Peter // Turning Point

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The Senior Year Decathlon Team trip to Europe had been the best time of their lives. The food was delicious, the buildings were breathtaking and the fact that they were there with their closest friends was the cherry on top. It was also the perfect time for Peter to make his move.

(Y/N) was enthralled with Europe, their many years as best friends meant Peter knew a thing or two about her, so he thought this was the perfect place. If he did it here, it would be done in front of a beautiful scene from one of the many places they've travelled and it would always better their memory of their anniversary. He needed to do it here.

But Peter Parker was a nerd. He had never had a girlfriend before and the only time he came close was when the girl's father tried to kill him. He really was unlucky when it came to girls but he swore this time wouldn't be like the others. He wouldn't chicken out last minute or run away embarrassed when she asked what the matter was. It was finally going to happen.

The boy had a plan in motion. He would ask her to be his date for the fancy night of the trip where all of them dressed up for a theatre show and a dinner. Peter could hold her hand as they watched, pull her chair out for her at dinner and if he was lucky, he could kiss her goodnight. It would have been perfect if he hadn't gotten scared.

"I can't do it." The boy flopped backwards on the bed, hearing a loud crack and then wondering if he had just broken the bed. He ignored that and continued with his meltdown.

Ned watched his best friend lay flat out on the bed. Peter had been trying for years to ask this girl out and got scared every time, and each time Ned had to be there to comfort his friend. Not this time.

"Yes, you can." Peter looked up. "You're Spiderman! You can go out there and ask that girl if she'd go out with you." Ned knew (Y/N) just as well as he knew Peter so he knew of her hidden feelings for him. Why it had taken him so long to push them together, he didn't know, but he wasn't losing his opportunity now.

"What are you two going on about?" MJ entered the small hotel room, her hair dripping onto a towel draped over her shoulder. "(Y/N)'s in the shower and I can still hear you whining." She chuckled though she was angry that even with the running water, she could hear Peter complaining to Ned.

Ned filled MJ on Peter's problem, drawing out a loud laugh from the girl. Peter's face turned red from embarrassment and he covered his face with his hands.

"Seriously dude, you gotta tell her," MJ spoke straightforward before stealing the leftover cannoli from the boy's lunch.

As MJ went on about how much of a wimp he was being, he looked at his options. He could forget his plan to ask (Y/N) out completely, have an okay time at dinner before going right back to being her best friend and nothing more. Or he could pluck up a little bit of courage hidden under his flannels and nerdy t-shirts to ask her on this date where things could possibly blossom between them.

If she liked him back, Peter would be the luckiest man ever. The most beautiful girl in his eyes would be his—his to kiss, to hold, to laugh with, to cry to—and all he had to do was ask her this one small question. It didn't seem so hard, right?

"But I don't know how to act around her," he argued, causing the other two in the room to groan. "I don't know what to do on a date with a girl! I mean what if I say something wrong and accidentally offend her?"

MJ shook her head. "I'll help you, okay? What if... what if I go on a practice date with you so that you know exactly what to say to her? I'll tell you what you're doing right and wrong."

Peter narrowed his eyes at her. Just before he could tell her no, Ned chimed in, "that's perfect. Who knows (Y/N) better than MJ?"

The idea seemed mad or at least way crazier than his mind would ever dream up, but he wasn't opposed. Plus, Ned was right; MJ would know (Y/N) way more than he did when it came to relationships so he was lucky to have her help. Although rather reluctantly, Peter agreed.


It was sometime in the night but (Y/N) was wide awake. She wished to blame it on the large slice of cake each student was given at dinner but it was mainly because she was thrilled to be in this beautiful city. The three weeks they would be in Europe would never be enough to satisfy her love of being there.

(Y/N) tried sleeping but couldn't stand it any longer when she received a lovely whiff of pastries down the street. She needed to get out.

Slipping on a fresh outfit, she exited her room after leaving a small note for MJ to let the girl know where she ran off to. MJ had left (Y/N) alone in their room just after dinner when she said she wanted to discuss with Mr. Harrington about future college plans. Though it was odd for MJ to do any of that, (Y/N) didn't question it while she was in her haze of excitement.

It was decided quickly that it would be polite to ask her two closest friends in the room over if they would like to join and that's how she ended up in front of Ned and Peter's door. Ned answered and instantly, his face fell with nerves.

"Hey, would you two like to come on a walk with me?"

Ned chewed on his lip. She had no idea that Peter wasn't there and he didn't want to be the one to ruin the surprise; he wasn't good with secrets after all.

"Actually, (Y/N)," he sighed, his hand now placed over his stomach. "Peter and I think we got food poisoning from dinner. We didn't want to tell you but that's why we can't come. Sorry." For added affect, he let out a long moan while clutching his stomach.

"Oh, that's awful. Would you like me to get you two something?"

Ned had to smile at her kind nature, always wanting to take care of others. "No, no. We should be fine after a good night's sleep. Goodnight (Y/N)." He didn't leave much room for a reply before the door was shut in her face. Thankfully, she didn't find that weird.

Europe at night was just as beautiful as during the day, if not more. The street lights gave off a warm and cozy feeling compared to the bright sun and the music playing quietly from inside cafes and restaurants added romance to something that hadn't had it before. It was enchanting and it felt like something straight out of a movie.

But like all movies, they need a turning point. They need a scene where the hero is knocked down and all the hope the character built overtime crumbles until the hero is left a shell of their usual self. The moment where the hero wants to give up, and (Y/N) was about to have hers.

The city was gorgeous and (Y/N) was happy to see other people enjoying its beauty as well. She only passed a few people, none that she recognized of course, until she finally did.

As she crossed over a small bridge, a couple appeared just on the other side. At first glance they meant nothing to her except two people on an evening stroll but as she looked again, she recognized both of them. Peter and Michelle were on a date.

It took moments for her brain to process that information and once it did, her chest had a new ache that she had never felt before. She loved her best friend but the idea of her being with the boy she adored most in this world was like someone had ripped her heart out. And the worst part was they lied to her about it.

She made a quick spin around to walk directly back to the hotel, feeling like the once comforting air was now chocking her. Just like every movie, the hero faced a threat they couldn't recover from and in that moment, she felt this was her turning point. 

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