Peter// New Beginnings

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* Request: no

Rating: fluffy

I wanted a sweet little beginning so enjoy! *

Peter Parker was late again. The boy had left on time for school that morning but was quickly turned around when he witnessed a robbery in progress just across the street from the bodega. It was his job as a hero to stop the bad guys but it took a lot longer than he expected.

That's why first period had begun twenty minutes ago and he was just now entering the school. The hallways were completely empty since all the students had found their classrooms well before he did. He stopped at his locker to place the sweaty suit inside instead of allowing it to stink up his backpack but as he went to close his locker, the spidey-senses on his arm tingled.

In one swift motion, Peter's arm darted out to his left to catch someone seconds before they would have rammed right into his open locker door. He found himself with his arms wrapped around a girl who had a map crumpled between her hand and his shoulder. But as he looked down at her, he noticed that she was pretty. Really pretty.

Peter hadn't even realized he was still holding the girl in a rather intimate position until she tried to pull herself away. He squeaked out an apology and let her stand upright all on her own. The shy girl tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alright," she replied while trying to flatten the folds she had made in her paper. "I was looking at the map and not at where I was going."

Peter had been going to Midtown for two years and he was certain that he would have seen such a beautiful girl at least once before; she had to have been new. So he voiced his question.

"I just moved here from (Y/Hometown)." The young hero could tell this girl was just as shy as he was from her red cheeks and her quiet answers. Perhaps he could change that.

"Well where are you going? Maybe I can help," he offered, beaming down at the girl. She showed him the class name and room number printed on her schedule.

"Oh cool, you have English 3! I'm going there too. I can walk you." The bright smile on his face transferred over to hers and she thanked him for offering.

Peter finished pulling out his textbooks and closed his locker. He held a hand out as an overpolite gesture for her to walk forward, of which he earned himself a small laugh from her. As the two walked down the quiet hallways, Peter held his hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Peter."

The girl shook his hand, blushing. "I'm (Y/N)."

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