Homeschool with the Avengers

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What if our favourite superheroes were stuck in quarantine because of COVID-19? What would happen if Peter Stark's class had started homeschooling, and his family forgot that Peter was in a meeting with his camera turned on? How would his class react to seeing their classmate living with the Avengers?

Beep! BeEP! BEEP! Peter slammed his hand on the alarm clock. It was Monday morning, and even though the school was closed due to the pandemic, Peter still had homeschool. That is why he found himself struggling to get out of bed to get dressed. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Natasha and Stave drinking coffee. "Good morning Pete," Steve said as Natasha handed him a plate with breakfast. "Morning Uncle Steve and thanks Aunt Nat." With that, he quickly ate his breakfast and headed to his room. He got his laptop, his books, his pencil case, and everything else he would need before he brought it all to the living room. He made sure everything was set up before telling F.R.I.D.A.Y. to alert the rest of the Avengers not to disturb him while he was in school. After that was done, he logged on and entered his first meeting of the day, Math.

Everything was going smoothly until the end of his lesson. As the teacher explained something Peter had learned years ago from Bruce and Tony, a loud bang came from the ceiling. Peter looked up and found Clint Barton sticking his head out of the vent, completely unaware that his class was seeing everything. "Peter you have to help me! I pranked Natasha and now she is going to kill me!" shrieked the archer. "Sorry Uncle Clint but you're on your own, besides I have schoolwork to do. Sooo, bye!" With that, Clint went back into the vents, and Peter turned to find his classmates all looking at him with slack jaws. "Uh, would you look at that! It's almost time for our next class, so we better go and get ready for it. Bye!" he said before anyone had the chance to say anything, and slammed his laptop shut. He sighed, hoping that something like that wouldn't happen again, but let's face it, I don't think that is possible if you're living with the Avengers.

Peter was getting really annoyed. He even started to suspect that they did it on purpose. He was alright with it happening once with Clint, but when everyone else also seemed to have forgotten that he was in school, he became slightly angry. After Math, Peter had History where Bucky came and asked something about how he wanted Peter to fix his arm because he was way better than Tony at making it comfortable. Then he had English where both Scott and Sam were running from Steve, though he had no idea why. When he had Spanish, Natasha had asked him a question, but of course she had asked in Russian, which meant that Peter obviously answered in Russian. That lead to everyone in his class knowing that Peter knew yet another language. When Biology arrived, Bruce wandered over to Peter asking him about something in the lab, but none of his classmates (not even the teacher) understood what they were saying because it was so advanced.

All of this leads us to Peter in his last meeting of the day, Science. Until now, he had managed to avoid all the questions, but that wouldn't last much longer. To be honest, Peter was kind of bored. He already knew all of the stuff his teacher was talking about because Tony and Bruce had explained it to him ages ago. As the teacher droned on about something, honestly Peter was getting too bored to pay attention, someone opened the door and walked into the room.  Standing in the perfect spot for every single student and teacher to see, was Tony Stark.Before anyone had a chance to freak out or ask questions, Peter slammed his laptop shut, and slammed his head on the table. What a day!  

I realized that I completely forgot about Wattpad for a while. Sorry about that! I had a bunch of stuff going on in my life, but hopefully I am back now. Felt like I had to publish something, and this was in my drafts, sooo... although it might be a little late for something like this, here you go!

Stay safe and have a wonderful day! - TG

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