Let's Start Over (Part 6)

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For the whole school day, MJ and Ned watched Peter and his new friends in shock. Flash changed for sure, the two had to go and ask around what happened and they were shocked.

- Few hours back -

MJ and Ned walked around the school searching for someone, they soon spotted her and ruched over.


Said girl looked up before smiling,

"MJ! Ned!" Mya exclaimed, they chatted for a bit before MJ started to talk about why they were here,

"Mya, what happened with Peter, Flash and those other two?" MJ asked, Mya smiled,

"Well you see, Peter tried committing suicide, Flash stopped him then they met Travis and Emma and BOOM best friends,"

 - Back to real time -

Let's just say MJ and Ned felt horrible. It was the end of the day when they saw Peter and his friends booking it down the hall,

"Peter! Wait!" Ned called out, Peter and his friends stopped as they turned to face Ned and MJ,

"Yes?" Peter asked, MJ and Ned took and deep breath before speaking,

"Can we please talk to you?" Ned asked

"Alone..." MJ added. Peter turned to his friends and shrugged before looking back,

"Sure," both MJ and Ned smiled.


"Peter look, we're sorry for how we acted and made you feel but you know that we would never do such a thing! We were put under a spell an-"

Ned was cut off,

"Guys it's fine. Even though your words did effect me I know that it wasn't truly you, so your forgiven," Peter said with a smile, MJ and Ned smiled before hugging Peter. Peter let Of a laugh and hugged back,

"Does that mean you'll come back to the tower.....everyone misses you and they really want to apologize," MJ said, Peter nodded,

"Ya I'll be there,"


It was the end of the school day as Peter and his friends walked out of the school,

"So since MJ and Ned are good now....does that mean you won't get bullied!?" Emma asked

"Nah, Ein and Gene will still bug me but never mind that. Guys I have to go to the tower so the others can apologize," Peter said, Flash nodded,

"Kay but get your butt back here cause I'm making pasta!"

The three cheered before they laughing,

"Kay bai, I told MJ and Ned I'll meet them at the tower so cya!" Peter said before walking off. It took some time but Peter finally reached the tower, he could see Ned and MJ waiting, so he ran up to them,

"Hey guys!" Peter called out,

"Hey! Let's go in," MJ said, they three entered the building and head straight to the elevator. Soon the elevator started rising,

"They really are sorry Peter," Ned said

"I know it's just....it's been awhile ya know?" Peter said, MJ and Ned nodded before the elevator pinged say that they reached their floor, the doors open,

"You ready?" MJ asked, Peter nodded. Ned and MJ exit the elevator as Peter stayed behind, he took in a deep breath before smiling as he left the elevator.


(Sorry That this chapter is crappy but hey I tried. I hope you enjoy as the mini series is soon coming to a end!)

(GreenFlame1 swinging out)

(Don't forget to vote 8D)

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