied with his usual smile, "on the other hand I was having the time of my life, that was fun!"

"You're crazy we could've seriously messed something up." y/n told the mischievous boy. 

"But you've gotta admit." He said with a cocky tone "it was fun. Especially because you were stuck with just me." 

"Being stuck with you was the worst part." y/n joked, elbowing him playfully. 

"Oh you love me." He laughed. She rolled her eyes shaking her head at the boy before he added "if you don't believe me, why would you have married me?" She went a shade of red and Peter winked, speeding off.

the ending is terrible, I'm sorry writer's block ahahhhh

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