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So I thought this would be kind of a fun idea-when Harry is in Ravencroft. But like when the Goblin is more leaving him alone and he's doing well with his psychiatrists? Idk but it's cute so..
"Go fish." Harry said, a triumphant smirk plastered on his face, not a trace of the Goblin right then.
"Aw man! That was one of the last cards I needed." Peter sighed, drawing a card. "You so would've lost."
Harry glanced over his cards, "Got any Aces?"
Peter sighed dramatically, handing over a pair, "Uncool. I quit." He said jokingly.
"You always sucked at card games." Harry noted, stretching, "I'm gonna count that as a victory considering you're quitting."
Peter laughed, "Sure, sure." He tossed the cards down. "Consider it what you want."
Harry ran his fingers through his hair. Though usually he wouldn't be caught dead with messy hair, that seemed to be the last thing on his mind at Ravencroft.
"You know, Har, I bet I could beat you at WAR or Phase Ten. I just suck at kids games." Peter teased.
"Kids games?!" Harry asked in a scoff, "Mind you, Go Fish is a classic!"
Peter nodded, "A classic. A kids classic." He mused.
"I'm sorry, would you rather play Duck, Duck, Goose?" Harry retorted, but there was a smile on his face.
"That's a little hard to play with two people." Peter said, laughing more. "Maybe we should just stop playing games."
"Maybe we should, snob." Harry teased. "But you know, I would love some ice cream. Whaddya say to sneaking me in some?"
"You're not allowed ice cream?"
"No. Apparently sugars 'not good for a damaged brain'." He even added the finger motions. "Pleeeease? You can take the money from my father's bank account!"
Peter actually laughed at that, "You want me to steal money from your dad to buy you ice cream? No."
"But..." Harry pouted.
"But," Peter began, "I will get you some. What flavor do you want? Vanilla?"
Harry seemed a bit taken back by this question, "Uh... Yeah. Yeah vanilla sounds right." (If you're reading this (you know who you are) I had to add this oops)

Peter nodded, "Vanilla it is. I'll be right back." He got to his feet, knocking on the door. The guard came and opened it up, "I'll be right back, keep an eye on my pal in there for me okay?" He asked, and the guard nodded, and Peter left.
An hour later, the guard let Peter in again who was now wearing a suspiciously large coat.
He closed the door behind them and Harry looked up eagerly, "Took you long enough."
Peter pulled out a half-gallon tub of vanilla ice cream, and a chocolate one, then sat down beside him. He handed him a spoon, "Well, I had to get silverware." He said.
Harry tore open the vanilla and just dug in, moaning at the flavor. "Mmm... This is..mm so good.."
Peter almost laughed, but restrained, "It really has been a long time, hasn't it?"
Harry only nodded.
Peter then began eating his own, happy to spend time with his best friend, even if it was behind bars..

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