Let's Start Over (Part 3)

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"I'm telling you, Tacos are way better,"

"What! No! Pizza is!"

Flash and Emma leaned on the wall of the break room as they watch there 2 brothers fighting over food. Emma looked over at Flash,

"You think they will decide what to eat before lunch break is over?" Emma asked Flash shook his head,

"Nah, but we need to feed 'em....mostly Peter because of code red," Flash mumbled, Emma, nodded,

"I've got this," she said, Emma walked up the two boys,

"Will you two mutton heads decide on something! Or will I have to force feed you!?", Peter and Travis looked at each other in fear. Emma is not the person you want to get mad,

"We'll just get sushi," the two mumbled before running off, Emma groaned,

"I swear! Those two will never grow up...."

- At the Tower - 

MJ swear she died on the spot......Peter is her EX-boyfriend,

"I'm gonna kill you!" MJ hissed as she turned to Mark. The fear in the boy's eyes was easily seen but before MJ could attack Ned held her back,

"Woah, calm down..."


"Uhhhhh yes? Isn't that what I said?" Ned asked, Nat, put a hand on Marks' shoulder and tightened her grip,

"We don't need you killing the poor boy MJ....pus we need to have a talk later," Nat said in her sweet but scary voice, Mark swore he peed his pants a little.

"We need to find Peter!" Clint exclaimed,

"Wait for tomorrow. MJ and Ned can go to school to see Peter," Loki said,

"But what if Peter isn't there!?" Thor asked,

"He will be, the boy loves school," Tony said

"But we won't be able to see what happens," Clint said, Loki turned to Ned and MJ,

"Are you two fine if we put cameras on you guys so we can see what happens?" Loki asked the two nodded as all is left to do is wait


(Okay this is short but hey I ain't ded so yay! Ummmm it will be hard for me to post more often since I'm not allowed on my computer that much and I can only access Wattpad on my phone thru Safari and for some reason, Wattpad on Safari doesn't allow you to check messages or create stories so sorry... I will try to post and write when I can....thank you for understanding!)

(GreenFlame1 swinging out!)

(Oh and please vote 8D)

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