Chapter 7: the fight part 2

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Cap's team is heading for the plane but is stopped by yellow laser.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Vision said.

"Where the fuck did he come from?" Peter asked but was ignored.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight." Cap said. Both teams start running.

"This is gonna end well," Nat said.

"Can we all just sit down and talk." Peter said, while running.

"They're not stopping." Flash said. Both ran at each other and brawl it out

"No shit dumbass." Peter said, as he started firing at Wanda who pulled up a shield. "Hey there witchy. What your beef."

"You're with Stark." she said,


"He locked me in my room." Wanda threw bolts at Peter, who cartwheeled away.

"Why did you steal cookies off the cookie jar?" Peter joke but duck with there a car at him."what the fuck lady?"

"I don't have time for clown games." Wanda snarled. Peter ran at her with a flying kick but got caught in mid air."

"Shit, this was stupid." Peter got tossed to where Cap and Flash were Fighting.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." Flash said, as he dodged the shield. Peter just watches the fight happening not even bother to help flash.

"Look kids. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand." Cap said to the two.

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow" Flash fires webs which stick to Steve's shield and ankle. He pulls and Steve slides towards him "He also said to go for your legs"

"Stark also said 'shut the fuck up and fight'" Peter said as he watch Flash got his ass kicked. "Hi Peter Quinn, nice to meet ya old man."Peter threw a punch at Cap. and they duke it out. Peter tried to beat Cap. But he overpowered. "You if I don't have a boyfriend right. I'll totally be riding you right now." Peter said, Making Cap blush and sputter. Peter used that as an advantage and swept him. Peter was going to finish the fight but he noticed Bucky was getting away. "Sorry cutie, mommy got to go but give me a call if you're available." Peter ran off and fired his pistol at Barnes, who used his arm to block the bullet. "So that's what that arm is for instead of jacking off. Man I hang out with Wade way too much." Peter shrugged then chased after barnes. Peter saw a giant shadow then look up and his eyes widened. He saw the guy in red turn into a giant.

"You, times like this I wonder should I tell stark to go fuckhimself." Peter said, as he had second thoughts.

"Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestions." Tony said through the com.

"Stark, who in the fuck do you think has that ability. The fucking hulk." Peter responded, while talking cover and shooting falcon.

"Let's watch the language kid."

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuckkly, Fuck you". Peter sassed.

"Hey, this is the thank I get for getting you out of prison."

"I think I would rather be in prison if I was fighting a giant." Peter deadpan. Tony and Rhodey manage to knock Scott down with the help of Flash and Vision. Peter chases after Cap and barnes. I see Black widow blocking them.

"You're not gonna stop," Nat said. Peter got up and listened to the conversation.

"You know I can't." Cap said.

' Jeez are they gonna make out?" Peter thought

"I'm gonna regret this." Nat said she aimed her wrist and Peter duck which caused her to stun black panther. "Go."

Cap and Bucky headed to the Jet. Widow kept stunning Black Panther. She forgot Peter was there and snuck up on her. He pointed his gun at her. Stop it now." Widow gun pulls out her and the two tried to disarm each other.

They shooting their guns until there empty

"Lady, you got some fucking explaining to do." Peter said

"Look Peter right? Steve's right there other like Barnes we did this wrong. "Nat explain

"Well I hope you know a lawyer."

"Tony is not going to do anything to me." Nat said confidently

"Fuck Stark, I meant for Black Panther isn't he the king." Peter pint out. "and look I may or may not agreed with you but lady how much try to put it's still double crossed and people will have a hard time believe a fucking word oyu say. So if I were you I either find a good lawyer, a good explanation or run like hell. Because right now from the look of it the big guy ain't happy." Peter pointed to an angry Tony who witnessed the whole thing."Well good luck lady.' Peter said cheerily and skip away.

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