Waking Up

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Song - Lost Boy by Ruth B
Warning! - Long Chapter!

It was late at night; maybe 2:30 at the earliest. I heard a bunch of rustling and bumping around my room, and some thumping on the walls.

Agh! Andrea and Alice were probably practicing their sword fighting again! Didn't the know how late it was?

I groggily opened my eyes and stared at the wall that my bed was pushed up against. Andrea and Alice were twins who shared a room right under our apartment, and they were thumping the ceilings and walls at break neck speeds. Who knows what they were doing? I heard crashes and bangs, and a series of "Shhhs" whenever it got really loud. Somehow they were loud enough that I could here their whispering!

They both like to sword fight with sticks of driftwood that we found on a beach a short walk away from the apartment building. I of course play along with them, having nobody else even close to my age living in the complex, but they are so into it that they do it continuously, where as I like to take breaks to do other things.

They also have an infatuation with all of the Peter Pan stories I tell, and normally had a huge amount of fights after they heard one with one of them acting as Peter Pan, and the other being Captain Hook or another pirate. They normally "fought" at night, but it's usually only until 11:15 at the latest. But I knew that since I had fallen asleep at one o'clock this morning, as it was a Saturday night and I had no school the next morning, that it was far past eleven.

I fumbled through the darkness and plopped on my glasses. They were easy to find since the arms of them glow in the dark, a nice touch that I found by surprise the night I got them. I knew my phone was right under them, so I grabbed it and checked the time.

I squinted into the bright light. Two! It was only two in the morning! I got an hour of sleep at most, and then I get woken by this crap! Mom and Dad must've been sleeping heavily tonight, or they would've put a stop to this immediately, calling their parents and asking them to please keep down the noise.

Well, it was the weekend... I sat up and turned on my lamp. Ah, the lamp was an old one. I needed to change it, but my parents were always so busy, as well as I, what with concerts and all of my extra curricular activities, so there's been no time to look for a new lamp, or bed sheets for that matter.

The lamp still had Barbie as a dancing ballerina on it, and the bed sheets were all shades of pink and had Hannah Montana on them, a show long since forgotten about at my age. All the rage is how Hannah is now; the hammer licking, wrecking ball riding, crazy twerk-aholic. I have had these things since I moved into the house when I was five years old and in kindergarten, and could use such a makeover if any of us had the time to do it. I giggled quietly to myself as I thought about it.

I had gotten around to taking the Justin Bieber posters down from the walls and ceiling, and I was glad that they weren't there anymore. I had replaced the posters with (Y/N) spelled out in letters on my wall above the bed, and a kitten poster too.

I also had an ice skating poster hanging by my bed. Lastly, I put a huge dry erase board poster on the wall that I would draw on and write reminders to myself on. What I had on it now was a bunch of Peter Pan quotes from the show "Once Upon A Time" on ABC written everywhere on it.

I groggily convinced myself to sit up, and looked around the room as I thought about what other changes could be made to my room. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the banging again, and I noticed that it wasn't coming from Andrea and Alice's room downstairs, but from my own room.

I scanned the room feverishly since the noises were so loud and the banging was scary and confusing. Thoughts were coming to my head as I imagined how a burglar or murderer could be trying to use my room as an entrance to the apartment complex so they could do whatever they wanted.

My eyes fell onto a corner on the far side of the room, where the noise seemed to be coming from the loudest. I saw a figure standing in the corner, nothing older than a teenage boy. He was a dirty blonde-haired kid who wore garbs kind of like what pirates wore, but in the color of forest hues. You know, a scheme of greens, browns, blacks.

I paid attention to his face in detail, and I could tell that he was very hot. I could barely think straight once I saw him, and I wasn't quite sure how to respond to the sight of this beautiful stranger standing uninvited my in my room.

I gasped when I noticed him, but only for a second before he quickly hushed me.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he whispered quietly. He stood up and carefully approached me, as if I was a frightened animal that he didn't want to run away.

"Let me introduce myself; I'm Peter, Peter Pan, and I'm from Neverland. My shadow flew into your room and I came back to retrieve him. Sorry to wake you, I was trying to be quiet. I saw how late you went to sleep..." he said.

"Peter Pan...? The one from the stories I love to tell my friends?" I asked, awed by the fact that he could be the one person who made me melt as I heard one of his tales.

"The one and only. What's your name?" he asked, smirking as he did so. It was a good look on him.

"I'm (Y/N)," I replied. But, there was still one thing that didn't make sense. "How did you know that I went to sleep late?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"My shadow flew in here around eleven. I didn't want to come in while you were still up, and I had to wait quite a bit for you to finally close your eyes and sleep. I don't know what you were doing on that laptop of your's, typing as furiously as you were," he chuckled.

I smiled at him. "I like to write stories, and I was up writing down every story I knew about you so that I could always have them, even if I forget them." He blushed at my words.

"Really? You were?" he asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yes, I was," I rested my hand on his, and looked at him. He turned almost as red as a tomato.

"Wait, that means you heard me as I was listening to my music!" I exclaimed as I realized that I had been singing at the top of my lungs while he was outside of my room. He chuckled at my reaction.

"Yeah, I did. Don't worry though, you sounded beautiful," he reassured me as my face turned about as read as a fire truck.

"Oh, I must've been terrible if you feel the need to make me feel better about it," I said as I looked down, almost as embarrassed as he had been earlier.

"No, I really did enjoy it. Especially the one about me," he smiled. I had a new favorite song called "Lost Boy" by Ruth B that mentioned Peter Pan and his gang quite a number of times. I had been listening to this song mere minutes before I fell asleep for the night.

"Thanks, it's a favorite," I smiled, giving him a somewhat flirtatious wink.

"I could tell," he smirked. The conversation dwindled for a bit in awkward silence before he spoke again.

"Well, I am sorry to have woken you," he said as he went to get up.

"Wait, would you like to stay for a little bit?" I asked as I quickly stopped him, hoping he would. He had looked upset as he went to depart. I prayed that he wouldn't leave; he was so hot and charming.

"Yes, actually. If that's okay with you, of course," he said, crawling into my bed and lying down next to me.

"No, it's quite alright with me. How did your shadow get away from you this time?" I asked, remembering a few stories about that pesky shadow that I had recently told and written down.

"He just flew about, until he landed here," he explained nonchalantly, as if it was a normal everyday thing, which it pretty much was for him.

"Actually, I'm glad you came tonight, Peter. Tomorrow, my parents are making me forget every childish thing I have come to adore over the years, which is why I wrote all of the stories down. I won't be able to tell the stories to Alice or Andrea, or hear them anymore, so I'm glad I could meet you before that part of me is forcefully ripped from my being," I said sadly, remembering the outburst my parents had had after Andrea had knocked my mother's finest china plates off of the counter while stick fighting after hearing another one of my stories.

"What?! No more stories?! But you have to tell them! They are the best! I come here every night to listen to them!" he exploded in anger, but quickly shut his mouth after realizing what he had just admitted.

"Every night?" I asked, confused at how this crucial bit of information had slipped past me. I was always praised for being such an observant child at school, so this was quite the blow for me. His blush deepened to a bright scarlet.

"That's not important," he quickly dismissed the topic. I leaned my head on his shoulder, never fully looking in his eyes.

"You should come with me to Neverland, and tell the Lost Boys stories, and learn some new ones!" he exclaimed, embarrassment forgotten and replaced by excitement as he came up with the idea.

"Really, Peter?! I can go with you?!" I almost shouted.

"Yes, now come on," he said, pulling me out of my bed.

"Wait, let me get out of my pajamas and into something a bit more comfortable," I giggled, grabbing a pair of black leggings, jean shorts, and a dark gray shirt with a pale orange heart on it and running into the bathroom to change.

Once I was done, I brushed my teeth, making sure to get rid of the rotten smell of morning breath. I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pockets, and grabbed my brush. I sat down on the bed while brushing my hair and talking to him,

"Peter, I am so excited that I could just kiss you right now!" I exclaimed, jumping up and putting my brush back on my dresser. But I was met with a confused head tilt.

"Excuse me, but what's a kiss?" He asked, looking down and now turning crimson.

"Peter, would you like me to show you what a kiss is?" I asked softly, excited at the very thought of kissing this fairy tale hero. He nodded.

I walked over to him, my smile growing with every passing second. "Put your hands on my waist, and when I start showing you what a kiss is, follow your instincts and put them wherever you feel is appropriate," I instructed him. He looked confused, but I smiled at him and said "Don't worry, kissing is very fun."

He placed his hands on my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders. I leaned in, and connected out lips together. He moved his hands to the small of my back, bringing me closer to him. I didn't stop him; instead, I brought him closer to me as well.

I deepened the kiss, and in response, he tangled one hand in my hair, and moved the other down to my side. He slowly pinched it, making me shoot backwards, pushing him away because it tickled so badly. I giggled as I did, and prayed that he wouldn't use it against me. But, the devious glint in his eyes told me otherwise...

"What was that all about?" he asked, confused.

"Uh, nothing..." I lied since he didn't seem to catch on.

"Wait a second, don't tell me your ticklish!" He exclaimed, a devious smile spreading over his face to match the devious glint in his eyes.

"No, what would make you think that...?" I asked, doing a terrible job at hiding the fact that I truly was lying.

"Oh, I am so going to get you so badly later!" He smirked, a look of triumph and mischievousness on his face.

"No, please! Don't you dare!" I begged. I hated being tickled. It happen a lot when I was little, and it was torture every time.

"Oh, don't you worry, (Y/N). I'll get you in Neverland," he threatened impishly. I didn't say anything; I was overcome with fear.

After another while of neither of us talking, Peter started another conversation.

"Did you like it?" he asked, a little worried that I would say no. I knew exactly what he meant by that; the kiss.

"Yes, I did," I reassured him. He smiled triumphantly.

"I've only read about kissing, but it is much more that what the books proclaim it to be," he said, his smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat's.

"I thought you didn't know what a kiss was?" I inquired suspiciously, smirking at him as he uncovered the truth without me even having to do any digging.

"Uh, well... I've read about it and stuff, but I hadn't experienced it... And I well, wanted too..." he trailed off, looking down in embarrassment once again.

"Aw, don't worry, it's fine," I reassured, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Let's set off to Neverland!" he exclaimed, rejuvenated by the little kiss.

"Okay, let's be off!" I exclaimed with him, overjoyed by this new trip. He took Tinker Bell out from nowhere, and sprinkled some of her pixie dust on me.

"Here, now think of a happy memory and you'll start to fly," Peter instructed.

"Okay," I said, and went on to think about meeting him, and the kiss, and what we will do together on the island. I felt my feet losing contact with the ground, and I was off.

"Nice job! Follow me," Peter said, flying out of the window once I got the hang of it. I followed him out, and looked at the beautiful city below me.

He led me to the second star to the right, and off we were to Neverland.
Wow, I can't believe I'm sharing this! This is an old story I wrote just for myself a while ago, so sorry if the beginning parts aren't as good... I tried to make them better! Anyways, let me know what you guys think of it!

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